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8735241 No.8735241 [Reply] [Original]

My parents are in shit health because they have a shitty diet. How can I convince them to start eating better? My grandparents aren't in great shape either but they're fucking old. They already lost my uncle due to food related health issues and I'm starting to worry that my mom is next.

What can I do to show them a better way?

>> No.8735258

>go to local pharmacy
>buy a bunch of caffeine tablets
>mix it in one of their drinks when they aren't looking
>their heart will beat and palpitate like crazy and simulate a heart attack without actually giving them a heart attack
>be with them until the caffeine in the body wears off
>they now eat right and exercise to avoid another "heart attack"


>> No.8735262

Make sure they're leaving you everything

>> No.8735269

Not a terrible idea.

I have a sister. I've never been very good at sharing.

>> No.8735271

They're gonna' have to want a better life for themselves. You can't convince them of anything.

>> No.8735296

Its not like trying to get them healthy will make them love you anon

>> No.8735299

Caffeine tablets taste like literal asshole. They will know something's up immediately and kick you out of the basement for trying to poison them

>> No.8735313
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Do this but use these instead.
Guaranteed to change their perspective on life.

I can't forget the first time I made this mistake. Pills are seriously fucking potent the first package you buy. Nightmarishly potent.
If you want to simulate a heart attack, this is the best option on earth.

They're $2 at every gas station ever.

>> No.8735323

This. My mom went most of her life being severely overweight, even having her first heart attack in her early 30's. Type 2 diabetes, the works. She ended up having gastric bypass to give herself a push and made a massive turn around for a few years. Ate right, exercised, vitamins, lost a massive amount of weight.

Then she got depressed and started to not give a fuck again - starting smoking, drinking, and generally not taking care of herself at all. Still working on trying to get her back in the right state of mind again. Point of it all is, if you really care, and are really concerned, you have to have a genuine talk with them about what it would mean to you to see them in better health, and you genuinely care and would be willing to help.

>> No.8735560

were you trying to lose weight?

>> No.8735565

leave them alone

>> No.8735574

I wanted a buzz. When it kicked in I was shaking so hard that I went downstairs and emptied a can of peas into a bowl and started trying to eat it before accidentally flinging a spoonful across the kitchen at my cat.
That shit is no joke the first couple pills.

>> No.8735576

Anon, two things you can do right now, being a good example.

1) ask for ice water with all meals, nothing sugary. Or switch all soda to diet.
2) ask for a tossed salad before meals or a simple cup of soup course. It slows you down, adds some fiber and healthfulness. Relax if it is done really fatty with excessive dressing. It prevents 2nds after dinner and other gorging. It'll signal to that brain that 20 minutes of eating has passed and you might overall start to eat less.

Some phenomenon happens when you go on a diet...people around you are suddenly threatened and already feel deprived and they eat more to plan for the apocalypse ahead. Don't preach or go overboard here. You might encourage a walk after dinner though. Spritz on the bug repellent and all walk the dog together, or some other activity. Maybe do this prior to dessert.

>> No.8735577
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>> No.8735583

>Have to have a genuine talk with them about what it would mean to you to see them in better health, and you genuinely care and would be willing to help.

This. That being said, you can't force them to change anything. But genuine concern and a willingness to help along the way is probably the most likely way you're going to be able to get them to change.

>> No.8735608

>shitty diet.
whats this. be specific.
>start eating better?
be specific.

i get the hunch youre a faggy vegan that wants to alter the diet of your elders because of your gay beliefs. you may fuck off as well.

>> No.8735798

But buy a shit ton of life insurance on them...