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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8707371 No.8707371 [Reply] [Original]

What you have for lunch?

I had cheap ass white bread sandwhich with mayonnaise, mustard, a microwaved tator-tot bar, and microwaved chicken liver.

>> No.8709113

m8 that's 4 fuckin Dillon's how u playing that ur poor cuz?

>> No.8709140

You've never had a poor man's meal unless you've eaten rice on its own out of a mug with salt seasoning.

>> No.8709189
File: 2.99 MB, 1080x1920, perfect every time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggbread with yogurt, since yogurt is as cheap as water on the Balkans.

>> No.8709205

Was poor growing up and rice, celery salt, and butter (if we had it) was common. Got damn good at cooking rice and still make it as a side

>> No.8709210

You are like a little baby.
I grew up eating bread, margarine and salt as my staple meal.

>> No.8709223

Toaster soup is the best.
Shake the crumbs from the toaster into a bowl of hot water and BAM! You got yourself a hot hearty meal!
Your welcome.

>> No.8709282
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that's nothing, we were too poor to eat bread, we used to have to make a gruel with flour and water and add grease we stole from the local diner's griddle trap. And we used to lick rocks for our daily sodium allowance.

>> No.8709291


Honestly I am broke so for dinner I went to the super market and took free packets of caesar dressing and croutons, took it home and put it in a bowl. Ate it like soup. Will probably get thousand island next time. To wash it down I drank tap water but I also went to starbucks with a cup and filled it with the free cream/milk thwy have there and added some nutmeg or cinnamon or whatever the spice was. It was ok.

>> No.8709293
File: 13 KB, 480x360, luxury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We used to only DREAM of flour and stolen grease. When we were hungry we'd have to walk miles along the snow covered roads looking for dead animals and paper cups and when we got home to our septic tank, where all 20 of us lived, our dad would come home and beat us with his wrench IF WE WERE LUCKY!

>> No.8709300
File: 25 KB, 538x328, Four-Yorkshiremen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you fortunate soul. When we were children we'd have to work 29 hours a day, and when we got back home to our pig corpse we lived in our parents would force us to eat well done steaks on fear of a beating. They were so well cooked they'd dry your mouth and crunch. They'd crunch!

>> No.8709405
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>well done steaks

You were lucky then. Every morning our dad would beat us then we'd have to wake up, have a handful of hot gravel for breakfast, then work 30 hours a day, come home, drink cold water through a rolled up newspaper and IF WE WERE LUCKY - our dad would kill us with a sock filled with empty A1 steak sauce bottles.

>> No.8709458
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Well played.

>> No.8709612
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But you know, we were happy in those days, although we were poor

>> No.8709627

Rocks for sodium? We had to wake up at three, all forty-seven of us living a portable restroom, and breathe in the petrol fumes of the manufacturing plant just to come close to ingesting a carbohydrate. But you tell the kids these days that and they won't believe you!

>> No.8709678

I had some chicken nuggets and chips. It was pretty nice desu, but I've been treating myself a little too much lately.

Generally i'll eat porridge with a cube or two of cooking chocolate for breakfast, try and skip lunch with coffee and some biscuits, and have spaghetti for dinner with a tablespoon of jar pasta sauce. Sometimes potatoes, carrots ad onions are 5kr (50p) for a kilo, and I'll have some healthy stuff, and then on Saturday I'll go out and treat myself to something for about 30kr (3 pounds ish). Last weekend it was a 1 kg bag of frozen berries.

I always keep a stock of sugar, flour and margarine, so I can make biscuits and pancakes for cheap.

But then it's like, I see chocolate for 1 pound and I'm studying for a year, living off of about 3000 pounds and I think, like chances are that spending an extra 10 quid won't make much difference for the future, but right now will make me feel like a normal human again, and I could make a simple burger with some solid cheese, have it with a cold beer.

>> No.8709814
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BECAUSE we were poor.

>> No.8709887
File: 127 KB, 1161x1161, Bovril-125g-60050151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a sandwich with margarine and Bovril. And coffee. Can't ever have enough coffee. Shit instant stuff but whatever.

>> No.8709973

Ill probably go grab a sandwich.

>> No.8709987

Home-baked breadrolls and anchovies. Remember to save a piece of bread to mop up the can afterwards

>> No.8710754

>Throwing away the middle part of the bread
Why not just fry the egg and the bread and just put the egg on the bread?

>> No.8710765

I chop up whatever vegetables are left wilting in the fridge, saute in a pan with a packet of soy sauce, break an egg over it, and then throw another pack of soy sauce on it when it's done.

>> No.8710799

Because the poors are stupid. Why else would they stay poor?

>> No.8710821

You say poor man,
but thats rich hipster food

>> No.8710888

Are you aboriginal?

>> No.8710915

I always use it to soak up the yolk.

>> No.8711495

Lettuce sandwich on cheap white bread with a little ranch. Was tasty.

>> No.8711723

>dry pan

you know your egg wouldn't stick to the pan if you melted a small pat of butter or sprayed it with non-stick spray.

>> No.8711727

Is vegemite cheap?

Or any good?

>> No.8711771

My local dollarama has bowls, and salt. I am never without either.

>> No.8711783

It's about 5 dollarydoos for a jar.

It's an acquired taste, I like it.

>> No.8711791

One breakfast burrito with hot sauce and coffee from McDonald's.. cost me a dollar something, be I got the coffee free. Also drank a cup of water.
Did not feel very well after, but as the day went on I felt fine

>> No.8712944

>being able to afford butter

Rich kid.

>> No.8712976

cabbage and sausage. It's yummy and will last for a couple of days.

>> No.8712993


Furikake, rice seasoning. Keep a few container on hand when broke.

>> No.8713067

Fuckin weeb

>> No.8713115


I am Asian. Can't deny that.

>> No.8713125

Most days, nothing, sometimes an apple or cheese and salami on rye.

>> No.8713126

Please, you expect me to believe that? Asians don't exist outside anime, you are white just like everyone else I disagree with, unless you insulted me in a way that got under my skin, in which case you are a nigger, and by nigger, I mean a black

>> No.8713145

That's racist

>> No.8713156

I have a very simple recipe I use when the month is at it's end.
Make some rice, then heat a pan with a drizzle of cheap oil and whatever spices you have on hand. Once pan is heated strir fry the rice. Add egg.

>> No.8713316

That's called toaster leavings, dude

>> No.8714133

Spent time in grad school with nothing but bullion and onion 'soup' which I ate from a coffee mug. I had to steal the onion