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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 400x300, four layer pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8660453 No.8660453 [Reply] [Original]

We need a dessert thread, right fucking now. Post your favorite dessert recipes.

This shit right here. This fucking shit. This is the stuff that God eats.
>bottom layer of chopped nuts
>next layer is whipped cream + cream cheese + powdered sugar
>next layer is chocolate + vanilla pudding
>final layer is more whipped cream
>sprinkle extras on top such as marshmallows, graham crackers, etc.

My dick is hard just thinking about it.

>> No.8660470
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>> No.8660478
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i like carrot cake

>> No.8660481

I like the texture of carrot cake

>> No.8660531
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>> No.8660534
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>> No.8660536
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>> No.8660542
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>> No.8660545

teera misoo can neve be beat

>> No.8660548
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>> No.8660552
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>> No.8660554
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>> No.8660560
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>> No.8660562
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>> No.8660566
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>> No.8660569

man, I haven't had fruit salad since I was a kid.

>> No.8660572

This was known as "chocolate foo foo" where I grew up. Terrible colloquial name, but mighty tasty.

>> No.8660575


I had a neighbor when I was little that would make this. She called it chocolate delight. It is the most simple, recipe based, expression of pure joy I can imagine to this day...

It's glorious.

>> No.8660576

Good quality apfel strudel can never be beat.

>> No.8660581

Why not just say apple strudel.

>> No.8660583
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>> No.8660824

What is this? Does it have a name in English?

I don't know how people eat that shit, it's fucking gross.

>> No.8660833

greek yogurt with honey

>> No.8660834

Greek Yoghurt with Walnuts (and probably honey)

>> No.8661287
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Crack pie

>> No.8661294 [DELETED] 

>muh sugar
You have to be at least 18 years old to post on this website.

Real men drink whiskey for dessert they don't eat pure sugar like a lard ass.

>> No.8661300

>real men
He said uironically while posting in a website full of weebs, faggots and social inadequates.

>> No.8661307 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting and stop posting, you're breaking global rule 2 little boy.

>> No.8661330

No (You) for you.

>> No.8661336


You are a newfag with no etiquette.

>> No.8661343
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Have your (you) again, Mister Rulebook.
Btw, Branson is a flyover.

>> No.8661369 [DELETED] 

Wtf does any of that mean, my name isn't even Brandon (?). Have a (You), faggot

>> No.8661373

Fuck no, can't eat more than one bite of this
Knafe however is god tier. dat warm goat cheese

>> No.8661479

Lol you are some kind of queer, not a real man. Real men eat whatever they want.

>> No.8661506

>muh whiskey
said the fucking sperg who probably doesn't even like alcohol.

>> No.8661595
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I never liked sugar and desserts much, but I've stopped eating anything sugary for the last year. I just don't want to.
Except for this. This is the best dessert ever made, and it's because the main flavor is not sugar.

>> No.8661599

i had some camembert with honey and grapes, does that count as dessert

>> No.8661778

It sounds like utter shit but it's actually delicious.

>> No.8661841

> mfw lactose intolerant and can't eat most of the desserts if i'm at a restaurant
god damnit, why did evolution had to go backwards on me

>> No.8661845
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>> No.8661851


do americans really do this?

>> No.8662706

For me it's the cherry pie, the best kind of pie.

>> No.8662942

when I grew up this dessert was called "better than Robert Redford" not sure why?
but it's really good

>> No.8663020
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x960, PTR_Christmas_treats_2016_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do americans really do this?

>> No.8663078
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>> No.8663085
File: 37 KB, 560x374, Slice-of-Chocolate-Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runners up include no bake cookies, Miss Hullings lemon cake, and cheesecake.

>> No.8663087


i like you

>> No.8663111
File: 238 KB, 907x892, banana apple waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to have an entire day of desserts every blue moon

>> No.8663129
File: 893 KB, 1280x960, French-silk-chocolate_pie_Thanksgiving_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8663150

Confirmed for closeted homosexual.

>> No.8663153
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>> No.8663166
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>> No.8663172
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>> No.8663175
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my nigga

>> No.8663177
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>> No.8663190
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>> No.8663629

Oh lawd

My aunt would make it to eat with lunch during the potato and grain harvests

>> No.8663632

Post recipes with, you bastards

I can't fap properly if I can't envision the process!

>> No.8664087



>> No.8664168
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>> No.8664171 [DELETED] 

>le manly whiskey meme

>> No.8664172


Surely you can envision the process by simply looking at OP?

>> No.8664184
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>> No.8664190

My nigga

>> No.8665578

Bought some molasses so I can try this one tonight

>> No.8665587

I've never really made any deserts before. What are some easy places to start? Preferably with cheap ingredients so if I fuck it up I'm not wasting too much money on inedible garbage.

>> No.8665613

what's her name again?

>> No.8665690

Apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel apfel

>> No.8665774


Two sticks butter

3 eggs

1/2 to a cup of sugar depending on how sweet

Vanilla extract


Baking powder

Soften or melt butter and mix with eggs. Then add sugar and a good handful of drops of vanilla and sprinkles of cinammon and mix

Add in flour until batter status is achieved, sprinkling in baking powder, roughly a table spoon or two's worth

if there's any butter left over from the heating, smear that on your pan, sprinkle it with flour, and pour in the batter

Bake at 350 F until you can stick a knife into the middle and it's not all goopy

>> No.8665799
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>> No.8665830
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>> No.8665924

Is that fucking cucumber?

Miss me with that healthy shit

>> No.8666088


So which ones have the special ingredient?

>> No.8666158
File: 77 KB, 750x937, 14733749_1832127157016941_7103401060294721536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8666209
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I don't even like molasses that much lmao

>> No.8666214
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>> No.8666228
File: 51 KB, 200x132, baklava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't tried baklava, you haven't lived yet.

>> No.8666263

mille feuille or napoleon

>> No.8666276

I bought one of these christmas trees at a christmas market in east germany.

>> No.8666277

YES. a single, perfect bite, crunchy and yet moist, the nuts perfectly accenting... Nnngh, want.

>> No.8666395

My uncle brought this for thanksgiving once, this makes me want it more now

>> No.8666486
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x960, PTR_Pecan_Pie_12-25-2016_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So which ones have the special ingredient?
They all have that magical milky-white semisolid inside of them.

By which I mean there's about 10# of butter on that table.

Good man. Blackstrap was a bit strong for me so I think I'll go with full flavor next time. Or just add more sugar.

>> No.8666517

well what the fuck is it you dipshit.

>> No.8666569

Taramisu maybe so coffee maybe?

>> No.8666572

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8666857
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>> No.8666906

Anyone have any good uses for egg yolks?

I really like making angel food cake, but it needs a ton of egg whites and I can't get carton whites to whip up, so I'm left with 12 leftover yolks for every one I make.

>> No.8666959

Ice cream if you have a maker, or creme brulee, or french toast

>> No.8667000

Hollandaise uses a lot of egg yolks. It's good with lots of things. I personally like it the most with eggs benedict in the morning. Because of this, I have the opposite problem you do. So many whites...

>> No.8667179
File: 272 KB, 1600x1200, Gansito Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8668403


Ingredients are kind of a pain to get since I don't buy snack foods regularly but they're my favorite chocolate chip cookies. I just reduce the butter by 26g and add an extra egg. My other favorite chocolate chip cookie is an oatmeal chocolate chip cranberry recipe from Ina Garten.

>> No.8669712

How can you not know what tiramisu is you fucking pleb?

Let's say you are stupid enough to not know what tiramisu is, why don't you reverse search?

How do you even live with yourself. Jesus.

Fun fact for you: Tira mi su means 'pull me up', because the coffee in it is supposed to wake you up. I know, there are a lot of words that form phrases here, try no to strain yourself much.

>> No.8669744
File: 19 KB, 228x222, IMG_2577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran horiday in europe. eat some tirrara masu

>> No.8669777

How to keep your cream firm like this? When I leave my whipped cream in the fridge, it melts after a while. Fucking mystery

>> No.8669790
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>> No.8669817

gelantine? xanthan gum? or just troll?

>> No.8669838

No, it never occured to me that I could put gelatine into whipped cream. Thanks man.

>> No.8669839

I love the German speaker who posted all these desserts. Du bist ein mensch.

>> No.8669887
File: 288 KB, 286x509, plshelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully /ck/ I am an inferior dessert maker and my cheesecake cracked in a major way. Can I fix this in any way, or am i destined to just cover it in a strawberry topping and hope no one notices the damage when they cut into it.

>> No.8670210

Modern baking is too focused on aesthetics thanks to Europe. It won't bother you if you stop letting it.

>> No.8670490

Oh well, just say it's "rustic" and watch out for overbaking next time

>> No.8670513
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>> No.8670530
File: 268 KB, 2000x1306, c5c97ad2e736d0e696baa1b84964d448[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a knife to gouge out many more shallow trenches in the surface, make the cracks look like decoration rather than an accident.
Perhaps even fill the cracks with something like strawberry topping.

>> No.8670697

Thank you, I'll probably use this method since I meant to incorporate the strawberries inside the actual cake, but completely forgot until I put it in the oven. I'll update tomorrow if this thread is still up.

>> No.8670729

Tfw wabi-sabi

>> No.8670739

I haven't had carrot cake in years and just the other day I was thinking about it and how I wanted some.

>> No.8670753

That looks yum.

>> No.8672013

My nigga
Baklava is 10/10

>> No.8672182
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Best things for coffee

>> No.8672210
File: 94 KB, 858x536, Bakewell Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrot cake is the best.
But everyone always, without fail covers/fills the thing with nuts.
Which I can't eat, and are a pain in the dick to get rid of.

I love pic related though.

>> No.8673323
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>> No.8673631

french buttercream uses yolks.

>> No.8673633

>Carrot cake is the best.
>But everyone always, without fail covers/fills the thing with nuts.
>Which I can't eat, and are a pain in the dick to get rid of.
Bad teeth? what's the deal? Nuts are one the better things about carrot cake, in my book.

>> No.8675393

Who /hallongrottor/ here?

>> No.8675490

ooo yummy yummy :)

>> No.8677010


NOMS. This stuff is GOAT.

>> No.8677450
File: 510 KB, 1200x1500, cookie history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great thread. I am a big fan of this thread.

>> No.8677454
File: 670 KB, 600x3720, donut graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna dump some pastry/dessert/sweet infographics I have lying around

>> No.8677459
File: 144 KB, 694x1081, italian desserts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8677465

So it's like 90% whipped cream?

What's so good about that? Might as well just grab a bowl of sugar and pretend you made dessert.

>> No.8677471

This fucking thing seems like a god damn pain in the ass to make

>> No.8677496


>> No.8677497

Cover it. you can't go back

Next time, use a bain-marie (water bath) ya dingus. You'll never have a cracked cheese cake so long as ye shall live.