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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8716603 No.8716603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what do you autistic fucks actually do for a living? Because god knows you only cook for yourself, and maybe for your cat/dog, but definitely not for a real life gf or as an occupation.

>> No.8716608

Im a CPA and my wife is a RN

>> No.8716612

That's not really a food related question but I own an IT company and a Landscaping business.

>> No.8716614

dumb frogposter

>> No.8716625

I work for postmates and go to school full time

>> No.8716627

i am literally a fat neckbeard neet

i don't live with my parents or in a basement so i guess i have that going for me

(no dole either, living off of muh savings)

>> No.8716629

architect, me and my husband both cook

>> No.8716632

I'm studying animation and graphic design at a liberal arts college.

Yeah, I know. Fuck off. I held down a job working in the warehouse behind a Best Buy, I can go back to that if shit hits the fan. I'm just trying to see if I really can get my dream job work first. It also helps that my parents are well off and can support me for a while, but I don't plan on living off them much longer. I graduate in May.

>> No.8716634

How big are your tits

>> No.8716640
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i drive dis

>> No.8716641


What kind of IT?

>> No.8716644

dont know never needed a bra being a male & all

>> No.8716646


>> No.8716652

We just print the Steven King book 24/7.

>> No.8716654

I just asked for your occupation bud, not your hopes and dreams. You can fuck off with those.

>> No.8716659

What are you a faaaaaaaaaaaaag?

>> No.8716662

Unemployed university student then.

>> No.8716663

Is RN = registered nurse?

>> No.8716669

Musician/producer and my wife is a software developer. She works from home and I work mainly evenings and nights, so we get to cook most of our own meals.

>> No.8716672


>> No.8716674

Custom cooling solutions - servers to gaming PC's.

>> No.8716677

Oh good to know, especially since I couldnt figure that out from the first sentence of your first post.

>> No.8716684

Well why wouldnt you just say nurse....Do you really think we give a fuck if shes a registered nurse? Just say "my wife is a nurse" next time. Also, no one gives a shit about ur wife. I asked u what YOUR occupation was, not hers.

>> No.8716689

Systems engineer.

I live ~10 minutes away from work, so I've successfully cooked a few meals that sit for long periods of time then need immediate attention (bread, starting sous vide, etc.) by just popping in and out. Otherwise I tend to make my meals on the weekend because I'm just too worn out to do anything at the end of the day. Chili is a pretty common goto for me since I can just dump a bunch of things in the crock pot and I'm good for lunch/dinner for a few days.

Hard boiled eggs are also a great weekend cook for the working man; they can be used a snack throughout the week or make a boatload on Sunday and have enough for a couple meals. Come Thursday or Friday my food supply runs out so I usually resort to delivery food, though I'm getting better about making something instead -- usually soup as it's easy. I think I need to buy more Tupperware so I can get through the entire week with one day of cooking.

I also treat myself with sous vide steak every Sunday night.

>> No.8716690


>> No.8716691
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I make labels for bullshit craft beers.

>tfw you will always be a prole

>> No.8716697

I chop around 20-30 pounds of onions a day

>> No.8716700

I do operations.... like, I come in wasted or withdrawaling and sit at the desk half dead and answer phones or give advice or set up accounting for the week

>> No.8716708

No but seriously, why would you include 2 medium sized paragraphs describing the food you consume on a daily basis within your dismal pathetic life? No one asked you for it, and no one cares.

>> No.8716714

Do you think u condense that into a single occupation, or is that to hard to do?

>> No.8716718

Grocery store director. Married with two kids, although I usually work over sixty hours a week so I miss out on family events.

>> No.8716720

Because you're in /ck/ not /soc/, so I made your shitty thread /ck/ related in addition to your topic.

Guess the thread just needs reported if you don't want to talk food.

>> No.8716721

Still in Dental school.

>> No.8716724

So your wife is mentally competent and intelligent, and you are incompetent and fairly unintelligent, so you try to make up for it in the kitchen, because god only knows you wont make it up to her in the bedroom.

>> No.8716726
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Im a salesman at a car wash. Sounds shit but i make around 500-920 a day.

Recently got a girlfriend so i try to cook for her every now and then

>> No.8716727

sometimes I'll do like 10 pounds of bell peppers

>> No.8716732

In my part of the world, I'm called a sheik. My 4 wifes takes care of the food. I attend to our camels.

>> No.8716734

Sooooooo a student. You couldve just said student....

>> No.8716741


Yeah, guess so. Still a student.

>> No.8716742

I drive

No I dont. Just wanted to say that. I dont even have a license

>> No.8716746

delivery driver

>> No.8716750

mow lawns for 4 hours a day. I'm poor but I only work 16 hours a week and I can live off of it.

>> No.8716751

Nutritionist and public health investigator AMA

>> No.8716752

> guess so
No no no, if you are in a university....and you are studying materials that pertain to a certain subject....you are a S T U D E N T.
There is no guessing, You dumb fuck

>> No.8716762

What is this, a label machine for ants?

>> No.8716764

Sooo you're just a lazy unambitious fuck? Okay

>> No.8716771

How about no. Now go fuck off to /fit/ if you really want that attention

>> No.8716772

Media buyer for a tv network

>> No.8716780
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I'm surprised at the responses here to be honest, I thought there would be others but I'm a line cook.
Pic related a dish from our kitchen from last year.

>> No.8716794

Scallops and...?

>> No.8716805

Leaves....plants...green vegetables, you fucking moron

>> No.8716809

Dunno. I'm the one with the Ivy League degree. I'm also the one who makes a per hour rate closer to that of a lawyer while she stresses out about this deadline and that. We end up splitting the expenses evenly. The bonus is that she's a talented musician as well and I can write code. So there are opportunities to work on each other's projects. And we both cook. Works out really fucking well. Though she is a little jealous here and there that I can make my nut in music without having to do the corporate thing.

>> No.8716814

> falling for the bait and revealing your power lvl

>> No.8716818

I used to work at a gas station.

>> No.8716820

I'm getting a doctorate in chemistry. I like McDonalds.

>> No.8716827

This first sentence couldve been condensed into "im a student."
The second sentence was unnecessary because no one give a shit

>> No.8716828

The white stuff on the bottom is a parsnip purée, the veg is Brussels sprouts with pancetta and then we also peel off the outer layer of the sprout and deep fry them so they are nice and crispy, then drizzled with truffle oil. Was pretty good, not too heavy.

>> No.8716830

i like your attitude mister

>> No.8716831


It sucks.

>> No.8716839

"Do" is present tense. I want to know what you are DOing presently for money.
> Not "what have you done"
> Not "please list all previous occupations"
> Not "what is your life's story"
Just "what do you currently do for a living"
Read the question next time, u dumb faggot.

>> No.8716843

Did I ask you if you liked your job? No, because I dont give a flying fuck.

>> No.8716845

I draw furry pornography with an emphasis on male to female transformations

>> No.8716850

>truffle oil

>> No.8716851

I am comfortable with my power level. It's not some secret shame like posting on /a/ or /mlp/.

>> No.8716852

Do the world a favor and kill yourself

>> No.8716855

I'm a useless faggot and I usually cook for my roomates. It works out that way because I don't understand portion sizes but I also don't eat a lot.

>> No.8716857

Are you Ryan Gosling?

>> No.8716860

We dont need an explanation about your pitiful life, just say "I'm a useless faggot."
Thats all thats needed

>> No.8716862

you're in too deep

>> No.8716863


did you get bored playing your warhammer dolls already?

>> No.8716866

i actually do this for a living

>> No.8716867

Please shut the fuck up, you are neither clever nor funny

>> No.8716870

To work? What do you do when you get there?

>> No.8716875

What is "this"?

>> No.8716879

I brainwash children into leftism using modern remakes of old disney movies.

>> No.8716880

I was joking, I'm actually made my fortune selling a startup I sold when I was 22 and now I eat out every day. Egg on your face.

>> No.8716881

You are painfully stupid....

>> No.8716882


shitpost on a greenlandian taco assembly rehabilitation homegroup

>> No.8716885


>> No.8716891

OP is mad as fuck

>> No.8716896


>> No.8716897

Wow, thanks for correcting your grammatical error that you made in your first post. None of us could actually read it until you clarified that you meant "I've" instead of "I'm"

>> No.8716902

This is the most fun ive had in a while tbqh

>> No.8716912
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>> No.8716916
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Do you eat pizza while doing so?

>> No.8716926

WAY too deep. But life is good so no fucks given.

>> No.8716927

only if it's kosher.

>> No.8716929

either shitpost or cook im not sure

>> No.8716933
File: 510 KB, 1024x768, 6387888911_b0c23dee30_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal food tester, I eat cat and dog food and help develop it into the final product.

>> No.8716943

studying law

>> No.8716948

So youre a student. Just say "im a student."
It's that simple

>> No.8716966

so you work, just say you're a worker
it's that simple

>> No.8716977

I'm a cook. A damned good one. I also own my own business with my wife cleaning/repairing rental units for move-ins and move-outs.

>> No.8716986

"Worker" is not a specific job title, and therefore not a viable occupation.....dumbass

>> No.8716990

I'm an IT sysadmin but enjoy cooking, that's why I'm here

>> No.8716992

>This autistic manchild replying to everyone's post trying to be edgy

How's the 9th grade bud?

>> No.8716998

I thought you was going to say carwash business for a second.

>> No.8717016

I don't work anymore, so I just cook for my husband and pretty much nothing else until I find a new job.

>> No.8717024

I'm a waitress in a cocktail bar. Waiting to meet the right guy.

>> No.8717026
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cook in a japanese restauraunt owned by actual japanese people, guess what, being a cook is shit! ask me anything

>> No.8717040
File: 188 KB, 550x550, 1336968088108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Programmer, I usually just eat a work because they give me free food.
Cooking is too hard.

>> No.8717042


>> No.8717049

You're welcome. I'm sorry that you guys are bad at reading, maybe you should consider hiring a tutor.

>> No.8717073


im a fucking fat neet loser who just moved back in with dad at 32

>> No.8717075
File: 49 KB, 640x425, 14-designfails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck can I have that job?

>> No.8717088

This job would suit me brilliantly, finally I can hide my tears.

>> No.8717090

Front end software dev

>> No.8717093

Why does this sound like an awesome job?
Oh, I'm autistic, right.

>> No.8717105

Uff da

>> No.8717119

I am actually sous chef at a high end steakhouse. Never been to cooking school but I had a lot of kitchen gigs in college. I loved cooking but I was already going to college to teach. I taught for a year after school until I tried to kill myself because of the hell that is the public school section. Actually make more money now and it's enjoyable. It sucks I wasted so much time and money before I realized teaching is an awful gig for a bitter sperg

>> No.8717163

Warehouse technician

>> No.8717164
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Newspaper designer reporting in

>> No.8717165


>> No.8717171
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Nothing brightens up a long hard day like a good lunch.

>> No.8717174

what's your least favourite part of the job?

do you numb yourself with anything?

>> No.8717176

Janitor. I cook when I can, but sometimes end up going to the nearby burrito place.

>> No.8717178 [DELETED] 

>Subs, sandwiches of all kinds really
What the fuck? That is something you should always make yourself.

>> No.8717185

go work at a large convention centre that does large banquets

>> No.8717192

The hell are you doing on a cooking board

>> No.8717209

Commercial Real Estate Appraiser

>> No.8717279

Living t h e housewife dream tbqh
Stop being an autist, posts like this make your shitty thread worth reading

>> No.8717285

Guys, OP wrote his first datamining program for 4chan and flavor text really fucks it up, that's why he's so upset

>> No.8717287


Are you a cat or a dog?

>> No.8717296

Full time PA in an emergency room, part time flight paramedic.

Recreationally having a kek at OP's responses.

>> No.8717302

What's a newspaper?

>> No.8717304
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daytime 6-11 bookkeeper helper, afternoon line cook 11:30-5 and nighttime security guard 10-4

>> No.8717312
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be a mommy's good boy

>> No.8717320

Deli clerk :/

Easily the worst job I've ever had.

>> No.8717329

I like your life anon.

>> No.8717353


>> No.8717360

I'm a software engineer

>> No.8717370

How much do you make? Wll you hire me?

>> No.8717376

... I drive.