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File: 148 KB, 1344x1344, xJyMbYOwrJ_epic_bar-pulled_pork_12_bars_0_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8730650 No.8730650 [Reply] [Original]

Are Epic Bars good?

>> No.8730663

I like them, expensive though. Only had the chicken, beef, and bison though.

>> No.8730666

I'm not a fan of the greasy feel of gristle in a binder of cold animal fat in my mouth

I can tell what they're going for (sort of a charcuterie/kind bar hybrid) and I give them credit for trying, but in order to pull it off they'd need so much salt it would probably get banned by the hippie stores that sell it. I won't be a repeat buyer

>> No.8730669

>gluten free
they just had to add that. fuck. why doesn't it alsy say lactose-free?
why isn't there a gluten-free sticker on every pineapple?

>> No.8730678

wheat proteins used to be fairly common in various foods, including meat and "meat products"

I know millennials think this is FUCKING CRAZY MAAAN but all they did was replace it with soy because of celiac

if you're a celiac, and you're older than, say, 12, you might remember the times when gluten in meat products was a real concern

t. guy with an in-law with actual celiac, not "self-diagnosed gluten sensitivity" but the actual thing that makes gluten bad

>> No.8730679

they must be good if they don't use any unnatural pork.

>> No.8730686
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>pork protein bar
>laughable 8g of protein
Why in the fuck would I bother to eat this?

>> No.8730692

I just saw one in a store for the first time yesterday.

As far as I can tell it's like a more tender Jack Link's style sodium bomb.

>> No.8730729

The bison one had cranberries in it. Pretty good. If I ever get bison burger again, I'm tempted to add cranberry.

>> No.8730751

8g of protein in 43 g is not epic at all

>> No.8730753

Overpriced and gross texture imo

>> No.8730848

i like them

it's different than the usual Cliff bar. Don't eat the salmon one though. That one sucks. I remember the lamb, beef, and pork ones all tasting pretty good.

>> No.8731342
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>> No.8731401

looks like it'd be nasty and the price is a bit high. their fat products are good tho

>> No.8731434

gluten free? In that case it's also kitchen free - from my

>> No.8731437

the bison cranberry one is good if you're in a particular sort of mood, but all they're pretty disgusting

>> No.8731440

back to the drawing board with that one

>> No.8731454

filler x1000 == expensive dog treat

>> No.8733373

They are salty and kinda gross. Pass!

>> No.8733621

I'm not a fan, and they're expensive like >>8730663 said. But, they're a decent source of protein, and my old office used to stock them for free at the snack bars, so I'd eat them every now and then. I'd never buy them though.

>> No.8733633
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You have to go back.

>> No.8733637
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They're on the expensive side and the bison cranberry one I had was extremely greasy. The flavor was OK but I wouldn't buy it again, even if it was more affordable.

>> No.8734032

You can get better meat bars by buying a good salami for much cheaper.

>> No.8734040

My gas station puts gluten free stickers on the gas pumps

>> No.8734993

They're rather dry. I'm always super thirsty after eating one, though that could be the sodium content.

>> No.8735034

>8 g protien


I can get like fucking 12-16 in a dollar packet of Salmon

>> No.8735391

i make my own granola bars

>> No.8735419

A semicolon should come after 'them' and before 'expensive', not a colon, you fucking retard.

>> No.8735424

Also, you don't need a comma after your 'and', and since you like using commas so much you retarded faggot, you should have put one before 'though'. Never reproduce dumbass

>> No.8735443

Kys. Seriously do it.

>> No.8735479

They kind of sound like pemmican, which is pretty cool, but I've never tried them so I don't really know.

>> No.8735491

>not a colon, you fucking retard.
that's a comma, anon

>> No.8735530
File: 85 KB, 613x950, IMG_0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curiosity was piqued when I saw this thread so I got one at the market today. Was like some lazily seasoned pork that's been left to dry out in a heated chafing dish for eleven hours. $2.99 for one of these shitbiscuits.

I haven't been this pissed off at a manufacturer for merely selling a product in my life. I don't know what dickhead thought this was acceptable, but I genuinely want to kick their fucking ass.

>> No.8735770

Where does unnatural pork come from?

>> No.8735776

Extremely overpriced beef jerky for keto morons who go M-M-M-M-MUH CAAARRRRBBBSS when faced with any other energy bar.

>> No.8735782

I will always continue to use oxford commas and I don't care what you, your whore mother, or your remedial english teacher says.

Plus, you're wrong about the semi-colon. Semi-colons connect two independent clauses, "expensive though" is not independent.

>> No.8735804


Get the fuck off this board nocareeroutlook English majors. The rest of us don't give a shit.

>> No.8735901

we have nowhere else to go

>> No.8735910

You don't have a job to go to, either.

>> No.8735919

You should use commas to set off the direct addresses "you retarded faggot" and "dumbass".

>Also, you don't need a comma after your 'and', and since you like using commas so much, you retarded faggot, you should have put one before 'though'. Never reproduce, dumbass.

Like so.

>> No.8735922

he didn't even put a period after dumbass lol