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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8662235 No.8662235 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking coffee RIGHT FUCKING NOW you fucking cum guzzlers?

>> No.8662237 [DELETED] 

Because I'm guzzling cum instead.

>> No.8662244

cause its 6pm

>> No.8662245

>drinking coffee after 5pm

>> No.8662246

becuse my housemate is using the kitchen and i dont want to even look at his stupid fucking face let alone stand around for a few minutes aiting for water to boil

>> No.8662249 [DELETED] 

Weak ass faggot

>> No.8662258

Because I just did

>> No.8662257

I remember this feel. Thank god I moved into my private apartment.

>> No.8662273

It's pointless, you get diminishing returns if you just guzzle it constantly. Two cups in the morning then maybe one more before lunch and one more after lunch is the most you're gonna get out of a good 'ffine buzz

>> No.8662276

Because I just went to bed

>> No.8662280

because your mom's muff (filled with my cum) isn't going to guzzle itself.

>> No.8662289

You do know caffeine effects vary from people to people, right?

>> No.8662303

But I am though

>> No.8662308

Because it's bed time

>> No.8662309

Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.8662315

Are you also wearing onesies and holding your teddy bear?

Also, I'm aware that if that is your fetish then my burn have just backfired.

>> No.8662318

Well that's just gross.

>> No.8662320

I really love coffee, but I can't have more than one cup in the morning or I regret it.
one cup = everything is awesome, I feel great, I could get anything done
two cups = everything is terrible, I feel like shit, I don't want to do anything
I don't want to even try 3 cups.

My mug is like twice the size of a regular one though.

>> No.8662321

i have vanilla latte

>> No.8662335

because i'm waiting for the water to boil, shitstain

>> No.8662345

>1 cup

>> No.8662347


I don't drink coffee or tea, only the occasional green tea.

Water is fine for me, and I don't wanna be reliant on caffeine to substitute for a lack of sleep, I'd rather just get my 8 hours or if I have to, I'd just use modafinil instead to do an all-nighter.

Hell, I drink a lot of water and almost no caffeine and I seem to be more awake than my coworkers most of the time who all just consume cup after cup of coffee/tea.

>> No.8662367
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>there are people who drink their coffee any other way besides black

>> No.8662371
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I just finished my daily ~20oz a few hours ago

>> No.8662374

if i had the option to choose between latte and black coffee i would choose latte, but if i was offered black coffee i would not complain

>> No.8662383


>if i had the option to choose between hot milk and black coffee i would choose hot milk, but if i was offered black coffee i would not complain

>> No.8662441

i thought about it but idk.

>> No.8662443

Cuz cummies have all the protein I need in my diet ?

>> No.8662458

>Coffee has protein
I think all that cum has turned you into a retard.

>> No.8662460

Because apparently it makes you hostile and autistic, judging from OP.

>> No.8662645
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 10298788_1646844695552400_2176839078529950107_n_580x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me until I've put 'cha in my 'sso!

>> No.8664144

End your life.

>> No.8664153

Nothing like a 'ot 'rning 'cha 'sso with a 'eam 'eez 'agel

>> No.8664158

I thought I was the only one that did this!

>> No.8664180


You don't know what you're doing

>> No.8664187


pic not related

>> No.8664189

Gave me way too much anxiety. Came home from work feeling burned out. Switched to tea and while I miss the delicious taste of coffee, I feel much better. Also excercise helps too

>> No.8664195

>the concept of boiling water and then letting it cool to about 94 degrees C is way too complex for me

>> No.8664198

I am for my exams but the poops and farts make it really difficult to take an exam

>> No.8664217

I like my coffee filtered through a man's reproductive organs.

>> No.8664259

Could we even make coffee if there was no gravity? How would it drip down into the cup>?

>> No.8664269


Pressure could be used to force the coffee through the grounds.

>> No.8664276
File: 94 KB, 631x529, 1484790687514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caffeine makes my testicles tighten up and ache and decaf coffee is disgusting.

It has to be a pretty amazing cup of coffee to justify me having sore balls for 5 hours after drinking it.

>> No.8664284

Aeropress into a fitted bag/cup.

>> No.8664299


Huh okay thanks guys

>> No.8664313


>> No.8664315

Because it will stunt the growth of my beautiful, clear-skinned body

>> No.8664317


You.... What

>> No.8664321

Are you on hormone treatment?

>> No.8664327

because it's gross

>but you haven't gone to this super special place that puts coffee in their ass for 8 hours and slow grinds it at the perfect roasting temp

it's still gross sorry

>> No.8664399

If I take stimulants my nuts tighten up and ache. Caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, coke.

I had to go to hospital once when I was put on ssri's and my boys retracted for a sustained period of time. Felt like someone was stamping on my balls for a week. But it was cool. A 8/10 doctor fondled my balls and gave me valium.

>> No.8664437

Coffee is for faggots.

>> No.8664449

Not an excuse.

>> No.8664873

8/10 male doctor
ftfy faget

>> No.8664947

But I am.

>> No.8665066

>You guys drink way too much coffee. You should stop drinking so much. You should only drink a nice reasonable amount like FOUR FUCKING CUPS. If that's brew you're talking about then that's close to 1,000 mg of caffeine a day.
That's not insane really, but it's certainly more than average.

>> No.8665074

I have a cold, so I'm drinking lemon tea with honey.

>> No.8665079
File: 635 KB, 1500x1125, 3897f8c0a9-1486752806872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guzzling coffee all day is for sheep.

>tfw I don't enjoy the beautiful taste of freshly ground coffee as a luxury on the weekend and instead drink so much bitter Keurig shit that I can't function without it and all caffeine does is bring me back to baseline cognition for 40 minutes.

>> No.8665122

Because caffeine does nothing to me. On the contrary, a warm cup of coffee will make me sleepy. If I have coffee, it must be cold or else I will become more tired.

>> No.8665186

I'm experimenting with cold brew. Grinding with my baratza virtuoso on like 20 adding by volume (no scale) to mason jars then filling with water. Yesterday I did a locally brewed med roast, it was super good just a tad bitter, so I wasnt sure whether it was quantity or quality (grind) that was off. So I tried changing the quantity today if that's off I'll change the quality. Any experience with cold brew? It's really good and kicks you cock in when you take a bigger than you should yet delicious glass.

>> No.8665193

Just threw in 3 mason jars, one med roast less quantity, one darker roast less qty, and one blend of the two o_O

>> No.8665221
File: 291 KB, 3300x3300, aeropress-front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /aeropress/ here?

>> No.8665409

>drinking coffee for the caffeine

>> No.8665433

Me. Got one in January and I've gone through about half my stack of filters already.

>> No.8665466

Because (((they))) don't own me you stupid cuck

>> No.8666152

kys snicker bitch.
She was Philippino

>> No.8666410

>Nothing like a hot morning sriracha espresso with a cream cheese bagel
Holy shit i need to get out more

>> No.8666859

Slowly drinking half-pot from 9 to noon master race.

>> No.8668735

Green room doesnt have a working coffee pot

>> No.8668744

>not quite ready for /pol/.

>> No.8668757

I drink like 2 liters a day already anon, plus I am sipping cold coffee right now

>> No.8668779


>> No.8669064

Because I'm guzzling cum.

>> No.8669355

good point , going to make some