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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8692140 No.8692140 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realize there's no reason to eat meat when vegetarian meat products exist

>> No.8692144

>No reason besides taste
Might as well drink soylent

>> No.8692146
File: 84 KB, 452x500, for every animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8692147

>mfe vegetarian """""meat""""" tastes like shit

>> No.8692158

Actually it tastes better

>> No.8692210

Grandma you Jamaican caregiver shouldn't let you shitpost this late

>> No.8692212


>> No.8692219



>> No.8692225
File: 46 KB, 480x323, seitan ribz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good meat substitute I've ever had was this stuff called seitan. The stuff not only tasted pretty good, it was actually so close to real meat in texture and flavor that the vegetarians in the cafeteria didn't trust it and wouldn't eat it. It has a grain and everything. I looked it up later and it turned out that it's made from wheat and is pretty much pure gluten. High in protein, tastes great, and it very nearly fooled a lot of people into thinking it actually was real meat. The Japs did it again with this stuff.

Pic related is seitan.

>> No.8692234
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Would you eat this vegan burger, /ck/?

>> No.8692240
File: 299 KB, 680x598, 1480118099335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize there's no reason to eat vegetarian meat products when meat exists

>> No.8692251

No, it's too fucking big. Give me a burger that actually fits in my damn mouth.

>> No.8692255

Can't get huge.

>> No.8692268

why eat a (pale) subtitute of the meat im not allowed to eat.

lets put this another way: would you rather fuck a onahole or a ACTUAL pussy?
if you said onahole you are a idiot.
no straight guy turns down pussy...

as denis leary said meat tastes like murder and murder tastes good!

>> No.8692387

I'll give you something that will fit in your mouth
*unzips dick*

>> No.8692392
File: 708 KB, 606x4347, 1489597878319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8692397

Satan fooling you with his thinly veiled name in his wheat based meat

>> No.8692402

Your cock has a zipper? Damn, I wish mine could do that.

>> No.8692403

> vegetarian meat products
They're not meat products though. That's literally the whole point. They're also shit.

There are plenty of good vegetarian meals. None of them involve modern meat "substitutes".

>> No.8692648

This. I like lots of vegetarian meals, but having these substitutes is just plain pretension.

>> No.8692672
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-15-02-30-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize there's no reason to make good posts when shitposts exist

>> No.8692678

That "cheese" looks fucking revolting

>> No.8692686


You're allowed to eat vegan food without being a vegan, you know.

>> No.8692692

I like Morningstar riblets but they aren't as good as ribs.

>> No.8692794

Except it's not meat

It's almost as non nutritional as McDonalds. Tofu burgers are even worse

>> No.8692803


>> No.8692812

guy has a tiny mouth, are you saying you have a tiny dick?

>> No.8692815
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize there's no reason not to eat meat when meat products exist

>> No.8692821

>Eat fake meat
>Become nigger faggot


>> No.8692826

have fun being unhealthy and denying the fact that you're an omnivore all because you're a hipster

>> No.8692829


>> No.8692841

If you prefer meat substitutes because of their flavor then you do you. If you're concerned about some of the bad health aspects to eating as much meat as people these days do that's also valid.

If you go vegetarian or vegan because of ethical reasons then you're not considering that the animals you're saving exist solely for our consumption and the use of their byproducts. When everyone stops eating meat for ethical reasons, then every cow, chicken, pig, and turkey on the planet gets slaughtered and left to rot in the sun. They will be useless to us and are not fit to exist in nature any longer.

Not ragging on people for their diet choices here, just reminding everyone how the world works. It's like forests in a world where people are starting to recycle paper more. Conservationists are trying to find reasons to cut down trees and use them. As long as a forest is more economically valuable as a forest and not a parking lot then it stays a forest.

>> No.8692986

Too bad there's factory farms cramming animals into spaces where they can't even walk about.

>> No.8693009

you seem to completely forget that the preferences of the consumer go into the equation, the more people take an ecofriendly point of view the more of a selling point ecofriendliness is for companies. same goes with meat, at least where i live theres a definite trend towards higher quality meat on fewer occasions (though thats still different for working class obviously), by creating demands you shape the economy, at least a tiny bit.
you also completely leave out politics, which is pretty much solely based on what a majority of the people wants in the western democracies.
and even if you simplify the world as much as you do, its just idiotic to think the only reason to keep animals is for the meat

>> No.8693075

Sure, I'll give it a try whenever I manage to learn how to open my jaw like a goddamn snake.

>> No.8693080

Someone explain to me how this is supposed to be eaten

>> No.8693095


>Hey, you shouldn't eat delicious roasted meats.
>It's bad and wrong. Badwrong.
>Instead, eat this disgusting amalgam of grains and algae and synthetic proteins and mashed up yard waste that looks, smells, and tastes like shit.
>You know, because cows are people too.

The bacon on my breakfast bagel was just slightly too crispy so I picked it off and threw it away. I put leftover steak on the bagel instead.

>> No.8693097

>fake cheese
>fake bacon
>fake beef

Fake news

>> No.8693099

Yeah. Too bad. Lmao

>> No.8693100


>> No.8693396

Someone post Filthy Frank eating the vegan sandwich, please.

>> No.8693420
File: 8 KB, 218x231, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no reason to eat meat when vegetarian meat products exist
The reason is me wanting to eat meat, and that's all I need

>> No.8693453
File: 34 KB, 412x322, bacon sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw meat is tasty and soya meat subtitutes taste like shit.
My daughter is vegan and I've tasted some of the stuff she eats. I love my vegetables and fruit. But I also like pic

She's 19 and can decide for herself.

>> No.8693472

overaged b&

>> No.8693475

Does She shave her pussy

>> No.8693497

>there's no reason to eat meat when vegetarian meat products exist

Don't those products just exist because people want to eat meat?

Meat alternatives exist so vegetarians can more easily stomach being vegetarians, they're not a substitute for what normal people eat.

>> No.8693729


It's either more expensive than meat or requires you to invest a lot more time/prep.

>> No.8694300

why don't vegetarians ever think about how many plants they're torturing?

>> No.8694404

... tvp should only be used to stretch meat.