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File: 89 KB, 630x417, Eggs-and-Sausage-Breakfast-credit-iStockphoto-166474007-630x417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8705256 No.8705256 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/,

Kinda want to hear from people around the world on this one.

How often do you have breakfast?
Unless its a special occasion, I usually skip the meal.

>> No.8705294

I usually skip breakfast myself.
But, on the weekends, I'll leisurely make myself something since I have time. Usually it's some form of eggs, but this morning, I couldn't resist the leftover pizza staring at me in the fridge, and I had 2 pieces of that. Meh, I wish I'd made eggs and toast with some fruit on the side.

>> No.8705318

When I have a day off, I skip breakfast. But if I have work or a bunch of errands that day, I'll eat breakfast before heading out. It's hard for me to concentrate if I start getting hungry during work. I also only drink coffee on days I work.

>> No.8705320

I'm fucking starving when I wake up
Eggs or oatmeal or museli and yogurt, without fail

>> No.8705324

Usually skip because I'm unable to persuade myself to wake up extra early before work. I want to fix that but I'm not having luck.
I fucking love breakfast with the wide set of flavours usually on one dish. I just can't bring myself to stock all those perishable foods anymore.
Black pudding with ham on toast was god tier, with an apple to eat in the go.

>> No.8705344

Everyday. I hear people who skip breakfast are paradoxically fatter than people who don't. I don't eat meat and eggs, though, as that's not breakfast food in my country.

>> No.8705356

I never have an appetite in the morning so I skip eating breakfast. I do eat breakfast food for dinner pretty regularly though

>> No.8705358

Now that I have reread the OP, I would like to ammend my sentiment to "Always"

>> No.8705359

Breakfast is very necessary for me as I always wake in literal pain from hunger.

My breakfast is generally 1 grain+ 1 fruit but I have been trying to get eggs or Greek yogurt in as well because I need more protein.

A good breakfast for me is shredded wheat, banana slices, and milk microwaved together. Then I have yogurt.

>> No.8705509

It's probably because you'd be starving by dinner, so you overconsume.

>> No.8705520

Sometimes. I made corned beef hash with some toast today, but I usually don't go through that much effort. If I do eat in the morning, is usually something small. Maybe leftovers from dinner, or a bagel.

>> No.8705523

I only eat once a day. i DONT EVEN GET HUNGER PAINS

>> No.8705556

Woke up this morning and had powdered toast with blackberry jam.

Not normal for me but I had a craving.

What country?

>> No.8705743

i eat breakfast foods for dinner, but can't be bothered to cook that early for just myself.

>> No.8705757

i Intermittent fast on weekdays and dont eat till 12 or sometimes 2, but on weekends i eat over 2000 cals a day with what i saved from the week

>> No.8705833

On weekdays I usually just have some leftovers or a few peices of bread and fruit before work.

On weekends I cook a big breakfast of over easy eggs, bacon, and coffee for my girlfriend and myself. My favorite time of the week.

>> No.8705853
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usually only have it on sunday

>> No.8705895

I eat a breakfast of one form or another every day because I'm usually super hungry when I wake up
I absolutely hate it when I don't have enough time to eat breakfast before going to work in the morning either because I woke up late, or took too long to get ready.

>> No.8705929

The classic two cigarettes and a cup of coffee

>> No.8705941

it is very dependent on my schedule
ideally, its a toasted onion bagel with horseradish cream cheese with lox, red onion, tomato, and capers, with a mimosa or three, fresh squeezed valencias and blood orange
i prefer a quick and not especially heavy breakfast especially if i have to work (i'm a cook)

it usually ends up being more like whatever i can grab, i don't like drinking coffee but i end up drinking quite a bit
more often than not i slam a coffee on my way in and eat a little prep (i have to taste everything), in fact i don't really eat that much at all throughout the day except prep as part of my daily duties

on sundays or whatever my sunday is, i don't mind going all out, the more the better. i usually find myself cooking this meal for other people so its more about them. small dice potatoes cooked with onions bacon mushrooms bourbon, i like to do fritattas but usually just scrambled with cheese and chives, french toast (its all about the bread), tray of bacon, blueberry pancakes, maybe some crab cakes, lots of booze
sunday breakfast is pretty dependent on what you have for leftovers, if there's a brisket it'll find a way in there. i like eggs benedict but they're a pain in the ass especially if you're cooking everything else yourself. i could get a lot more specific about all of this

>> No.8705952

Breakfast of champions

>> No.8705963

I try to always eat breakfast because it makes me feel better and also because I fucking love breakfast food.

For my entire life I noticed that I always feel much better and more awake for my whole day when I have a good breakfast.

People who simply don't like to eat breakfast because they don't feel like it or dont like breakfast food are so fucking alien to me.

>> No.8705972

I have breakfast every day. I didn't know anyone who didn't until this year. If I go to classes hungry, I really can't focus.

>> No.8705987
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Every day

>Steel cut oatmeal cooked in the rice cooker overnight, mixed with peanut butter, honey and milk
>Quark mixed with honey
>Two cup of French press coffee with milk

>Big fluffy rice cooker pancake mixed with vanilla whey protein, with maple syrup and jam
>Breakfast sausages with maple syrup
>Coffee, vanilla chai or apple tea

>> No.8705996

Everyday after I wake up and shower and brush my teeth I eat 1 hard boiled egg, usually with salad dressing or hot sauce, and drink a cup of coffee.

>> No.8706097

Maybe once or twice a week.
I purposefully skip breakfast to reduce my calorie intake.

>> No.8706106
File: 81 KB, 1280x1024, some quark i guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quark mixed with honey.

I thought you meant the particle for a second there.

You learn something new everyday.

I'm just trying to figure out if this is something I can buy in the US now.

>> No.8706110

do americans really eat this?

>> No.8706116

I don't.

I'm still trying to figure out what's on that middle plate.

>> No.8706120

Looks like oatmeal?

>> No.8706127
File: 2.95 MB, 3840x2160, breakfast (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat breakfast every day.

>> No.8706132

If there are any farmer's markets around you, most dairy farms will sell quark, since it's so easy to make.

>> No.8706136
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, Chocolate gravy, biscuits, eggs with cheese, fried bologna and sausage, and tater rounds....Yummo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you got a fucking problem with it? not enough dog meat for your taste eh?

>> No.8706140

looks more like the kind of breakfast I ate when I was staying in the UK

>> No.8706143

I skip it most days because I prefer 2 large meals a day instead of 3 smaller ones. But when I do eat breakfast I like omelettes or rolled oats cooked in milk with honey and almonds

>> No.8706144

Cold cereal and fruit during the week, on weekends I go out for breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, etc.

>> No.8706145
File: 72 KB, 738x492, Cheese_blintzes_with_blackberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good suggestions for dishes before I keep tooling around on google?

Pic related, this looked p good.

>> No.8706146

That's some watery-ass oatmeal then.

>> No.8706147

>vanilla whey
scientifically proven that you can't deadlift over 4pl8 with anything besides plain or chocolate

>> No.8706154

I never cook it into anything, I just eat it by itself.

>> No.8706155

actually it was just right

>> No.8706158

If shakes count, i eat it daily, otherwise, about every other day, 2-4 eggs, same amount of slices of toast as eggs, some deli meat or bacon, and some asiago cheese or pepperjack if for a sandwixh

>> No.8706165

>"it looked like shit"

Well I'm glad it tasted good.

>> No.8706166

Here ya go.

>> No.8706200

I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning at least.

>> No.8706203

In some parts they call it "farmer's cheese" or if you can go to any eastern european grocer you can ask for "tvorog bessarabskii" or if youre closer to a german store its called "topfen" and some of the brands put golden raisins in which i dont like so much so watch out

>> No.8706209

Malt o Meal

>> No.8706329

I eat it every day. On weekdays it's almost always instant oatmeal and Greek yogurt, but on weekends I like to change it up and have something different like cereal or a toaster strudel. Although this morning I made some pancakes

>> No.8707843

Usually I just have yogurt.

>> No.8707853

Breakfast is a meme. You don't need to eat first thing when you wake up.

>> No.8707884

Breakfast every day.
Glass of milk
At least one egg, either fried or hard boiled
Crispbread or toast with pb&j or butter
Sausage or bacon, sometimes a small sirloin if I feel unusually hungry. Elk steak if I have it.

When I have something like leftover pico de gallo, I'll make an omelette and eat it with that.
Also, fried egg with leftover black beans and rice is really good.

>> No.8707895

growing up breakfast was always a thing, but now that I'm older I find that yeah sometimes I will just eat later after I wake up. I usually will try to drink a cup of water though.

>> No.8707963

what is that shiny thing?

>> No.8707977


>> No.8707979

You don't need to eat at any particular time, so all meals are memes by that metric

>> No.8708590

How come your ashtray isnt a circle with 4 notches in it?

>> No.8708672

those better be lucky strikes

>> No.8708895

Heavy protein breakfast , that shit looks amazing.

>> No.8709727
File: 255 KB, 2048x1536, a17e8d_7dfe7ba5fac74b07ae71c71595790f8c.jpg_srz_2048_1536_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liver mush over easy eggs grits and toast is my weekdaybreakfast.
>pic kinda related

>> No.8709740

One half of a everything bagel toasted and peanut butter. Pairs perfect with coffee in the car going to work. On the weekends it's usually a pancake or hash browns and omlette.

>> No.8709780

Wow, 2000 calories. Careful with that average amount of calories intake, anon. Might kill you.

>> No.8709792

I average around 4000 calories a day and I am still losing weight

>> No.8709822

Obvious sarcasm aside, I do 2600 to lose weight somewhat slowly, with cheat days on the weekends that go way higher.

>> No.8709827

What do you weigh.

This is a serious question.

>> No.8709828

90 kgs

>> No.8709832

Then why are you eating 700 calories over your TDEE to lose weight?

>> No.8709844

Work at construction.

>> No.8709851

I almost pity that.

I've been there.
Bring more water on site, no sodas. No energy drinks m8.

>> No.8709855
File: 172 KB, 600x407, bf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food of the gods.

>> No.8709869

I bring a two-liter of water every day to work, and I'm still parched most of the time. Didn't know how hard this shit was when I began, I felt like a wet noodle and I was losing weight faster than I knew how to deal with. No wonder these dudes all were laughing at me when I came to work with a small ass sandwich for lunch.

>> No.8709991

I work 3rd shift so breakfast for me is whatever was made for dinner for the rest of the family. On my days off, I'll usually do some variation of toast and eggs. Coffee with everything.

>> No.8709992

bacon and eggs as often as i can manage

these niggas having grains and fruit for breakfast i will never understand

>> No.8710031

Yeah but I don't usually eat breakfast for a few hours after I wake up, I'm not really hungry at first. This usually fucks up my eating schedule and I get hungry as fuck during times when I am unable to eat

My breakfast used to be eggs and avocado toast, but I've been making oatmeal more, so I pushed the eggs dish to lunchtime

>> No.8710098

If you must shout ...

>> No.8710112

I prefer French mushrooms. The breakfast of champignons.

>> No.8710155

The best is porrisge

>> No.8710201
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I have the same thing erry day, usually with less rasberries though

>> No.8710234

How many people does this serve?

>> No.8710257
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I get up early enough to make something, like today.

>> No.8710259
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>> No.8710302
File: 1.06 MB, 2880x1728, IMG_20170320_120216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 packet Quaker original oatmeal, 2 tablespoons chocolate PB2, a small banana, vanilla yogurt, kiddy multivitamins, and tea. Any opinions?

>> No.8710323

Is that a coffee cup full of milk?

>> No.8710368

no, it's a solid cylinder of ceramic with a handle

>> No.8710406

Is that a european thing?

>> No.8710412

What, drinking milk?

I'm pretty sure its done all over m8

>> No.8710422

no the solid cylinder of ceramic, what's the purpose of it?

>> No.8710434

You put your digestive biscuits on top, it really elevates them.

>> No.8710515

A pedestal for the mighty rich tea

>> No.8710538

I eat breakfast about 4 days a week (sometimes not for a few hours after I wake up).
But I have coffee with milk every morning, as well as vitamins and fiber supplement.

>> No.8710556

Why aren't you mixing the yogurt with the oatmeal

>> No.8710613

I did after the picture was taken

>> No.8710657
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I do to eat when I first wake up cause not hungry but I pack a breakfast with my lunch and eat that at first break around 9am.

I have been making English muffins with egg, chorizo, green onions and cheese, or breakfast burritos. Or everything bagels with eggs and bacon lately, when it gets warmer I make refrigerator oats with yogurt, I also make oat meal with steel cut oats cinnamon and peanut butter then slice a banana in it.

Make all the shit on Sunday then freeze it. Then grab it and throw it in with my lunch on my way out the door.

Saves me a lot of time and money

>> No.8710664

Good man

Probably better off buying oatmeal and yogurt that isn't single serving tho.

Always liked mixing in a little honey myself, stuff from a local that keeps bees is pretty top notch.

>> No.8710793

I have instant packets of almost every Quaker flavor for busy mornings and a container of old fashion when I have the time. I like the yogurt pots for different flavors and because if I get the big containers, I wouldn't go through it fast enough before it goes bad, also my commissary only has vanilla and strawberry banana in the bigger sizes.

>> No.8710798

Today I had one of those little jalapeno hummus and cracker snackpacks and two cans of dr pepper for breakfast because I'm tired of life.

>> No.8710974

I don't bother cooking for breakfast, either I'm up in the afternoon or I'm up early for class and I've got my head stuck so deep up my ass that I'm already digesting it, so I just grab whatever comes out of the sweets cupboard, usually cookies/biscuits or muffins or whatever I bought
When I'm at my parents' if there's some cake left or something I'll have that

>> No.8710997

Hear hear, good man!

I've considered getting some greek yogurt to replace some of the instant oatmeal I heat up in the mornings. Although when I'm in a hurry I'll scarf down a banana and some chocolate fairlife if I have it, or just go without.

>> No.8712317
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I'm Filipino. Grew up in the Philippines and we always have relatively heavy breakfasts
pic related. garlic fried rice with 2 eggs, some fresh veggies, cured beef. Usually served with coffee and some fruit too.

>> No.8712546
File: 1.80 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20150525_112307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely eat breakfast unless on the weekend. US here

>> No.8713826


>> No.8713974


Makes sense to me.

>> No.8714040

We call it cottage cheese here, but it's with the whey still. I can't seem to find actual quark; it's either cheese curds or cottage here.

You must have had a sad childhood, or are still living one.

>> No.8714054

I'd smash you baby xx

>> No.8714099

that is a lot of cheese!

>> No.8714171

egg whites and oatmeal in obscene quantities

weed if possible

>> No.8714184

Every day, but nothing huge and not a lot of grease/carbs.

Quick panfried chicken breast and some chickpeas, and I'm good to go.

>> No.8716069
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I don't make breakfast but I did make dinner.

>> No.8717123

It's great for meal replacement as it has 20-30 grams of protein per can. It tastes more acidic than plain yoghurt but you don't really eat it for the taste, you eat it for protein. You can finish one in 2 minutes, it's quick to eat.

>> No.8717132

I have breakfast every day I work but it's usually just toast and coffee, if I do a full english it's for dinner on one of my days off

>> No.8718011
File: 1.60 MB, 4128x2322, 20170322_083431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always eat breakfast, depends on how actually hungry I am. Today I woke up hungry, so here's the breakfast I just finished - cream of rice with 2 raw eggs mixed in. Basically an Americanized version of Japanese egg rice, because I couldn't be arsed to cook rice this morning, cream of rice cooks so fast, it's lovely.

>> No.8718034 [DELETED] 

le America XD. Look mom I said it again.

>> No.8718078

Is that white bread or some kind of dumpling?

>> No.8718114

>jam touching the microwaved scrambled egg
>those burnt chinks of potato

>> No.8718132

that porridge looks so good.

>> No.8718145

for real

>> No.8718190

Looks like biscuits and gravy friend