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File: 256 KB, 1236x1600, Flyer_AnchorSteam_Page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8711462 No.8711462 [Reply] [Original]

>ctrl-f "beer"

what're you guys popping open tonight? trying something new? an old standby? post what you're having tonight w/ food pairings if applicable

I'm using pic related as part of beer battering cod for fish tacos (also drinking some too). excited to see how well it does in the batter

>> No.8711479

Bayern Killarney Red Lager.

Something I'm going to assume was rolled out in the state for St. Patrick's Day. Pretty damn decent really. The brewery is about 50 miles from where I live. Irish beer brewed by a German immigrant, oh well.

>> No.8711499
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Tried this for the first time. Nothing special, but it's solid and decently priced for being 6.7%. I'd buy it again probably! I hope they bring back the pils they made last summer.
Using their old label because I like it better.

>> No.8711513 [DELETED] 
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Finishing a bottle of vallana library release campi raudii 2006 and then moving on to some montauk wave chaser

The food is a sort of bean chili/stew monstrosity I made, with pork sausage, 3 kinds of bell peppers, and chipotle paste. Pretty good but I'm not really sure what to call it

>> No.8711536
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pic related, really tasty
half acre is my favorite local brewery with revolution a close second

>> No.8711672

I've popped one of my Marzen's... A bit darker than I was aiming but still well within the BJCP (heh heh) guidelines.

These are pretty good right now, but they're going to be fantastic by October.

>> No.8711690
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In 2012, Steel Reserve received the Gold medal in the category of 'American-Style Premium Lager or Specialty Lager' at the World Beer Cup.

>> No.8711787
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Got a question for you beer guys.

I dislike beer and usually drink hard liquor, mainly Bookers. That being said I can stomach dark beers like Guinness. Well I found another beer I like which is Dragons Milk and here is what I want to know because it is so weird to me.

I can drink multiple glasses of high proof stuff and just get a good buzz, but if I drink 2 Dragons Milks and I am almost drunk. 3 and I on the floor close to vomiting.

Can anyone tell me what is up with that? It's the weirdest thing. I don't care about drinking it, I just find it fascinating and wish to learn more.

>> No.8711809

you might have cirrhosis

>> No.8711850

whats teh abv?

>> No.8711859

Not used to the composition of it?

Drinking it while dehydrated?

>> No.8711884

But that is the thing. I can have two glasses of Bookers which is 60-65% and be fine or even 6 Guinness which are 7.5%. 3 of these and I am vomiting up a storm. It's so strange.

Doesn't sound right. I can drink anything else, in mass amounts and be fine, I have a high alcohol tolerance. It's just this one particular beer that does me in.

See that's the thing. I know how to drink and pace myself, I drink maybe two glasses of Bookers a week or a 4-5 Guinness in 1 sitting.

Also like the genius I am I tried drinking Dragons Milk 3 times total. Each time the experiment results the same. Me sad and on the floor.

I am sure there is some sience behind this but I have no clue, was just curious if anyone else had any ideas.

>> No.8711896
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this was on sale. it smells a lot more like piss than most lagers

>> No.8711897

>6 Guinness which are 7.5%

this calls into question the accuracy of everything you say

>> No.8711916

Sorry it's 4.2. I did a quick google was the first thing I saw was 7.5.

>> No.8711920
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Currently drinking pic related which isn't my pic.

Have Péché Mortel in the fridge and I am very excited to try it for the first time. Hopefully I'm not hyping it up...

>> No.8711952

Guinness isn't that hot unless you're drinking the Foreign Extra Stout.

I find different beers and liquors affect me differently. High-test beers have a tendency to incapacitate me - six or so Schloss Eggenberg Urbocks and I'm couchbound - might as well just spend the night with my bong. A lot of it has to do with drinking them like beers - I'll swig back a Trappist quad like an American lager if I'm not thinking about it, but I've been told that the unfermented malt sugars and proteins definitely alter to the experience, as do the hops' humulones.

I'm usually the same way with liquor and wine- I can drink a lot of it because it's really obvious to me when I'm drinking ahead of my pace. With normal beer, I usually can't drink it quickly enough to wreck myself.

>> No.8713106
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>Using quality beer to make batter
For what purpose
Anyway I thought I'd share my beer collection with you guys.
It got so big I now need to plan to resettle all of it into a dedicated shelfspace

>> No.8713108
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>> No.8713110
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>> No.8713114
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Fallout jar for caps who's bottles I couldn't cop for whatever reason + doubles in the background

>> No.8713120

>Péché Mortel
Very good choice.

>> No.8713140

Beer is Satan's piss, fuck alcohol

>> No.8713162

You're probably drinking the beer much faster than liquor

>> No.8713169

I save all my bottle caps for some reason, but it just takes up a grocery bag in my basement. All these empties everywhere is stupid

>> No.8713199
File: 140 KB, 600x800, hitachino_ginger_brew_oval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here homebrew? I just started with biab. I have 2 goals, to clone pic related one day, and to make horrific porter abominations.

>> No.8713247

eh everybody needs a hobby
tried with some friends during a week when we were perpetually drunk. Turned out surprisingly non-nauseating for what we put it through. It did taste more of yeast then beer though. We called it "Medium Sadness". Only 1 batch was ever made.

>> No.8713438

Anchor Steam is always one of my standby beers.
A lot of beers give me the wicked beer shits (I mean, really bad) due to the slight allergy I have to hops (yes, I've been tested for it), but Anchor Steam does me okay for a mass market beer. I try to find low-hop beers, but those are few and far between. Also, most (but not all ) stouts I can drink just fine.

As far as beer batter goes, I'll use whatever I have on hand. Meh....

>> No.8713511
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20170320_185814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent haul. The Streets is really interesting, surprisingly fruity.

>> No.8713537

Just got back from Germany. I tried:

>Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
>Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock
>Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus
>Weihenstephaner Vitus
>Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Dunkel
>Augustiner Bräu Lagerbier Hell

and a handful of others. The Celebrator was pretty GOAT and the Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier was really great as well, but the rest weren't anything special.

My conclusion is that German beer is a meme and American beer is better overall.

>> No.8714015

I wish they didn't make beer with such high abv.

I don't enjoy being drunk much, I just want to be able to drink some great brews without alcohol's depressive nature.

>> No.8714037

this picture is fucking hilarious.

I can't think of a better way to encapsulate my existence in a picture.

>> No.8714038

Picked up a 750 of "Westmalle Tripel" after a friend yelled at me to get it if I could find it.

He told me I'm not allowed to fucking drink it unless I get a trappist glass.

>> No.8714044

this is a pretty good beer actually. guinness doesn't really fail with their products. they are all pretty delicious, except for the extra stout. that ones pretty meh to bad-tier.

>> No.8714055

I have a bottle collection to. lines up on my dresser. I need an actual shelf for them.

>> No.8714076 [DELETED] 
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>unironically drinking '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''craft beer'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

>> No.8714618

Can someone please euthanise the people responsible for the hops meme?

It's made its way to the UK and I hate it. I went to a little brewery that had about seven things on offer. I asked the guy at the bar if he had anything that wasn't too hoppy, I got a funny look and a "no".

I just don't get it the hops thing.

>> No.8714637

>I just don't get it the hops thing.

Kinda funny you say that. Isn't IPA--the original extra-hoppy beer--a British invention? Granted, some of the new micros are much hoppier than a classic IPA, but IPA is where it all started....

>> No.8714659

IPAs weren't intended to be drunk in that state. The hoppiness was increased because it was for export to hot climates.

Either way, a British IPA is nowhere near the biter abominations that America has created.

>> No.8714705

British-style IPA is less hoppy. It also normally uses different kind of hops compared with 'murica.

>> No.8714713
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I know this isn't the right glass but it has the general shape and I don't give a shit.

This is some of the best beer I've ever had, ignore the head I'd already been drinking it

>> No.8714719

>British-style IPA is less hoppy.

Yes, I said that in the very post you just replied to.

My point is that if you're looking for the START of the "hops meme", isn't that British IPA? I can't think of an earlier beer style that was heavy on hops.

>> No.8714729

The start of having a hoppier beer is British, yes. The start of the hops meme that we have now is entirely America, when the Yanks realised that they could brew beer themselves. Of course, being American they had to find something they could make "bigger", so they decided it would be the hops.

>> No.8714744
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>not drinking Guinness brewed esp. for the Amsterdam market.

Apparently this is being exported to US market for the first time.

>> No.8714763
File: 101 KB, 591x600, Best state, best beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texasfag here.

Last week, during spring break, my old man and I visited a couple local breweries. My favorite by far was Saint Arnold's. If you're ever in Houston, make some time to go to the brewery and get some.

>> No.8714766

I'm so sick of IPAs. When craft beer started working it's way onto grocery store shelves 7-8 years ago, the market was flooded with IPAs. This wouldn't have been annoying except there was little else to choose from. Seems no one wants to brew reds, lagers, bocks, or darker beers.
Tennessee recently made beer higher than 6.3% legal to sell in grocery stores, and again I'm seeing an even bigger wave of fucking IPAs on the shelves. Especially here this is a bad idea because most beer drinkers aren't craft drinkers - they grab a case of Natural Light or Ice. Only hipsters buy all this over hopped garbage. So it sits on the shelves past it's fresh date, which isn't very long for IPA.

>> No.8714810

that guy looks like me except the glasses, same washed out yellow skin tone and everything.

>> No.8714816

>so they decided it would be the hops.

That's just one example though. There are others that are crazy sweet, or super high ABV, etc, etc.

>> No.8714833

I just don't see how there's a market for it. In the UK we at least have a lot of traditional ales that are brewed, bitters and the like. When I was in America it felt like a choice between liquid hops and cheap piss.

You need to sort your hipsters out.

>> No.8714846


Where on earth did you go shopping? I won't deny that the US has a lot of hop bombs, but when I to to the supermarket they're certainly a minority of the selection available. There's cheap shit, there's mid-tier shit. There's expensive stuff. There are foreign imports. There are all kinds of craft brews of various types--ales, porters, stouts, imperial, fruity stuff...you name it, we have it.

>> No.8714851

I'm sorry, I've got a decent amount of porters stouts to choose from in pa. I'd like some more reds though.

>> No.8714872

>I don't like something popular
Congrats. Ipas sell well so they'll keep being made. There are plenty of other options if you go to an actual liquor/beer store. Grocery stores will only stock what's popular or what sells.

>> No.8714905
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probably one of these

>> No.8715212
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Found these guys at Tesco earlier today, already went through the Elvis Juice one and it was pretty alright, I'll see what I have with dinner.

>> No.8715225

Hey, i didn't know there was other Montanans on this board. What's your favorite brewery around here? I can't say I'm a huge fan of Bayern.

>> No.8715235

Also, about the whole hops discussion... dunno if you can grab them in the states, but Wychwood brewery makes a really nice selection of beers in all shades in between golden, ruby and black, and I can't remember a single one of them being hoppy at all. One of my favourites is the Black witch one, beautiful stuff.

>tfw you can get actual beer that isn't lager or IPA at the corner or grocery store

>> No.8715388
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Cracking open one of these. Had to get on a waiting list to get it

>> No.8715393
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Mah nigga.
Drinking a Dirty Bastard myself.

>> No.8715407

>t. Achmed Muhammad Abdul Al-Sahin

>> No.8715410

>a beer that smells like piss
big surprise.
I can guarantee you if people tasted piss before tasting beer, they wouldn't drink it. Unless they happen to enjoy the taste of piss. After having mishaps of drinking my own piss and then trying beer, all I could think is alcoholic piss. (dont be lazy and pee into cups and drink mountain dew in similar cups, the mixup will happen, multiple times even)

>> No.8715676


oh.... you're one of *those* people...

>> No.8715937

Explain further

>> No.8715941
File: 1.14 MB, 1325x2048, bal-flying-dog-brewery-tropical-bitch-25-anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love this shit

>> No.8715949


>thought I'd share my beer collection

That's just a bunch of garbage, anon.

>> No.8715957


I understand collecting bottles of crafts and limited releases and stuff, but why the Corona?

>> No.8715964

You only drank Bavarian beer my dude.

>> No.8715968


I was at the Hitachino brewery when I was in Tokyo, really cool place. Had a great tripel there.

>> No.8715970


>American beer is better overall

Everyone who knows anything about beer already knows this though. It's just a meme that people like to spout


>> No.8716140

The fuckers at my local place have been trying to sell a bunch of all the different versions of that for at least a year.

They don't seem to understand nobody wants to pay ~$30+ for a bomber.

>> No.8716213

Well now you're just conflating generic beer stereotypes with the legitimate craft beer (lol) community which actually is quite strong in the USA.

>> No.8716345

"American Pilsner" as a style, is pisswater. All filler, no killer.

American microbrewed, overhopped, Cascade and Citra heavy IPAs can take a long lick of my sweaty chode, but I can appreciate them for what they are.

American Stouts and Porters with more than six ingredients are a bit overkill, but I like a lot of them.

There isn't much a brewer in one country can't do in another right now (given enough salts and metals to alter water chemistry). It makes sense that a country as physically vast and well populated as the US would come up with some great beers.

>> No.8716369

It's like around 12% while most beer is 5%, me and a buddy had the same reaction since neither of us looked at the % we just assumed it was 5%.

>> No.8716379
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Not a huge IPA drinker, but this stuff is dank.

>> No.8716403

There's one made by Collective Arts (quickly becoming my favourite brewery) that intentionally avoids citrusy/piney hops. It's everything I ever wanted an IPA to be. It's actually inspired me to do much of the same, but with older/earthier hops - maybe a 50/50 English/German split.

>> No.8717268

What's an "American pilsner"?

>> No.8718808
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Had this tonight, it was not good.

>> No.8718855

A "real ale twat"
Look it up

>> No.8718869

Honestly, Dieu du Ciel must have the highest home run rate of any brewery I've ever seen. So far I've had Peche Mortel, Aphrodite, Moralite and Grande Noirceur and all four were GODLY.

They have a silly number of beers with ~100 ratings on ratebeer et all.

>> No.8718894

Stella. Six 330ml bottles for a fiver.

>> No.8718902

Viz. oi oi.

>> No.8718908
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, Great-Lakes-Life-Sentence-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a couple years back there was a collaboration between two of the oldest craft brewers in Toronto: Amsterdam Brewery and Great Lakes Brewery. GLB suggested, essentially as a joke making fun of Amsterdam's reputation for hoppy bears, making a 10% ABV 100+ IBU triple IPA using ~100kg of Chinook hops to make a single 3000L batch.

And damn if it isn't my favorite beer I've ever had. It's actually incredibly complex and balanced due to the sweetness balancing the hops.

Insult me if you like, and I understand getting incredibly bored of IPAs but I fuckin love this beer.

>> No.8718922

What a specific joke

>> No.8718926

mah nigga

>> No.8718931

The people at both breweries had been friends for many years and everyone local knows Amterdam's reputation for hoppy beers, so it actually isn't as esoteric a joke as it seems.

The funnier part is that it sold like crazy and they've been making one batch every year since.

>> No.8718971

I'm not the biggest ipa person, but some of those crazy hopped beers really do turn into something great and surprisingly unique.

>> No.8719033

Bud, Coors... light lagers with a crapload of corn syrup/sugar adjunct.. Canadian and Blue are made in a similar vein.

I've had some American made Czech/Plzen style lagers that were pretty true to form. Despite being American Pilsner, they're not "American Pilsner" if that makes any sense at all.

>> No.8719044

I tried a few of the batches that led to this. The end result is great. The trials were dreadful.

>> No.8719058

They're adjunct lagers. I think the only one labeled pilsner is miller lite.

>> No.8719095

Jelly as fuck of that trillium senpai

Had a Rudenbach 2013 vintage the other night, was tasty as fuck. Little acetone-y toward the end tho

>> No.8719110

the terms are essentially synonymous, as much as they really shouldn't be.

>> No.8719124

They aren't. Even the old fart I rent a cabin from up north knows budweiser isn't a pilsner

>> No.8719155

It's named after Budejovice. Chances are it's the reason you see a beer named Czechvar and not Budvar.

Sadly, it's the most likely linchpin (by name and name alone) straining to hold the fizzy corn syrup abominations within earshot of anything resembling a real pilsner. God knows it isn't Old Style Pilsner.

>> No.8719765

Everything they do is just solid. They just don't release anything experimental or not worthy just to make a few bucks. I had their Petit Detour recently and it was awesome, I wish there were more Belgian-IPAs on the market. Surely there are tons of breweries that have caught up to them, but they've been around way before so many of them so I think they still deserve the hype/praise even though there are tons of great things on the market now. Must've been a treat to try their brews way back when their wasn't much else.

I've never seen this anywhere. Is it only distributed around the GTA or something? I can't wait for Thrust! Also looking forward to Octopus Wants to Fight returning. I've always looked for Robohop but can't seem to find it.

>> No.8720656

"Spicy sausage chili"?

>> No.8721322

but that's what i call my penis

>> No.8722858

Miller lite is much closer.

>> No.8723537
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The perfect beer.

>> No.8723590

To be fair, even the best pilsner isn't that good in the wider world of beer

>> No.8723594

Just got to get your parents to go to the local suburban old people neighborhood liquor store for you, then no line for KBS

>> No.8723768
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Tried a couple of these tonight. Nothing too complex but it'll definitely be a good choice for this summer.

>> No.8723981
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Had a few of these earlier. Tart, refreshing and super drinkable.

>> No.8724063

It depends what you're after. If you're going for a very clean, balanced beer that showcases how delicately hops and malt can be treated, there really isn't a whole lot else... a handful of freakshow blonde ales and kolschs (koelschen?) maybe.

I try to brew one every three months, just to see if I can absolutely nail a crisp beer that showcases S. Pastorianus, noble hops and lightly kilned malt without letting any specific flavour take over. A degree colder this month, a quarter ounce lighter on the hops, added ten minutes later, and 2oz more malt, mashed 2 degrees cooler... which basically means that I've been playing the right sport, but I've just entered the ballpark.