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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 427 KB, 640x438, less-caffeine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8708084 No.8708084 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so glad that there is no more coffee threads.
I hate coffee and everything about it.
Coffee makes me pee. Coffee makes my poop runny.
Coffee sucks,absolutely useless,waste of money.
Coffee is yellowing my teeth. Coffee makes me agitated.
Coffee is addictive. Coffee has no nutritional value.

>> No.8708090

>I'm so glad that there is no more coffee threads.
So you made one?

>> No.8708094

Worked at a Tim Hortons all through junior high (you were allowed to work at 12 with parental approval) and high school. Stank like coffee even after showering after my shift. Cant fucking stand the stuff to this day.

>> No.8708097

McDonalds make excellent coffee. Starbucks is good too, but McDonalds is better.

>> No.8708113
File: 91 KB, 808x768, No_Starbucks_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starbucks is good too

>> No.8708151

Coffee is shit. If people need 700 calories worth of other shit to make it taste good, it's not the fucking coffee that's good. It's a meme tier drink people buy for smell and cause you're supposed to

>> No.8708186


>> No.8708334

I'm not really big into coffee, I just take mine with enough milk to cool it down then chug. That being said, the taste is something I could see myself getting to like but I can't be fucked to get into it. I like tea more as a beverage, but coffee more as a stimulant

>> No.8708778

>Coffee makes my poop runny.
I beg your pardon?
Only children and adults with arrested development who wish they were drinking soda do this.

>> No.8708811

>>Coffee makes my poop runny.
>I beg your pardon?
coffee gives diarrhea.known fact.

>> No.8708815

It stimulates pooping but I've never had issues with consistency because of it. My coffee poops are more firm, in fact.

>> No.8709007

after cup of coffee I shit like a espresso machine

>> No.8709034
File: 72 KB, 560x300, dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love coffee but it has to be the darker roasts where the beans become oily. i don't know if this means i like actual coffee or just the taste of burnt beans.

>> No.8709044
File: 357 KB, 1024x576, Very burned garlic bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bread will go very well with that burnt coffee
same fucking idea

>> No.8709091
File: 572 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt_garlic bread + Very_burnt_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect food pairing.
Burnt charred bread with burnt charred dark roast coffee.
Double source of cancer.

The only marketing trick(scam) is that the coffee roasters can sell that burnt coffee at regular prices,
and bakers can't give burnt bread away for free. Go figure

>> No.8709110


>> No.8709582

The kettle chips always hit the spot desu

>> No.8710231

feels so good not drinking coffee any more

>> No.8710254

You're retarded if you think those people embody coffee drinkers

>> No.8710279

Remember guys stay away from buying coffee beans from internet coffee roasters-sellers.
They are bunch of crooks selling shitty quality coffee.
I will never trust them again.

>> No.8710319

This thread gave me the motivation to get up and brew another cup.


>> No.8710328

The only way I've drank coffee is black and with ice. People give me weird looks but its really refreshing

>> No.8710349

to show that I have strong will and can resist the urge to drink that evil beverage
I brew nice cup of coffee and walk to the toilet and pour all of into the toilet not taking even one single sip of it
>real man
>strong will
>commitment to principles

>> No.8710359
File: 30 KB, 250x235, 2014_Scho-ka-kola_tin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say coffee?

>> No.8710367
File: 300 KB, 241x216, 1463994025652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is that

>> No.8710408

It's fucking great, never heard of it?
I'm not sure in which countries it's available actually.

>> No.8710460

>strong will
>It's fucking great,

>> No.8710485

Who would have though.

Actually inside the tin there are multiple small, bite-sized wedges.
It's not intended for being gobbled down.

>> No.8710496
File: 36 KB, 705x397, an-ode-to-the-chip-butty_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so glad that there is no more coffee threads.
Really? This is awesome. Always hated those coffee faggot threads.

>> No.8710500


>> No.8710517


>> No.8710522

are you fucking kidding me
is this sandwich for real
>fuck this
>I'm ready to collapse

>> No.8710529

at least use whole grain bread you asshole

>> No.8710548
File: 79 KB, 1024x577, Dream Sandwich .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gourmet food by chef Gordon Ramsay

>> No.8710585

fucking amerikkkans

>> No.8710612

i agree. fuck coffee. fuck these "oh i cant make it throught the morning without my COFFEE". are you kidding. just wake the fuck up you addict, youre the most tired dude i know and its cause you chug that rat poison every morning

>> No.8710614

I'm so ashamed that I used to drink coffee.
I'm so ashamed to fall for this trickery.

>> No.8710634

Bet you order well done steaks

>> No.8710653

with burnt blackened potatoes

>> No.8711172

do you guys know that there are sickos working in some coffee shops that are pouring urine into the
coffee maker's water container mixing with water and yo are buying it and drinking this stuff,
you know like the low paid illegal immigrants or just other sick bustards who are hating their customers.
how gross is that

>> No.8711823

coffee go away from me

>> No.8711870
File: 72 KB, 440x406, 1372879193467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who gets diarrhea after drinking coffee should be removed from the gene pool

>> No.8712084

i love coffee but i started getting anxiety attacks because im an alcoholic, so i stopped drinking coffee

now i look at all those dummies saying they havent had their coffee in the morning for what they are: fucking faggots

>> No.8712101
File: 26 KB, 500x376, 1486449563500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an alcoholic so I stopped drinking coffee
I think your priorities are a little skewed there, bud.

>> No.8712112

well i quit booze too, probably should have mentioned that

>> No.8712492

Good for you anon. Very good, we need more strong people like yourself

>> No.8712504

ITT: Future Parkinson's sufferers venting their buttfrustration at the superior coffee drinking male.

>> No.8712547

>I'm bitter because I couldn't replace one addiction with another more socially acceptable one.

Whatever you gotta tell yourself, bub.

>> No.8712651

what are you talking about?
what's your point?

>> No.8713052
File: 107 KB, 736x768, I hate coffee culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8714805
File: 101 KB, 1000x493, wine-big-mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's another one of them faggot coffee threads in my /ck/

>> No.8714922
File: 470 KB, 967x768, promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, Please notice name of this anti-coffee thread.
Looks like coffee merchants were setting up coffee threads to advertise and push their coffee related stuff
especially roasted coffee sold over the internet using /ck/ as a Free promotion site.

>> No.8715006

I identify with "coffee culture" because coffee doesn't give me debilitating diarrhea?

>> No.8715177


>> No.8715184

>i need my disgusting mud water that i use as a delivery vector for 2 lbs of cream and sugar every morning or else i cant function!
>i'm a fucking addict, please send help!
coffee is a meme. bitter, disgusting shit. the culture is the worst part.

>> No.8715193

well coffee is for adults, OP. So why don't you shut the fuck up about it?

>> No.8715338
File: 103 KB, 600x600, coffee-folgers-classicroast-singles-regular-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there more tea bag shaped coffee products? Those are the most convenient if you don't have a machine and there's like only a couple brands of them

>> No.8715346

Empty teabags, keep string, refill with coffee, twist the top up and tie a double knot on it.
It's really cheap and you can use the tea in your coffeemaker anyways later, but doing so is pretty damn counterintuitive.

>> No.8715374

>Coffee makes me pee. Coffee makes my poop runny.
Sounds like a personal problem to me.
>Coffee sucks,absolutely useless,waste of money.
Which is why you brew your own to save fuckloads of money.
>Coffee is yellowing my teeth.
So dont drink a gallon a day and brush your teeth regularly
>Coffee makes me agitated.
Again, personal problem
>Coffee is addictive.
Only if youre a weak willed cuck
>Coffee has no nutritional value.
Objectively false

>> No.8715380

>If people need 700 calories worth of other shit to make it taste good
Those people have the palettes of children. You should be able to drink good coffee black.

>> No.8715383
File: 110 KB, 600x600, puke11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8715422

and majority of adults are intelligent enough to know that coffee and drinking coffee is pure bullshit waste of money activities
exposing you to unnecessary health hazards.

>> No.8715439

>>Coffee sucks,absolutely useless,waste of money.
>Which is why you brew your own to save fuckloads of money.
Even if you brew it yourself it costs money that could be used for much better things in life, more beneficial for human health.
>>Coffee is yellowing my teeth.
>So dont drink a gallon a day and brush your teeth regularly
Why to be expose to drink that is so negatively affects your appearance.
>>Coffee makes me agitated.
>Again, personal problem
Not personal but very well known fact affecting millions of coffee drinkers.
>>Coffee is addictive.
>Only if youre a weak willed cuck
You are wrong again spreading lies.

>> No.8715480

I like coffee

>> No.8715495

good move over there you weak minded faggot,

coffee appreciation thread

>> No.8715511

I like coffee too

>> No.8715515

GOOD, go and join this faggot >>8715495

>> No.8715521

Do you like coffee?

>> No.8715540
File: 70 KB, 512x768, tumblr_mc8qnseCY41r6wmavo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ the fucking thread's title you illiterate faggots,

post your coffee hate stories not your slimy love confessions
you two faggots listen to me now after reading your posts I must go now and vomit you making me so sick

>> No.8715550

You should drink some coffee.

>> No.8715581

I only drink coffee when I need to take massive shit otherwise coffee is useless

>> No.8715604

>people actually drink hot bean juice

>> No.8715606

I only inhale oxygen when I want to exhale carbon dioxide, otherwise oxygen is useless.

>> No.8716300

lame and not logical
Coffee is a big delusion and you can live perfectly healthy life without drinking this brown dish water.

>> No.8717342
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, coffee makes me poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Coffee makes my poop runny.

>> No.8717420

Which abstinence was worse? The coffee or the alcohol?

>> No.8718518

alcohol for sure. i miss coffee but nowhere near as much as alcohol

>> No.8718803
File: 64 KB, 319x291, no more coffee .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI, just like to express my dislike for coffee.
Very unnecessary substance to drink.

>> No.8719632

why coffee drinkers have such nasty mood swings, fucking assholes
I was walking today on the sidewalk and watched a guy flipping nuts at Starbucks because his coffee tasted bitter

>> No.8719648

The reason is because your coffee maker is filled with bacteria, ditch it and find a more hygienic method of preparation

>> No.8719962

I never stated what method of preparation I'm using so your assumption that I'm using coffee maker is wrong.
Runny shits after drinking coffee are happening to many people regardless of the method coffee is brewed.

>> No.8719995

Gives me diarrhea as well, also make my stomach upset

>> No.8720022
File: 30 KB, 220x165, Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8720049

came here to post this

>> No.8720049,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can't imagine my life without coffee

>> No.8720049,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I understand you, I can't start the morning without coffee either.