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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1484x989, cha in my zup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8742448 No.8742448 [Reply] [Original]

How do we breakthrough the ketchup/catsup stigma in the Chicago foodie market, /ck/?

>> No.8742508

Bring a can of tomato paste to a hot dog stand and pour that on to your hotdog

They can't throw you out for ketchup and you get something similar to ketchup

>> No.8742637


>> No.8742673

the foodies don't really care beyond the idea that it is the style of the city. the people who really get autistic about it are the lower middle class types that have this strange civil pride about it, a lot of bears fans

>> No.8742682

just fucking eat food how you fucking want
what the fuck do you fucking care
jesus christ grow a spine

>> No.8742695

This, who cares what strangers have to say about your choice of fucking condiments

>> No.8742727

use ketchup based on paste and not concentrate. it has a nice texture to it and will make all foodie scum respect you

>> No.8742737

This, lost of old people lose their shit about it too.

>> No.8742750
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>bring personal bottle of ketchup for your hotdog
>guy walks up to you
>"excuse me sir, you can't use that in here"

What do?

>> No.8742763

Water balloons and water guns full of ketchup.

Paint the town red.

>> No.8742783

Isn't Chicago one of those places which is inhabited by a certain kind of people?

>> No.8742786

If I ever visit, I'm bringing a restaurant sized ketchup in a backpack. Take a bite, frown, then put a full fucking cup of ketchup on my hotdog and say "ah, much better!" before I force it down with a smile. Do this at every place that disallows ketchup.

Not even joking. It's a hill I'd proudly die on.


>> No.8742791

leave because obviously I've gone through some sort of autist overload if I think that personal bottles of ketchup are an acceptable thing in any situation

>> No.8742796

"The owner cares about money more than some sign to draw in brain washed hipsters. Fuck off."

>> No.8742855

Remove the mountain of sugar that overpowers that flavor of both the tomato and everything you risk putting it on
Add Worcestershire sauce

>> No.8742860

Pull out my fucking handgun and go to town on the dog and dare that piece of shit Yankcuck to do anything about me using Heinz in God's Free Country.

>> No.8743055

less corn syrup more spice

>> No.8743422

>not drowning your 'og in sugar for you
What are those cooks thinking?

>> No.8744899

corn syrpu give all the flavour

>> No.8744912


>> No.8745117


>> No.8746896

its true

>> No.8746945

Both of ^This

Lived in Chiraq my whole life and have never been questioned about ketchup on my hot dawg. In fact the only time I ever saw anything about it was from Dirty Harry movie.

>> No.8746953

>caring about flyovers

>> No.8746994

Chicago isn't flyover

>> No.8747264

Not necessarily.

>> No.8747573

i think ketchup and mustard both should go on a dog

>> No.8748456

If you were in Chicago you'd get your ass whooped for saying that.

>> No.8748469

Chicago is a toilet. Everyone knows Branson, MO is the culture capital of America.

>> No.8748507

i tried this one time, absolutely awful

>> No.8748562

I could make ketchup from yellow cherry tomatoes. It could pass as mustard at a distance and everyone would think I'm not a man child.

>> No.8748629

What do they put in their hot dogs then?

>> No.8748753

mustard, relish, onions and coon cum.

>> No.8748934

Redpill me on this ketchup sauce /ck/, is it good on fries and tendies/nuggies?

>> No.8749004

Would yellow cherry tomatoes pack the same heat as the sriracha though? My one complaint is that Heinz's Sriracha ketchup is too spicy!

>> No.8749226

Too spicy!!!

>> No.8749432

Despite what /ck/ says ketchup isn't bad

Its just Heinz, Hunts, and Del Monte all taste basically the same and they are all bad

I was so disappointed when a local burger place in Chicago switched from some fancy hipster brand, that tasted almost as good as Mos Burgers ketchup, to some bullshit ass Heinz Organic.

>> No.8749456

Why would you? Chicagoans are fucking trash humans.

>> No.8749485
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>t. Inbred of farmer from southern Illinois

>> No.8749577

I'm from Chicago and I'm proud of it, our dogs are the best in the world.

>> No.8749639

Yeah, if you somehow moved chicagans down to your swamp, cleetus. They're as strapped as you. Remember, Chicago was the place the ny mob thought was "too violent", so go ahead, go to chicago and leave in a bodybag, tough-guy.

>> No.8751070

I put this stuff on everything.

>> No.8751076

t. inbred illiterate Cleetus from """"Metro""""" Chicago corn fields
Kill yourself my man, before a real cold blooded Chicagoan does because we don't take kindly to flyover hicks in our neck of the woods you illiterate prick.

>> No.8751440

Funny thing is that you just proved you're illiterate as fuck, bud.

>> No.8751474
File: 64 KB, 324x400, 5061594423d38-324x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, we got a badass on our hands.

Seriously, you don't want to fuck with Chicago hardasses like pic related. They don't fuck around about ketchup, because they're so cool.

Get real, you massive faggot. The hood nigga with a high point that used to steal your lunch money is eating frozen chicken tendies with ketchup.

>> No.8751604

It's called history and empirical evidence. But sure, take your autistic opinions over facts.
>we got a badass on our hands
Wow, pretty desperate, huh? Or you can't read. Never said I would do shit, it's the same principle as saying "oh noes, we got a kung-fu bad-ass here" when some kid told you Bruce Lee would kick your dad's ass.
Facts are facts, some retard calling people in Chicagans "yankees" and pulling a gun will be put down like a rabbid dog.

>> No.8751644
File: 87 KB, 321x308, 1486354293178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, my first reply and you're already steaming mad. I wasn't the guy who said Yankee, I live on the east coast.

You seriously sound like an autist, though. Enjoy getting butthurt about a condiment, you manchild.

>> No.8751660

Hotdogs in general are child tier, so fucking put Nutella on it if you want to, who cares

>> No.8751665

Look at the illiterate drongo cunt, I could kill you with both hands tied behind my back you fat autistic subhuman. I always have a high capacity pistol on me and I legally conceal carry around psychotic mental case autists like you to protect myself. I'd execute you the second you made a threatening gesture towards me and your fat sausage fingers couldn't outshoot my healthy fit fingers, I am a proficient shooter and fighter. Some double-digit troglodyte like you is a joke to me, I would hospitalize your gangbanger nigger ass with one hand tied behind my back. Kill yourself, I mean it.
This is education and literacy in Chicongo, the asshole of America and flyoverville, USA.

>> No.8751667

Get a load of this guy

>> No.8751681

...y'all know that nobody actually says anything about ketchup on hot dogs, right?
I haven't even been to a place that served hot dogs and didn't have ketchup, much less had some argument about ketchup on a dog, it's literally only a meme, people don't even remember to talk about it if it comes up

I don't put ketchup on hot dogs but I also don't order hot dogs at all. The Chicago Dog is a salty abomination, between the cucumber-in-pickle-brine, the peppers-in-pickle-brine, relish-made-from-pickles-and-vinegar, the mustard made from mustard powder and vinegar, the meat that is loaded up with salt and preservatives, and the fucking pure seasoned salt on top, it's a disgusting sodium-bomb. Not even talking health-wise, it's just disgustingly salty, painful to eat, no balance of flavors whatsoever.

>> No.8751686

I got kicked out of Paul's in Chicago for pulling out my Heinz Sriracha keychain bottle. They made me throw the dogs away and gave me a partial refund but they took my pic and put it on the "Wall of Shame" and photoshopped a bib, pacifier and a rattler on me.

>> No.8751689

Never said you said "yankee", dumbass. It was the thing were replying about that you apparently couldn't comprehend. It basically went:
>anon: i'd pull a gun in those yankees faces if they didn't like it and those bot hes wouldn't do shit
>me: dude, it's chicago. you'd leave in a body-bag.
>you: (to me, not "the taxi driver" saying he's pull a gun) oh noes! looks like we got a real "bad-ass" here! (cherrypicks a pic of a hipster) (implies hispters are the norm)
>me: it's historically documented (extreme violence in chicago), you're dumb enough to go there and call them "yankees" and pull a gun, they'll put you down.
>you: (babby's first "why u mad?" attempt) HA! I NEVER CALLED THEM "YANKEES"! (false flag implication that anyone claimed "same-fag)
It's like you're trying too hard to desperately look for an attack and ended up making shit up.

>> No.8751692
File: 654 KB, 765x765, knives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't believe a word of that

>> No.8751698

I don't care about the opinions of drumpfturds desu

>> No.8751702

Yeah, that wasn't me. That was my point. No one says Yankee where I live.

I thought the south was supposed to be the place full of inbreds, but yeesh.

>> No.8751706

Chigaco basement dweller fantasy, or you are one of the biggest pussies on the planet for letting that happen.

>> No.8751707

It's amazing that you're this stupid. Learn to read, bro. Or actually read what you're replying to.

>> No.8751708
File: 397 KB, 687x476, bgfbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no #maga here, I'm actually a raging lefty, borderline SJW, I just thought that skit was funny and I like Ryan Gosling
make knives great again, sorry for the confusion

>> No.8751731

...You're clearly too stupid to get anything without being spoonfed, so here's the root-post of the conversation you jumped into:

>Pull out my fucking handgun... and dare that piece of shit Yankcuck to do anything...

>> No.8751739

Kill yourself you unfunny faggot

>> No.8751857



>> No.8751891
File: 316 KB, 1280x1080, 1456540700312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the first unironic use of "drumpf" I've ever seen in my life kys

>> No.8751933
File: 71 KB, 1024x640, 1488395085503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't change the fact the you are coming off as insecure chest beaters just as much as the root post.

It doesn't change the fact that getting offended by ketchup makes you too autistic to even buy a firearm.

It doesn't change the fact that illegal aliens with illegal weapons murdering someone else in Chicongo never get stopped by anyone, plus strictest gun laws in the country, so your statement is questionable.

Try harder, fuckboi.

>> No.8751968

So many false-flags and false-assumptions, and defending someone who thinks he's Bronson from Death Wish by projecting it onto the other guy. Yeah, you're "totally" "not" the "same" guy, you're just defending him in the most delusional way.
>inb4 more implications that I ever said anything about mustard
>inb4 more implications that I'm from chicago
>inb4 more implications that saying getting shot in a city with extreme gun violence means that they're a gangsta
The whole point was about going into a place where people get shot everyday and thinking you could just hold someone put in a public place and have no repercussion. Also, what the fuck is:
>It doesn't change the fact that illegal aliens with illegal weapons murdering someone else in Chicongo never get stopped by anyone
Even supposed to mean in context? Are you dumb or do you not even know what convo you're even in, cuz that shit is straight up gibberish.

>> No.8752197

I can take a screenshot of his posts without (you)s if you really want.

You need to calm down man. You sound like a fucking thin skinned spaz.

>> No.8752215

Another failed attempt to "why so mad?", typical.
Doesn't matter if you're the same guy or not, in fact, if you were, I'd have a higher opinion since it'd explain you're major malfunction.

>> No.8752332

You are mad, dude. It's so obvious it isn't up for debate. Try not to take it out on your boyfriend.

>> No.8752345

Haha, tripling down on the failed "why u mad?" and raising it by a "you homo". Classic, but played out. Face it, unless you're a psychic, tone in text are assumptions.

>> No.8752775

Chicago is a gun free zone my man

>> No.8752797

Hahaha. Who feed you that crap?

>> No.8752813

Literally search "chicago gun free zone" and tell me what you see. The whole idea is a joke, always has been, you just never got the notice.

>> No.8753306

Its illegal to have a gun in IL without a FOID card my nigga

>> No.8753327

Yeah, because you're communists. Still doesn't make Chicago a gun free zone.

>> No.8754102

Kill yourself sweetie.

>> No.8754147

God, you're so fucking delusional. Look the shit up, gun-related murders haven't fallen since it was declared a "gun-free zone".

>> No.8754191

by hitting chicago with a tactical nuke

>> No.8754205

ITT a gun nut "argues" with himself about muh right to carry around a machine gun

We get it, guns don't kill people do

>> No.8754212
File: 44 KB, 457x322, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just need yellow ketchup to put on their hotdogs without them knowing

>> No.8754219

Why can't Heinz make it if they can make purple and green?

>> No.8754225

I'm sure they can, they probably didn't because it would look like mustard.

>> No.8754236

Stop fucking saying that like it's a bad thing. It's the solution to our problem.

>> No.8754255

Chicago has a people problem not a gun problem.

>> No.8754257

was saying why it's bad for Heinz. timmy kimmel or some other talk show should sell yellow ketchup hotdogs in chicago on tv to see what happens.

>> No.8754261

Problem is in your head. Just don't expect them to put ketchup on your dog, bring you own ketchup, and don't expect them to respect you.
2nd part takes care of the 1st part, and I kinda don't think the 3rd part was gonna happened anyway. Simple.

>> No.8754265

This is a serious problem, not a fucking joke...

>> No.8754282

I've been blacklisted from most Chicago dog joints because I tried to use ketchup. Until that changes I will never be free in my own city.

>> No.8754297

you'd get shot by a Chicagoan before you could hit the button, motherfucker

>> No.8754299

typical commie projection

>> No.8754313

Come to Paulie's you crack head I'll put you down like Old Yeller motherfucker pussy, get the fuck out,

>> No.8754315

I have a hard time believing that. I mean, the tomato slice is usually enough for me, but it's hard to believe it's just over ketchup.

>> No.8754318
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>> No.8754324

I've had my life threatened multiple times by rabid anti-ketchup Chicagoans and I have had weapons pulled on me for it. It's a dangerous thing to do but I feel it's necessary. Would Rosa Park have backed down? Would Gandhi? Would Martin Luther King Jr. just kowtow to them? Malcolm X? No, never, and neither will I no matter what happens to me. The imbroglio I cause when I whip out my Heinz keychain is a site for sore eyes. I've been verbally abused, beaten, sprayed with mustard, choked, spat upon, thrown in garbage cans, swirlied, threatened with knives/guns and even had my name, address and my family's addresses read aloud in a threatening manner if I ever go back. Chicago is gang land.

>> No.8754333

...Maybe go further north for your dogs.

>> No.8754351

That's not authentic windy city cuisine desu. Eat good or die trying nigga

>> No.8754450

Heinz or Huntz lads???

>> No.8755374

nah kill yourself

>> No.8755420

You can't eat it in Chicago hot dog stores.

>> No.8755642

I've been kicked out of dog joints in Chicago for using ketchup on a dog before so I fucking care. It's not just child's food. This is about something greater.

>> No.8755969

Is this the spiciest ketchup on the market?

>> No.8757016

Okay sweetie, keep pretending like if you did that in Chicago you wouldn't get harassed because you've never been here.

>> No.8757068

>Chicago isn't flyover


>> No.8757079

>ITT: Chicago Hate
Please never stop thinking Chicago is a shithole, keeps the rent affordable.

>> No.8757322

It's not. Millions of people go to Chicago a year.