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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 327 KB, 250x231, break.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752344 No.8752344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i have a crush on a guy, anon

what should i make for him?

he frequents /ck/

>> No.8752349
File: 538 KB, 366x206, getdowntonight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd like meatloaf please.


>> No.8752351

are you sure he is gay too?

>> No.8752358

make period soup,every men likes period soup.

>> No.8752362

Three course meme supreme

entree: ???
main course: spaghetti carbonara with kvass
dessert: mirror cake

>> No.8752363

wow is it really you??

not gay

>> No.8752371

this is serious.

We have similar tastes in food but I'm not sure what would be romantic or at least an appropriate meme dish rather than 'go 'za or mcchicken

>> No.8752378
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LOL no but meat loaf is a safe bet. Just make sure your salad is kickass and you make garlic mashed potatoes from scratch.

That's the easiest way to my heart, shit a gay guy could cook that and I'd like him have me.

Anyway, good look OP! Hope everything works out!

>> No.8752382

Any food with beef or a steak.
Remember the booze/beer, his not into wine.
And you will have a lovely evening/night

>> No.8752384

Steak. Rare.

>> No.8752386

/ck/ is a women's board, anon, her boyfriend is probably like the only dude on here.

>> No.8752391

Alright fine.

I dunno about romantic but something baked is usually a good bet.
It fills your home with delicious food smells and gets that foodboner sprung in anticipation.

Women aren't autistic enough to spam Jack threads all day.

>> No.8752392

> entree: ???

>> No.8752395

women are also not autistic enough for McChicken Sandwich posting

>> No.8752396

so clearly her guy's responsible for all those threads.

OP, tell him to stop posting them

>> No.8752401

lol no.

He also shares food gore w/ me and tells me he made it for me. great guy

>> No.8752403
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Love potion :3

>> No.8752407

McChicken and 'go 'za

>> No.8752476

Make him a blowjob

>> No.8752488

>Begin dating this cute girl in senior year of college
>Invites me over for a home-cooked dinner one night
>"Anon, I know you're Italian, so I made you an Italian meal!"
>Italian last name and 3 generations removed, but whatever, she's sweet
>Serves a salad, rigatoni with sauce and meatballs, and bread
>Bread, sauce, meatballs are homemade
>Dig in
>The sauce was watery and pretty salty
>The bread is under-cooked somewhat
>The meatballs are a bit tough and kinda bland
>Finish eating
>"So, how did I do, anon? I want you to be completely honest."
>Tell her exactly what I typed a few lines ago
>Hurt look in her eyes
>Her lip actually starts quivering
>Realize I fucked up and gotta save this somehow
>Look at my empty plates for a way out
>"But you make a mean salad."
>We break it off a few days later

>> No.8752490

kek but no

It's a crush, I'm not lusting after him like that

>> No.8752492


This is good

>> No.8752519

For me it's the McChicken, the best fastfood sandwich.

>> No.8752521

He doesn't eat at McDonald's

>> No.8752532

Make him one of those jiggly sex cakes they make in Japan. Or turbo fluffy panclocks

>> No.8752533

Make him a hug and a warm smile while you two cuddle on the couch and watch a movie then

>> No.8752540

Then get rid of that boy and get a man.

>> No.8752543

That sounds good, I think he he likes Japanese styled foods

I wish, circumstances prevent that from happening but that sounds so good ; n ;

>> No.8752552

Rice cooker panclocks with thick bacon and hash browns. Breakfast for dinner is hard to fuck up.

>> No.8752560
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Ask what he likes.

Make that.

>> No.8752564

I would make him some pasta alfredo with garlic butter shrimp and parmesan cheese

>> No.8752570

I kek'd.

>> No.8752583
File: 241 KB, 980x1306, 1490448579310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he loves lasagna, what should I serve with it and not fuck it up???

>> No.8752614

It's pretty heavy, so I'd serve it with something light like a fresh, simple salad with a vinaigrette. Likewise for the drink, unless he/you favor red wine.

Or you could make it a cute dinner-date thing by asking him to make a side to compliment.

>> No.8752618
File: 524 KB, 1280x674, jog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're dating Garfielf?!

http://marcussamuelsson.com/recipe/delicious-asparagus-lasagna-recipe I can swear by this recipe.

Sides? Grab some rosemary bread, bake it in the oven for 10 minutes and brush with a little virgin olive oil when you're ready to eat. Salads are retard proof, just buy a bag, toss in some diced red onions and roma tomatoes, drizzle with vinaigrette.

>> No.8752644

>Or you could make it a cute dinner-date thing by asking him to make a side to compliment.

This is good.

Thanks!!! he will love it

>> No.8752655

Glad we helped, OP. Now go and win his heart.

>> No.8752673
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Enough garlic bread to make your pussy a no fly zone for vampires

>> No.8752682
File: 18 KB, 418x235, IMG_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a gay guy could cook that
I wish this were true

>> No.8752717

Make sure to ask if there's anything he hates or if he has any dietary restrictions!

>> No.8752719

I wouldn't eat it, I have baaaad past experiences with that

>> No.8752730

hey I have a penis too

>> No.8752745

I claim you as my husbando, I hope you like blueberry icing ramen and salmonella cause that's all you're getting from /ck/

>> No.8752754


>> No.8752768

...can I just do the cooking myself

>> No.8752773

Nothing is cuter than a girl who will bake cookies for you. If you're gay and it's a gay dude then just ask if he wants to plow

>> No.8752790

>not wanting a cute subby housewife homo

Wow gay.

>> No.8752798

>not being the subby girly boy
What a fag

>> No.8752807
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>anon wouldn't endure a little healthy daily food poisoning for the sake of true love
disgusting, I change my mind

>> No.8752811

Whatever you make just be sure it's not quickly digested.
You don't want poop dick when the two of you have gay anal sex.

>> No.8752828
File: 76 KB, 937x534, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's my fetish

>> No.8752830

We can't ALL be subby girlboys, who would we all submit to?

That's gay.

>> No.8752835

am I being bullied
is this bullying

>> No.8752838

>who would we submit to
Obviously to big strong men

>> No.8752856

So, cookies for dessert! I'll ask him if he likes cookies tonight.

agen, no dick to get poopdick on.

>> No.8752865

Cookies, Netflix, and chill.

Don't forget the milk if you make chocolate chip!

>> No.8752867

most girls are too busy worrying about their looks and social circles to be cancerous shitposters

>> No.8752871

At least stick a sharpy up his pooper.

Try and get him into pegging.

>> No.8752889

You dodged a bullet. Someone who asks for honest criticism but cant take it is just going to be a problem down the line when you're constantly having to dance around her feelings.

>> No.8752917

Hahahaa, no no no. my one true wish is that he reads this thread to know that I've got a crush on him

Warm cookies, definitely. Netflix for sure! Milk... maybe...

>> No.8752946

>won't slob his knob
>won't stick it up his pooper

Looks like you've only got one course of action left:

>> No.8752976

McChicken cut into 8 slices with a 'go 'za dip and some sriracha-topped bacon strips and dinosaur nuggets on the side

>> No.8752980

Sounds good but should I cook it in a cast-iron skillet?

>> No.8752986
File: 759 KB, 2800x1620, 1480962411358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female here, you'd be surprised.

>> No.8753001

I'll do it.

>> No.8753002

Make him whatever he likes the best, also look up tips to improve the recipe so it's not just bland (insert food item here).

>> No.8753019

My man is addicted to steak because he never had it growing up, so whenever I want to do something special I cook a damn good rare-medrare steak. Usually make it with home made garlic mashed taters.
Think steak dinner is too generic? Steak and cheesy potato hand pies are a good, cute alternative. They take some time, but theyre pretty simple to make well if you have a cheap cut of lean flank or flat iron steak. Plus it makes you look fancy, and like you know what youre doing if you do it all from scratch.

>> No.8753033

OP this could be me, what is this guy's name?

>> No.8753036

Goddamn that sounds good.
I just don't want it to be cliche.

what's your name or your internet alias?

>> No.8753045
File: 481 KB, 200x150, 1489189079500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont fall for it OP. Hes going to pretend to be whatever name you says.
You should ask what HIS name is

>> No.8753050

Yep, I did. If he doesn't answer, I'm assuming it's fake

>> No.8753057

My first name begins with an A.

>> No.8753060

If your first real name starts with A then nahh, you're not a match.

If your internet Alias starts with an A, you're on the right track

>> No.8753064

Wait, now it's starting to sound like it really is me. Are you the girl from Scotland?

>> No.8753068

Nahh, I'm from the US of A.

Sorry ; - ;

>> No.8753115



That's retarded easy. Look up a Gordon Ramsay recipe for it. I agree with most of what he does in that department when watching him prepare it.

As far as sides, males don't care about sexy. I bet this is a rice pilaf from the box type of guy. I'm not kidding at all.

>> No.8753128


Not him but whatever you do, don't talk about astrology. That is weaponized dick softener to most dudes.

>> No.8753130

Does spinach go well with lasagna?? I don't think he likes spinach actually.... what greens go well with lasagna?

>> No.8753135

Lmao, this post is so dumb. What made you think she was gonna talk about astrology?

>> No.8753139

Really?? Why?

>> No.8753144


Read the post I replied to wrong. Or right, who knows.

>> No.8753145

Well maybe he's had experiences with girls talking to him about astrology.

>> No.8753156

Meh, it's not that bad really. Pretty much every girl I've ever asked has basically admitted they believe it while at the same time denying it because they're embarrassed. It's only a turn off if you take it really seriously (which clearly you do if you'd bring it up on a first date).

Actually I've always wondered why only girls believe in that crap, why is it that like 99% of girls and only 1% of men believe in it?

>> No.8753159


Most guys get extremely annoyed by it. I mean, are you trying to attract him or not?

Anyways, it's hard to pick a side for lasagna in the US and it's almost always 1. some sort of vegetable and 2. green salad with a choice of dressing. This is going by midwestern standards that honestly, work.

You could always shit test him to see if he likes you. This is coming from a male who's seen that. If he really likes you, he's going to make an attempt at the vegetable side dish no matter what it is. Or else he's just really good with his vegetables.

>> No.8753161

Make a nice spinach salad with strawberries.

>> No.8753176
File: 194 KB, 1024x1024, 1482737927403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could honestly describe this guy and the region he's from without revealing too much. If he's from where I'm from (lasagna makes it likely), it goes without saying that he's from my region or close.

Then you can avoid pic related or some pg-13 iteration of it you're imagining.

>> No.8753192

>Implying op didn't go through all this specifically to reenact this scene

>> No.8753223
File: 244 KB, 1249x1010, 1482807087774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I don't necessarily understand the question in that sense. I mean, if he really likes her then she could cook a bat wing served on a pile of shit.

>browses /ck/

Which means literally nothing unless he's actually very good at cooking and she's not. Which would be about average for people 18-30. If she doesn't measure up, and this guy is adept. He'll be impressed that she made the effort.

>> No.8753239

Firstly this is a cooking board not a making sandwich board and secondly there are no women on 4chan apart from this fat slag who's only here to get dicked.

>> No.8753254

What like? A restraining order? Both to fat the cuddle? What?

>> No.8753258

Make some sketti and cum on it

>> No.8753265

Well, first of all, *too

Secondly, I'm not there right now. He lives in another state. I thought you were implying that's what I should do, I'm likely mistaken though.

>> No.8753266


You really think that?

Oh boy are you wrong. The number of males who can effectively cook vs females has gone overwhelmingly towards men since the mid-90's. I mean, I like discussing this stuff with women who can do it as well but you are off the rocker if you think cooking is still dominated by women.

>> No.8753270
File: 341 KB, 2622x2463, 1490384845750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said /ck/, not cooking in general. Nobody here knows how to cook.

>> No.8753275


>> No.8753281

anon said /ck/ is dominated by women, not cooking itself

>> No.8753305

Just get him 10 pint cans of Stella. If any bird got me ten pints of Stella I'd be well happy, even if she was a munter.
I'd sit down watch TV and down a good 4-5 while she finishes dinner and in this tipsy state i could eat any slop she dishes up, retire back to the TV for a few more tins ready to hang out the back off what is most likely a fatty.

>> No.8753308
File: 23 KB, 411x484, 7345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not to my knowledge. Unless I've been under a ruse for a great deal of time. Then again, I typically go to to be...oh..

I still think it's a male dominated board. I did share my enchilada recipe and again...oh...

The thing is, they might have absorbed enough of the culture to fool me. Openly admitting that somebody is female creates a big red flag and hence this thread. What if, they've been doing it this whole time. Clever girl....

>> No.8753325


Actually, to add to that- we'd have given our recipes and such freely for the most part. Stop treating us like other women.

>> No.8753329

I guess we answered the age old question of can you just be friends with the opposite sex.
No, we'd stab eachother even (especially) if we had anonymity as an inbetween.

>> No.8753341

The only reason I even come to this board is because it's the only chance I get to talk to women. Every time I get a reply to my post I like to imagine it's written by a young beautiful girl.

>> No.8753344


Anonymity means we wouldn't have shared a thing with anybody. Regardless of gender, creed or belief. Unless it's not necessarily important to our own culture. That's pretty much equal.

>> No.8753360

>might have absorbed enough of the culture
no way dog, we've been right here creating the culture alongside you.

>> No.8753362
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1810, 1487108168356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pathetic, senpai.

At least pretend it's a cute anime girl like a normal person.

>> No.8753364


I was making a comedic reference from Jurassic Park on the basis of women taking our ideas on /ck/ The humor isn't on your side mate.

Chefs and cooks will actually tell you how to do that sort of thing but sometimes not particular recipes.

>> No.8753365


Dumped, i was here all along. If you're going to nit-pick over this, what are you going to be like in 6 months time.

>> No.8753380

lol, what's your name then, stupid?

>> No.8753385


>> No.8753409
File: 763 KB, 714x696, 1463442288675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always find the "clever girl" thing funny. I don't know why. Probably because the raptor killed that guy right before he said that. She had bested him but it was an honest hunt. Man against dino.

If you don't really like it then fuck off.

>> No.8753420

Would bang.

>> No.8753424
File: 251 KB, 377x300, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably because the raptor killed that guy right before he said that.

fucking GHOSTS

>> No.8753497

>women dont shit post
holy shit I hope you are /pol/ because that would be hilarious

>> No.8753516
File: 595 KB, 1121x585, cumdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I usually make for my gymbro. He then feeds me his personal cream-filled sausage afterwards.

>> No.8753544

>Just get him 10 pint cans of Stella. If any bird got me ten pints of Stella I'd be well happy, even if she was a munter.
>I'd sit down watch TV and down a good 4-5 while she finishes dinner and in this tipsy state i could eat any slop she dishes up, retire back to the TV for a few more tins ready to hang out the back off what is most likely a fatty.

That sounds personal, he may like that

>> No.8753611

Get a whole chicken, it always comes out very impressive and makes the house smell amazing.

Arrange a bed of fingerling potatoes seasoned both the chicken and the potatoes with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary, thyme and olive oil. If you can, brine the chicken for a few hours to make sure it is moist and the skin crisps up nice. Serve with an arugula salad with cherry tomatoes and dressed with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Cook simple but show skill, anyone can cook a steak and make mashed potatoes and have it turn out good, but it takes true skills to make something simple into something wonderful.

I would ask him what his favorite dessert is and cook that for him, to show him that you really care.

>> No.8753634

Wow, I love you...

>> No.8753711

How do I get a girlfriend?

>> No.8753739

Just take a shower and brush your teeth you will be fine.

>> No.8753747 [DELETED] 

You should make him eat a basket of eggs.

>> No.8753752

Make him a basket of eggs.

>> No.8753759
File: 160 KB, 970x1139, 6ed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8753833

Just bee urself

>> No.8753853

Titties with chocolate sauce

>> No.8753854

Cheese cake

>> No.8753856

>olive oil
Wrong, flax seed oil. Think long term

>> No.8753874

The moon rules men with subtlety and women with a spiked baseball bat to the uterus.

>> No.8754897

What's long term?

>> No.8754899

He frequents /ck/?

Probably a whole box of pizza rolls with extra ranch and a two-liter of coke

>> No.8754904

He's an okay cook, from what I've seen and what we've discussed.

>> No.8754963

This is a good suggestion. Make him a roast chicken, OP.

>> No.8754967

Orange crush?

>> No.8755218

I want to put my fingers in your mouth and rip out all your teeth

>> No.8755249

Jesus fucking Christ man what's wrong with you. My gf could make me garbage but if she put the work in and tried her best like that girl obviously did it telling her it was amazing. Maybe give her some tips in a non pretentious way but what you did just discourages her from trying in the first place. Fuck off

>> No.8755293

Yeah if he had stuck around he could actually teach her to cook

>> No.8755299

Its not about you want. You want to win him over, right?

>> No.8755333

That can be cute thought. I like my girls stupid-cute

>> No.8755338

Cant be bothered
Strolling along, feeling tipsy
Heading down to my dre
Im fine.

>> No.8755344

>there are no women on 4chan
Wrong. /co/ /cgl/ and /an/ have chicks, not to mention /soc/

>> No.8755352

Posting some shit on /ck/, thread looks gay,
drunk as fuck, and I'm home now

>> No.8755358

Those are all just boiis

They may look like women, but don't let yourself be fooled

>> No.8755382

>not being able to be completely honest with your gf about her cooking
>not having a gf who takes criticism in a level-headed way

>> No.8755390
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>> No.8755467

Yeah, probably this, OP. Roast chicken with an arugula salad is one of my go to meals. I suggest also stuffing the chicken with either a scored lemon or an onion. Lemon sauce works beautifully too if you're feeling slightly ambitious.

That or the lasagna with the same salad. Both are good options, but the pasta is the easier meal of the two..

>> No.8755493

Valid salad

>> No.8755526

>gf who takes criticism in a level-headed way

Good luck in your quest for that kind of woman. You're in for a very long search.

>> No.8755529

Have you ever been to /cgl/?
Girls(male) don't have any reason to discuss crusty vaginal discharge building up in their costumes.

/fa/ also has some cute grils but they're attention whores

>> No.8755530


It's often a red flag if a girl takes that shit seriously. Astrology is something nearly all men already think is laughable and if a girl starts going off about star signs and personality and shit it comes across as naive and/or creepy.

>> No.8755571
File: 34 KB, 395x389, 1484610739994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found her 15 months ago

>> No.8755572

On the other hand it's fairly normal for chicks to be into that sort of shit so a socially adjusted male can just roll his eyes when she's not looking and deal with it.

>> No.8755606


Of course, it's more about how seriously she holds those views and keeps bringing them up. Nothing wrong with liking it but bringing it up giving the impression that you actually let that shit influence your judgement and decision-making is a no-no.

>> No.8755631

>He hasn't been to /cgl/
le mao
That board is full of roasty supremes

>> No.8755732

Cool it, slipknot

>> No.8755796

Find a girl and ask her

>> No.8755804

I personally know a girl that frequents /an/
Chicks love cute animals. Plus /co/ has a bunch of tumblr garbage

>> No.8755940


>> No.8756101

W-what? Is this who I think it is? Nah. Can't be................................................................................................................

Still OP btw.

>> No.8756105

I react this way because he's called me a pussy before, just like that. Doubt it's him, but it was a good kek

>> No.8756122
File: 48 KB, 653x786, C76ulmWXgAAkI4P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying feed him pussy.

>> No.8756129

>/ck/ is a women's board
Trannies and traps are just men in denial

>> No.8756614


>> No.8758355

>Women don't shitpost on /pol/
Boy I sure do hope you're a faggot, because that would be hilarious.

>> No.8758367

Browse last meals of death row inmates and pick one

>> No.8758397

That isn't helpful advice. What do girls like?

>> No.8758449

Chicken Parmesan. Looks impressive and you can't fuck it up.

>> No.8758511

A McChicken

>> No.8758809

Are you a grill?

Look, speaking as a guy here, guys are very straightforward. Make him some heart-shaped cookies if you want to get him to ask you out, or invite him over for some sort of nice quality home cooked meal with a ton of wine and when he's drunk enough just start making out with him on the couch. For the meal, I'd suggest something like linguini alfredo with chicken breast strips, or maybe a bacon-wrapped filet mignon with some steamed asparagus and a baked potato on the side (have butter, sour cream, bacon crumbles, and chives on hand).

Or just invite him over and throw yourself on top of him and start tearing his clothes off without any preliminaries. That works fine too. Trust me on that.