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File: 231 KB, 1000x746, Kiwi_aka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8732471 No.8732471 [Reply] [Original]

Cut in half then spoon it out?
Eat it like an apple?
Peel then eat?

Tell me about this mysterious fruit

>> No.8732479

That's a Chinese Gooseberry my friend.
Grows very well in New Zealand's climate.
I peel them and eat them with salt and pepper usually, or grilled on some eggs.

>> No.8732484

The peel contains quite a few of its nutrients, if I'm not mistaken. Texture isn't to everyone's liking, but I just chop off the very hard tips on each side and then slice it after washing/rinsing. Eating it whole like an apple just tends to make a bit of a mess.

>> No.8732485

Peel then eat.

>> No.8732486

the most of its nutrients are in the skin, in the tiny hair to be exact.

>> No.8732490

However you want, it's not worth arguing over like you want us to homo.

>> No.8732493
File: 456 KB, 748x663, baby-kiwi-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a vegan, they're extinct btw

>> No.8732499

That birds a retard.
>can't fly
>huge feet
>poor eyesight
Probably tastes delicious dredged in seasoned flour and fried in lard, though.

>> No.8732503

But then again, what doesn't

>> No.8732510

Sour protein filled black shemale scat?

>> No.8732519

How does one homo?

>> No.8732523

err no they are not

>> No.8732606

Cut the top off and using a teaspoon dig it out and eat it. It's the least messy way of doing it.

>> No.8732616

P in B

>> No.8732621

You cut it with the some spoon that you're gonna eat it with. I don't understand people who waste so many utensils unnecessarily. You can cut a kiwifruit with a large spoon, try it next time. Then you separate the peel using that same spoon, going around in a circle, and then pull the peel back and eat it like that

>> No.8732631

How about not wasting any utensils and just eat it with peel like a man?

>> No.8732644

bite tips off with teeth
if they're too hard to bother chewing, put them in trashcan
eat the rest of it like an apple

>> No.8732762


I cut the ends off, rinse them in cold running water, and eat them skin on like giant grapes.

>> No.8732833

I knew someone like this, but didn't cut off the ends. She just ate the whole thing after washing it.

>> No.8733274

I used to peel it but now I eat it whole (cutting the hard en out). Much less waste and it still tastes great. I love kiwis

>> No.8733292

Eat it like an apple

Same thing for bell peppers too

>> No.8733388
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 4B528CD7-E6BF-4A75-B475-5E3F71691C85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whole, like an apple. Trust me.

>> No.8733492

I cut off the two ends, slice and eat
You don't have to eat the peel, lots of people don't like it so you can peel it before you slice and eat if you want

but the peel is where the nutrients are
Really good in fruit salad.

>> No.8733503

I used to eat them with a spoon but last year I started eating them like an apple. You will wonder why you never started earlier. Just bite into them, so much better. So much more convenient.

>> No.8733758

The kiwi fruit is the greatest fruit of all time. Eat it whole. Worship it. Savor the flavor in your mouth while it explodes and overwhelms your taste buds. Consume the essence of the Godfruit.

Bonus points : eat it with honey.

>> No.8733762

But what about the hair? I don't want to feel like im kissing my dad again

>> No.8733791

Wait for it to ferment and blow up like a balloon
then cut it open and just drink the liquid insides.

>> No.8733799

Way too complicated:

1. Just drop it in your centrifuge
2. let all the layers seperate
3. eat everything
4. ???
5. Profit

>> No.8733866

>parents buy house with a big female and smaller male kiwi trees
>harvest 200 or so right before it freezes overnight
>parents feed me three kiwis a day as a kid
>have diarrhea for the whole month of november because of this

>> No.8734242

Like an apple. I never understood why so many people eat them with spoons. It makes the whole thing needlessly complicated.

I worked at a summer camp for a few years that regularly had kiwi out at breakfast. Seeing ten-year-olds struggle trying to eat them with spoons, I would always tell them to eat the kiwi whole. The ones that did it were blown away and wouldn't shut up about how much better it was.

>But what about the hair
You don't notice it.

>> No.8734303

Cut in half then spoon it out gets my vote

>> No.8734398
File: 167 KB, 600x382, best fruit EU US JP AZ NZ AFR RU WORLDWIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.8734404
File: 44 KB, 741x527, 1476466613598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck I haven't laughed this hard in weeks

thanks anon, I needed that

>> No.8734470

Cut in half and spoon it out.

Pale green center part is god tier

>> No.8735417

Cut in half and spoon. Very easy to eat and a great snack.

>> No.8735425

Cut it into two equal slices and then use a curved stainless steel food scooper to scoop it out.

>> No.8735806
File: 30 KB, 600x403, CgAPNEPXEAAnW43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can just eat it with the skin, it's a little tart but fine.

>> No.8735979

Cut into bite-sized triangles and squares.

>> No.8736207

If you don't bite into it like an apple, skin and all, we're no longer on talking terms.

>> No.8736225

thanks for trying it for us to know

>> No.8736244

>buy four pack of kiwi fruit
>comes with plastic kiwi fruit spoon/knife

for real though just eat them like an apple, except you can eat the core and the bottom and (if there's no bin around) the top too. I guess you can probably do that with an apple too if you really want.

>> No.8736258

You just lick the outside until the peel comes off.

>> No.8736265
File: 43 KB, 567x426, kiwi_spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to include the pic of the kiwi spoon

>> No.8736291

Alright first off you nigger, real New Zealanders eat it like an apple.

Also, you fucking stupid nigger its called a Kiwifruit not a Chinese Gooseberry. I swear to god you panhead.

Are you clinically retarded? Holy nigger lover Kiwi birds are endangered not extinct fuck me in the ass.

Eating the Kiwifruit is incredibly beneficial to your health, so much fiber in it compared to the flesh and it has tons of vitamin C too so don't worry about it.


>> No.8736292

Yeah no way you can cut a ripe kiwi with that fucking spudger

>> No.8736295
File: 7 KB, 391x126, kiwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom they know other names for it

>> No.8736302
File: 18 KB, 300x192, thats0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's no spoon.

>> No.8736306
File: 3 KB, 155x120, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Zealand's """""culture""""" fruit, don't eat just eat a normal mango or some shit

>> No.8736410

It's got a vaguely serrated and sort of kind of a little sharpened blade on one of the edges of the spoon.

Here is a helpful video I found on youtube for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34WFn8JLYc