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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8655225 No.8655225 [Reply] [Original]

Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with eating pigs and cows but not dogs or cats

Rational adult conclusion: we shouldn't eat cows, pigs, or other such animals

Subhuman conclusion: it's ok to eat dogs and cats

>> No.8655238

Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with mistreating pigs and cows but not dogs or cats, since humanity is not yet capable of moving to a vegan diet but it nonetheless seeks to treat animals kindly

Rational adult conclusion: We should treat cows and pigs as well as cats and dogs

Subhuman conclusion: Lol we're just gonna kill them later why even bother

>> No.8655244

its a cultural thing you retarded but fucking dumbass. Different cultures formed relationships with different animals throughout history. Judging one culture for eating an animal that you see differently is natural but bitching that they're worse people than you is retarded

>> No.8655254

Thought: op loves penises rammed in his orifices

Rational adult conclusion: he should be castrated and imprisoned

Subhuman conclusion: he should be given a partial scholarship to college

>> No.8655263

>people do thing I see as morally wrong
>"you're not allowed to think less of them that's just their culture XD"
Should we just have accepted human sacrifice as well because it was "their culture" you dumb sjw fuck?

>> No.8655280

Did I hurt your fee fees fatass?

>> No.8655292

You redditors are presumptuous as well as pseudo intelligent. Disturbing combination

>> No.8655303

Thought: It's not hypocritical to be ok with eating pigs/cows but not dogs or cats.

>> No.8655308

>eating dogs/cows/cats/horses
>anything like human sacrifice or cannibalism
what a retarded fucking jump in logic neck yourself. And I never said anything about acceptance faggot. I think chinks are fags for eating dogs and poos are dumber than shit for worshiping cows but I dont pretend to be superior because I eat the "right" kind of animals

>> No.8655311
File: 349 KB, 600x449, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like humans have more rights than non-human animals, some non-human animals have more rights than others. There's nothing illogical about eating some animals while setting others as off-limits.

>> No.8655320


/ck/ has always has been having these types of threads since time immemorial, control your paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.8655323

Why else would you feel compelled to shit post then?
You literally said it was stupid to say people who I view as doing something immoral are worse people than me, which is fucking retarded. I don't eat meat from mammals because I view it as morally wrong, why wouldn't I think less of people who do?

>> No.8655327

Sure, but my post was more about the conclusion someone might come to assuming they have this thought

>> No.8655334

Nothing hypocritical about it. People don't eat cats and dogs in the West because those animals are traditionally kept as pets here. Pigs and cows are not, so it's okay to kill them.

Why should all animal life be seen as equally valuable and worthy of protection?

>> No.8655336

I said its natural but bitching about it is retarded. I dont a shit what you think but if you go out and protest and act like a typical vegan faggot then I do think you're retarded.

>> No.8655342

>people who aren't lazy and apathetic are idiots XD

>> No.8655345


Where do we set the bounds about which non-human animals have more rights? Pigs have intelligence on the level of dogs and can show affection similar to dogs. Cows can express a surprisingly large range of emotions.

>> No.8655349

Never ok to eat:

Sometimes ok to eat depending on culture:

Fair game:
Everything else

Fuck your relativism.

>> No.8655355

but dogs have utility. Pigs may be smart but they are also dicks

at best you can tame a pig, but you can train a dog. Trainability is the metric by which we rate personhood
dogs are people
birds are people
gorillas are people

pigs are not people
hippos are not people
frogs are not people

>> No.8655360


I wasn't arguing for relativism (or anything at all) you dumb cunt. I just wanted to know how people set their own guidelines on what animals they eat and why.

>> No.8655376

That's actually very hypocritical to say people who eat dogs and cats are "subhuman". So to avoid hypocrisy by your logic, eating pigs and cows is also "subhuman". Considering the overwhelming majority of people in the world to be subhuman is pretty extreme. It's definitely very misanthropic. Now why should a rational adult come to the conclusion that the musings of a hypocritical misanthrope are worth taking seriously?

>> No.8655385

Reminder that OP views some humans as non-human.

>> No.8655398

Which is the elephant in the room. This is what Jesus was talking about with hypocrisy. Yeah, I see that little speck of sawdust in your eye from a mile away, bro. Crystal clear.

>> No.8655401

I don't eat pigs or cows and this was presupposing they had this thought, which most don't

>> No.8655431

Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with eating corn and wheat but not belladonna or ricin

Rational adult conclusion: we shouldn't eat wheat, corn or other such plants

Subhuman conclusion: it's ok to eat belladonna and ricin

>> No.8655435

Why would anyone think it's hypocritical to eat wheat and corn but not belladonna and ricin?

>> No.8655453

Being a vegan isn't rational, though.

>> No.8655473
File: 48 KB, 600x600, Consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choice of what to eat or not to eat, insofar as non-toxic species are concerned, is entirely arbitrary. I don't want to eat a dog or a cat or another human for that matter because I've arbitrarily decided that they are not food sources; I recognize the hypocrisy and accept it while I go eat a steak chopped off a cow that I DO consider a food source. If I wanted to I could eat a dog/cat/human, but as before I arbitrarily don't want to and I have the luxury of choice regarding where my life-sustaining calories, nutrients, and pleasurable flavors of food come from.

>> No.8655474

Plants are plants.

>> No.8655527

That's not what hypocrisy is at all. You mean "morally inconsistent". Which is only he case if you consider all animals to be morally equivalent.

>> No.8655670

>Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with eating pigs and cows but not dogs or cats

All animals are subservient to humans, but each serves us in its own way. Dogs and cats make better companions than food. By comparison, there is little personality to a cow, and they're impractical for household environments. They taste pretty good though. Pigs could make for an okay pet, but they'll end up eating a lot more than your average cat or dog. Also, they're pretty tasty. Chickens... should not necessarily be kept in the home. I had a neighbor who kept a rooster for a little while. The rooster did not seem to understand that some people like to go to sleep at 6 AM.

>> No.8655790

Wrong, we should eat all animals.

>> No.8655826

who cares anymore, we have this exact thread like ten times a week and it always turns into the exact same shitshow

>> No.8656259

the people who you're saying are subhuman for eating pigs and cows, think you're subhuman for eating pigs and cows. Morals are different for different people, I don't know if you knew that.

>> No.8656307

I can use a dog to hunt, have you ever tried to hunt with a cow? It's fucking awful!

>> No.8656313

>some dumbass on the internet thinks less of me because i eat meat
Lmao alright dude w/e

>> No.8656318

>Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with eating pigs and cows but not dogs or cats

>Rational adult conclusion: we shouldn't eat cows, pigs, or other such animals
No, that's just silliness.

>Subhuman conclusion: it's ok to eat dogs and cats
From a killing perspective, yes, that's true. However, predatory animals like dogs and cats don't taste very good, therefore it makes sense not to eat them from a practical perspective.

>> No.8656334

I'm on top of the food chain and I'm just gonna eat whatever I feel like eating depending on price and locally enforced laws.

I'm not really into genocide so I don't think I'd eat endangered plants or animals.

>> No.8656341

Thought: its hypocritical to have sex with single women but not your mom or your sister

Rational adult conclusion: we shouldnt fuck single women, our own mothers, or our own sisters

Subhuman conclusion: its okay to fuck your own mother and sisters

>> No.8656531

I have yet to eat cat, but dog is a pretty decent meal. The fat is kind of bitter, though.

I've had dog as BBQ, in a stew as well as just pan fried.

>> No.8656542

off yourself Xhiang

>> No.8657249


>Different cultures formed relationships with different animals throughout history

>muh cultural relativism

Cultures are not equal nor entitled to respect, western civilisation has created the best culture and standard of living for good reason, our moral framework
I don't care if India thinks eating cows is wrong, or china thinks eating dogs if fine because of their culture

>> No.8657272

There's a big difference between being able to think rationally and behaving in a rational way. People are generally capable of the first and not the second.

>> No.8657276

You switched dogs and cats around bro

>> No.8657283

>The culture I grew up in just happens to be the best one and everything in my culture is right and theres nothing to be learned from other cultures

Fuck off and get a passport

>> No.8657287



Then why does everyone from the rest of the world want to move to the west?

>> No.8657294

Except for all the people that immigrate to other countries. Japan has had a (relatively for Japan) large number of Indians moving there in recent years. Theres tons of movement between SEA and Asia

>> No.8657300


Japan has been heavily influenced by western culture since being conquered by America which is why they are a top competitor of the world

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.8657313

>there are actually people on this board right now who haven't ever eaten horse

>> No.8658777

Sexy conclusion: OP should get his brotein straight from the doggie's penis.

>> No.8658779

thought: your gay

>> No.8658783

You've obviously never been to Japan if you think the culture is meaningfully similar in anyway outside of easily being able to get a burger and nike shoes

>> No.8658794

I've considered stopping eating meat so many times, and reduced my consumption as much as I could, but those fags always make not want to be associated with them.
Do vegans really want people to stop eating meat? Because any reatard can tell that with this attitude they may as well accomplish the opposite.

>> No.8658820


For what it's worth, I'm in the camp of "it's either all okay or none of it's okay" so I just don't eat animal at all. if I did though I'd eat fido the same as I'd eat porky the same as I'd eat mr. thompson or whomever.

>> No.8658829

have you ever met a vegan or vegetarian? from my experience most aren't the stereotypes you hear about on the internet. anecdotal evidence is kind of worthless though so take it as you will.

some vegans want people to stop. some just want to educate. some just want others to lessen their consumption. it really varies. some people in general think that if you whine and complain enough people will think the way you do (this thought process goes far beyond veganism).

>> No.8658849

>Thought: it's hypocritical to be okay with eating pigs and cows but not dogs or cats
How is it hypocritical? Im not arguing that it's ok to eat pigs and cows just because theyre animals. The fact that they're tasty and commonly raised for meat also comes into play. That said, while there is nothing wrong with eating dogs, you should abstain from eating them because Western culture has developed in such way that dogs are seen as man's best friend and because a dog is more useful as a companion than a piece of meat.

>> No.8658872

I think the Jews got me, I will happily chow down on Beef and Chicken. But I do draw the line on Pork. Why?

Because I was given so much Pig propaganda as a kid. Charlotte's Web, Babe, Three Little Pigs, and my family temporarily raised a pot bellied pig in the house while my uncle was renovating his farm.

I emotionally relate to pigs as peaceful creatures just like I do with dogs and I don't like the idea of hurting them. Don't get me wrong if someone's brought a Pepperoni Pizza I won't object but you'll never see me order pig.

Remember how I mentioned my Uncle had a farm. Well I did experience work with Cows and Chickens. Those animals would be garbage if it wasn't for the taste they produce. Cows are utterly stupid and I have no problem eating them.

If that makes me a hypocrite I don't care. Ethically I say I only fully participate in eating DUMB ANIMALS. Pigs are dog tier in intelligence.


>> No.8658876


didnt read through the thread but literally the only difference is the diet of the animals.

chickens will eat seeds

cows grass

pigs anything

dogs and cats like to eat meat and other things the humans eat meaning they take more food to raise than they are good for providing unlike the more popularly eaten foods. thats literally all it is.

>> No.8658883

>Pigs are dog tier in intelligence.
dogs are still dumb though

>> No.8658888


also i dont eat meat only fish and i try to avoid dairy just because humans should not eat cows milk (if you want to talk about hypocritical and crazy its that we drink another animals milk. would you drink pig milk? would you feed another animal human milk?) but not because the animals should leave or whatever, if people werent eating them they would be birthed in mass quantities so your not saving any lives just stopping them from being creative, its just not good for you. some meat isnt necessarily bad for you but there are many alternatives that are much better obviously being different plants. also the way our animals are raised and what they are fed is the real problem, they are what they eat and we are as well by extension, not eating meat is more about avoiding all that gross shit i would say like hormones and antibiotics.

>> No.8658889

>thinks dogs are smarter than pigs

are you trolling or just really dumb?


the first article when googled.

>> No.8658892

So uh.... I thought this was the animal board, I'm confused my grandson gave me this app to post pictures of my cat

>> No.8658902
File: 2.27 MB, 3264x1836, 20170202_000027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is garfleezy boheezy

>> No.8658951
File: 64 KB, 440x406, smug_anime_girl_with_no_powers_holding_a_mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South East Asia
So there's heavy movement between <region> and <subdivision of region>?

Not him.

You're painfully ignorant if you truly think that the only thing similar between Japan and The West is burgers and Nikes.

Since the discovery by European explorers, Japan was compared to European civilization as being non-barbarian. Their system was regarded as "civilized", nearly equal to that of Europe, having similar virtues (chivalric knights - honourabru samurai for example).

Japan, especially since the Rangoku period, had always accepted Western learning and adopted large parts of it, while still retaining their own cultural identity and traditional ways.
When the Americans blew open their ports to force them out of isolation, they rapidly westernized, even without a proper colonial overlord.
Their navy stems from that time as well, modeled after British example.

After WW2, when the USA effectively conquered it, they set up a whole government system hugely based on the American and British systems, enforced modernization, westernizing them to great extend.

The people may be still culturally different, but they're practically and effectively a Western nation in the Orient, a beacon of civilization.
Of course, not being barbaric at their core (unlike the sheepshaggers of the Middle East) helps.

There's a reason why first-world countries are practically all either in Western Europe and the colonies that descend from their settlers (North America and Australasia), or countries that were/are American vassal states (Japan and South Korea).

Taiwan might be an exception, but I don't know much of Taiwan to know exactly how their westernization went.
Singapore exploited their British colonization, as a lot of trade passed through it and became a tax haven, allowing it to become very rich, very quickly.
South Africa and Hong Kong may have been first-world previously, but after apartheid/returned they went down the same road most colonies do.

>> No.8659040

You drink, not eat milk.

And yes, milk isn't exclusively cow.
Goat and sheep's milk is common as well. Yak and camel in some parts of the world too.
Horse milk, in France and the Benelux, is drunk as well.

Those animals simply give enough milk for it to be worth "harvesting".

Also, you should reay check your grammar before you post mate.

>> No.8659047

Don't eat predators.

>> No.8659076

>not being barbaric at their core

i agree with everything else, but they all have a major dark streak running in them. you dont have to point to ww2-era shit; mangaka can get away with publishing the most outrageous guro or shock porn, because there's a market for it.

japan's dark side is only held in check by societal expectations and sheer force of will by each individual.

>> No.8659147

are you saying dogs and cats are poisonous

>> No.8659178

I could argue that guro/shock markets exists because the manga exist, or that their dark streak is similar to what most western powers went through and not necessarily nature-but-nurture but thats a discussion that will never end and honestly, both sides are valid.

I was more pointing to the Middle East and Africa, that the Japs have a religious and cultural focus on HONOUR AND SOCIETY which makes them incredibly similar to the European VIRTUE AND PIETY, which, in turn, makes them a beacon of civilization not easily regressed to a shithole like everything else outside of Europe and North America.