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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8642038 No.8642038 [Reply] [Original]

What are foods that are really filling while having little to no calories? I would like to look like pic related but I don't want to be hungry all the time.

>> No.8642039

Consider surgery.

>> No.8642040


>> No.8642044

You can't look like pic related and not be hungry all the time. The reason she looks like that is because she's starving

>> No.8642050
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>> No.8642064

Baked potatoes, baked chicken, and steamed vegetables.

>> No.8642066

A healthy diet of cocaine, cigarettes, and semen.

>> No.8642195

Garden cucumbers have almost zero calories. Also, drink a large glass of water before each meal, that way your food will fill you up much quicker.

BTW not everybody can look like that, a good part is also the bone structure. And I like petite, slim girls but that is a bit much, even for me.
Fucking her must feel like riding a bicycle across railroad cross ties.

>> No.8642222

don't eat any fat at all, if you want to control your weight. and eat a lot less sugary stuff as well.

>> No.8642244

Carrots, salsa, lettuce, and those Quaker rice cakes

>> No.8642245

the only accurate reply in the thread.
just dont eat so fucking much, get fit and eat your lean meat & veges. it's not that fucking hard

>> No.8642272

>bone structure

Well, hello there fatty

>> No.8642284

top kek

>> No.8642288

Vegetables are great, especially vegetable soups. I'm a big fan of broccoli soup, Gordon Ramsay has a good recipe you should be able to find on YouTube.

/fit/ will be able to answer your question much better than /ck/ btw.

Not at all true. You have to go hungry to lose weight (eat a caloric deficit}, but you don't have to starve. Once you're at a certain weight you stay that way by eating enough to not be hungry, but don't stuff your face too often.

>> No.8642290

>/fit/ will be able to answer your question much better than /ck/ btw.


>> No.8642307

Stuff with very high protein content + vegetables.


you don't have to necessarily go hungry, i lost weight eating high protein meals and walking a fair amount without feeling particularly 'hungry'

>> No.8642308

post butt you slut

>> No.8642374

Cabbage, green beans, celery, basically any vegetable that isn't full of starch or sugars like potatoes or grains. You can literally eat 5 kg (11 lbs) of cabbage a day and only gain 1500 calories. If you won't feel full after that, I don't know how you would feel full.

>> No.8642415

protip: going low carb (~20g a day) for a few months will be much easier to lose weight and be overall healthier than simply lowcal.

>> No.8642425

end your life FEMALE

>> No.8642432

>Landwhale detected

>> No.8642441

>>>/fa/thinspo can help.

Do intermittent fasting and a low carb high fat diet. Yes fats have more calories but they fill you up so you eat less.

>> No.8642454

My cum is very filling and low on calories. I can be your live in chef.

>> No.8642458

Wait I recognize that internet whore.

>> No.8642459

Ashe Maree or whatever her name is from mfc

>> No.8642471

Pumpkinspice is better thinspo desu

>> No.8642473

and she's hotter

>> No.8642482

are you thicc

pic pls

>> No.8642487

Oats and coffee.

>> No.8642834

Not an argument. Post pics or be labeled a faggot.

>> No.8642861

Why would you want to look like a meth addict?

>> No.8642876
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>> No.8642910

Why are there circles drawn on her?

>> No.8642917
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probably some jealous circling fat spots or something?

It's hard to find pics of her desu, but there are vids on pornhub where you can see her

>> No.8642931

Holy shit is she thin. Thanks.

>> No.8642937

stuff with a lot of fiber in it like fruits and vegetables and complex carbs like oatmeal

>> No.8642962
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>don't eat any fat at all
What a waste of a get...

>> No.8642963

Any hardcore?

>> No.8642972

Yeah, but I'm not sure if they're available for free. I haven't seen any of them, myself.

>> No.8643010


The spots are attempts at pointing out photoshop work. She's just as thin in her videos though.


There's at least one blowjob video but it's behind a paywall. I know an xhamster page with a lot of high quality videos of hers but I'm not sure if I can post it on here. Her camgirl name is pumpkinspice

>> No.8643022
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I lost 75lbs in less than a year and my advice is to not eat, but rather drink caffinated beverages and chew gum

>> No.8643104

damn dude, actually the only reason I opened the thread.

>> No.8643123

Stop posting random whores on /ck/.

>> No.8643129

conquering the holy land.

>> No.8643476

>bj video
bet she doesn't swallow

>> No.8643516

yeah, i love some cucumbers after a quick dunk in vinegar. really nice savory snack since i don't really eat sweets, i crave like chips and cheese mostly

>> No.8643736
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I just searched my dedicated private porn tracker that I strictly use for research purposes, such as for cases like this, and only found a bunch of dildo, solo and fuck machine stuff. No proper bj. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but, it's generally pretty quick to get uploaded, especially when super popular like she is.

>> No.8643759

In your extensive researches, have you ever seen a Hitomi Tanaka DP? I'm writing a thesis on pan-Asian multicohort phallic practices ameliorated by silico-metallurgic self-gratification logarithmic algorithms in a post-sympatric-mediated age, and this could really help me with my endeavors.

>> No.8643846

>726 Results
Busy girl, lots of material for your thesis. I don't see any DP, just lots of orgies and everything else. Multi-hole, but not two in the same hole.

>> No.8643853

>but not two in the same hole
That's what I require for my climactic chapter, it's the thrust of my hypothesis.

>> No.8643860

I wish you great fortune in your quest.

>> No.8643871


They'll help you

>> No.8643896

Shirataki noodles.

Hope you're rich, and don't have any taste buds.

>> No.8643930


>> No.8643941


>> No.8643954

make stove top pop corn with as little oil as possible and season it with salt and pepper, or hot sauce

>> No.8643955

cumshot kumquat

>> No.8644248

I eat baby carrots and grape tomatoes. 20 Grape tomatoes is only like 50 calories and I get pretty full

>> No.8644326
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Great, now I have THAT to go do

>> No.8644595

It always weirds me out when an anon and I fap to the same thing at the same time. It's like a strange bond.

>> No.8644633

>Shirataki noodles.

Also called Yam noodles where I get em. I eat them for the resistant starch which though indigestable to humans, feeds our gut bacteria (pre-biotics). $1.50 per package, pretty affordable.

>> No.8644670

What do you look like now?

>> No.8644680

I make a low cal tuna salad with a light vinagerette instead of mayo and eat it on cucumber slices instead of crackers.

And celery with a blackeye pea hummus made with no oil.

Looking for some other low cal snacks.

>> No.8644683

Foods with high fiber will make you feel full longer.

>> No.8644689

the japanese use them for sukiyaki. it's pretty good in them.
you need to flavor them with something as you do with rice/noodles etc.

>> No.8644690

Oh! To go with those two ideas of yours, may I suggest a bullet? It will taste better, and weight loss will follow.

>> No.8645016

Eat low cal, foods high in protein and fiber will make you feel fuller on fewer calories.

>> No.8645025
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Me too, anons, me too

>> No.8645028

>flushing essential nutrients from your body with laxatives
Good on you for wishing a light load on your huckle bearers.

>> No.8646717

Chia seeds. Replace two meals a day with a spoonful of chia stirred into a cup of puerh tea.

>> No.8646728

Brussel sprouts. Watch out for the farts.

>> No.8646742

you're a big guy

>> No.8646902

She's too skiny. From above you can tell men don't like too much bones. Just keep away from land whale category and you're fine

>> No.8646921


>> No.8646944

You don't have to eat tiny amounts of food to stay like that, just eat less than normal to get there.

Go bother /fit/

>> No.8647113

Fuck off.

>> No.8647395


Paper. Anorexic people eat a lot of paper because it's very filling but provides zero calories.

>> No.8647403

You want to look like an anorexic girl without feeling hungry all the time? Consider taking meth.

>> No.8647421

>5 kg (11 lbs) of cabbage a day and only gain 1500 calories.
Huh.. I didn't know cabbage had that many calories; i thought it was much like lettuce in the energy dept.

>> No.8647515


>I would like to look like pic related

assuming you have the same fat distribution as her.

>> No.8647614

this one?


>Broccoli, water, salt
sounds fucking tops

>> No.8647629

a nice good tap will do the trick

>> No.8647691


>> No.8647776
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Spicy foods usually r low
Tzatziki sauce
Cucumber salad
High sodium foods sometimes
Teas without honey/sugar
Mandarin oranges r 40cal ea
Most roasted veggies(and r much tastier)
???^thats what i usually diet on, idk any more else
i dont use stevia but i hear good things about it

Avoid sugar-foods especially tropical fruits and anything that has gluten/starch like pasta and potatoes

>> No.8647873

Toast + peanut butter + banana slices + sugar if you're a fatass

>> No.8647913

Been on 1500 cal diet for well over a year now. Here are some foods I eat.

Sugar/fat free jell-o
Sugar free pudding. Tastes kinda shit so go with jello.
Salads with salsa dressing
Cauliflower has replaced pasta for me at this point.
Frozen vegetables
applesauce no sugar added
Tomato sauce
Rice cakes
Broth based soups

>> No.8647923

>1500 cal diet

why are you eating so little anon? it's not good for your health

>> No.8647927

Tangentially related: what food do traps eat

>> No.8647957

Because even though I can see my spine and feel the ribs in my chest I still have belly flab and it pisses me off.

>> No.8647961


Could just be loose skin.

>> No.8648005


>> No.8648032

Vinegar acts as an appetite suppressant, making pretty much whatever you're eating feel more filling.
Drink water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and you'll feel like you can get by on less.

>> No.8648164

Stay away from sugary drinks and alcohol. I eat salads with a lot of lettuce

Stay away from restaurants or eat half and take half home for later

>> No.8648754
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Shirataki noodles/konjac.

>> No.8648768

Calorie counting is an outdated meme. Eat as much as you want, just cut out sugar entirely, and you will lose weight.

>> No.8648799

thanks for the lols.

>> No.8648935

5kg is a fucking lot though

>> No.8648947

Dont listen to this

>> No.8648960
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>> No.8648969

Set a 10 hour window and only eat during that time frame. Personally, I don't eat before noon and I stop eating after 10pm. 14 hours a day, nothing except water. I've lost about 30lbs so far just making this one change.

>> No.8649198

Salads made out of kale with some nuts and fruits

>> No.8649209

This is totally wrong, you can eat high fat/low carb and it's completely fine.
I would recommend Chicken (if you're not vegetarian/vegan), peanut butter (a tablespoon is 100 cals and you'll be full for a long time) and broccoli.
Also, if you want to know more about weightloss, go to /fa/, they have a Thinspo thread.

>> No.8649222

Nonny, that's your intestines

>> No.8649233

Same, only I do 16:8 most days and occasional 23:1. Best thing about it is if you like food, you can eat low calorie while still having one or two real meals per day rather than some mealcuck eating 6 times per day that eats snacks like two slices of apple and half an activated almond

>> No.8649243

>half an activated almond
You can have one full deactivated almond instead.

>> No.8649395

its Loose skin i know dat feel

>> No.8649522

Stop drinking soda, don't eat fast food, cook all your meals, don't over indulge, exercise.

>> No.8649543

Ok, and how will she lose the last 20 lbs then?

>> No.8649744

500kcal deficit is reasonable for weight loss if you aren't very active or a teenager.

>> No.8649753

they key is pro ana, called anorexic starving mode
shes not happy as she looks
go on 1k diet and just wait

>> No.8649755

This is bait. Read the sticky on /fit', you ignorant whelp.

>> No.8649797

What is the point in feeling hungry? I never want to feel hungry again.

>> No.8649831

Quite literally a disgusting piece of shit. Other models have done shows with her and all said she actually stinks of fucking shit.

>> No.8649840

what a dumb image.

>> No.8649860
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No more than 700 calories. Stuffs me the whole day. Tastes better than it looks though

>> No.8649877

Are those noodles? Seems like a waste of calories if you're on a cut that aggressive. Better to get those cals from a protein or a good fat (fatty fish, avocado, or nuts)

>> No.8649887

You're so fucking stupid. You don't even deserve a (You).

>> No.8649890
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>> No.8649899


>> No.8649915

Yep, instant noodles. Too poor to afford anything else

>> No.8649918

>Fucking her must feel like riding a bicycle across railroad cross ties.
My sides

>> No.8649925

Huhhhuhuhu yeah! Vegetables are fer nerds!

>> No.8649946

It's true though.
/ck/ doesn't know shit aside from fast food and lots of faggots on /fit/ actually manage their weight really well

>> No.8649973

Those triggers warp each day and can be overridden constantly.

>> No.8649983
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>go to fit
>muh paleo
>muh keto
>muh gluten
>muh sticky
>muh caveman
>muh high meat
>muh oats
>muh gomad

/fit/ is a pile of autistic garbage.

>> No.8649987

>lots of faggots on /fit/ actually manage their weight really well
Being an undisciplined hamplanet and then abusing DNP to undo the spare tires doesn't seem like "managing your weight really well"

>> No.8649997

Check out the progress threads once in a while.
If you can't find good stuff in there you're just not paying attention.

>/fit/ is a pile of autistic garbage.
Just like every other board, what's your point

>> No.8650005

Wait, "Indigestible to humans", does that mean you shit noodles after eating them?
That's a deal breaker for me.

>> No.8650042

Fucking kek

>> No.8650050

Hopefully not if you're chewing your food.

>> No.8650253

Its probably cellulose, which greases up your poop tract and makes for smooth movements.

>> No.8650307

Sure, if you swallow them whole