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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 1024x744, microwave[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8684000 No.8684000 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. Are people just so stupid they don't know how to clear leftover time? They don't know how long they want to cook their food for? Their autism flares when the timer finishes? They're trying to be edgy not cooking their hot pocket for the full time the box told them too?

What possible reason is there to leave time on the microwave?

>> No.8684060

they are lazy, great thread, really made me think

>> No.8684063

to trigger autists like you.

>> No.8684075

Because some microwaves are dumb and make it too much work to set a specific time rather than just pushing a single button for preset time. I always clear leftover time though because I use the clock on the microwave.

>> No.8684079

if i saw this i would put in random numbers everytime i passed the microwave from then on

>> No.8684297


I like to leave some time, to remind other passers-by that time is always there, always passing, never stopping for anyone. It will put you in the grave one day op, and it won't give two shits. It'll just keep on passing by for forever after you are long gone and your entire species has vanished from the universe.

>> No.8684310


>making up bullshit to justify being lazy

Joke or not, you'd make a great art student

>> No.8684317

I'm sure it's this. Whoever wrote the note obviously is accustomed to seeing the time on the microwave and they're not necessarily lazy just spoiled.

OP should call a house meeting to announce that he has a neurosis that is horribly triggered by notes being left on things. Checkmate. Problem solved.

>> No.8684324

I always set the timer as high as it'll go as a courtesy to the other people using it. It's like refilling the coffee pot when it's empty, putting more salt in the salt shaker or refilling the sugar jar.

>> No.8684342

OCD but didn't fix the t in leftover?
you a little bitch

>> No.8684349

my microwave resets automatically after some time

the light goes out too if you leave the door open for too long

>> No.8684535

No one is this petty and weird that they could possibly care about something like this, right?
This is a joke.

>> No.8685872

literally who cares about anyone elses OCD

neck yourselves

>> No.8685901
File: 8 KB, 83x304, 1344803788653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm busy. I'm getting in and out, I stop it at 1 second or whatever left, depending on how fucking annoying it is to set a specific time for my food. then I just leave and take my food with me.
This isn't a toilet seat issue, where it's best to leave it down because when you flush it some shit particles get sprayed around, because there is no cleanliness issue with leaving time on a microwave.

And anybody with "ocd" deserves to be pissed off. It's called willpower. My music is too loud at 75 but too low at 70. i keep it at 72-73 and deal with it even though it looks funny

>> No.8685924


i always punch 99:99 and then just stand there until it looks cooked. i don't clear it. does this trigger you?

>> No.8685929

The microwave is not displaying a time.

You have obviously never had roommates.

>> No.8685941

holy fuck that's genius

>> No.8685944

I do this, and when it finally hits zero, I service my magnetron. Fuck consumer culture.

>> No.8685955

I take it out early because I hate the ding.

>> No.8685957


yeah i only have to enter numbers once a month or so. most of the time i just put it in, press start, and take it out.

>> No.8685962

because the note is photoshopped onto an unplugged microwave

>> No.8685980

I bet this was an office environment, and someone bitched to a superior anonymously, so they wrote a note to "handle" the person's complaint.

As others pointed out, this would be fixed by a quality microwave that was purchased just to be the kind that reset themselves. As far as why people don't do it in the first place? They're probably used to not needing to do it or knowing 400 microwaves look differently, some with simple minute and :30 buttons, even if you need only 1:22 to get there, but why bother to master the exact entry. When it looks done, open the door, walk away.

Office/workplaces have a far more scary time keeping microwaves clean by not supplying plastic wrap to cover food, or people that burn popcorn and stink up the place. I've worked in places that actually had "no popcorn" signs up.

>> No.8685981


no the fuck it is not. that would take longer than just writing a post it note and putting it onto a microwave, you dumbass.

>> No.8685989

everything else with memes on the internet is real too

>> No.8685996

I like to guess what the next user will be heating up and try to put the right amount of time on the clock so that they don't have to.

>> No.8686002


you must be some sort of mentally challenged autismo if that's the level of paranoia, that you can't imagine someone posting a postit note on a microwave.

>> No.8686008


what meme? what the fuck are you talking about, retard?

>> No.8686023


>> No.8686043

>le OCD I'm so wacky xxxdd
I would begin to intentionally leave time on the microwave if I saw this

>> No.8686044


why are you posting a random song?

>> No.8686047

I have never in my life seen a sticky note that perfectly square after being stuck somewhere. This is obviously a shop made to troll retards

>> No.8686048

First of all, why? If it was faked, someone could have just put it on their own microwave and snapped a picture a Hell of a lot faster and easier than using photoship.

Second, my microwave doesn't display anything if the time is not set. I think most are like that, and given the annoyance involved most people do not set microwave clocks.

>> No.8686056

sometimes i miscalculate converting minutes to microwave time and have to open it midway

>> No.8686062


i've never seen a postit note that WASN'T perfectly square. you are a FUCKING idiot if you think someone photoshopped a post it note onto a microwave when everyone already has post it notes, a microwave, anda cell phone.

double digit IQ's around here i tell ya

>> No.8686067
File: 202 KB, 470x595, IMG_1863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686097

They get crumpled or the bottom folds up a bit. Literally every time, because only the top strip is sticky. Go fuck yourself retard

>> No.8686106

to save some in case the next person needs to use it

>> No.8686215


no, they fucking don't. because you write on them and then stick them on something. nothing happens to make them crinkle. you don't know shit, you're just making things up with your imagination.

>> No.8686241
File: 49 KB, 540x540, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching anons lose their fucking minds over post-it notes

>> No.8686287

I worked in an office full of people who would stick them on their monitors, and none of them resembled the OP which is clearly photoshopped, why are you defending it so adamantely

>> No.8686376


because it's NOT fucking photoshopped. it's a fucking postit note on a fucking microwave.

>> No.8686392

oh my fucking god you fucking autistic fuckwit nobody fucking cares just please for the love of everything holy just shut the fuck up about your fucking postit note obsession jesus fucking christ goddammit you are not fucking sherlock fucking holmes or csi-man or whatever the fuck you think you are holy fucking shit just let it goddamn go fuckfuckfuckfuck

>> No.8686411

I know right OP #AutisticLivesMatter

>> No.8686448

Looks like a shoop to me. I mean the microwave isn't even on, and the note just looks weird

>> No.8686466


define fucking weird. it looks normal as shit to me. the microwave doesn't have a display. lots of them do that. so what.

even if it did look weird and it was unplugged it's still ALWAYS more likely someone WROTE ON A FUCKING POST IT NOTE AND THEN SOMEONE TOOK A PICTURE.

i'd like to microwave fucking all of you.

>> No.8686508
File: 155 KB, 1024x744, 1489464317562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shadow on top
>shadow on bottom
seems legit, those floor lights that are all over the place ya know

>> No.8686533


there's no shadow on top. there's a shadow on bottom just like there should be. you schizophrenic paranoid freak.

>> No.8688520
File: 20 KB, 636x386, microwave espionage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8688522

I like to stop my 'wave on dubs like 0:55

>> No.8688526

I don't like the beeping noise the microwave makes and I don't want to annoy anyone else in the house when I'm heating my tendies up at 2 in the morning so I always stop it when there's 0:01 left.

>> No.8688528

I like to photoshop images of microwaves to trigger the autists

>> No.8688543

I like to post post it notes without folding any of the corners

it's super hard but some of us have O.C.D. and it drives us crazy

>> No.8688644

>openly telling people you have OCD

nah you don't suffer from it

>> No.8688668

>always passing, never stopping
>static, stopped time left on microwave
uh huh

>> No.8688850

>sometimes i miscalculate converting minutes to microwave time and have to open it midway
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8688872

Whoever wrote that note does not having fucking OCD, they are simply a massive cunt control freak like 99.9999999% of people who claim to have the disorder


>> No.8688917

Too basic. Put up a second note in direct contradiction of the first saying that you also have OCD and blank microwave times trigger it.

>> No.8689486

My eyes actually change colours

>> No.8689510
File: 25 KB, 233x216, 1484380919883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing up I used to stop the microwave on 1 second all the time
>dad would go to use microwave
>puts food in microwave
>hits start button
>microwave runs for 1 second then goes into absurdly long beeping sequence
>like 5 long beeps during which you can't hit cancel or stop or any other buttons
>mfw it would make him so fucking mad every time
Fuck you dad, you faggot

>> No.8689531


>> No.8689879

>visual snow

holy shit what? there's a word for this?
thank you anon

>> No.8690182
File: 208 KB, 1024x744, MW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long before something interrupts you while you wait, and you forget about it until it starts burning, setting fire to your whole home?

Sticker and buttons are not on the same plan.

>> No.8690191

If this was at my work, I would make a point of adding "leftover time" to the microwave. I'd walk by the lunchroom and just pound some numbers in.

>> No.8690196


Why would something interrupt you for the short time you're waiting on the microwave? Surely whatever it is can wait two minutes. If it's honestly an emergency then you shut the microwave off and go take care of it.

>> No.8690211

And if you rotate it to horizontal then the sides are perfectly straight, which was my point. Thus, it's fake

>> No.8690260

I fucking hate this meme.

>> No.8690634

For example, something that only requires 5 seconds in the room next to the kitchen. You just go there, do your thing, come back check the microwave.
Except you saw something in the room that reminded you of something important, and you went to do it forgetting the microwave.

Idk, lurk kitchen disaster threads, it's not rare to forget a microwave turned on.

>> No.8690646

>You just go there,

No you don't. It can wait for the 2 min while you're watching the microwave. You don't leave the microwave because that creates the potential of you forgetting it. You stay there. you wait until the microwave is done. Then you go back to the room next to the kitchen.

>> No.8690651

I know that. People who forget their microwaves apparently don't.

>> No.8690838

I leave leftover time on the microwave because if I let it stop by itself, it dings 4 times annoyingly even if I open the door when it dings. And you know, some people may be asleep.

>> No.8690862

i rarely use my microwave, but when i do i just press 3 or 4 random numbers and then open the door when i feel like enough time has passed or i hear it exploding

>> No.8690870

>it dings 4 times annoyingly even if I open the door
i'd be so pissed if i bought a new microwave and discovered this shit

>> No.8690885

i think mine does that too
i found it in the trash so that explains things
i'm this anon >>8690862 so it doesn't affect me