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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 620x387, GAME_ChristmasTinn_2757572b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8735389 No.8735389 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody tried this? What did it taste like?

>> No.8735393


>> No.8735406

>this is the epitome of english cuisine

>> No.8735407

I would buy this just to shove it up my ass

>> No.8735441

i would buy like 200 just to drop off outside the homeless shelter and watch their faces melt

>> No.8735472

Is this the same game that sells vidya?

>> No.8735515

OP asked a serious question though.

who knows if it sucks dick if you havent tried it

also, what if the small small baby handful that tried it just had a personal preference?

so many questions.

ill go drink bleach

>> No.8735544


>> No.8735605

lol the internet is a miracle eh

>> No.8735620

that is the stuff of nightmares

>> No.8735638


>> No.8735653

Too Australian to be watchable, and I was curious damn.

>> No.8735680

Pretty much (video related) is the only source of information that Christmas Tinner was a real thing.

In other words, quality Aussie shitposting until proven otherwise.

>> No.8735681

i bet it's actually good.

>> No.8735698

In other words, GAME and Stevejacko teamed up to fuck with you.

>> No.8735705

I could try it next Christmas, it would be a fun thing to look forward to

>> No.8735710
File: 57 KB, 634x363, article-2387608-1B377548000005DC-600_634x363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8735991

Why does that Arab speak fluent English with a British accent? It's so off-putting.

>> No.8736000

How the fuck do you eat this? Are you supposed to eat it?

>> No.8736006

Its an aussie.

>> No.8736011

Who the fuck cares. He doesn't look like an Aussie either.

>> No.8736395

As an Englander, I am vaguely horrified by this.

>Why is there bacon and egg?
No christmas dinner I have ever seen has involved eggs.
Bacon: Yes.
Eggs: Never.

>Why is there mince pies in between two savoury things?
I don't even.
Mince pies are sweets, and as such they go AFTER the savoury.
Not before.
Not in-between.

>And why specifically two of them?
Is this some kind of magically derived number for optimal savoury disruption?

>The illustration on the tin clearly shows "pigs in blankets".
And yet there is a distinct lack of sausage mentioned anywhere.

I would imagine you sit it in a pan of boiling water for a while, then open it up grab a spoon and eat from the top down right out of the tin.
Why you would want to is another matter entirely.

>> No.8738118
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 1489461023804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game sells food? wtf

>> No.8738160

>>Why is there mince pies in between two savoury things?

There could be a chemical or physical reason for it; perhaps the other two layers needed to be separated for some reason.

>> No.8738168

I need to see Steve try one of these.

>> No.8738174

Different variant of this idea done by a Brit.

>> No.8738207

The eggs are for breakfast.

>> No.8739190

the fact that literally nobody is selling a tin of it on ebay is all the proof you need that it never actually existed