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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8658080 No.8658080 [Reply] [Original]

What is your routine when you buy groceries?

I make sure to eat a meal first because I spend a lot more when I shop hungry. I make my way from the fruits/vegetables, to the canned/bottled, then to the bakery, and finally to the cold/frozen section. I then choose whichever line has the least amount of carts. Most people choose the shortest line, but short lines can have people with full carts, thereby taking longer.

>> No.8658087

> smoke a bowl
> spend 20 minutes trying to find parking at trader Joe's
> wander around stoned and starving grabbing everything that looks good
> get home and regret how much I spent thinking about how shitty I feel

>> No.8658118

Routines are for businesses and large families. Just buy what you need and get the fuck out.

>> No.8658136

It involves a lot of standing dead still, staring into empty air, as I obviously and stoically wait for asshats to hurry up and move out of my way, whether through an aisle or away from a shelf.

Trying to navigate a grocery store is fucking excruciating, especially all the time spent waiting near the end with a week's worth of food hanging off your wrist

>> No.8658143

I make a list according to what I need and the layout of my store. I take the list with me in case I forget. Produce, meat, random other shit. I shop first thing in the morning before work, pay at self-checkout. There and back in 20 minutes.

>> No.8658147

It's literally only minorities or trailer trash that get in the way. It's excruciating.

>> No.8658153

there is a supermarket on my block so I shop basically every day, I buy exactly what I want to cook or eat each day and no more. because I buy so little each time I can always use the express checkout.

>> No.8658179

I buy whatever's on sale, then I go to the veggie market and buy whatever's on season

>> No.8658184

Why does she put on make-up like she is a whore?

>> No.8658189

> open app.
> order food.
> go to store parking lot.
> pop trunk...wait in car.
> hand my card to hot teen.
> receive receipt and smile.
> drive home.
> have kid unload groceries
> have wife put them away.

>> No.8658194

>f-f-fucking roastie

>> No.8658199

>not having your wife get the groceries

what are you, a fucking cuck?

>> No.8658228

I used to live right next to this big shopping mall which has a big supermarket on the top floor and it opens 24/7. Always went shopping at night when I was the only one there. Pretty fucking neat.

Although I actually prefer smaller supermarkets. They're more comfy. There's less people and less walking around looking for shit.

As for routine, don't actually have one. Just buy what looks good really. And try to eat healthy.

>> No.8658239

AKA, "I'm 20 pounds overweight"

>> No.8658257

I go right after work, around 7 a.m. when walmart is quiet. I purchase enough to last me for at least sixty days.

>> No.8658263

Why would i let a woman operate a motor vehicle???

>> No.8658291

Don't project your fatness on me my American friend.

>> No.8658422

cause she is a whore

>> No.8658453

I just get the things on my list while I walk around the store in a clockwise circle. My grocery store is set up like that, and it works for me I suppose!

>> No.8658507

I buy protein (meat and eggs) for the week, then assorted vegetables, then (if I need them) rice/pasta/potatoes/flour then my dairy (eg cream, milk, butter).
I buy seasoning as necessary at the end.

>> No.8658667

>I suppose!
Fresh off the boat from reddit, huh kid?

>> No.8658676



3/3 for wrecking homes.

Her deal with the devil for fame was eternal spinster life, no kids, no legacy but your fame.

>> No.8658713

>realize I need stuff I don't have
>decide which places to hit
>walk to them
>get what I need and walk home
>repeat every couple days
I'm lucky enough to live with a lot of shops in walking distance, so I rarely have to go to a big place and do a big shopping.

>> No.8658720

wander around and go home wih more than I need

>> No.8658728

>go grocery shopping
>people in the middle of the aisle talking loudly
>ask if i can get through
>they give me dirty looks as they move their cart to the side
>they move the cart back to the middle of the aisle and start over again

fucking hate niggers

>> No.8658753

>I spend a lot more when I shop hungry

Can we stop this meme already? People who rarely buy groceries or rately cook for themselves will do this, because they are new. OR you are a retarded degenerate who window shops for pointless shit and hoarded figurines and literally can't stop themselves from buying for the sake of buying.

But any normal person who understands the shopping routine, understands the meals they make and what they eat, and are also generally aware of expiration dates of their purchases aren't suddenly going to buy more food than they can possibly eat in several weeks.

>I spent way too much on food
>that I will definitely eat
>delaying the date I next need to shop
>so maybe it was ok and I'll do it next time

>> No.8658789

>headphones while shopping

wow antisocial much? fucking autists.

>> No.8658803

I don't shop in supermarkets because supermarkets douse their produce in chemicals to make them taste nicer and last longer.

No,I go to the vegetable market,then to the butchers,then to my local shop for other odd necessities. I get my milk unpasteurised from a friend and I buy eggs from my neighbours kid who raises chickens.

How about supporting the community for once? Do you really want your kids growing up in a society where that >>8658087 is a common site?

>> No.8658818

I eat one meal a day so its rare these days that I'll go grocery shopping hungry. I stick to the outside wall because at Wal-mart that's where all the whole foods are, I only make my way into the aisle for specific things on my list (peanut butter, tea, condiments, etc).

>> No.8658841

I never understood this shit. For one thing, I have never wanted to spend a millisecond longer in a grocery store than necessary. It wouldn't be my choice of places to hang out in.

More importantly, at chokepoints and passages, you STAY TO THE FUCKING RIGHT. This is how civilization works. No one should have to ask you to do this. Morons with no self-awareness who take up as much space as physically possible when out in public should go back to the jungles and under the seas if they want to behave like animals.

>> No.8658851

Stores in the U.S. are designed to make you go to the rightwhen you enter and goin a counter clockwise motion through the store. This makes the customer take longer in the store and improves the chance they will buy morr.

>> No.8658897

>make a list of what I need always forgetting one item
>5% of the time leave list behind
>shop from 3-5 different stores to get best deal on each item
>start in produce, then bounce around randomly
>pick up extra items that seem interesting/are on sale
>use self-checkout because its always fastest as stupid drones cant stop themselves from forming lines and are afraid of having even the slightest bit of control
>get home and immediately realize what item I forgot to get

>> No.8658999

>doing something to make food taste better and last longer is somehow a bad thing.

>> No.8659001

really hate this bitch

>> No.8659034

>make list
>start in fruit and veg
>go to meat
>go up and down aisles dodging cunts with prams and old fucks having an alzheimers anonymous meetings
>check out at self-service cos i can do it faster
>get the fuck home away from the mongoloids in the store

>> No.8659093

All women are whores. If you want to see them in their natural state, go to any grocery store at around noon and you'll see all the fat ugly makeup-less whores in sweats that already tricked some beta faggot into marriage. They already secured their money so they don't longer care to continue the deception with make up.

>> No.8659100

>wife is out getting groceries
>out unsupervised
You're the cuck you stupid faggot. She's not just "out getting the groceries."

>> No.8659166

I make list of what I need and some optionals I can get if I'm underbudget

>> No.8659205

nearly all grocery stores have a similar layout, and it's for pretty simple reasons:

fruit/vegetables near the entrance - these are the items that spoil first and generally can not be frozen each night (like meats or fish), so they are right in the beginning where every single shipper will see them and gravitate towards getting something

meats/seafood along the back wall or otherwise near the produce or popular items like cereal or soda or the like. both the produce and the meat section generally require displays with extra lights and refrigeration. it is more cost effective and efficient to have them on the perimeter or near to each other

dairy and sometimes similar items often consumed at breakfast like bacon and packaged cheeses and eggs are usually kept in the last aisle. these also require refrigeration (on the perimeter of the store duh) and have a fairly quick spoil time when refrigerated. you don't grab milk and then walk around with it in your cart for 40 minutes warming up and losing days off its shelf life. frozen foods are also usually in this vicinity as well.

>> No.8659242

you seem sensible except for the dairy

>> No.8659253

>How to be pretentious: The Post

>> No.8659309

i'm a lot more than 20 lbs overweight, buddy

>> No.8659409

day of the rope soon

>> No.8660472

>caring about your community is pretentious

Stupid fucking liberal.

>> No.8660487

>What is your routine when you buy groceries?

1) plan my meals for the upcoming week
2) Make a list of what I need for those meals that's not already in my fridge/freezer/pantry
3) Check on other stuff like soap, TP, detergent, trash bags, etc.
4) Make a list
5) Go buy what's on the list, and ONLY what's on the list.

>> No.8660502

>grocery store literally attached to massive complex of huge apartment buildings entirely dedicated to government assisted living
>the store is a disgusting mess of leaks and broken shelves
>the clientele is 50% immigrant mothers pushing around massive strollers as their 9 offspring scream through the store like a jungle gym
>the other 49% are mentally ill maniacs who nap in the produce aisle and speak to the shampoo
>but generally things are a full $1-2 cheaper per item there

>flagship grocery store of national chain built into what used to be the city's most popular hockey arena, Maple Leaf Gardens
>attached to a university gym and in the downtown core so the clientele is generally very attractive or at the very least functionally human
>the greatest selection of meats, produce and cheese I have ever seen
>everything is at least $2-3 more than your average store

These are the two options within walking distance of me. I just want a regular fucking store.

>> No.8660961



>> No.8661015

You should never buy groceries when you're hungry anon.

Also you should never buy anything on the shelves by checkout. They're trying to get you to make impulse decisions that you would never even consider beforehand.

>> No.8662145

all I could afford today was chicken breast/banana/peanuts

>> No.8662288

But if everyone followed your routine, and went to all these places, guess what? Not enough.

Supermarkets are a neccessary evil to feed large urban populations. The only way to achieve what your suggesting, is too remove large urban sprawls, and instead, adopt a small community based system, where each community strives to be self dependent to a certain point, trading with neighbouring communities to fill the needs that are left.