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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1024x682, coffee mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8705714 No.8705714 [Reply] [Original]

>don't talk to me till I've had my coffee!
>pours 6 month old folgers compost into unwashed coffee maker
>i just looooooooooovvve coffee!
>proceeds to drown coffee in flavored HFCS hazelnut coffeemate syrup """"creamer"""

>> No.8705721


>> No.8705731

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.8705736

The best part of waking up is folgers in your cup

>> No.8705737

op is describing about 90 percent of american coffee drinkers who drink it regularly

>> No.8705739

Looks like you've got a case of the Mondays!

>> No.8705746

Obsession detected.

>don't talk to me till I've had my tea!
>puts 6 month old Sainsbury tea bag into unwashed tea cup
>i just loooooooooooooooooooovveee tea!
>proceeds to drown tea in milk and sugar

>> No.8705750


that's how most people drink coffee, but they don't talk or think about it. it's not like there's a better thing to drink in the morning.

>> No.8705751

Normally, the answer to this question is no.

But OP is being incredibly accurate. And I hate it.

>> No.8705756

Hell nah...
Shit NO man, I believe you get your ass kicked for saying something like that

>> No.8705758

Triggered ameriburger detected

>> No.8705759


>> No.8705764
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Yes. A lot of us do.

Some of us aren't lazy, tasteless, faggots though.

If you can't drink coffee black, then you probably need to have hot chocolate.

>> No.8705769

Do Englishmen really do this?

>> No.8705771


>> No.8705773

Do Britlards really do this?

>> No.8705774

>do Americans really do this

Yes, but it's almost 100% American women. I've literally never met a man like this.

>> No.8705781

real men don't drink coffee

>> No.8705782


>dun tawk tuhmay 'ill aye add me tay!
>pits 6 moonth eld Sainsbree tay big ennte unwaysed tay coop
>aye jut loooooooooooooooooooo tay!
>prosaids tee drean tay 'en melk an shogur

how a sister fucking britbottle would say it

>> No.8705784
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For a while I was OP's post. I just started buying whole beans and I'm not a coffee faggot or anything, but its defiantly a step up. Instead of creamer I just use milk. Is that bad?

>> No.8705790

flavored creamers became popular because they cover up the taste of poorly made coffee, like you'd find in any diner or drip machine

you should be using real cream, but ideally good coffee doesn't require cream and stands on it's own
good coffee isn't bitter either

>> No.8705791

who cares

just drink the coffee

>> No.8705792
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>> No.8705822

>Goes to Starbucks and not Dunkin Donuts or a Cafe or making it on his own
>Orders a Chcoolate Mocha Caramel Machiato with whip cream and strawberry drizzle
>Drinks something that has more fat, sugar, and calories than a pint of Ben & Jerrys.

>> No.8705842
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>Dunkin Donuts

>> No.8705870

Forget about coffee, no one should talk to me until I've had my morning shit

>> No.8705884

i don't think there's anything wrong with putting some milk in your coffee

i drink mine black, but it's only sugar that i think really shouldn't go into a good cup of coffee

>> No.8706045

i hate coffee mate and internationa ldelight. it's not even real dairy. has a werid plasticy feelt o it

>> No.8706246
File: 88 KB, 434x516, screamsinternally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love coffee, but dont need coffee to function
>Get beans from local roasteries or shipped from random other places just to try something new
>Slowly collecting different brewing equipment and figuring out how to make the best brew with each one
>Will have it black or with cream and sugar or with fucking whip cream and covered in sprinkles if I happen to feel like it
>MFW surrounded by legit autistic faggots with OCD and BPD who get triggered by trying new things and anyone else liking what they don't like
>MFW no one can make a single thread/comment on /ck/ about anything to do with coffee without a bunch of fucking retards running in hooting and honking and waving their dicks around pissing all over everything

>> No.8706291

you just described every board

are you new?

>> No.8706339
File: 1.49 MB, 1065x902, 1427643344166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love coffee!
>goes into Starbucks and orders a long black
>has to explain to the barista that it's basically a short double Americano, water added first and with with less water
>she says that's a weird drink
>fumble with app to pay
>she sees you have a reward, and cashes that in on your cheap drink without asking
>you're too autistic to confront her about it and shuffle off to the handoff plane to wait for your drink
>the barista on bar hands you your drink, says he has no idea how you can drink practically straight espresso
>"W-well, if y-you really give it a chance and p-properly taste spi- I mean it, there's a-actually a s-s-sweet u-undertone to it"
>barista wasn't even listening, already onto the next drink
>you sit in the corner drinking your coffee, not on your phone or on a laptop because you're too busy staring down the baristas, running the whole scenario through your head over and over, trying to figure out how you can do better next time

This is my existence, help.

>> No.8706370

>long black


>> No.8706379

I don't get it

>> No.8706380
File: 96 KB, 900x600, 1461661805428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this board is so autistic about how to drink coffee. If people like creamer, why does it matter to you? Everyone has different preferences. I see this exact thread almost daily.

>> No.8706393


>> No.8706400

>next time

>> No.8706404

New Planet Earth on tonight

>> No.8706416

Holy shit I read that in Jamie Oliver's voice



>> No.8706425

>If people like creamer, why does it matter to you?

It's proof that I am better than a stranger based on my own arbitrary standards.
I have to make a post in order to achieve a tiny mote of personal satisfaction because my will to live is hanging by a thread and it requires all the strength I have to hold on and keep myself from slipping into the dark cold abyss.

I drink black coffee.
I roast my own fresh beans and I grind them myself.
I am better than you and I deserve to live, goddammit.

>> No.8706438

Thank you for this, holy kek

>> No.8706442


>> No.8706445

back to facebook faggot

>> No.8706465

Do UKfags really do this?

>> No.8706512

Milk is fine. Using heavy cream is usually better because it has less water, so it won't water the coffee down as much, but I do like drinking coffee with a tiny splash of milk sometimes. I usually drink it black, but everyone has preferences.

It's just triggering to see coworkers getting a cup of coffee and filling it with equal parts milk and a full 10 grams of sugar.

>> No.8706523

Why are all of you so obsessed with putting down imaginary people you perceive as somehow lesser?

>> No.8706526
File: 626 KB, 1200x675, instant-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee maker

Who has time for that shit?

>> No.8706529

Au-ways sores low-koo Bri'ish ingredients

>> No.8706530

Real men pop coffee cherrys and unroasted beans. TRUE BITTER EXCELLENCE

>> No.8706560

It's not your fault.

>> No.8706614

I mean I have a giant sack of kirkland signature sumatra whole bean coffee, it's a dark roast and I grind it up and make it in a french press and all that jazz, but when I worked overnight at Target the breakroom coffee was some absolutely vile pre-ground shit that managed to taste BOTH charred AND acidic at the same time.
I couldn't get it down unless I absolutely drenched it in powdered breakroom creamer, which made it palatable, but at that point I wasn't really drinking "coffee" anymore

>> No.8706645

pleb here

whats some good entry level beans to get if ive been drinking folgers from a drink brewer and want something better

i have a grinder

>> No.8706647


drip brewer***

>> No.8706674

I'd rec you some places online since I don't know if you have any local roasters but then I would be accused of shilling

>> No.8706746

they're europeans, anon, they can't help it
they're naturally obsessed

>> No.8707199


>> No.8707203

I'd say less than half of coffee drinkers. Most people just use sugar and milk or cream.

>> No.8707207


>> No.8707211

I really liked what I got from Blue Bottle the only time I ordered from there.
I spent $60 on coffee and it lasted me and my roommate a couple of months. I did it as a Christmas gift.
We drink too much coffee for it to be very economical but I do really like it.

For most daily drinking we just use Peet's that you get at the grocery store.

>> No.8707212

peets or eight oclock, ground with a BURR grinder

if you got a spice grinder (blade), get fucking real bro

>> No.8707213

This is true as fuck.

>> No.8707225

I've also found that women who hit up Starbucks daily aren't actually drinking coffee, or the coffee is a very small component of the drinks they purchase

>> No.8707226

This is the bigger crime. Bongs should be ashamed.

>> No.8707356

Next OP is going to shit on Sanka the king of all coffee.

>> No.8707372

I'm American male and can confirm. If I decide to drink coffee, it's straight black. I need caffeine, not sugar or fat.

>> No.8707543

that flavor of creamer in particular is fucking disgusting

Italian Sweet Creme is the way to go if you're not going to buy half and half

>> No.8707551


This is almost exactly how I drink my coffee, except I prefer Amaretto to Hazelnut

>> No.8707596

>Goes into Starbucks

Well there's your first mistake.

>> No.8707603

No, it's all bullshit.

My tub of Folgers only lasts three months and I drink it black.

>> No.8707865

Intelligentsia shill GTFO

Blue Bottle shill GTFO

>> No.8707874

/r9k/ goes to starbucks

>> No.8707881

Well look at that fancyboi with an actual coffee filter. I'm a grad student, and all we've got in the lab is a hot water heater only good for instant coffee.

>> No.8707886

The best part of waking up is not having died in your sleep.

>> No.8707911

that's the worst part

>> No.8707930

>Giving this much of a fuck
I bet the swill you make isn't all that great either.

>> No.8707943

I bought a shitty espresso machine for like 100$ and I buy packs of coffee for like 5 bucks and it makes me a way better coffee than thse disgusting drip coffees american drinks. i really don't understand

>> No.8708100

Do Americans really boil their water in microwaves instead of in a standalone electric kettle?

Fucking savages.

>> No.8708121
File: 1.11 MB, 320x240, wtf my man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an electric kettle....when I told my dad I use an electric kettle he was puzzled, he apparently didn't even know electric kettles were a thing

>> No.8708133

Im guilty of an iced caramel coffee coolata

>> No.8708137

I use a kettle on a stove. Microwaved water tastes off

>> No.8708150

Of course it does, it's got microwaves in it.

>> No.8708160

At least they don't purposely burn their coffee so it lasts longer like Starbucks.

>> No.8708173
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Brits BTFO!

>> No.8708175

Hahahahah holy fuck

this guy probably does exactly what is described in ops post

>> No.8708183
File: 120 KB, 2400x1590, Cafe-Au-Lait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm guessing y'all hate on cafe ole?

>> No.8708188

get the fuck back to where ever you came from

>> No.8708204


It's just cheeky banter, lads.

>> No.8708210

Savages indeed, it boils one way or another. Kettle or Microwave.

Thats bullshit. The only factor there is open air evaporation. In both cases its the same water.

>> No.8708234

>Spring water
>Whole Beans
>Almond Milk
Yup, you got me, exactly like the OP. I drink the shit coffee at work cause its free. I actually put effort into my coffee at home.

>> No.8708331

you get the fuck back to where ever you came from you fucking faggot

>> No.8708360

>putting effort into a caffeine delivery system
who even cares about coffee
It's one of the hipster staples that only losers still care about along with trendy beer and listening to obscure music before it gets popular
Seriously, why bother getting uppity about the subtle hints of non-garbage flavor that come out under the garbage flavor

>> No.8708366


How does one even boil multiple liters of water quickly in a microwave? Would it not bubble and go everywhere. Similarly, waiting for water to boil on a stove takes longer than necessary.

>> No.8708381

>muh hfcs

What exactly is the meme here? That it's somehow unhealthier than regular pure sugar or most refined sweeteners in general? That's it somehow worse tasting in a soda? (which I can guarantee you cannot ascertain the difference in)

>> No.8708384

Hello flyover.

>> No.8708402

fucking simpleton

>> No.8708552

Shit this hit a little close to home

>> No.8708564
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 0005000084808_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cheaper so it must be worse!

I only drink coffee for caffeine. I use pic related sometimes.

>> No.8708571

>that it's somehow worse tasting in a soda?
I don't understand what you meant by this but soda is fucking disgusting, always.