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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8630522 No.8630522 [Reply] [Original]

Should this be illegal?

>> No.8630527

No, but you shouldn't be eating that a lot.

>> No.8630617

>2600 calories
>not even 100% calcium

>> No.8630627

ultimate superfood t b h

except all the sugar holy fuck

>> No.8630641

Where can I get this?

>> No.8630681

No, we should force feed these to prisoners as a slow death penalty

>> No.8630686

Baskin Robbins , the logo is above the Oreo logo.

>> No.8630689
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>half pound of sugar

>> No.8630699 [DELETED] 


>an entire working mans day worth of calories in a snack drink?


>> No.8630716


>> No.8630835

No, people should be free to make their own choices, no matter how bad they are. I also believe all drugs (yes, even heroin and crack) should be legal to anyone age 21+.

>> No.8630844

>I also believe all drugs (yes, even heroin and crack) should be legal to anyone age 21+.
Those tend to affect others [ie; not the ones taking drug] pretty badly, would disagree on that one. Lighter drugs like shrooms, weed, acid, sure.

>> No.8630854

eh heroin is always paraded as the baddest of all drugs but really all it does it make someone sleep all fucking day.

meth and crack need to stay illegal though

>> No.8630856

250g is a quarter pound of sugar, retard.

>> No.8630866


>> No.8630892
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>Yuropoors will literally never experience this joy
lmaoing @ your lives. Enjoy the kebabs you malnourished queers.

>> No.8631078


>> No.8631084

>38g protein

looks healthy enough to me

>> No.8631110

If heroin is legal then a shit load of people are going to become addicted to heroin.

Being addicted to heroin is absolutely not okay.

>> No.8631116

this. stores shouldnt be allowed to sell that stuff to people, that would make it too easy for people to get addicted and ruin their life, which is expensive for the rest of society to deal with.

>> No.8631118

>drugs should be illegal because of my morals
fuck off

>> No.8631132

> I don't understand how to separate hard drugs like heroin from other drugs like weed or alcohol

You could probably try harder, famiglia

>> No.8631135

>libertarians choose drugs and sugar as the hill to die on


>> No.8631151


you guys do know that there's a raging addiction epidemic towards painkillers atm right?

>> No.8631154

yes. that only strengthens my point that heroin shouldnt be available to be purchased legally at the store.

>> No.8631159

no, people should be able to self regulate. I as a very skinny person should be able to eat what I want

>> No.8631164

Explain to me why heroin is worse than alcohol.

>> No.8631170
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EPIC TROLE!!!!!!11!!!!1!!!!one!1!!

>> No.8631172

it is by far more addictive than alcohol
injecting drugs is inherently more dangerous than drinking them
there are strong social stigmas against both heroin and people who dont drink alcohol.

>> No.8631174

Yeah maybe you should try heroin.

>> No.8631179
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What's with all the fucking salt? Was it an "in for a penny, in for a pound" sort of mentality?

>> No.8631180

>he says while drinking alcohol, smoking a cigarette and loading his plate with corn syrup

>> No.8631185

I never understood this. Why do fast food places need to add so much salt, sugar and saturated fats to everything?

>> No.8631193

>it is by far more addictive than alcohol
Do you have a source for that? And if so, why does that matter?

>injecting drugs is inherently more dangerous than drinking them
Do you have a source for that? Heroin can also be smoked.

>there are strong social stigmas against both heroin and people who dont drink alcohol.
That's irrelevant. Legality shouldn't be for the sake of social stigmas.

>> No.8631206

if you need sources for those first two then you have a tenuous understanding of the issue we're talking about.
as far as the third, you asked why heroin is worse than alcohol. social stigmas would make it worse.

>> No.8631217

If your ingredients are shit, that's where the flavor is.

>> No.8631252

>if you need sources for those first two then you have a tenuous understanding of the issue we're talking about.
Not an argument.

Alcohol is tremendously addictive. A heavy alcoholic can die from the withdrawals. Heroin withdrawals, while very miserable, will not kill you. Benzo withdrawals are the only other popular drug where withdrawals can kill you. Physical addiction is worse than psychological addiction, wouldn't you agree?

Many more people die from alcohol than heroin a year. People who drink alcohol will often drive intoxicated. They will do dangerous things due to lower inhibition. That being said, risk to personal safety in regards to legality is not an argument.

>as far as the third, you asked why heroin is worse than alcohol. social stigmas would make it worse.
Not what I was talking about.

>> No.8631255

Youre right its not an argument, im not going to argue that with you.

>> No.8631257

>Heroin is icky so it should be illegal but alcohol should be legal because I like it

>> No.8631262

>not what I was talking about
that literally was what you said in the post I responded to.

>> No.8631266

> I don't understand how to separate hard drugs like heroin from other drugs like weed or alcohol

>You could probably try harder, famiglia

>Explain to me why heroin is worse than alcohol.

In the context of why heroin is worse and therefore a "hard" drug.

>> No.8631295

Yeah heroin is worse than alcohol. Trust me.

Alcohol isn't something to play with either though.

>> No.8631305

the fat lady spoke everybody guess we should ban everything he doesn't like!

>> No.8631308

>Yeah heroin is worse than alcohol. Trust me.
well that settles it

>> No.8631322


He never said anything about banning anything, just that smack is worse than alcohol. If you think otherwise you're delusional.

>> No.8631324

It should be legal, but they should have to print those nutritional facts on the cup and menu. At least a condensed version. That's insane.

>> No.8631332



>> No.8631339


>Heroin withdrawals, while very miserable, will not kill you.

Lol wut? Opioid withdrawals are amongst the most dangerous, faggot.

Because they're so uncomfortable, people are willing to do extremely dangerous methods of detox. While the symptoms themselves are not often fatal, it's one of the most psychologically crippling drugs to detox from.

>> No.8631341

Its a law in Canada.
At least in Québec.

>> No.8631347

>74% of your daily sodium requirement in a fucking shake.
Two packages of cheap ramen have less than that, what the fuck.

>> No.8631371

In Florida they put the calories (only) on the menu. At least they did. I haven't had fast food in years.

>> No.8631377

you dont understand the argument.
I responded to >>8631164
where you said "Explain to me why heroin is worse than alcohol."

>> No.8631386

not an argument

That has nothing to do with what I said. If you kill yourself detoxing that is not the result of the withdrawal itself. Alcohol withdrawal is also very uncomfortable.

Saying heroin is a hard drug because of social stigmas is retarded. You seem like a dim person.

>> No.8631416

>not an argument

It wasn't supposed to be, idiot.

>> No.8631423

saying heroin is worse than alcohol because of social stigmas is not retarded, which is what we were talking about.

>> No.8631426




>> No.8631431

>saying heroin is worse than alcohol because of social stigmas is not retarded
It absolute is retarded. It's one of the most retarded things I've read all day.

>heroin is worse than alcohol because people don't like heroin but like alcohol
Literally not an argument.

>> No.8631442
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Honestly, yes it should.

>> No.8631444

then you dont understand how social stigmas affect people, probably because of autism.

>> No.8631457
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So what is worse for you?
59g of saturated fat vs. 2.5g of trans fat?

>> No.8631482

Not an argument.

>> No.8631520


t. never done drugs

>> No.8631544

actually i've done a lot of drugs. never heroin but lots of oxys and vicodins. i've done benzos, opiates, meth, alcohol, weed, ecstasy and cough syrup.

anyone who's actually slammed dope will tell you oxys are almost the same. all it does it make you nod off and shit. it doesn't make you go around killing people

>> No.8631588

So you agree: since homosexuality has a negative social stigma, it is therefore inherently worse than heterosexuality and it should be outlawed.

>> No.8631592

no, all I said was that it was worse due to social stigma. I didnt say anything about legality, you did.

>> No.8631601
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That was a different poster. Try to fathom multiple people find your "logic" ridiculous.

Refer to pic related as how this conversation started and how you indeed tried to use social stigma as a means of deciding legality.

>> No.8631604

>no, all I said was that it was worse due to social stigma.
So you agree: since homosexuality has a negative social stigma, it is therefore inherently worse than heterosexuality

>> No.8631606

you find it ridiculous that, because alcohol is such a socially acceptable drug while heroin is so reviled, heroin is worse than alcohol?

>> No.8631609

yes, on that one point. I would prefer to be heterosexual than homosexual, just like I would prefer to use alcohol than heroin.

>> No.8631620

>get btfo
>change your argument

Nice fallacy, btw. Appealing to what's socially acceptable. It's socially acceptable to drink sodas, too. Should you drink a soda every day? It's more socially acceptable to smoke cigarettes. Are cigarettes bad for your health?

You seem incredibly stupid and too weak to formulate your own opinion. Instead you form your opinion based on popularity and what's trendy.

>> No.8631630

>if it is socially acceptable it is automatically better

>> No.8631633

>I would prefer to be heterosexual than homosexual
Really? The gays seem to be having a pretty easy time of it.

>> No.8631643

I didnt change my argument, we were talking about why heroin is WORSE than alcohol, the social stigma about it makes it worse, I dont feel like I need to explain why.

>> No.8631649

>autism, the post.

>> No.8631652

> heroin is WORSE than alcohol, the social stigma about it makes it worse,
So therefore that's why it should be illegal?

>inb4 I didn't say legality
see pic

>> No.8631656

>X should be illegal because it's against the law
good goy

>> No.8631660

[American free market autism screeching]

>> No.8631662
File: 339 KB, 2560x1800, Screenshot_20170228-210155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the post I was responding to. All I said was why heroin is worse than alcohol, you seemed to have a problem with the idea that a social stigma about some behavior could be a detriment to that particular behavior.

>> No.8631664


but fat """people""" who eat this garbage need to be stigmatized until they kill themselves or lose weight

>> No.8631677

>that's the post I was responding to
Then you jumped into an argument with no context. I asked why heroin was worse than alcohol in the context of why it should be illegal and then you replied with social stigmas. It is not my fault you changed you strawmanned. Stop being a newfag and learn how to read reply chains before interjecting yourself into conversations.

>> No.8631682

>learn how to read reply chains
lol no, faggot, stop being a newfag and expecting that shit to just happen to suit you.

>> No.8631686

Whether you're intending for legality to be determined or not is more of a moot point. I have a problem with the main premise of your argument, which is "you should always consider what people will think about you before you do something. If it's a social stigma it's bad, and don't do it. I guess I shouldn't be on 4chan any more, shouldn't play video games, shouldn't laugh at off-color jokes, etc."

>> No.8631692

>strawman someone's argument
>blame them for it
Wanna know how I know you're a liberal?

>> No.8631704

where was the strawman?

>> No.8631707

>social stigma is a social construct MAAAAN, like you should never follow the sheeple duuuuude
Literally everything you do is informed by unacknowledged assumptions about how others will react, the most you autistically try to extricate yourself the more you show yourself to be a slave to the perceptions of others. Just unclench your anus and accept that it's a normal part of humans and other social animals

>> No.8631720

I was talking about what about heroin, in comparison to alcohol, should make it illegal. Not what society thinks of it.

>Literally everything you do is informed by unacknowledged assumptions about how others will react
Wrong. Some of us live our lives for ourselves not for other people. You are projecting.

>> No.8631721
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>> No.8631731

how it is accepted by society is a reason to make it illegal. if we all used heroin the way we use alcohol it should be legal, except we dont.

>> No.8631734

No. Cigarettes aren't illegal, why should this be?

>> No.8631743

>it should be illegal because it's against the law
not an argument

>> No.8631746

I didnt say that. reread what I said. the law isnt an accurate representation of social stigmas.

>> No.8631753

>Some of us live our lives for ourselves not for other people
t.high school senior who just read Atlas Shrugged

>> No.8631760
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>> No.8631770

You understand that is a fucking QUART of "shake", right? I mean yes this is completely fine. if you were eating a normal serving size (about 25% of the thing) it's 650 calories.

Why are you so shocked that a quarter of a gallon of ice cream is 2600 calories?

>> No.8631776

>no crustaceans

ban this sick filth

>> No.8631779

Maybe. I mean I don't think I have a problem with the arbitrary cultural taboo, but I would need to know that the human flesh is
a: completely safe to eat
b: not infringing on the rights of anyone

If those criteria are satisfied I would totally eat human flesh.

>> No.8631782


not an argument

>> No.8631784

No there needs to be ocean animals in it to make it a true oreo

>> No.8631787
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>> No.8631827

Just come into the thread.

What's with the autist screeching about heroin and people replying to said autist? "Not an argument" is never a proper reply to a point someone made in an argument. How socially inept can a person possibly be to keep shitting out from their mouth?

Heroin is worse than alcohol in term of social reaction to it. Argue against this if you want, but if you go out and ask 10 randomly selected people (Instead from your neighborhood, which can be biased toward your own opinion due to variety of reasons) and ask them which one they think is worse, taking heroin or getting a beer, most of them will answer heroin.

Alcohol and heroin both have terrible side effects. Trying to compare a stab wound in the heart and a gunshot in the heart is problematic, but it should be suffice to say that, if it's not worse, it should be just as bad.

>> No.8631834

This is not an argument you fucking retard.

>> No.8631836


Duly noted that you are not an argument, familia.

>> No.8631838

Lmao why not

>> No.8631850

your not an argument is not an argument

as is this reply

>> No.8631853

"Not an argument" is definitely a valid response. It is probably the most valid response to give someone who in fact, lacks an argument.

>> No.8631859

Explain nigguh

>> No.8631865

Yeah and as I quote you say " you fucking retarded" makes you look really good in this scenario. Congrats

>> No.8631869

But anon, that's ... Not an argument.

>> No.8631877

I just did.

How do I look like a fucking retard? I can't argue about something with someone when that something simply isn't an argument. What the hell do you want ME to do when its YOU which has NO ARGUMENT?

>> No.8631880

Is this not conflict?

>> No.8631882

It doesn't matter what you think

>> No.8631883

Your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.8631889

That's not an argument reeeeeeeeeeeee

Also we should just all drink alcohol and/or snort heroin while doing this and see who remains at the end. Those who survives will be the winner of the argument

>> No.8631891

lots of suspicious samefagging

>> No.8631902

Not an argument.

>> No.8631961
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>> No.8631992

I feel sick because I used to drink these when I was a kid.


i coulda died.

thanks grandma

>> No.8631997
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Is Australia trying to kill the USA?

>> No.8632139

just through it up dude, tastes the same and you dont get fat

>> No.8632148

lmao im retarded i meant *throw

>> No.8632202


>> No.8632241
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>> No.8632560
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>libertarians choose drugs and sugar as the hill to die on
>not being a fascist libertarian

>> No.8632580

God damn this board is shit, how the fuck did you autist get into this tangent?

>> No.8632581


>fascist libertarian

lol what?

>> No.8632764

what the fuck is in that

>> No.8632883

Pretty sure that is .. reason why McDonald's had to get rid of the supersize me stuff.. how the fuck is there thst much sugar there ice cream in general has a crazy amout of un needed sugar how is this much fat in this drink jesus

>> No.8632904
File: 24 KB, 445x445, tmp_31857-1488153982105436154287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people arguing about herion addicts and alcoholics
It's like you haven't been around either of them. /ck/ I know it's fun to have your nonfood related alcohol threads but alcoholism is extremely pathetic and alcoholics are incredibly uncomfortable to be around. Same with herion and opiods addicts. Society would come to a standstill if addicts were of these drugs were the norm. Suffering would be high.

I don't care if you are autistic and can't see past the micro level. At the macro, mass opioids and alcohol addiction would be a huge problem. Which is why people are trying to solve it now

Anyone that doesn't get the social stigmas from hundreds of years of addiction is autistic or retarded

>> No.8632919

Why contain it?

>> No.8633053

I don't know, I tend to unironically yes. People who cry "but mah freedumbs muthafucka" have too much faith in people. Most are dumb, that's the reason for the obesity epidemic.
Make no mistake, this is no regular soda where I am against a ban. A dumb person might just drink two of these and have had enough Calories for 3 whopping days. This is insane. And the state/taxpayers/your healthcare coverage and the planet have to pay for their dumbness.

>> No.8633059

Sucks for us functioning addicts. Shit's getting harder to find because the majority of folks have no self control. If you're taking them strictly recreationally, you have to make rules. Mine were only on days off. Never got addicted. Never moved on to harder shit, just a low dose of oxycodone once or twice a week as a reward to myself. I stopped taking them though because scoring them became such a pain in the ass.

>> No.8633064
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>1954 cal
That's nothing

>> No.8633072

The hell is wrong with that cat? He is freaking me out.

>> No.8633073

>Drinking the liquid Jew

Silly amerifat

>> No.8633096

It's amazing that there's so much shit in there that it manages to get up to 13g of fibre. Something they probably didn't even want.

>> No.8633441

>i believe something shouldn't be legal because idiots will use it
Its there own fault for using it mine as well sell them it without all the dirty needles and additives drug dealers put in to boost there weight

>> No.8633469

Remember to drink two so you get all your daily cholesterol

>> No.8633478

>only my opinoion matters

>> No.8633488
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It will probably be made illegal eventually once people come to terms with how bad the obesity epidemic is.

The legality of things like this depends entirely on social attitudes. For example, alcohol is illegal, not because it's good for society (think of all the crime that would be avoided in an alcohol-free world), but simply because people WANT it to be legal. We as a society have agreed that we like alcohol so much that we will just cope with the consequences of keeping it legal.

Cigarettes are going the other direction, there are more and more limits on the legality of smoking, things like restrictions on our ability to market cigarettes, where you can and cannot smoke, legal age, etc.

It's more likely that restrictions like those will be placed on shit like Baskin Robbins, limiting their ability to advertise or requiring health disclosures. Imagine the same calorie cocktail but with a great big ugly health warning on it about the dangers of obesity.

Another possibility is limiting the serving size that they're allowed to sell, which you see with things like the Big Gulp law.

The idea is not only to protect stupid people but also to protect the social cost of having an obese population - more people on disability, unable or unwilling to work, soaking up health care dollars, etc.

>> No.8633496

Beverages containing more than 500 calories should all have a label on them saying "I am a fat piece of shit" in big bold letters, so you get publicly shamed for drinking them.

>> No.8633499


>"I am a fat piece of shit"

Surprisingly, I know a ton of people who drink these abominations and are still in skelly mode

>> No.8633522

Yes, but with a sugar tax on it

>> No.8633532

American """""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""

>> No.8633546


>> No.8633552


>> No.8633560

is this like, exclusively designed for gay powerlifting couples each with a TDEE of 4000 kcal?

>> No.8633579

Y-you too...

>> No.8633702
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1486113042023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2600 calories
>208% fat
>295% saturated fat
>111% total carbs
Jesus fucking christ how can they possibly be allowed to sell that?

>> No.8633710

Unlike you, Achmed, most Americans aren't lactose intolerant. Enjoy your shitty continent.

>> No.8633715

if you're actually wondering, they discontinued this a while back and the new ones are not as bad, iirc

>> No.8633722
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>literally double the amount of calories I currently consume daily

ill pass

>> No.8633750

Interesting. I assume this wasn't in the UK?

I am genuinely amazed that something like that with more calories than most people's daily allowance can be sold as a single serving. Would be interested to see the new one

>> No.8633839

>american cuisine

>> No.8633858

Lol tedt

>> No.8633901



>lactose intolerant

Uh... most Arabs I know fucking love milk

>> No.8633917

I'm less bothered by the sheer number of calories, and more offended by how much sugar is in it. It must be sickeningly sweet. The only part that should be illegal is how much sugar they put in it because of how disgusting it must be.

>> No.8633935

>For example, alcohol is illegal, not because it's good for society (think of all the crime that would be avoided in an alcohol-free world), but simply because people WANT it to be legal.

Alcohol is entirely harmless in the way most people consume it. A couple beers a week has zero effect on your well-being. There are some people that have problems with it or binge-drink, but that is a small minority.
This is why it's legal.

The 2600Cal shake is *always* bad for you, for everyone and every time (unless you are a dirty bulker from /fit/). When you consume it, assuming you didn't eat nothing else that day, you will have gained a pound of fat.
That's why it should be regulated into oblivion.

>> No.8633939

stupid liberal

>> No.8633943

>assuming you didn't eat nothing else that day, you will have gained a pound of fat.
A pound of fat is 3500 calories. You're not gonna gain a pound of fat in a single day from drinking this and only this.

>> No.8633957

A bit redundant.

>> No.8633974

you're right kek

>> No.8633989

Yes, but most people will not fast an entire day and part of the next one to just drink this shake. They'll have their regular meals and on top of that this monstrosity, and most likely even some added junk from the place that sells this shake.

>> No.8633993

>When you consume it, assuming you didn't eat nothing else that day, you will have gained a pound of fat.

>> No.8633996

People don't casually and socially shoot up heroin. Alcohol is its own demon but it's harder to get physically addicted and it's more acceptable because it's used as a social lubricant. Also sipping on tasty beer and wine is far away from injecting dirt into your veins.

>> No.8634001

Ditto on popping in.
While they are two different beasts, they're both honestly rather comparable.

With both handled properly, alcohol is more damaging. Liver damage and cancerous metabolites are inherent to consuming ethanol itself in any manner.
But heroin is more EASILY damaging when handled incorrectly. Proper needle protocol is hard. Adulterants are common. The current unregulated nature makes a recipe for disaster where purity is concerned, and illegal trade itself has plenty of dangerous aspects (Social, physical aggression, dangers of punishment).

With heroin, like most other painkillers, there's actually little direct damage handled properly. Long term dangers of that are limited to weakened immune system and lower T, maybe memory problems but not as severe as ethanol.
But that's being handled absolutely proper. Always on, never off, or at least a strong slow taper beforehand, never overdosing, always sterile and controlled. It's nigh impossible.

As for the social acceptability, there are reasons for it.
GABAergics like alcohol primarily reduce aversion, anxiety and whatnot. They make people open up and stop worrying. It makes getting close to people easier.
Opioids make things comfortable. They just feel good. Good enough to kill pain of all sorts. But that's all. They're self pleasuring and provides no overall benefit for a group.
While they certainly tried to ban everything, alcohol was too useful socially, so prohibition on that had amazing backlash.

Opioids are easier to get addicted to for objective reasons as well.
Rather than just removing fear, worry, and excess energy, they are directly pleasureful.
You can still function on lower doses while feeling good. So it sounds like a good idea to live on, go to work, etc. You don't feel too fucked up.
There's no ethanol smell from excretion and exhalation.
Needles aside it just doesn't feel dangerous.

That being said, there are ways out. If anyone gets stuck, kratom works very well.

>> No.8634003

>People don't casually and socially shoot up heroin
Why not? You don't have to use a needle, either. It can be smoked. That's not an argument.

>Alcohol is its own demon but it's harder to get physically addicted
Citation needed.

>and it's more acceptable because it's used as a social lubricant
Not an argument.

>Also sipping on tasty beer and wine is far away from injecting dirt into your veins.
Not an argument.

>> No.8634017


>unless you are a dirty bulker from /fit/

I don't know if even /fit/ would approve of that hyper-sugar abomination since it lacks a good ratio of macros... hell, it doesn't even break the 50g mark for protein

>> No.8634019
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>most Arabs
>knows numerous Arabs

>> No.8634024

I personally prefer shoving it up my shitter.

>> No.8634048

did he died?

>> No.8634058

So does obesity.

Why is one permitted, and t'other not?

>> No.8634089

It shouldn't. Japan has a fat fine and obesity in that country is incredibly low comparing to other first world countries.

>> No.8634259


Yeah, sadly.

>> No.8634308

Oh wow, poor bastard.

>> No.8634342

Yea but he respawned at med center

>> No.8634349


>> No.8634360
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>mfw Christ didn't love him back enough to not let him die trapped in a cave

>> No.8634361

Fucking tweaker logic.

>> No.8634376
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>mfw Christians aren't immortal which means God hates them

>> No.8634477

>Unlike you, Achmed, most Americans aren't lactose intolerant.
>He learned about the world from /pol/

Kek. Typical flyover

>> No.8634508


Please educate yourself.

>> No.8634511

Fat fine? Based japan

>> No.8634532

Educate about what? That Europeans can tolerate dairy. Wow what a newsflash

>> No.8634624

>assuming you didn't eat nothing else
>assuming you ate something else

>how do double negatives work

>> No.8634642

I'm not sure your body could process that amount of fat. You'd most likely shit a lot of it out.

>> No.8634644

Kek. Okay you can have that. Thats a solid argument

>> No.8634668

You knew what he meant you pendantic fuck. This is why nobody likes you.

>> No.8634673

Thanks for memeing me again my friend.

>> No.8634674

I love you too anon

>> No.8634680

wow, I'm new to /ck/ and I assumed you guys would be chill, but you're pretty mean to each other huh?

>> No.8634692

cause it makes you addicted and a loyal customer.

>> No.8634728

gb2 reddit

>> No.8634740

Get your own memes you leech.

>> No.8634746

Fuck off. I'm the one who originally wrote that. Bitch pay me.

>> No.8634754

go back to the friendly and functional environment you came from faggot

>> No.8634770

Get a room and hate fuck already

>> No.8634872

>Big Gulp law.
That's the first time I've heard of that, huh. Apparently that didn't go through. I know that trans fat is restricted in New York City restaurants though.

Everyone on 4chan is mean to each other.

>> No.8634934

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of the United States?

>> No.8634949

/ck is a lot nicer than some of the other boards

>> No.8634992

>Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>> No.8635034

>You understand that is a fucking QUART of "shake", right? I mean yes this is completely fine. if you were eating a normal serving size (about 25% of the thing) it's 650 calories.

Baskin Robbins Chocolate Ice Cream Quart

Serving Size: 1/2 cup

Servings Per Container: 4

amount per serving

calories: 170

calories from fat: 80

total calories per container: 680

total calories from fat: 320

sugars: 20g

That isn't one quart (more like a gallon), a normal serving size is not a quarter of that (it would be around 1/16), and it is NOT completely fine. You are wrong in every possible way, and most likely obese.

>> No.8635131
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Not the person you're replying to, but
1 gallon is 4 quarts
1 quart is 4 cups
so 1 gallon is 16 cups

So the baskin robins ice cream "quart" in your post is actually half a quart since it is only 2 cups (1/2 cup * 4 servings)

Meanwhile the OP image's quart is actually a quart. Fuck, I hate American unit volume calculations.

>> No.8635194

Where does all the sodium come from?

>> No.8635209

Salty health nuts.

>> No.8635214

It's not pedantry, he interpreted his post wrongly and replied accordingly because he was too dumb to read.

>> No.8635564

>When you consume it, assuming you didn't eat nothing else that day, you will have gained a pound of fat.
Your body burns around 2000 kcal a day if you're of average height, so no, you'll have gained about 1/7th of a pound. Moron.

>> No.8635596

Learn to read, you utter retard.

>> No.8635601

my fitbit says I burned 4000 calories today

>> No.8635629

>hurr hurr write in a confusing double negative that most people brush off as bad grammar
>le I actually meant it!

>> No.8635652

Anon, please stop shitposting. You jumped the gun, that is all. We all constantly look for excuses to shit on each other, but when you fuck up on calling someone out, just take the loss and move on.

>> No.8635657

lot of the /b/ generation grew up and now frequent the more focused boards, which is why some of these boards are fucking savage and hilarious, and /b/ itself is an absolute degenerate shithole in every sense other than the ironic sense that it always was

>> No.8635662

You are angry at yourself for being a brainlet. My condolences.

>> No.8635674

literally my first post itt

>hurr durr i type with improper grammar but accuse others of being retarded

>> No.8635680

If I'm trying to gain weight, can I just drink one of these, a few donuts and hit my limit in no time?

>> No.8635695

>improper grammar
That wasn't improper grammar. You are just embarrassing yourself further.

>> No.8635702

cheap sub-food ingredients need to have their taste masked

>> No.8635708

>double negatives aren't improper grammar
Flyover detected.

>> No.8635710

but herion and bezo withdrawls can actually kill you on their own

>> No.8636287

this dude knows what he's talking about

unless you overdose and die heroin doesn't do much damage to your body compared to other drugs out there

equally drinking alcohol can be pretty harmless but you literally cannot deny that shit loads of people die as a direct result of drunk retards driving cars or just straight up alcohol poisoning; junkies mostly do damage to themselves

also as someone who's done both, alcohol can definitely fuck you up just as hard if not more so

>> No.8636288
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>> No.8636425

>san francisco not on there
top kek

>> No.8636436

Idk what kind of alternative facts you got there, but 4*.5 cups doesn't equal 4 cups, it equals 2 cups, aka a pint. A pint is half a quart. A cup is 8 floz. A pint is 16. A quart, or a quarter gallon, is 32 floz. OP's example is literally 32 floz, aka a quarter of a gallon or a quart.

Also I just suggested one cup as a rational serving size because serving size is arbitrary af, and pretty much nobody would expect 4 floz as a serving of pretty much anything.

>> No.8636925

I'd say more so without a doubt. Since ethanol kills fear and worry, it makes people willing to do things without caring about the consequences.
That on top of the heavy sedation as doses increase leads to really dangerous mindsets. Especially if the user is prone to unprovoked aggression.

Painkillers, on the other hand, don't directly provoke aggression or confusion. There may be some irritability at anything interrupting the blissful comfort (Known as opirage), but while intoxicated usesrs are pretty peaceful.
Withdraw generally makes users selfish, thieving, evil bastards. But only if they cannot plan their redose ahead of time.

The class that is most likely to cause damage to others is dissociatives. Particularly high doses of stimulating ones, like PCP.
Because they make you not give a shit for a different reason. Instead of killing fear and worry, they kill association. So rather than not being afraid of consequences, the user doesn't understand the concept in the first place.
That on top of the full body numbness, which makes pain seem invisible, makes the user feel like superman without a conscience.

Personally I think it should all be legal regardless.
Not because people SHOULD use anything.
But rather because illegality doesn't stop them, illicit trade can be dangerous, unregulated purity causes the most related deaths, and legalized shit can be taxed to death to pay for regulation while still profiting quite a ton.

And on that note, OP should be legal. Just taxed to death for health reasons.

>> No.8636956

If that's the case people should be free to not pay for others retarded lifestyle through state healthcare or insurancE

>> No.8636986

Not him but I do agree with that, personally.
Recreational use should not be covered with insurance. Much like it shouldn't cover plastic surgery or abortion (Not to derail over potential moral issues related, just saying).
Insurance should be for things out of people's direct control. Diseases, accidents, etc. Not necessarily limited to life threatening issues, but certainly targeted at them.
Because with how much medical education costs leading to how much medical care costs, leaving people for dead out of luck is scary.

>> No.8637673

Most Americans think volume especially is absolutely retarded in imperial measurements, too. People generally don't mind length and weight, but volume is just a joke.

>> No.8637691

>people want alcohol to be legal because they like it so its legal
But why would people accept alcohol but not unhealthy foods? After all, unhealthy foods are far, far more popular than alcohol is.

>> No.8638389


no but anyone who can drink all that is a hamplanet for sure.
The regular size ones are already huge, I can never finish them.

>> No.8638649

Holy motherfuck.

>> No.8638669

Having drug cartels and stuffed prisons also tends to affect others.

>> No.8638706

tl;dr Angry, bitchy, holier-than-thou cunts who think they know the best for everybody and don't understand the concept of personal freedom and consequence will ban it because "its for the social good"

>> No.8638709

It should be mandatory to drink three of these every day.
We should all become fat honestly.
Lovehandles for every qt.
Moobs for every guy.

>> No.8639203

Today in cooking class the teacher told us itt was because it makes contrast with the sweetness, making it taste sweeter with less sugar. Dunno the exact reason why it works tho.

>> No.8639211

we dont have the freedom to deny them healthcare so they shouldnt have the freedom to be disgusting fat lardasses.

>> No.8640375

>If you kill yourself detoxing that is not the result of the withdrawal itself.
>if you kill yourself while drunk-driving that is not the result of being drunk itself

Holy shit, end yourself.

>> No.8640410
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>Meth is illegal because of the damage it does to the brain and the body and it is chemically addictive
>Shit like this completely okay
If people are too stupid to not do meth, necessitating the outlaw of meth, people are equally too stupid to not chug these down when a normal, functioning human being would never even think of ordering this.

>> No.8640418

It isn't. It's a consequence not a result of.

>> No.8640419

I think weed and psychedelics should be legal for anyone 18+, and hard drugs like crack and heroin should be decriminalized.

>> No.8640423

Psychedelics are more of a hard drug than heroin.

>> No.8640426

That's such bullshit. People do psychedelics for fun, heroin is almost like a guaranteed life ruiner.

>> No.8640433

>I believe these things that're made by shitters in other countries and surrounded by crime no matter how institutionalized they are, while most negatively affecting the poor who can't afford to make mistakes while also being generally dumb, should be legal

>> No.8640437

>heroin is almost like a guaranteed life ruiner.
Sound like you watch too much /tv/. Lots of dope addicts have functional lives.

>> No.8640439

The violence that stems from drugs is because of the fact they're illegal.

People used to kill each other over alcohol back in the 1920s when it was illegal in the US, now you don't hear of alcohol dealers killing each other.

>> No.8640443

Well my cousin is a dope addict and he's functional enough to go to work (at a job where you can do nothing all day), but he steals things to support his habit and he rarely leaves his room.

Is that what you mean by "functional"?

>> No.8640448

Yes. Same way functional alcoholics drive every day while drunk putting lives at risk. A functional addict does not mean they live a perfect life. It isn't a term I made up.

>> No.8640452

That's really stretching the definition of functional. For people like that, it's only gonna get worse if they don't make a serious effort to stop doing smack.

>> No.8640458

Like I said, I didn't come up with the term. Eventually, most likely, but some people live their entire lives as addicts and never get in trouble.

>> No.8640461

Yeah but they're only doing it at that point because they'll feel like shit if they don't keep doing it.

It's not like alcohol, pyschedelics, marijuana, etc. that people do for fun.

>> No.8640462

This is why we need a mandatory high calorie warning sign on these products.

>> No.8640464

>It's not like alcohol, pyschedelics, marijuana, etc. that people do for fun.
You'd be surprised. I never did heroin, but I did lots of opiates. The high you get from that is more pleasurable than anything I've ever felt in my life.

>> No.8640466

I think it's kind of obvious that such a thing would have a lot of calories.

>> No.8640470

I've heard of people doing opiates for fun, but not heroin. It's probably fun at first until you get more and more addicted, at that point you're just taking it to not puke your guts up and have loose booty.

>> No.8640474

Opiates is just synthetic heroin. But what you say is true for any drug. Do enough of it and you'll get hooked. The alcoholic doesn't drink for fun anymore. In fact, the alcoholic could die if they stopped drinking suddenly.

>> No.8640491

It seems like it's easier to get addicted to heroin than alcohol. I drink 1-2x per week and I go pretty hard, but I usually go 5 days in a row without drinking and don't get any cravings besides "I can't wait to have some fun on Friday and Saturday night!"

>> No.8640497

>i only get drunk a few times every week
>i'm not addicted at all

>> No.8640503

1 to 2 times is a lot to you?

>> No.8640675


Yeah ok buddy

>> No.8640700

Most people don't know anything about nutrition. At all.

>> No.8640710

Yeah but like, I'm not the healthiest eater by any means, yet I know that drinking a large milkshake with oreo crumbs is something I shouldn't do on a regular basis.

>> No.8640712

You still overestimate the average person.

>> No.8640793
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>> No.8640795

egoism =/= objectivism

>> No.8641733

>i believe everything i see in movies

>> No.8643275

man i want this quite a lot