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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 215 KB, 960x572, 1489859447835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8702180 No.8702180 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons into cake decorating or just general baking? What's the last thing you baked?

>> No.8702189

quite the bait picture there anon. This is a board of peace.

>> No.8702191


420 blaze it

>> No.8702192

>This is a board of peace.

>> No.8702200

Who is this woman. I want to see more than of her perfect femininity

>> No.8702203

What makes it a bait picture? It's a funny picture of a woman decorating a cake.

>> No.8702208
File: 151 KB, 517x358, espresso2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a board of peace.

>> No.8702214

Baking is too precise formed to enjoy

>> No.8702218
File: 110 KB, 869x357, 1489857510617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do all redditors type like massive fags?

>> No.8702231

genuinely thought this was a cake of a woman decorating the cake

>> No.8702234

I thought she'd baked herself into the cake for a while there made the whole image a lot weirder.

>> No.8702236

because if they don't they won't get any internet points

>> No.8702245
File: 143 KB, 543x522, 1486733054635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ.

>> No.8702255

Internet points and they feel the need to validate their masculinity by saying shit like "I AINT AFRAID TO PAINT MY DAUGHTERS NAILS!" because they say a tough-as-shit marine do it once and they feel very insecure as a male.

>> No.8702267

That would have been art tbqh

>> No.8702278

>matching the decorative palette to the decor


does look like a total stepford wife though

>> No.8702284


>> No.8702287


>> No.8702291


>> No.8702295


>> No.8702297

It's bait because it's a shop, the original picture had that many downvotes.

>> No.8702300


>> No.8702301


fucking millenials

>> No.8702307

not sure if this is baking but made granola bars the other week that turned out bretty good

also they had about zero sodium I think which is a plus but the down side is they're filled with fat from all the nuts

>> No.8702309

>whiteknighting Reddit

>> No.8702311
File: 130 KB, 1280x1799, Banana-Upside-Down-Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thing I baked was a banana upside down cake.
Great use of bananas near the end of their life.
Used this recipe:
Added 3/4 teaspoon of mace to the cake recipe because bananas go so well with mace.
It was fucking delicious.

>> No.8702320


>> No.8702322

>This board is peaceful, its inhabitants kind

>> No.8702355
File: 120 KB, 425x282, old dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thing I baked was my grandma's specialty - 4 different layers, light sponge, dark sponge, jam, almond-white wine cream. Made it for my dad's birthday cause my grandma is too old to make it now (94 oh shit)
I was pleasantly surprised that it came out as well as it did, considering that I had to make it following an old people recipe
>combine ingredients
>what is a temperature or time indication lol

>> No.8702368

did you bake an entire fucking vanilla bean in there ... have fun peeling that out when you actually wanna eat it

>> No.8702375


nigger it will take two seconds who gives a fuck

>> No.8702380

>I leave bay leaves in food when I serve it

>> No.8702386
File: 51 KB, 250x252, wrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only does it look like garbage it also doesnt make any sense from a taste point of view. a) vanilla and banana is a shit flavor combo b) the vanilla is just there at the bottom and doesnt get worked into the cake. its dumb as fuck

>> No.8702393

Can you show us some of your baking?
Cake decoration is a wonderful pastime.

>> No.8702394


it doesn't look like garbage, vanilla and banana is a great combination and the vanilla flavour pervades the caramel as well as releasing its aroma over the top of the cake when you flip it

u r dum


inedible things in food are particularly annoying when they're concealed and serve no purpose, this isn't like that though.

>> No.8702408

I'm not sure I understand what problem is with that picture. It's an obvious glamour shot of the woman and the cake.

>> No.8702413

swalllow a vanilla bean whole, it will make your turds smell amazing

>> No.8702429

>releasing its aroma over the top of the cake when you flip it

I wish for this to be a new /ck/ meme.

I'm giggling hard

>> No.8702441


>> No.8702442

I don't even know how this meme would be used.

>> No.8702447

>posting things you sincerely put work into and care about on /ck/

hahahaha we don't serve your kind around here only embittered alcoholics and fast food addicts

>> No.8702454

Sorry, friend. I don't have any pictures or videos on my work computer. I agree that it's a fun hobby. Very cathartic.

>> No.8702459

Fuck off.
People like you are the problem.

>> No.8702477


you will be able to smell it, i don't see how that's a meme.


the picture posted was from the recipe blog in the link, i didn't bake the cake, take the picture or even post the post to which the picture was attached.

>> No.8702480
File: 581 KB, 1280x800, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's actually a photographer who has published books

>> No.8702483

the banana cake actually looks pretty nice. sorry for being mean about the vanilla bean before. I dont know why I said that I think Im just having a bad day

>> No.8702484

/ck/ used to be all about taking retarded things people said about cooking and using them for threads with cooking tips.

I guess I'm seriously behind the times. I'll be over here with my mushroom brush and mushroom knife D:

>> No.8702487

But you don't understand, those pictures make some fatty on reddict feel uncomfortable because

>muh unattainable standards

>> No.8702499

>the problem.

oh no not shitposting and trolling on 4chan! Whatever will we do!

>> No.8702501
File: 129 KB, 533x533, 1477338129547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you feel better soon.

>> No.8702530

Might make this sometime: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2017/03/lemon-blueberry-scones-vegan-recipe.html

>> No.8702556

you're supposed to scrape the bean out so all the flavor gets distributed through the beans

sounds kinda degenerate

>> No.8702557

Damn, that photo is dope.

>> No.8702677
File: 1.74 MB, 1560x1984, vanilla-bean-paste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't follow the recipe directly since all I had was vanilla paste and not vanilla beans.
I prefer the paste over either beans or extract whenever a recipe calls for vanilla.

>> No.8702684

Hey Opiate thanks for helping me get GTA V running a few months ago.

>> No.8702693
File: 887 KB, 2560x1920, 0311171512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome buddy

hope every thing is smooth sailing from here on out

picture is a super glazed chocolate cake donut

>> No.8702708

lol what kind of cunt gets triggered by a cake

>> No.8702717

I was playing with GTAG almost every night for a while, but I got burnt out after the MC stuff ended. Also, cake donuts are best donuts.

>> No.8702718

The fat kind, especially if the cake is next to someone smaller and prettier than them.

>> No.8702983
File: 142 KB, 720x1280, IMG_3348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thing I baked was these chocolate orange cupcakes

>> No.8702990 [DELETED] 

II get where the commenter is coming from. That photo does look very "sterile" and robotic.

>> No.8703006

they just worded it in the most awkward way possible. that's totally what makes the pictures interesting, though

>> No.8703051

This woman has a strong jaw. It would have been very funny if she turned out to be trans.

>> No.8703052

It looks like you scraped a bunch of hair out from the inside of a shower and put a half assed ball of it on top

>> No.8703243

Last thing I baked was dark chocolate skillet cookies with white chocolate chips, filled with lemon curd. Lemon and chocolate might seem like a weird combination but they actually go really well together.

Tomorrow I'm going to try a banana bread-gingerbread hybrid. Hopefully it'll turn out okay.

>> No.8703300


>> No.8703312

I don't think you understand. People liked the comment so much they literally paid someone money to show how much they liked the comment. Imagine, getting paid to say stupid shit.

>> No.8703982

I want to murder this person

>> No.8703991

I recently made one I call Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. It is a 4 tiered pink pound cake with cream of meringue sandwiched between the layers, covered with a lemon yellow mascarpone with whipped cream on the top, and the marzipan of red flowers, apples, oranges, and grapes on the side. MMMM!!!

>> No.8704034

recipe? I love chocolate orange things

>> No.8704055

I bet he's one of those guys with a shitty beard that is all patchy and pubey but plays up how cool his beard is meanwhile he would look better without the weak beard and everyone with a proper full beard looks superior

>> No.8704092
File: 77 KB, 325x325, 7247427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704886

Cherry brownies. Here's the recipe. Sorry to the Americans who use volume measurements, but I don't and also you're wrong.

>125g butter
>150g dark chocolate
>225g light brown sugar
>50g cocoa powder
>100g plain flour
>1 tsp baking powder
>1 tsp coffee granules
>3 eggs
>200g fresh cherries, destoned and halved
>50g milk chocolate, roughly chopped

>preheat oven to 180C (356F) & prepare 20cm baking tin
>Melt butter, dark chocolate and sugar in a double boiler.
>Add cocoa powder, flour, baking bowder and coffee. Combine.
>Add eggs one at a time and mix
>mix in cherries and milk chocolate
>Bake for 25 mins or until a toothpick poked into the middle comes out with some solid gooey brownie stuck to it.

They're really good, trust me.

>> No.8704892

https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1155643/amazing-chocolate-cupcakes- this one but zest one orange into the batter before you put them in to the tins

>> No.8704929

projection: the post

that lumbersexual shit has been out of fashion for years, what part of flyover land are you posting from?

>> No.8704940

i bake and decorate cakes but i dont eat them so i throw them out

>> No.8705020
File: 90 KB, 800x533, 46829972.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Christine H. McConnell, although she usually does creepy cake designs for Halloween.

>> No.8705033
File: 674 KB, 1356x802, trigglypuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christine gets shit on constantly on Reddit because she is stunningly hot, extremely talented, and works her ass off at generating creative original work. She turned her hobbies of photography and creative baking into a book deal and a real business.

As a result, she got banned from /r/food because assholes were jealous of her, and when she posts her stuff elsewhere on Reddit she gets bitchy comments about how she shouldn't use Reddit for self-promotion and how she's showing everyone else up.

You'll note that in OP's image, the Redditor bitch is whining:
> as a woman I honestly find many of your pictures unsettling.

That's because picrelated is the portrait of Reddit womanhood.

>> No.8705042

>all this drama over some average looking chick taking pictures of herself
I've never heard of any of this and I have had a reddit account for like a year now ever since I got banned for having wrong opinions and had to find another place to shitpost

Found this


And it seems out of approximately 2900 replies, someone did a sort by controversial and used the most ridiculous response as evidence of a vast conspiracy to eliminate straight white women who just want to be housewives

I mean, we live in an age where a /r9k/ post became President of the United States so I shouldn't be too surprised, and yet I guess I let myself be surprised here

Also /r/food/ is even worse than /ck/ in terms of people jacking off over bachelor slop on a plate, and that's saying something

>> No.8705047
File: 162 KB, 750x750, woman-tied-gizmo-gremlin-fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTW, here's her Instagram, which I think is her preferred outlet now:

And her main website:

>> No.8705048

ok christine, we get it. you're oppressed and you've fled to 4chan, the bastion of free speech, to finally exercise your 2nd amendment rights

>> No.8705053

Anyone notice the cake leans to the left?

>> No.8705057
File: 1.35 MB, 3955x4016, mREILLH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average looking chick

>> No.8705059

>dressing like a princess is manly
>bragging he got laid by his gf
>don't talk to me or my gf's niece ever again
That is the most cringeworthy thing I've read in awhile.

>> No.8705061

Ha. I knew that was coming.

If I were Christine, I'd be too busy playing with my tits to post on 4chan.

>> No.8705070

She is thin and has no obvious physical defects, that is basically average by my definition but I know some places in America are full of fat fucks and just not being morbidly obese is like some radical accomplishment that instantly elevates a woman to like 8/10 status

>> No.8705103
File: 16 KB, 330x257, 1472767699117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they ARE autistic faggots. I hate that god damn place so much.

>> No.8705398

How come even the women on reddit are cringy losers?

>> No.8705810

I guess the last think I baked was a chicken breast and roasted veggies for dinner last night, but that's not super interesting, and it's not really sweets.

>> No.8706066
File: 120 KB, 660x495, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make this monstrosity. It's a cinnamon bun pie, where the filling and cream cheese topping are baked on top of the dough.

>> No.8706099
File: 954 KB, 2620x2361, Y1jkw0H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you talk shit about my idol you bastard!

>> No.8706115
File: 464 KB, 2563x1733, xPHMNJK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this woman has a bigger man jaw than myself and shes' fucking gorgeous, those fucking fatties need to shut the fuck up and lose some weight because this woman could have looked at her face in the mirror and given up and she didn't and for that she is an example of attainable beauty standards for all of us.

>> No.8706139

that garterbelt

>> No.8706156
File: 310 KB, 512x490, Screen Shot 2017-03-18 at 6.21.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> diego montaña de hispeñero carradero

>> No.8706322

Is that Mexican for "she looks like a horse"?

>> No.8706462

I just noticed the dog. I'd love to be her dog. I'd leghump her every night.

>> No.8706639

reddit hates fat women and trigglypuff especially you mong

>> No.8706663
File: 238 KB, 555x670, 8598338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8706695

>What's the last thing you baked?

>> No.8706735


>> No.8706783
File: 71 KB, 452x363, 1485425475774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally fedora: the meme

>> No.8706824


>> No.8707081
File: 19 KB, 326x294, 1489896278101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8707085
File: 70 KB, 622x621, 1489787063537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8707113
File: 1.63 MB, 2448x3264, FB_IMG_1486936295924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic - orange drizzle cake.

>> No.8707267

Do you post pictures on Facebook for validation and attention?

>> No.8707343 [DELETED] 

No but I keep them as a harsh reminder.

>> No.8707509
File: 1.41 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20170227_09_39_51_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought some 9 inch round pans. Been itching to bake a cake for a while now. I'll get around to it soon.

Brownies were the last sweet thing I baked but I didn't take a pic.

King cake is the last sweet thing I baked that I took a picture of

>> No.8707615

I'd rather be the carrot

>> No.8707973

it's reddit.

>> No.8707991


>> No.8708280
File: 746 KB, 4128x2322, 20161005_101334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love baking and I hope to own my own bakery one day.
I wish ck had more baking threads!
Here's an indv. size carrot cake I made.

>> No.8708284
File: 253 KB, 767x1363, 20161005_101334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty image, sorry

>> No.8708291
File: 159 KB, 581x1032, 20160928_090708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn cookies

>> No.8708295
File: 292 KB, 1363x767, 20160911_094537_Richtone(HDR).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch babby

>> No.8708387

those look incredible

>> No.8708413
File: 103 KB, 320x270, 1456404631578isabelle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.8708549

I baked an angel food cake a couple days ago. It's all gone already.

I really like them but they're such a hassle to make.

>> No.8708612

Trigglypuff *****IS***** Reddit.

>> No.8708626


>> No.8709732

Holy fucking shit, you can feel the gravitational pull from all the sweaty jealous hambeasts posting there.

>> No.8709800


Made that the other day, with walnuts and other tweaks because I don't have any pecans until I go with my mom to Costco. It was alright.

>> No.8710107

It's funny because if it were a dude you'd never see another guy going "You seem to represent an almost impossible-to-attain portrait of manhood and as a man I find many of your pictures unsettling"

>> No.8710197

>angie memes
>current year
what are you doing with your life

>> No.8710207
File: 1.93 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20170226_15_51_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make 3 cinnamon roll recipes, instead of slicing each roll, braid the 3 rolls like picture. Include lemon and orange zest in cinnamon sugar filling. ice with a simple drizzly white icing and color accordingly with colored sugar.

>> No.8710213

Never been to /r9k/?

>> No.8710215
File: 1.40 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20170226_20_05_23_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8710226

Is that supposed to look like mold?

>> No.8710227

Yeah, it's because men want to out do other men, and whinging about shit makes you a pussa faggot boy. Women do not have that limitation, so their prefered strategy is to push other women down rather than elevate themselves, probably since it's so much easier.

>> No.8710299

Not the guy you replied to but no man has ever been to /r9k/. Only teenagers and genetic catastrophes.

>> No.8710333
File: 109 KB, 600x796, ___ THE VAST AND MAJESTIC GULF OF TIME AND SPACE THE JIMMIES RUSTLE SOFTLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8710341

The grey stuff really does look like mold in that pic.

>> No.8710352

Stepford wives are beautiful, happy, and love their family.

>> No.8710374


Ding ding ding, we have a winner

>> No.8710426

t. curious mischief

>> No.8710481

How does she stay thin with all that baking?

>> No.8710509

>Imagine, getting paid to say stupid shit.

So it's like being a lefty news reporter?

>> No.8710581

You're retarded. A millennial would never be able to appreciate her.

>> No.8710624

I have a real blender, so I can obliterate vanilla beans for 100% efficiency when putting them in anything wet.

>> No.8710642

It's a king cake. That's gold, green, and purple colored sugar on top.

I remember when you posted that in Feb. Your shit looks good brah.

>> No.8710693

Fuck yes, and there's more salt in those comments than in the Pacific fucking Ocean.

>> No.8710877

Why does the recipe keep insisting on "nondairy milk"? Is this a shitty vegan blog?

Actually, the Reddit admins throw "reddit gold" around anonymously to make people think that "giving gold" is a thing. It isn't.

>> No.8710911

The commenter doesn't get paid. Reddit gets paid and then grants the user a month of improved user interface for each $4.

>> No.8710913

You're as moronic as the people who actually gift gold if you think it's fake. I have the misfortune to know two people that 'gild' others. They actually brag about it.

>> No.8710996

>attention whore gets so btfo that she can't even post on reddit any more
wew I truly have seen everything.

>> No.8711005

You guys know they can both be true, right? Gold is a revenue stream for them but in order to popularize its use, Admins can gild specific highly upvoted posts as a form of advertising for reddit gold? It would be like stickying posts with a 4chan pass and saying HEY THIS GUY GOT A 4CHAN PASS and then letting people gift each other 4chan passes to sticky posts they really liked. If it doesn't cost Reddit anything to advertise gold in this way, there is literally no reason for them not to do it. It's entirely possible a significant percent of gilded posts are fake admin advertising but that still leaves thousands of people who paid for it

>> No.8711033

>It's entirely possible a significant percent of gilded posts are fake admin advertising

I believe that some are fake but the fact is traffic is so huge that I doubt it is significant.

>> No.8711048
File: 101 KB, 592x1052, 373b5510-9e62-4449-a237-6f3b28fd9fc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this Chocolate Flan. Lightning doesnt help

>> No.8711307
File: 9 KB, 264x200, Ragrets+_4563d75776f616079a3774e27ef8ce08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's purple. Maybe the lighting was off. In person it looked like purple sugar. I usually spritz the sugar with a little water to darken the color and set the sugar into the icing layer below a little bit. plus it makes it look authentic because the new orleans bakeries ice and stuff the cakes in plastic bags while they are still warm and the bag gets steam, condenses the water vapor, and the icing runs a little..... childhood memories...


Thanks brochacho.

I need to bake more soon. I just started a sourdough starter project with flour and water, attempting to catch the wild yeasties. I'll try to post something up in a couple weeks about it. in the mean time I hope to do a 2 tier cake or some other bread.

I ordered graham flour from anson mills in south carolina and i used that to make some pancakes over the weekend. they came out excellent but i didn't take any pictures because they looked very much like run of the mill, 5 star, blow your mind pancakes.

>> No.8711360

>Why does the recipe keep insisting on "nondairy milk

It could be for pH reasons... or for texture.

It's probably because its a vegan shit blog, but there are other possibilities.

>> No.8711364

just bought some flour and yeast how do i make bread

>> No.8712062


Acquire salt and yeast.

Watch youtube videos.

>> No.8712133

is salt needed or is it just for taste? i dont have any

>> No.8712138


It is needed for taste.

>> No.8712341

you could crack a walnut on that jaw

>> No.8712345

Id fucking love cracking a nut on that jaw.

>> No.8712348

Ignore this, salt is for controlling the yeast. Follow recipes, don't wing it.

>> No.8712501

Put the flour in the freezer at least a couple days in case there's grain weevil eggs in it. They can bore through paper, plastic, and drywall, and reproduce fast since they do so via traumatic insemination so they don't even need to line up parts. If you get them, they can stick around for years.

>> No.8712551

why not store it in the freezer forever? what are the drawbacks?

>> No.8713105

>ywn have a tentacle monster inside your fridge craving for your dick

>> No.8713118


salt retards yeast growth but it is not *necessary* to make bread, this is why tuscan bread exists - although everyone fucking hates it.

>> No.8713121

>bake some potato bread
>looks good
>taste it
>realize I forgot the salt
>try to sprinkle some salt on a slice
>its just not the same

These where dark day.

>> No.8713123
File: 71 KB, 500x318, sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I look at these pictures the more I'm put off by them

There's the stepford thing, which is neither here nor there, but there's also the fact that this woman has a weird fixation on a lame notion of femininity/purity, contrasted with monster rape

Now don't get me wrong monster rape is one of the best things ever, but she pretty much ruins it with her pretty princess syndrome. As they say you can't rape the willing. This one seems a little too willing. Plus the yankee new england rich white woman thing is only hot if there is either (a) no self awareness whatsoever, or (b) it's done so artfully, like with Ralph-Lauren-universe finesse, that it doesn't matter if it's fantasy or not. This has an icky combination of intense self awareness and lack of creativity, just no thanks

I bet she moderates a tyrannical subreddit about purse collecting and uses her mod powers to bully random people for no particular reason other than power tripping

I will refrain from posting my sex, my sexual orientation, my age, or my race, so as not to rule out any one person with their axe to grind with whomever. Am I a permavirgin white knight, a jealous ham planet, am I christine herself? Let your imagination run wild, anons, and bring on the donwnboats. Also this is more than three sentences so I automatically get accused of copypasta as well

>> No.8713137

Did you not read the post? How fucking terrible is your reading comprehension? The person said they loved and admired the artistic craft and did not want the artist to get the impression that it was some complaint against her standards of attractiveness, as many reddit faggots would.

>> No.8713343

Tl;Dr: Nice copy pasta, ham planetoid.

>> No.8713355

>salt retards yeast growth

In the percentages used in recipes, it is only for taste. Salt does not retard the yeast. This is a wives tale, repeated by people who dont bake.

Go make two loaves of white bread today. Add no salt to one, add double the salt that the recipe calls for in the other. They will rise the same. Salty loaf will taste better.

>> No.8713375
File: 2.12 MB, 1462x1462, 1477110326801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm having a infantile insecure reaction to your art. In what ways do you think this is your fault?

>> No.8713389

Because you dunked your nuts into them. It's okay to get turned on by food, Anon, but adding your genitals doesn't make it a recipe.

>> No.8713393

>you will never ever make someone this butthurt simply by existing

fucking kill me already

>> No.8713396

Maybe you can? Get or stay fit, get a fit bf, notice obese women getting sour.

>> No.8713399

I am pretty fit. If I were a girl, my body would definitely have triggered somebody. Sadly, guys don't tend to get this buttblasted this easily

>> No.8714551


The lowest quality bait I have ever seen.

>> No.8714997

its funny because she intentionally does make really creepy stuff for halloween and whatnot. cant imagine being such a pussy (literally female) that you get creeped by normal pics

>> No.8715112
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok im back heres my bread
didnt oil the bowl good enough so i cant take out the whole loaf, oh well

>> No.8715630
File: 85 KB, 917x516, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep meaning to post this picture but I keep getting distracted by the shit going on in this thread and then forgetting

I made this for my roommate's birthday last month.

>> No.8715643

It's ok for her to be your idol, but hands off. That's my waifu you're looking at.

>> No.8716559


>> No.8717080

>Reddit is Voat

Is this literally your first day on the internet?

>> No.8717556


salt does retard yeast growth, as will many things you might add to bread. it's not a wives tale you pringus, you can indeed use salt to to inhibit fermentation - but you are right in saying the effect is relatively small at normal concentrations.

>> No.8719139

fuckn lol only on /ck/