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8758297 No.8758297 [Reply] [Original]

Things you regret while drinking al/ck

>> No.8758301

The answer is still vomiting.

>> No.8758303

A good 2/3 of everything ive ever done while drinking i regret. I was driving drunk at least 3 nights a week in my early 20s

>> No.8758310

Go back to your containment thread you degenerate piece of sheep shit.

>> No.8758314

'Shame you didn't die you worthless fuck.

>> No.8758318

Hahah i still do only twice a week now though.where do u live ill stop by, maybe ill take your mom out on one of my nights behind the wheel

>> No.8758322
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>only driving drunk at night
ITT: Amateurs.

>> No.8758324

Kill yourself already you useless faggot.

>> No.8758330

posting on 4chan

>> No.8758341

>be at party and get too drunk/high to function
>sit on couch and browse 4chan instead of having a good time

>> No.8758342

Seriously, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8758349

>got invited to a party


but seriously, partys suck.

>> No.8758351

Texting my ex girlfriend telling her I hated her and that shes a cunt
Doesn't seem too bad but she was one of the kindest best person to her core i've ever met in my life and I was bitter that she broke up with me even though, in hindsight, it made total sense because i'm a huge piece of shit and was completely my fault

>> No.8758353

keck what a faggit

>> No.8758376 [DELETED] 

I cut ties with my dad via a nasty email. Thanks to efforts by my mom, he and i talked and worked through it. Then i did it a second time. I honestly regret nothing. Hes a faggot and i dont like him.

>> No.8758383

what has he done Anon?

you know, if you don't mind sharing

>> No.8758392

Seriously, kill yourself. Your life benefits no one. Your existence only endangers the lives of actual worthwhile people.

>> No.8758393 [DELETED] 

Hes a super leftist. Moved us around a lot. Spent my college trustfund that his wifes parents set up. Never set down roots anywhere. Hes socially awkward and a poor male role model. Now he and his obnoxious wife struggle to pay high rent in switzerland. Expats who fled usa.

>> No.8758395

got a dui on an airforce base. it was a federal offence and i did time in a federal prison

>> No.8758401

are you still in America?

>> No.8758403 [DELETED] 


>> No.8758404 [DELETED] 


>> No.8758413

where in America?
(approximately, not trying to stalk you)

but anyway, fuck your dad.

he's on another continent. so you can be your own man.

>> No.8758419 [DELETED] 

Im in texas. agree w your post

Where are you?

>> No.8758425

One time I got hammered on New Years and got down into my boxers. Funnily enough, it just inspired more people to get nude. I felt pretty stupid after embarrassing a friend's shy sister.

>> No.8758426

why'd you delete your post?

but Minnesota.

>> No.8758429


>> No.8758432


wait are you a Dallas Stars fan

>> No.8758445 [DELETED] 

My feminist cousin lives there. One of the few states ive never been

>> No.8758453

let me guess, she lives in Minneapolis/St.Paul.

take it from me, rural Minnesota hates those faggot Minneapolis hipsters.

>> No.8758462

I'm a Minnesotan also lol. we are Minnesota nice!

>> No.8758465 [DELETED] 


>> No.8758469

Houston county here
farm country

where you at

>> No.8758471

no top keck
what a faggit

>> No.8758476

Washington County

>> No.8758482

not too far away

>> No.8758525

I sleepwalk when drinking while stressed. it really sucks and I can't control it. once I slepwalked outside on a cold winter day, luckily sombody helped me back in.

>> No.8758528

next time thst somebody isn't gonna be around

tie yourself to your bed

>> No.8758532

I wish it was that easy. knowing that I sleepwalk frequently I'd probably be able to untie myself and still proceed to sleepwalk.

>> No.8758533

I would have run you off the road and hoped you fucking died. I'd leave you there in hopes that you would you piece of shit. I'm being dead serious. It's what people like you deserve. The reason I'd be so vigilant is because a DUI isn't good enough for you and the police don't go out for drunk driver calls (at least in my state). I hate people like you.

>> No.8758546

wow, pretty aggressive statement. did sombody you knew get killed by drunk driver? just wondering because of the 'dead serious' part.

>> No.8758549

No, but I can feel the pain if those people who had family members killed by a drunk driver. It's so easy to not drink a drive nowadays. Why bother? Uber, Lyft, Taxi, DD, public trans., Walk, etc...

>> No.8758552

gotcha. you have a solid point.

>> No.8758610

Thing I regret the most is discovering alcohol to begin with.

>> No.8758973

This IS the containment thread.

>> No.8759942

>blacking out after a show and coming to shirtless in a mcdonalds

>blacking out after karaoke and coming to yelling at some random woman on the street to 'give me my money back'. I have no idea what led to that interaction but fuck

>blacking out and waking up in an ambulance. I wasn't hurt but I guess I fell over? they take me to the hospital and put me on a be in the waiting room. I weigh my options (have to work in like nine hours) and get up and walk out

>pissing the bed (this hasn't happened for a long time thank god)

>> No.8760053
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Right? Amateurs.
Captcha: exit cars