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File: 573 KB, 884x636, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694852 No.8694852 [Reply] [Original]

why can't beer people just stop being the worst people on the planet for just a single day?

It looks fine


>> No.8694855

estrogens in beer make men passive aggressive and whiny like women

>> No.8694856

Guinness is disgusting fucking mud no matter how it's poured.

>> No.8694865

>it looks fine

I don't give two fucks about Guinness or Ireland, but no. Just no. That doesn't look fine, and that's not okay.

Learn how to pour a proper pint, especially if you're going to profess to be a dumb tacky "Irish themed pub".

>> No.8694882
File: 152 KB, 474x700, glassyrei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you the way that you are? What went wrong? Can you tell me or are you incapable?

>> No.8694907

I'd still drink it but it should have a finger of head inside the glass.

>> No.8694952

>be you
>exist this long on earth
>still don't have the cognition to recognize the difference between food in advertisements and real food

You know, I've never gotten a party of bikini girls for buying beer either.

>> No.8694976

Nah, it's a great beer mixer.

>> No.8694984
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>Be Vancouver
>Be shit at everything
Not surprised, to be honest

>> No.8695017

>Not wanting your beer manhandled like a shot deer
>Wanting your beer to be delicately placed on the table like a small purring kitten




>> No.8695179

I actually live in Vancouver and went there for lunch, and it's not remotely Irish-themed or even a pub. The only reason they posted this was for St. Patrick's Day.

God people are terrible. Beer pouring autism is shit-tier autism

>> No.8695188

>I actually live in Vancouver and went there for lunch
Of course you did, that's where you work

>> No.8695204

Yeah, it's a popular spot for people on their lunch break

>> No.8696572

>preferring cutesy looking foam to being served more beer

>> No.8696607

The foam is apart of Guinness though, it's not like a head on beer. The top on Guinness improves the drink

>> No.8696612

This. I barely even drink and I know this.

>> No.8696615


Vancouverfag here as well. Fuck fake Irish pubs. As a matter of fact, fuck Vancouver in general. The only reason I stay is because of mad property values once we make another million dollars here (we're at 3.3 mil so far) I'm leaving this shitty place (only redeeming factor is the mountains/ocean/nature)

>> No.8696633

>it's not like a head on beer
it literally is that thing
>I barely even drink and I know this.
if you did drink you'd know it's bullshit

>> No.8696640

>The top on Guinness improves the drink

The only way to "improve" Guinness is to leave it in the barrel where it belongs.

>> No.8696844
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170317_213017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just poured myself a glass of homebrew stout to celebrate st Pattie.


>> No.8696867

Been saying it for years. This whole craft beer revolution is nothing short of a complete meme. Notice how it suckers in the worst of the worst: beta numales. Here is a pro tip for you twinks. Just do us all a favor and transition already so us alphas have some fucktoys. You're shitting up the planet and ruining the dynamic with your current approach.

>> No.8696885

Guinness is one of the biggest brewery's in the world, ain't no fucking craft brew.

>> No.8696909

Middle aged man here. I only recently learned what a "twink" is from one of my gay friends, and you've apparently known the word for years. Ever consider that you might be happier if you came to grips with your sexuality? If you moved out of your conservative hellhole you'd find acceptance - most of the country is not like where you live.

>> No.8696916

As an Irish man I find this pint insulting. There's no excuse for this. I've never worked in a bar and can pour a better Guinness than this.

>> No.8696920

Good effort! Enjoy :)

>> No.8696922

Cheers mate. I recently brewed a stout myself. It's a bit lowly carbonated but the best I brewed up until now. Damn shame one needs N2 gas to get that creamy foam

>> No.8696923

Not the guy you're responding too but what exactly are you trying to say?

>> No.8696935
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It's quite different, really. Much thicker and more stable. Almost like the cream that floats on an Irish coffee. It's just not the same without drinking through it.

>> No.8696951

I'm saying when you're bitterly ranting for years in obscure gay subculture slang about how the gays are shitting up the plant and ruining "the dynamic" (presumably some aspect of sexual attraction), triggered by stuff that has nothing to do with sex like a picture of Guinness, it makes you sound like a closeted Republican congressman whose parents secretly sent him off to Jesus camp at 16 to cure the gay, but all it did was confuse him even more and make him really fucked up and angry

>> No.8696955

>obscure gay subculture slang
I wouldn't say it's obscure. It's been used frequently on 4chan for years.

>> No.8697146

What the hell are you rambling about

>> No.8697149

Id sooner drink my piss than guiness

>> No.8697155

Nobody believes you. Post pics.

>> No.8697159


Was gonna post this, beat me to it.

>> No.8697162


>> No.8697179
File: 87 KB, 900x900, 1481903220368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips *

>> No.8697184

>people go to pub for beer
>pubs job to serve beer
>cant do it well

Gosh i wonder what the problem here could be

>> No.8697186
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, roight fuckin sick cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats VB. Nothing.

>> No.8697191

>being this schizophrenic

>> No.8697225

>why can't beer people just stop being the worst people on the planet
Europeans are not 'beer people'. Very, very few of them drink good beer

>> No.8697231

Beer people are the fucking worst
>tried an ipa
>tastes like shit ass soap

>no trust me anon its good. It has 11 point alcohol content

Fuck beer, and fuck wine too

>> No.8697234

head has an important role in beer drinking.

the foam blocks oxygen from reaching the beer and spoiling the flavor.

you should have some head, and not drink it off.

>> No.8697238

>spoiling the flavor

>impling beer has any flavor

>> No.8697248

yeah but beer people don't drink Guinness, the Bud Light of stout

>> No.8697268

Guinness is for pies and stews, not for drinking

>implying anywhere in the world outside of Europe knows shit about beer

>> No.8697275

>spoiling the flavor in the 10-30 mins it takes to drink

I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about

>> No.8697281

Do you live in 1975?

The typical American knows more than the typical European about beer these days by a huge margin. Belgium is pretty much the only part of Europe that knows shit about beer and they are a pretty tiny place, hardly typical of Europe as a whole

>> No.8697288


>> No.8697291

Yeah, the real reason head is good is because it dramatically increases the surface area of the solution allowing more of the volatile compounds of beer to enter the air, especially as those bubbles pop, and be smelled as you are drinking. These chemicals entering your nose improve your ability to taste beer, this is also why you should drink from a glass rather than bottle/can

>> No.8697304

>typical American knows more than the typical European about beer
The typical American and the typical European both drink piss lager bought in tinnies from a supermarket or Corona with a wedge of lime in it. Neither knows shit about beer.
The difference is that the range of American 'beer enthusiasts' extends about as far as the second most popular west coast microbrewery and their selection of totally-not-IPAs with slightly differentiated levels of hops, whereas Europe at least has a millennium of brewing tradition even if none of the fuckers know anything about it.

>> No.8697306

Fuck off, redditor. You don't know shit.

>> No.8697308
File: 24 KB, 400x400, kalby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweetie, quit bringing up your millenniums. It's not true and no one even cares.

>> No.8697312

So much THIS! Came into the thread for this, was NOT disappointed.

>> No.8697318

>brewing tradition is irrelevant, Americans know all about beer from the 15 years it's been trendy to order something that comes in a short brown bottle instead of a bug light
Yeah you're a fag lad, move along

>> No.8697322

Guinness isn't a craft beer, but I'm sorry you like drinking piss water. I bet you think pbr is good shit.

>> No.8697323

>so assblasted he resorts to insults
Dumbass :^)

>> No.8697329
File: 114 KB, 360x717, 1469499602993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone I don't like is an american

>> No.8697332

Not an argument.

>> No.8697336

I didn't know projection resolution was now available in 3D

>> No.8697337
File: 766 KB, 2000x2000, 1489401333217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm annoyed that they spilled the beer everywhere.

>> No.8697339
File: 54 KB, 250x238, IMG_0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer people have become more pretentious than wine people. And I didn't think anyone could be more pretentious than a wine snob.

>> No.8697343

That's the realest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.8697346
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSAs don't like it when you call them out

>> No.8697349

>when the dementia kicks in

>> No.8697351

Wine culture has been taken over by single mothers drinking out of a fucking box. It's not hard to surpass that.

>> No.8697356

You realize America was settled by Europeans who brought the exact same brewing culture with the. Pretty much the entire north was settled by Irish and German people

Your analysis is insane

>> No.8697364

Kek. Hard to top 30 year old drunk fatass single mothers

>> No.8697367

That's just what he said you inbred retard.

>> No.8697372

t. fat single mother with a wine box

>> No.8697377

You have the attitude of a pretentious fatass 30 year old drunk fat single mother

>> No.8697378
File: 48 KB, 639x635, ClGU-OSWQAQ4Rl6.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm no... You don't know my life or my struggle... Okay..!

>> No.8697796


>> No.8697853

I used to watch a lot of Stargate and I want to visit the woods in North Vancouver.

Are there a lot of Chinese people that go to those woods? If there are Chinese people there, then it will ruin my trip cause I so fucking hate the fucks.

>> No.8698076

Can you read? It's not Irish, it's not a pub, and it's not trying to be. Great job on your pyramid scheme now your children will get a fat inheritance when you neck yourself

>> No.8698080

off topic and rude

>> No.8698192
File: 100 KB, 501x585, 1405559219794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only reason I stay is because of mad property values once we make another million dollars here (we're at 3.3 mil so far) I'm leaving this shitty place