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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 600x400, 079_07-french-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8624692 No.8624692 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfag thread? Poorfag thread.

Let's hear it boys...

>> No.8624695

I've only eaten canned meat for the past couple of months.

>> No.8624696

Simply stop being poor.

>> No.8624698
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Easier said than done my friend.

But every man still deserves a wholesome meal every now and then.

>> No.8624703

I only eat fish finger sandwiches

>> No.8624712


Poor "people" do not.

>> No.8624719

Just had tomato slices on toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast
Currently soaking some pinto beans
Gonna cook them with pumpkin and corn
Probably gonna go dumpsterdive for produce later today

>> No.8624727

>poor "people"
>black ""people""
its all the same

>> No.8624743

Stop whining, you have chosen this path.

>> No.8624809
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>tomato slices on toast

>> No.8624836

Yes, with some butter. Good stuff

>> No.8624846

last month i ate nothing but steamed rice and soy sauce with a stick of chinese sausage for all three meals a day. i sectioned the sausage into thirds as i held back the tears of regret and disappointment

i can't even tell if this month is better or worse in terms of my options: have just been eating bread with liver pate spread on with a spoon

and it's not even toasted please kill me god

>> No.8624852

Hell, even on food stamps you could have something better than that.

>> No.8624854

Not every country has a food stamp system

>> No.8624862

you know you dont need a lot of money to cook a good meal

>> No.8625286
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>dumpsterdive for produce
please dont, i was a produce clerk at a major grocery store, unless youre getting them from mom&pop store garbge because you asked for it a million times please dont. the way we disposed of it i wouldnt even consider consumable for my dog. maybe like 5% of it would be okay to eat, not worth it, unless u wash them with bleach or something

>> No.8625314

You mean you don't wash all produce with water-diluted bleach?

>> No.8625317

And by the way, I don't actually dive inside a dumpster. I pick up things that fall on the ground at my local veggie market.

>> No.8625330

i guess thats better

>> No.8625479
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flat pancakes

>> No.8625854
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Here's today's poverty lunch: Pinto beans, pumpkin, carrots, blended corn, and white rice

>> No.8625892
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>know I'm going to eat a big free meal in 3 hours
>don't want to "waste" my food by eating now
>haven't eaten anything since a slice of bread for breakfast
It gets easier as you get hungrier

>> No.8625908

not bad

>> No.8625909

Post THICC pancakes
Actually a decent and perfectly acceptable meal for all classes

>> No.8625921
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Spaghetti carbonara.

>> No.8625944

I get $240 a year for food.
The average person spends that much in 10 days.

>> No.8626897

I got a big bag of chinese broccoli, a bag of baby broccoli tips, and a bag of something called small tong hao for about $3 total. The small tong hao tastes kind of funny but with white rice they should last me for the rest of the week.

The tomato slices wouldn't be bad if you roasted them first I guess.

>> No.8626916

I've been eating white rice every day for a while now because you can buy big ass bags for cheap. Will something happen to me if I keep it up?

>> No.8626924

They're not bad raw either.

>> No.8626925

$240 in 10 days? Do you mean 10 weeks? Also $240/yr comes out to 22 cents per meal...how

>> No.8626935

ya youll die
buy some cheap vegetables with it

>> No.8626936

There's that box in my supermarket that regroups close to expiration food and sales it at -30% up to -50%. A lot of the food I eat comes from this box. Still delicious, though some cheeses tend to be a bit too strong and some breads and pastries suffer from the lack of freshness.

>> No.8626963

I often cook it with peas and sausages or something like that. Either that or just fry an egg and eat it on top of the rice.

>> No.8627269

>he doesn't buy 50lb sacks of flour and make his own breads
Barely trying

>> No.8627321


at least get brown rice jeez

>> No.8627518

I have a rice cooker, and my go to meal is canned chili over rice. delicious.

>> No.8627534

I work at a pizza place so I can just make a ton of pizza and live off that

The bad side is that I'm probably going to die early

Also my Nana always has spare food, so I end up taking a fuck ton of stuff like tortillas, rice and tuna (cheap shit really) and using that with whatever I buy

>> No.8627539
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Made this the other day. Cheap as shit.

>> No.8627556

I was skeptical of this before I tried it myself, but it's actually pretty good. A little butter, salt and pepper on tomatoes on toast. Way better than you might think. It's a nice alternative way to get rid of spare tomatoes quickly.

>> No.8627568

>Dog nuts and rice
Good taste anon

>> No.8627570

Anyway ideas on a meal i could make in my dorm lounge that's cheap? I'm going shopping tomorrow can't spend more than 10 and it has to feed me, my roommate and my gf
Inb4 spaghetti

>> No.8627586

rice and beans

>> No.8627588

It's orange chicken, Anon. I know you don't cook but this is basic stuff.

>> No.8627596

Well this is less than 10 dollars if you have your own means of deep frying and a few basic ingredients lying about.

But if you don't have anything... I don't know what you could possible cooked from scratch with less than ten dollars.

>> No.8627602

Where the fuck do they grow orange chickens? Try making it believable if you're gonna make shit up

>> No.8627603

>Feeding roommate and gf
Might as well start finding a new roommate and gf, they're fucking and you're feeding them

>> No.8627606
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>> No.8627615

It is real the fuck you getting at double nigger faggot

>> No.8627624

I only have salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, sugar, and soy sauce, basic pan and two pots
My roommate is actually pretty gay

I also have some chicken breasts that i haven't used

>> No.8627625


You trying to make this a /pol/ thread?

Fuck off moron.

>> No.8627656


Having chicken breasts and basic seasoning is good. We have your protein.

Rice + orange sauce + oil + flour + eggs would probably put you over budget so that sucks. You could just bread some chicken and panfry it but that would be rather plain.

I think chicken and rice would be your best bet. The problem is thinking of a tasty way to cook that chicken up with less than 10 bucks.

How's this:

soy sauce
minced garlic
zested ginger (buy this)
sugar (if you can do brown sugar do it)
bit of veg oil (buy this)

soak breasts in this combination in a bag for at least a few hours

sear the chicken both sides. if your pan is ss then you could deglaze it. if not, no biggie. pour the marinade you had and bring to a boil until it reduces to a glaze. add chicken and coat.

if you want, you could garnish with sesame seeds and green onions if you can afford it.

serve over rice (buy)

all of that should be under 10

>> No.8627663

prove it

>> No.8627682

Thanks anon, my gf should actually have veg oil, hopefully it all works out

>> No.8627966

Dude what the actual fuck

>> No.8627973

I have had nothng to eat the past 2 days. Absolutely nothing except water. I can't afford food until i get paid at midnight tomorrow. Ive lost 6 pounds including water weight so far and i feel like collapsing.

>> No.8628138

I don't get it, how can people let it come to that? I'd do without anything else first before running out of money for food, or take a job like dishwashing in a restaurant where you might even get fed for free, or, if necessary, I'd even steal some food in a grocery store.

>> No.8628608

this but with frozen veggies (carrots, broc, cauliflower, and sometimes lentils) and the chilli is sometimes subbed for spam or boiled eggs

>> No.8628627
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poorfaging 101. buy noodels, get some beans, soak and cook them (no pree cooked stuff, too expencive) then eat, the flavouring can come from the spice pack that comes with the shitty noodles, it should end up under 1$ if you get something like pic

>> No.8628722

As a poorfag I live in a small flat there's only place for a mini oven, it's hard to do shit with that. And I'm know what I'm talking about because I actually used to make breads almost every day where I lived before. The main problem is I can't properly steam the oven and can't reach a very high temperature. It still works but the results really aren't satisfying, to the point that's it's better to buy supermarket bread.

>> No.8628737

You can probably find free coffee somewhere, usually with creamer/sugar.

Use that to get a bit of a boost pls

>> No.8628750
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Scandinavian Biksemad is pretty affordable and tastes nice.

Oh shit. Thanks man, now everything is better!

>> No.8628805
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I'm slowly working my way through every possible meal composed of bacon, eggs, cheese, milk, bread or sweetpotatoes. My lunch today was a toasted wholemeal sandwich with fried egg, bacon and salmon philadelphia.