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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8622107 No.8622107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8622112
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>> No.8622115

Not my pres.

>> No.8622123

Bloomberg also reported at the 21 club he likes to order his burger well done. What a fag.

>> No.8622124

This calls for impeachment!
Who is with me on my change.org petition?

>> No.8622132

At what point did the mainstream media become completely disconnected from reality?

Just yesterday I read an article about people snorting ovaltine to get high.

>> No.8622134

I get it now. This was posted multiple times. This is a /pol/ thread Seriously fuck off.

>> No.8622177

Hehe I signed the deathstar petition ;^)

>> No.8622178

Burger well done anywhere outside of a private home is pretty solid advice desu. Who knows what nasty shit is in there.

Steak well done is bullshit though, I agree.

>> No.8622182
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>> No.8622190
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>le anonymous sources tell us
But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes

>> No.8622200
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the man has good taste

>> No.8622222

Most restaurants won't even give you the better cuts if you order well-done because you can't taste the difference in quality anyway

>> No.8622224

White trash with money is still white trash

>> No.8622225

pajeet pls

>> No.8622234

he needs his complex enzymes

>> No.8622238


I like my steak medium rare. the whole conversation is utterly retarded

who, honestly WHO, cares what some asshat making $10 hour cares how someone orders their food?

these clowns cant even afford the food they serve.

>> No.8622243

I disagree. The best burger I ever ate in a restaurant was cooked medium, almost bordering on medium rare. It was amazingly juicy and savoury. I felt no ill effects, and to my knowledge the restaurant has never been cited for hygiene issues.

If you can find a restaurant that grinds its own burgers out of steak, don't be afraid to have it served less than well done. As long as a burger isn't adulterated with anything other than muscle meat and its internal temperature reaches the FDA's safety mark, it should be fine to consume.

>> No.8622244

We've had a perfectly fine media using anonymous sources over the past few centuries, so I think it's a good standard. Nobody knew who Deepthroat was except Woodward and Bernstein until like 2007 or something.

>> No.8622245

Terrible taste, how did this man get voted epicurean-in-chief.

>> No.8622247

A steakhouse that has good cuts of meat won't be paying their chefs 10 dollars an hour.

>> No.8622250
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I think I read this in Kitchen Confidential. Nice quints also.

>> No.8622263
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Wow really? I voted for that guy what the fuck? How the fuck can I support a dude who cant even eat steak right?

>> No.8622293



>> No.8622309

The source

>> No.8622327

White trash is white trash, what can you say?

>> No.8622341

We're talking about steakhouses with actual chefs, not fucking Denny's

>> No.8622384

you're white trash and so is he, simple really

>> No.8622398

still angry over November 8th?

>> No.8622405
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>> No.8622412
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>> No.8622419
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>live in midwest
>everyone insists they know good food when they see it.
>shit like OP's picture

I am seriously unsurprised that a racist old man who cares more about his pride than anything else would order that. There's 5 of them on every block here.

>> No.8622424
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I'm pretty sure this is actually where Trump said some shit about muslims and everyone screeched 'DRUMPF IS FINISHED, DRUMPF IS DUMB. MADAME PRESIDENT IS NUMBER ONE!"

>> No.8622425
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>> No.8622427

you sound like a massive faggot and I hope you fuck off to california as soon as possible

>> No.8622437

Beautifully done.
Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8622438

I don't get it

>> No.8622507

It's in a wine glass and has ice cubes in it

>> No.8622513
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more like deeply concerned that Steve Bannon is running the country and actively trying to destroy government institutions by having Trump appoint enemies of their respective government agencies

>> No.8622522

>If you can find a restaurant that grinds its own burgers out of steak,

Good point, but places like that usually charge more than I want to pay for a burger. I'd probably want to order something else anyway.

>> No.8622524

that wouldn't be such a bad thing

>> No.8622534

I thought Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence was the Man-behind-the-curtain.

>> No.8622535
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>> No.8622546

Mike "LGBTQ BBQ" Pence is just life insurance for Trump

>> No.8622555
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>actually believing this

>> No.8622560

None of us want you here. Gtfo.

>> No.8622566

...and the problem is what again?

>> No.8622570

Yeah, I'm fine with this. The government has grown way too intrusive and way too powerful. A shake up will be healthy for the country in the long run.

>> No.8622579

That stopped being true 10-15 years ago.

>> No.8622583


>> No.8622586

Yeah, that was good back when it actually took effort to get in contact with the press, and the only reason you'd remain anonymous was because you were a whistleblower or something.

Now any fag with a Macbook can send the Jew York Times some bullshit story about how Trump raped them when they were 14 and they'll just run with it. They've become so disconnected with reality, it's unreal.

>> No.8622589

he is a fucking idiot...I wouldn't doubt he eats like an idiot too.

>> No.8622599

What evidence do you have of that? They always try to substantiate their sources to some extent. Also,

>Jew York Times

The only one disconnected from reality is you.

>> No.8622602

>Deep Throat
>le noble anonymous informant

He literally only ratted to save his own ass when it became apparent they were going to get busted. If someone is remaining anonymous when they leak something to the media, there's probably a reason why.

>> No.8622608

Even if that's true, who cares? It's not like his information wasn't right.

>> No.8622609

Na he's not but he sure is setting himself up to run in 2024

>> No.8622611
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>he is a fucking idiot

Yeah a real dumbass, took on the entire system and won. A real loser.

>> No.8622612

Also, how does your theory even make sense, given that Felt, in fact, was never busted and had nothing to save himself from?

>> No.8622617

>The only one disconnected from reality is you.

>> No.8622618

>They always try to substantiate their sources to some extent
Top fucking kek. They fucking reported on all of those bullshit molestation scandals after half the women were blatantly proven to be liars and making the thing up. They don't have to substantiate shit.

No, I am not disconnected from reality. If you ever left your libcuck hugbox you'd see that many people in America know full damn well that the media is incredibly misleading. They are only out there to push their agenda. They run bullshit pulls and fudge the numbers by carefully selecting the manner in which they conduct them, hoping to somehow discourage their opposition from even voting (see the election, Brexit). They take hearsay as fucking evidence like we're at the Nuremberg Trials or some shit. They resort to baseless ad hominem attacks and have literal comedians just come onto the show and make fun of the opposition instead of, I don't know, debating their actual policies. And of course, if they don't agree with what someone says, they'll just invite plenty of people on to just call them either a Nazi or a communist and pretend they've somehow won.

Fuck the media, and fuck you too, cuck.

And yes, 90% of the CEOs of big media firms are Jews. Deal with it.

>> No.8622631

The EPA alone is the only protection we have as a nation against corporations literally poisoning us

Vouchers DeVos advocates will gut inner city public schools which already blow chunks and prop up inadequate Christian propaganda schools leaving us all worse off in the long run

I could go on but the only cabinet level post he has filled I trust will do a good job is Ben Carson since he is a rags to riches story and a pretty smart guy

>> No.8622635

>10 or 15 years ago

Oh, was that when Trump stopped calling radio talk shows pretending to be anonymous?

Hmm, I guess it's just alternative realities! Thanks, ms. Conway. I'm free to be really stupid!

>> No.8622637

Ah, yes, I'm the one in the /pol/ hugbox autistically screeching at strangers on the internet. I also don't recall any of those women being proven liars, but then again, I take /pol/ infographics with a grain of salt.

>> No.8622643

The new york times is the best publication in the USA and a decent contender for best in the world after the BBC you asshat

>> No.8622647

the EPA played a major part in ruining the car industry with their draconian horse shit

bunch of dickheads if you ask me

>> No.8622651

One woman was proven not to have even been in the same city on the night Trump allegedly groped her.

One woman described him groping her on an airplane by reaching over onto her leg. On an airplane that had arm rests which were fixed and impossible to lift up. Also proven to have not even been on said flight.

A third recanted, twice.

Need I go on? They were all bullshit and they all magically stopped when he won because they no longer served the purpose that they were made up for: to cost him the election.

You're gullible as fuck if you actually buy into all the shit you see on CNN.

>> No.8622654

according to (((whom)))?

oh, you're from reddit

don't bother replying

>> No.8622657


The British state propaganda machine that covered up the Rotherham abuses for years for fears of inciting distrust against immigrants? top kek, you cucks are delusional. It's not even like I'm shilling for Fox News or something. They're all shit who seem to have forgotten years ago the difference between journalism and opinion pieces.

>> No.8622658

Show me some proof, fag.

>> No.8622663
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>The new york times is the best publication in the USA and a decent contender for best in the world
I take it you didn't pay attention to their coverage of Bernie

>> No.8622664


people born into wealth don't have much taste. don't understand why exactly, but it seems to almost always be the case.

>> No.8622671


Terrible human being eats a terribly cooked steak with a terrible condiment. Color me unsurprised.

>> No.8622678


nice digits but I doubt that's the case 99% of the time. I mean you can visually distinguish different types of steaks.

>> No.8622683

I believe by EPA you mean NAFTA

Ross "giant sucking sound" Perot knew that would happen too and it did

>> No.8622684

i know right im literally shaking

>> No.8622687


get the fuck out. there's no best way to cook a steak, just however you like it. it doesn't fucking matter to any but the most vapid, vain, and superficial people out there. you're stupid.

>> No.8622688

>imagine being this retarded

According to every economist, NAFTA has had a net positive economic benefit for all countries involved. What regulations did NAFTA impose on automakers?

>> No.8622689

they are regularly cited as the least biased news source of the english speaking world. Personally I prefer the Christian Science Monitor but that's only because they focus more on America

>> No.8622692


yes. that is the plan. we're simply deleting about half of the government.

>> No.8622694

>muh GDP

you retarded faggot

>> No.8622696
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>having good tastes

>> No.8622698


He is a dumbass. So is most of the country for voting for him. This country is filled with "uneducated" people, who he said he loves.

>> No.8622700

They didn't impose regulations. They eliminated tariffs for producing them in Mexico which promptly caused many manufacturers to move there and pay their employees 3-4 dollars an hour instead of 25

You do realize free trade has consequences, yes?

>> No.8622705
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>> No.8622715

Nice argument.

Yeah, of course it removed tariffs. But the guy you're replying was clearly talking about regulations being imposed on the auto industry. NAFTA didn't ruin the auto industry. It allowed the American auto industry to compete with others who will produce cars in Mexico regardless of what Americans do. And while it's unfortunate that some guy lost his $25/hour job, the rest of us got cheaper cars. That's life.

>> No.8622736

>NAFTA didn't ruin the auto industry
It did and you clearly understand that since you admit that Americans lost their jobs as a result of it you fucking faggot

I don't know why I even bother with Tump supporters. You're all clinically retarded

>> No.8622739

People who order steak well-done and eat it with ketchup are exactly what I imagine when I think of Trump supporters

>> No.8622742

He isn't taking on the entire system, he's using it to get more money and you're helping him doing so.

Well done.

>> No.8622746

I'm not a Trump supporter. Let me clear something up for you: the auto industry exists to sell cars, not to create jobs for Americans. What do you think would have happened to the American auto industry when the Germans and Japanese are paying Mexicans $3/hour to assemble cars? How long do you think those workers were going to keep their jobs when Americans have to pay $25 because they can't shift production because of tariffs?