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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8664607 No.8664607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which ethnicity has the worst cuisine?

>> No.8664613 [DELETED] 

Chinese or Mexican.

>> No.8664623


>> No.8664633

>Literally plain meat over a fire

>> No.8664660

Hawaii or Filipino

>> No.8664664


>> No.8664670

The middle-east

>> No.8664671

Not an ethnicity

>> No.8664672

Not an argument.

>> No.8664675

Yeah it kinda is since the question was "what ethnicity"

>> No.8664677 [DELETED] 

Lol, yuropoor detected. Americans literally improve every other nation's cuisine from pizza and hamburgers to Tex-Mex and Cajun, to American Chinese food.

>> No.8664682


>> No.8664683

>Not nationality.

>> No.8664687

Hawaiian is weird, but in a good way. Definitely not the worst.

>> No.8664688

Americans of all ethnic persuasions

>> No.8664691

Cajun is good Tex Mex is garbage

>> No.8664696

kek, this tbdesu

>> No.8664701

'on't 'ver 'uckin 'ply me 'gain 'aggot

>> No.8664706

Brit food seems so bland, outside of like fish and chips? Every other culture either has tasty fast food or good home meals.

I would go sofar as to name India as the next worst because (at least in my experience) their food is more spice than actual food - and weirdly the Indians I work with are proud of that.

>> No.8664709

Eastern Europe and Finland

African countries too, probably

>> No.8664711

sorry, got AIM what's your sn?

>> No.8664719
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Mexican or British


>> No.8664720 [DELETED] 

I would go sofar as to name India as the next worst because (at least in my experience) their food is more spice than actual food - and weirdly the Indians I work with are proud of that.

Third world food is always shit because they were too dumb to invent refrigeration so their cuisine is just rotting meat disguised with the nearest spices they could find.

>> No.8664741

It's just bizarre, when I tried their food I asked why I couldn't taste the meat and they're just like
>it's supposed to be that way lol
Any Pajeets on /ck/ who can comment?

>> No.8664773

Rural Cambodian food is pretty fucking horrific. Lots of low quality fermented fish and meat where the flavor is so pungent the only way to mask it is with a shit load of chilies and salt

>> No.8664776


>> No.8664786

It's because we like slices, dullwit

>> No.8664789

Papua New Guinean, unless you particularly like roasted bats and insect grubs on a leaf.

Cambodia is weird because of Pol Pot. He slaughtered something like a quarter of the population, focusing on anyone who was intelligent. Then he forced everyone to become farmers to create an "agrarian communist paradise".

So, naturally, they all starved. By the end of it, they literally were reduced to eating spiders from the forests. They are actually proud of that and now they serve those as a tourist-trap "delicacy".

>> No.8664793
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It's Phillipino cuisine. Unimaginative and derivative. Compared with every other Asian cuisine they get blown the fuck out. The worst part is though if you point this out to any flip, they start freaking the fuck out and autistically yelling SISIG and ADOBO like no one else has figured out marinated meats before.

>> No.8664810
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>India as the next worst

>not labeling India as the worst

>> No.8664817

My mom immigrated over during the genocides. Her family were from the rural part but weren't considered poor by Khmer standards. The shit my great grandparents were into eating was from a timeframe before the KR got involved and were trying to restart the calendar from year one. A big part of it was being in a rural undeveloped country you didn't have refrigeration so you ate all the offals first, cured the actual meat and used the bones and horns for meal. I grew up on that shit and I never liked it. I'll eat it when I am visiting that side because my mom and grandparents are more in to eating the modern stuff found in the cities. Every now and again something pops up that my great grandparents would eat and I can't stomach it.

>> No.8664820

Oh ok so it's not just them but Indian food in general. Thanks for clearing this up mate!

>> No.8664827


>> No.8664844

tbf they're the most powerful race in the world

>> No.8664855

honestly? slavic cuisine is the worst. its like german food, but more bland and fatty

>> No.8664915

Yes, I too prefer crickets on tortillas,

>> No.8664921

>used the bones and horns for meal
What would they make out of that, gelatin? Or did they compost it to enrich their garden plot? I've never used bones for anything unless you count making chicken stock.

Glad your mom escaped.

>> No.8664940


My vote goes here as well. Anything they have that is unique is terrible or has already been done better.

>> No.8664946
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In what way?

I bet your name isn't even Frank.

>> No.8664984

Don't they literally eat leftovers picked from the trash?

>> No.8664987

I must have missed the lesson in class about British being an ethnicity

>> No.8664993
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Flips by far have the worst food


>> No.8665000

Never had Lebanese food before?

>> No.8665020
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That's a fact. It's a thing we can't deny.

>> No.8665045

Are you guys just doing the epic poo meme when you say India? They have one of the most diverse cuisines in the World, and utilize spices like no other country.

>> No.8665048

I still remember being 100% sure this was a joke when I first heard about it.

Fucking bongistanis

>> No.8665082
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>When someone says Chinese, Indian, or American

>> No.8665498


are you gay?

>> No.8665510

>t. buttblasted argie

>> No.8665515
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>> No.8665516
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white people

>> No.8665517

>They have one of the most diverse cuisines in the World

Everything is curry

>> No.8665518

What is Anglo Saxon?

>> No.8665521

ITT: people don't know what ethnicity means

>> No.8665528

And those curries differ greatly depending on where you are in the country. They eat other things too, of course.

>> No.8665531

>white people who can't admit they have the worst cuisine

>> No.8665688

Indian food in Britain is better. Any decent food found in India is likely thanks to British rule anyway.

>> No.8665708


>> No.8665709

>delicious flies and mud

>> No.8665715


>> No.8665732

american whites

>> No.8665743

Aboriginal Australians.

>> No.8666327

M-m-muh churrasco

Overhyped, overpriced tourist shit

>> No.8666334


>> No.8666336

Get fucked

>> No.8666345

Why? You are the worst after the Britbongs

>> No.8666408

Another vote for Filipino.
As already pointed out, its hilarious how they so fiercely defend their completely shitty cuisine. In first world cities there are restaurants representing all the world's great foods, but Filipino restaurants are rare as hen's teeth, and populated only by Filipinos, because nobody else really likes their shit. You'd think a country of almost 100 million could do better, but nah.

>> No.8666415


>> No.8666419

good one

>> No.8666423


>> No.8666435

Deep fried tarantula tastes just like soft-shell crab.

>> No.8666755
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>> No.8666763


>> No.8666771


>> No.8666773

I forgot about Filipinos. I change my answer from Polish to Filipino.

>> No.8666781


Wherever that pic is from, it ain't the PI. I had a job offer in Manila once, I turned it down because the food is just that horrible.

>> No.8666793


Those real TV dinners from the 70's, served in a foil plate thingy, were 100% better than what passes for them today. My favorite was the Salisbury Steak with onions and mushrooms. I'm drooling just remember them. Yes, I am that old.

>> No.8666808

Consider that mouthfeel tho

>> No.8666809

any non White culture.