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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8638700 No.8638700 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't rabbits bred commercially for meat in large numbers?

>> No.8638714

Not very economical due to a number of reasons.

The amount of meat return for your investment (feed) is small.
Very niche market, since not many people are interested in rabbit meat.
You'd need a huge amount of rabbits for the same meat yield as a single cow.

>> No.8638734

I'm sure they can breed rabbits to be as fat as those chickens though. Up the meat ratio

>> No.8638740

Might be viable once rabbits start laying eggs.

>> No.8638751


Rabbits eat their own shit.

They can burrow so keeping them contained would be a challenge.

They breed so much you'd need to be constantly culling them if demand does not meet supply.

>> No.8638763

>you'd need to be constantly culling them if demand does not meet supply.
Grind them up for burgers? Or at worst dog food? Still probably wouldn't cover the cost of feeding and containing them though.

>> No.8638768

>poor Mr. Hoppy
That's why. There's not much nutritional value to rabbits either.

>> No.8638773

Too lean

>> No.8638774

>They breed so much you'd need to be constantly culling them if demand does not meet supply.

Or maybe not keep the males and females together? How do you think other animals are kept?

>> No.8638786

Protein poisoning. You just know some dumbass is going to to have that happen.

Plus they are heavily prone to disease and infestations of worms, flies, etc.

>> No.8638817

You'd be losing money if you sold them as pet food. That's why pet food is made with offal and other parts no one wants.

>> No.8638818

Because they literally breed on their own like rabbits. The same reason we don't bottle horse piss, you fucking idiot.

>> No.8638833

This is a shame because rabbit meat is very lean and has an exquisite subtle gamey taste to it. I definitely wish more shops would sell rabbit meat and more eateries would offer rabbit dishes. It'd be dope to try something like a fried rabbit sandwich or stewed rabbit meat in a burrito.

>> No.8638845


That only happens if you eat literally nothing but rabbit, like in a survival situation.

There is no way that someone who has access to rabbit at the market would be eating literally nothing but rabbit.

>> No.8638851

They do. Buy they from asian markets like 99 ranch. It's frozen. Probably from China.

>> No.8638870

Because they breed commercially in large numbers on their own?

>> No.8638917
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>Implying they dont
What about the Easter Bunny smartass?

>> No.8638983
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>rabbits can't be selectively bred

Please dude

>> No.8638991

You're a big bunny.

>> No.8638994

for you

>> No.8639003

I love shelties.

>> No.8639051

Tell me about the rabbits, George

>> No.8639056

Dr. Hare, I'm FDA.

>> No.8639058

They are where I live. My great uncle used to keep rabbits and he'd give one to us every month

>> No.8639061

Much too lean to be commercially valuable.

>> No.8639070

>one rabbit a month

What a generous man

>> No.8639089
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>> No.8639090
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>> No.8639092


>> No.8639105
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>> No.8639109

Well firstly, rabbit tastes bad and is full of little bones. Also it's sad to kill Mr Floppy Ears

>> No.8639112

Until magically one day babies start popping out of no where because life literally finds a way
Trust me, this will be especially true with rabbits.

>> No.8639119

magically is the key word, because you're a moron saying stupid shit

>> No.8639138

>post phone image
>get called out on it
>delete image out of shame

>> No.8639164

Meat rabbits are harvested at 7 weeks a pop, you can easily just breed them in shifts, I do it for my snake food.

>> No.8639268
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>> No.8639387


>> No.8639393

what was it?

>> No.8639409


fb tier reaction image

>> No.8639476

That pleasant gameyness rabbit and duck have isn't present when they're farm raised, so you wind up with stringier, blander chicken.

>> No.8639654
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uhhm, I errr ahh, mmmm

>> No.8639675

Fuck me that's a big rabbit

>> No.8639683

for you

>> No.8639686

I heard if people in the wilderness only eat rabbit meat and nothing else, they still get fucked over because rabbit barely has any fat, is that true?

>> No.8639688

yes. rabbit starvation. you need fat to live

>> No.8639706

Rather than rabbit, I feel like Americans don't eat enough duck or goose.

Also, those books I was forced to read in middle school kept praising Pheasants and hunting them by feeding them raisins socked in alcohol.

Also, goat and lamb disappeared from American Cuisine due to a war between cattle farmers and goat/lamb farmers.

Apparently, when cars didn't exist yet and horse carriages were still common.

A bunch of cattle farmers and goat farmers were competing for land and a short war was fought and the legal system and masses sided with cattle farmers which is why we end up here today with beef popular and goat or lamb meat not really being mainstream enough for the American to eat on a daily basis.

Don't know if this event actually happened though.

>> No.8639711

I feel bad for the people who tried surviving on only rabbit meat and then wondered why they were still dying even though they had access to rabbit meat. Must have been one of the worst trolling ways to die.

Mother Nature can be a bitch.

>> No.8639734
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Must be American. I heard they don't celebrate Easter

>> No.8639760

In the US at least, you're going to run into some serious road blocks as soon as you mention the word "rodent." Plus you have shit like Thumper from the movie Bambi.

Rabbits are cut and a lot of places of a convenient detachment from that reality. I mean, if a grocery store started stocking rabbit you would DEFINITELY have problems in parts of the US.

>you're eating THUMPER
>somebody is eating the easter bunny!

Other countries definitely have a different position on it, or maybe a more realistic one.

>> No.8639762

>the country easter originated from doesn't celebrate easter


>> No.8639769

It's a meme. One I still don't understand 2bh. Now to finish yours up

>> No.8639773

Just have big bones and strong thighs.

>> No.8639775
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Rabbits aren't kosher.

>> No.8639782

Duck meat is top tier.

>> No.8639797

>not much nutritional value to rabbits
False. They have just as much "nutritional value" as any other meat -- it's just that they are a very LOW-FAT meat, so you have to get fats from elsewhere. Like, by eating a varied diet that includes other meats and vegetables and stuff.

>> No.8639798
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>The same reason we don't bottle horse piss

But we do...

>> No.8639804

>heavily prone to disease and infestations of worms, flies, etc.
Only in the wild. Just like pigs are susceptible to trich, cows get blowflies infesting their wounds, and horses get fucked by roving bands of homosexuals.

>> No.8639807

>I feel like Americans don't eat enough duck or goose.

Probably because we see them sitting around all day eating dog shit and garbage.

>> No.8639809

>False. They have just as much "nutritional value" as any other meat
>except for everything besides protein
Wow you don't say.

>> No.8639813

He'll have that dog impregnated in no time, too. Also your foot. Source: have shared living quarters with a Flemish giant.

>> No.8639826
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>> No.8639842

>Jesus died and returned from Heaven in America

>> No.8639854

Yes. What are you, muslim or something?


>> No.8639856

those aren't bottles, you dingnards.

>> No.8639864


i wish they were i fucking love rabbit and hare, so good

>> No.8639881
File: 9 KB, 220x243, 220px-Joseph_Smith,_Jr._profile_by_Bathsheba_Smith_circa_1843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. And the Garden of Eden was in Independence, MO. Good, very good, Mormon.

>> No.8639887

Feed efficiency is probably not enough to justify the yield.

For example, poultry converts 1.8 kg of feed to 1 kg of meat. Pigs is around 3.5 to 1. Rabbit is also around 3.5 to 1. But pigs have other uses with their by products while rabbits have almost no useful by products.

So with the same feed efficiency as pigs. Rabbits are not worth rearing.

>> No.8639899


Furthermore, the best method for mass rabbit rearing is cage, like chicken. But as aforementioned, chicken has twice the feed efficiency.

You also need special care for breeding, unlike chicks, rabbit babies requires nursing up to half a year. Chicken can mature in a month.

So it's just not worth the effort. In order for mass rabbit farming, the demand would need to be extremely high.
Rabbit is something people can do at their backyard, feed them veggie scraps and harvest them 3 or 4 times a year.

>> No.8639914

I've only had rabbit once, but it was almost tasteless and tough. Some of the worst meat I've ever had, but I suppose there's a chance it was just cooked poorly. I'd imagine that's one reason it's not produced commercially.

>> No.8639943
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I don't understand this thread. Rabbitries that breed rabbits for meat commercially do exist, but rabbit meat has declined in popularity in the U.S. over the past century so most stopped and moved onto other things. Now they're mostly farmed as side-projects. Same reason you don't see frog farms anymore.

Unless you're talking about breeding rabbits in factory farms, in which case they do in Asia where the meat and fur are in higher demand.

>> No.8639969

>eating macro-farmed "rabbit"
>not patronizing a local micro-rabbitry to obtain craft hare meat such as oak-aged chocolate rabbit and high-protein double-fresh-cured rabbit

fuckin plebs

>> No.8640389
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Australia used to have a healthy wild rabbit export market going. The chinks killed it when the government implemented mandatory rabbit breeding.

>> No.8640744

>hunting them by feeding them raisins socked in alcohol
Danny, the Champion of the World?

>> No.8640817

Are we talking about the same U.S.? Americans will eat anything.

>> No.8640824
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You monster :(

>> No.8640844

>In the US at least, you're going to run into some serious road blocks as soon as you mention the word "rodent."

What do rodents have to do with anything? Rabbits are lagomorphs. They're also still routinely eaten in southern and midwest states but usually wild cottontails rather thsn farmed.

>> No.8640849

how is the pork industry alive?

pigs are dirty and contain a shit ton of worms.

they are a cause of E. Pelori

>> No.8640857

My grandfather used to tell me about how their family used to raise rabbits for meat as a kid and how one of them accidentally knocked one out when trying to break it's neck before skinning it. He'd tell us it snapped awake when the pelt was almost completely off and ran around their yard screaming before it succumbed to shock.

>> No.8640903

they're cute

>> No.8640908

because white people dont want to eat giant rats

>> No.8640927

White people domesticated rabbits for meat.

>> No.8640955

I like wild ones. Get their attention so they look at you and fresze, then put a airgun pellet right between their eyes.

>> No.8640965

>Rabbits eat their own shit
why is this an issue?
>They can burrow so keeping them contained would be a challenge.
not through a barn.. they have concrete floors
>They breed so much you'd need to be constantly culling them if demand does not meet supply.
You're saying the problem would be excess meat? sounds like a nice problem. Supply also always meets demand when it comes to food, the question is price.

>> No.8640966

Heard the same story as a kid.

First thing you do when you skin a rabbit is cut it paws off, so I learned it was bullshit when I was old enough.

>> No.8640974

>not through a barn.. they have concrete floors
You can't really keep rabbits on a concrete floor just like you can't keep chickens on a concrete floor.

You can dig a trench around the pen and place the cage wire several feet underground, but in a large pen, even that doesn't guarantee capture.

>You're saying the problem would be excess meat?

You have to feed meat. Rabbits will breed to out-starve their environment if allowed. At that point, the older males can resort to cannibalism, which is always unhealthy in farmstock.

>> No.8640978

>You can't really keep rabbits on a concrete floor just like you can't keep chickens on a concrete floor.
yes you can. you put dirt on TOP of the congrete floor.

>> No.8640990

It takes a long time for artificial selection to work its magic, though, even in a species that breeds as quickly as rabbits. The return on investment just isn't high enough. Maybe in a decade or two when genetic engineering advances further and becomes more widespread, but we aren't going to get extra meaty rabbits until then.

That said, there are in fact rabbit farms contrary to what the people in this thread seem to believe. I remember going to one when I was visiting my grandparents in Scotland as a kid. I've also heard they have a breed of very fluffy rabbits in Turkey witch they farm for wool.

>> No.8640996

I've had lamb prepared in several different ways throughout my life. It's tolerable but just tastes like a worse version of pork to me. That said I don't like beef much either so perhaps my tastes are just odd. I'd love to try horse one day though, can't help but wonder what it tastes like.

>> No.8641001


You know that rabbits pretty much just eat, shit and fuck in a closed environment right?

You know that any rabbit cage or run has a wire or wood floor right?

And you know you have to change that flooring often or else it'll quickly turn into carpet of maggot infested shit if there's no substantial soil ecosystem to handle it right?

You really wanna eat worm-ridden, fly-blown, foot-rot shit-meat?

>> No.8641136

just release them in the wild, they do best on their own, then hunt them
ever heard about "fucking like rabbits"

>> No.8641147


The real answer is because rabbit meat is fucking shit.

>> No.8641152

that is wrong, simple as that
dumb nigger go eat your tendies and let the adults talk

>> No.8641154

good argument

>> No.8641280

No, they stole that from the noble and highly creative Africans in Lemuria who built the pyramids and colonized the solar system.

>> No.8641282

>a breed of very fluffy rabbits
Yeah, they're called Angora rabbits.

>> No.8641307


>> No.8641320

you're god damn right

>> No.8641322
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Utah here.

Can confirm.

>> No.8641437

Too small for a commercial amount of meat
They breed fast but you have to feed them all

>> No.8641453

mutton > lamb

>> No.8641760

You'd have to be even dumber than a gym rat who eats only brotein to only eat rabbit and no fat or carbs.

>> No.8641923

Do you even know how meat is prepped before you get into the store? I don't think you do.

>> No.8641938

thats basically what happens with chickens and cows

>> No.8642037

You're right

>> No.8642065

>First thing you do is cut the paws off
I've skinned tons of rabbits and I have never removed the feet first

>> No.8642092

but.. they are. The fuck.

>> No.8643524


>> No.8643645

The grocery store Kroger carries rabbit in the USA.Its in the frozen meat section next to the chicken breasts. Whole food also carries it.

>> No.8643717


>> No.8644466

if youd eat em like that youd make him sick you would.

theres only one way to make a brace of coneys

and there is hardly any meat on em.

>> No.8644495

It's not a meme, this is serious

>> No.8645001

Why is he pouring coca cola on the meat?

>> No.8646231

Are you fucking Jeff Goldblum?

>> No.8646257

Chickens are naturally fatty animals, which is why everywhere the world over made it a staple meat of their diet.

Rabbits are not.
Rabbits are so lean that you have to be careful not to eat too much of it, or you'll get protein poisoning.
You can't really fatten them up at all.

>> No.8646262

nazi's tried breeding large rabbits for food in the concentration camps
you're not allowed to do anything the meany nazis did you know

>> No.8646283

>not just shooting them

The fuck? This is one of the main reasons they're not farmed. Just go out to your backyard and take one.

>> No.8646778

>no by products
what about the fur though? shit cuz be used for a lot

I know rabbits are inefficient though. Kim jong il tried a breeding program of those giant rabbits and they lost more food than they made.

>> No.8646822

This anon has no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.8647132

>it'd be dope


>> No.8647167

Why arent deer raised as livestock? Venison is goat

>> No.8647180

Are you sure that's how it went? I remember hearing that the bunnies were were supposed to be studied, but they ate them instead. Whoever lent them the rabbits was pissed.

>> No.8647286


Because there's millions in the wild. There's lots of elk farms here though.

>> No.8647899

I think he grasps that americans are idiots and don't even want to eat horse

>> No.8647999

Wild rabbits run a lot more which makes them a lot more flavorful. They do have rabbit farms that commercially make rabbit, but there's not a lot of them. I think people will always prefer wild rabbit to farm raised rabbit because of flavor and not enough people eat rabbit as it is so the market really isn't there.

>> No.8648060


>> No.8648075

Srsly? You break the neck, chop off the feet, slice the skin open, cut a ring around the asshole to free the intestine, fling the guts out, and then peel the entire skin off like a grape. Lastly, decapitate and remove the heart and lungs. Wa-la you have the carcass in OP's pic, that's why it don't got no feets.

>> No.8648092

>Kim jong il tried a breeding program

No he didn't.

>I remember hearing that the bunnies were were supposed to be studied, but they ate them instead. Whoever lent them the rabbits was pissed.

Yep. The funniest part is that the breeder was a sappy old Communist from what used to be East Germany (before FREEDOM happened), and he gave his best rabbits to North Korea in the spirit of Communist fraternity to support the last hardcore Communist country on the planet.

Then the Kims ate all his prize breeding stock because that's what Communist dictators do.

Yet more proof, as if it were needed, that Communists are fucking retarded.

>> No.8648105

>not enough people eat rabbit as it is so the market really isn't there.
This, there was a fast-food chain that tried to get started in Indiana, called "Hopscotch", which was based around fried rabbit. I don't think they got past even one store; nobody wanted to eat cut li'l bunny wabbits.

>> No.8648121

wuld u fug the rab

>> No.8648967

>Rabbits are so lean that you have to be careful not to eat too much of it, or you'll get protein poisoning.
We should spam /fit/ with this, they'll thank us later.

>> No.8648975

That's a rabbit?

>> No.8648980

Lamb and mutton are very common in the UK and the commonwealth.

The UK/AUS/NZ serves it with mint sauce or in a shepherds pie, south Asia is either in kebab form or curry (kebabs are like spicy lamb sausages).

>> No.8649069

The one on the left is. The one on the right is a collie or something.

>> No.8649112


>> No.8649117

Yep, your body uses either fat or carbs for energy. Your body can use a small amount of protein for energy but after a certain point your body starts failing. Basicall rabbits are so low in fat content if you only eat them you will die.

>> No.8649127

It wasn't goats it was sheep

>> No.8649573

I just pop a few with a 22 in my garden. Great stew meat. I hate cleaning them. Their muscles always spasm.

>> No.8649775

Dad used to breed em a while back. He built wooden pens though and the fuckers ever so slowly but surely began to chew through it. Great meat, it fits the "like chicken" meme but with a subtle yet definite je ne sais quoi. Super fucking lean, some of the purest protein out there short of whey powder, so /fit/ approves.

First time I ever saw an animal being sacrificed was when dad whacked them in the back of the head with a big stick (knocked out cold instantly, theres a brief spasm but its pure reflex), hung them on a literal cross upside down and lopped the heads off with the chef's knife to finally off them. I expected it to be more impactful. Not trying to be edgy or anything, I just took it much more nonchalantly than I though I would. Sorry about this Cuddles, but were still going to eat you. Also thanks.

Dad did get a glancing blow in once out of the hundred times he did it, however. Cuddles was on the ground with his hind legs in my dads grasp and he was staying quiet, but he shifted his body just as the bludgeon was coming down. It wasn't even a reaction or anything, the rabbit must have just been in an uncomfortable position or something. The loudness of the screeching was kind of a shock but dad immediately got a very solid hit right in the back of the skull not a second later, and then very quickly hung and decapitated. He fixed his mistake as fast as he could, but it left him in a noticeably bad mood for the rest of the day. He might not have had any qualms about killing them for food but he really did give a shit about making it as easy on the bunnies as possible. When shit like that happens it really sucks.

Next time we get to building cages I'm probably going to be the one on abattoir duty. Also, best part of a rabbit is by far the liver.

>> No.8650844
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So... anyone got a good recipe that isn't generic carrot/potato/celery stew?

>> No.8651984
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>> No.8652158

>eating rodent class lifeforms

>> No.8652239


Jeezus I haven't laughed this hard in ages!

>> No.8652375
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>> No.8652380

why not just castrate the males

>> No.8652386 [DELETED] 


>> No.8652429

This is the most amazing thing I've seen all weekend

>> No.8652444

Pretty much this.

Rabbit meat is delicious though.

>> No.8652466

>Chickens are naturally fatty animals, which is why everywhere the world over made it a staple meat of their diet
Or because it's a small animal that requires a minimum of skill and care to keep in a household, and it'll subsist on scraps and what it can forage in a relatively small space.
Further add that it produces value (eggs) for a significant part of its lifetime.

Frankly, I suspect the latter is far more important than its body fat percentage; consider how many commonly eaten "farmed" animals add some sort of value while alive:
Sheep, goats and cattle all produce milk, while the two former also can be shaven for fur/wool.
Horses are excellent for physical labour and warfare (although neither is particularly relevant these days).
Only pigs are unusual in that they don't really offer anything for the household - they do however eat just about anything.

>> No.8652516
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>Only pigs are unusual in that they don't really offer anything for the household - they do however eat just about anything.

>> No.8652540

>hurr durr i cant do basic fact checking

>> No.8652584


>> No.8652589

That might be why Jews and Muslims hate em.

>> No.8652668

He means that "eat just about anything" is a pretty great utility for an animal to provide in a pre-garbage service society.

>> No.8652701

He's referring to the fact that pigs will eat people given half a chance





>> No.8652829

Perhaps he is a muslim.

>> No.8652839

what about coconut crabs

they're fucking huge and eat rubbish

just keep like 20 in your backyard and let them eat all your trash and eat them every now and then

>> No.8652858

My grandpa used to breed rabbits and we would eat some regularly. It's not bad but i've never seen rabbit in stores anywhere (germanfag, by the way) but i'm pretty sure people would try it.

>> No.8653060

(((snopes))) is fake news.

>> No.8653068

Only when it comes to political facts. They only started becoming untrustworthy in the last few years. Nothing is wrong with older articles, and even then I still think their health/science/urban legend reporting is solid.

>> No.8653071

>published 2007
My point precisely.

>> No.8653079
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You are making it too hard. Just shitlist snopes all together.

>> No.8653091

I like you

>> No.8653131

>a double line poster fell for that shit that was debunked 12 fucking years ago
you just don't make taht shit up at this point, you can't. They are real. They breath and waste your air.

>> No.8653132

>The amount of meat return for your investment (feed) is small.

Not true. Cows convert 12% of what they eat into protein. Rabbit's : 20-24%.

Source: my fucking book on how to raise a rabbit.

>> No.8653171

Ever gotten a rabbit bone stuck in your gums? Those bony things are a pain to eat.

>> No.8653174

rabbits aren't rodents, you fool.

>> No.8653178

>full of little bones

I don't think that they taste bad though. Their meat just tends to be a little dry, very low on fat.