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8702675 No.8702675 [Reply] [Original]

is chef john really that good?

>> No.8702706



fuck you


>> No.8702713

I like his videos because the recipes are pretty simple. And he has a soothing voice.

>> No.8702732

cooks way too much unhealthy shit but his recipes are always solid at least

>> No.8702737

he got me through not drinking when I had untreated ulcerative colitis by watching like 3 of his vids every night to get me to sleep (not a joke)

>> No.8702751

his cadence is fucking irritating.

>> No.8702757

Soothing voice but the way he talks kinda pisses me off and he adds weird inflections with his words.

He'll start with a few words...

then he'll take a small pause....

and suddenly, he'll make a joke...

which won't be bad....

but then he'll pause again.....

and then it starts all over...

again and I hate it.....

A prime example.....

would be this video....


>> No.8702765


Goddamn it, yes this is exactly what I was talking about here: >>8702757

>> No.8702769

He's a great chef, and knows his food science, but never plays it up. Incredibly humble; so much so that when he fucks up, he shows you and explains how and why. He's also a great showman and teacher. His recipes are explained in a way that anyone can learn and do them. And he's got a great sense of humor to top it all off. He's playful and sarcastic in a way that I think you don't catch right away if yer not familiar with him.

>> No.8702781

I like how everything is a close up of the actual food so you can clearly see what's going on. I like the narration too. His style has wide appeal I guess

>> No.8702830

This is key here. The food and cooking techniques are given complete and total focus, while Chef John just sorta diffuses into the background, or the errant mixing bowl reflection, as an authoritative ethereal voice like watching a David Attenborough documentary.

>> No.8702875

At first his voice irritated me, but I started to enjoy it after a while, and he's never steered me wrong.

>> No.8702895

My dad has the same halting way of speaking that he does, so it doesn't bother me. But is is easily an order of magnitude better than any other youtube chef

>> No.8703885

Why does it happen?

>> No.8704039

he's pretty great, and once you get used to his way of speaking it's actually pretty soothing

>> No.8704095

this thread made me look his videos up. I watched a video where he makes a peanut curry and he says to use ketchup in it?

like I don't think that's right but I've never made curry before

>> No.8704114

I looked up which one that was and apparently he was going off another restaurant's recipe, in his other curries he always does tomato paste.

>> No.8704146

well the premise of his show is food wishes the viewers have - i don't think very many people are wishing for a good kale salad recipe

i've heard a lot of complaints about the way he talks but it's pretty fitting to his personality. i've only tried maybe five or six of his recipes so far but they've all been really solid.

>> No.8704286

ah okay

I guess it makes sense the way he put it, with the tomato and acid and sugar in it

just seemed weird to me. I'm actually looking forward to making that when Im not fucking broke

>> No.8704396

get well soon!

>> No.8704413

Dude has solid recipes.

He's legit.

>> No.8704433

Are you still not drinking?

>> No.8704443

He's Jack-tier. So no, he's garbage.

>> No.8704452

I credit my cooking skills to chef john.

I have been watching hes videos for years. I rarely copy any of his recipies, but I take notes of all of the techniques.

>> No.8704453


>> No.8704461

why are you angry...

people are allowed to have different opinions....

now we'll throw in the ginger...

>> No.8704470

I've learned more from Food Wishes than I ever did from Good Eats

I pretty much never actually do his recipes as he does them but I've picked up a ton of techniques

>> No.8704644

Mother fucker pisses me off he does the main thing before the bread or or roll for the shit and then makes you wait a week

>> No.8704649

I agree.....

Opinions are necessary....

for society to thrive....

but your opinion...

is absolutely shit....

>> No.8704652

You are comparing a professional chef to some fat slob who can't cook for shit. So no, you are not allowed to have this opinion, because it has no basis on reality.

Why don't you give us someone you like so we all can laugh at point at you for how shitty the person you like is?

>> No.8704656

ellipses much?

>> No.8704659

Chef John is so good and if anyone disagrees with me they should kill thy selve's.

I wish he made more videos than he does, I personally look forward to his new uploads every week.

>> No.8704661 [DELETED] 

Sandra Lee

>> No.8704665

It's almost like....

You didn't get the joke...

But that's okay....

because you're...

autistic and don't understand....

>> No.8704667

at least I don't type like a faggot

>> No.8704840

I think one of Chef John's secret of success is that he genuinely enjoys teaching people how to cook. His account is not about feeding his ego or getting dem dollarydoos.

>> No.8705213

In my dads case he had a stutter when a child and it developed after speech therapy

>> No.8705244

I like him but that good damn rising inflection pisses me off so much

California was a mistake

>> No.8705252


>> No.8705259
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>> No.8705271

is that what he really looks like?

>> No.8705277

Chef John is actually from Western New York

>> No.8706177
File: 31 KB, 805x211, 011 2016-12-14, 11_09_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chef john is fucking savage

>> No.8706204

damn chef John is a big guy

>> No.8706418

thank you :)

nah I started drinking again but only on the weekends so it sorta gives me something to look forward to instead of just drinking every single day

>> No.8706431


>> No.8706509

Wouldn't say he is amazing but he has a very nice style of a 'cooking show'
A nice clear voice, good instructions generally and fairly amusing without being obnoxious

The recipes are mostly decent

>> No.8706521


>> No.8706537


wow can't read this w/o his voice in my head

>> No.8706561

wtf I love chef John now

>> No.8706569

Whats the worst recipe Chef John has ever done that he didn't himself admit was bad?

>> No.8706606

that layered salad in a jar thing was pretty gay

>> No.8706638

He uses less salt and sugar than fast food franchises though.

His food isn't unhealthy as long as he exercises.

>> No.8706680

eggplant bacon

>> No.8706718

Has to be the instant mashed potato video. He just followed the directions from the package. That's probably what the company told him to do. Also his angry comments. That's the only one I've seen. His voice, bad jokes and the way he drones on makes this video unwatchable and it was under 5 minutes. If I pay him $100 do you think he'll let me throw a pie at his face while on camera?

>> No.8706726

link? sounds hilarious

>> No.8706729

Yeah he's got some pretty dope recipes and he presents them in a really nice way in my opinion.

The way he speaks can be a bit annoying at times but if you're purely in for the recipes, yeah he's bretty good.

>> No.8706749
File: 207 KB, 598x465, 1362629993093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John is a cool guy. In every video the focus is entirely on the ingredients and preparation. We should all hope he maintains this quality and doesn't whore himself out or go full e-celeb

>> No.8706755

Chef John is only good at classic Americana dishes or Eye-talian dishes. His ethnic dishes are shit.

>> No.8706757

Sports drink which he proceeded to add cheyenne.

>> No.8706771

wheres your youtube channel with 2 million subscribers so you can show us how to do it better?

oh you dont have one?

oh you dont have any friends?

oh youre an autistic shitposting on 4chan?


>> No.8706778

good cook but can't deal with the upwards inflection at the end of everything he says

>> No.8706781

Do you know what an opinion is, you dumb fucker? When you criticize movies, do you go around trying to make a better one?

>> No.8706814

I tried it and it was actually really good.
Cayenne has a really subtle flavor when used in small amounts.

>> No.8709188 [DELETED] 


>> No.8709237

no hes a sellout like all the other youtube chefs

>> No.8709250

For me it's not that he's a great chef (though I do like his recipes) but rather the fact that he isn't a twat about cooking.

Nearly every YouTube "chef" is either a housewife in her kitchen being filmed on a camcorder, Tasty-style "pour melted cheese over it until you run out of cheese!" artery clogging shit, or "man cooking" barbeque shit starring some redneck behind his ramshackle house.

Chef John admits when parts of a recipe don't work, admits his fuckups, and engages the viewer without being a douche.

Also I sexually roleplay as Chef John with my wife.

>> No.8709253

>you aren't allowed to criticize something unless you're an expert on the topic

What's it like being 13? I don't need to be a professional chef to say dog shit tastes bad.

>> No.8709257

"After all, you ARE the master of your blaster."

I could go all day but I have not the energy.
Go in my stead, friends. Chef john sex rp time.

>> No.8709274

Hi, this is Chef John from FOOD wishes DOT come wiiiiiitttthhh

Fucking that wet snatch until you bust! That's right!

Now, I like to start off with some light fingering...

But if you don't, that's okay!

Just make sure that pussy is good and wet...

And everything will work out!

>> No.8709276

I like Chef John's voice. Plus, I've learned a lot from him. He's pretty GOAT.

>> No.8710384

is it

>> No.8710558
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>> No.8710592

You can't be "pretty GOAT". You're either GOAT or you aren't.

>> No.8711344

The joke
Your head.

>> No.8711385


He is fully GOAT.

>> No.8711463

how is my head a joke especially since you haven't even seen it dumbass

>> No.8711485

He was right though if you look at his analytics the video didn't impact his subscriber base at all.

>> No.8711491

maybe, but doesn't change the fact he sperged out like a bitch

>> No.8711497

>Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to light this cigar with a hundred dollar bill to celebrate.
Holy shit BTFO. Does becoming a pro chef inoculate you against shitposts?

>> No.8711525

Yep, yep. But of course subscriber base isn't the issue for all these youtubers. Ad rev is paying less and less every year. It'll be over soon for folks that don't have legions of legions of subs like pewdiepie and the like

>> No.8711596

His cadence and inflection irritate me a little, but other than that he seems like a genuinely nice, chill kind of guy.

>> No.8711757

i've made a lot of his recepies, they're mostly pretty simple and tasty. overall a 9/10 site

>> No.8711810
File: 169 KB, 310x325, 1490061417390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, after I saw this video I bought that brand of instant potatoes at the grocery store. They actually are the best instant potatoes you can get, taste almost like fresh. I have like 6 packets in my pantry right now for lazy days where I need a quick side.

>> No.8711848 [DELETED] 





>> No.8711925

I hardly call that "sperging out". He was pretty calm about it actually and he has every right to defend his channel and the choices he makes for it. Jesus christ kill yourself.

>> No.8712600

he made a lot more comments than that one, that was one of like fifty

>> No.8712671

My sides.

>> No.8713612

ive seen lots of curry recipes that ask for ketchup

weird at first but actually normal

>> No.8713856


Ketchup can be a decent substitute for tomato paste if you cook it down, or just straight if you would need to add some manner of sweetener later.

>> No.8713881

helloo this iiis cheeeef joooooooooooohn from fooooooooodwishesdotcoooooooom

>> No.8713882


Makes sense. Ketchup is basically tomato + vinegar, and both of those are common curry ingredients.

>> No.8713902

He's got an onion ring recipe where his "secret ingredient" in the batter is instant mashed potatoes.

I tried it and it really works. Crunchiest breading I've ever had, but a wide margin.

>> No.8714255

started using that shit in literally everything i make because of glorious Chef John