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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.84 MB, 2592x1936, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8619389 No.8619389 [Reply] [Original]

I've actually never had a true New York-Italian pizza. There's a place near me but it's pretty expensive, and I could use that money to buy like ramen or beans so I can continue living. If I bought an extra large 18" pepperoni pizza for $20, do you think it would last me a week? I really want to try this pizza

>> No.8619401
File: 68 KB, 570x412, pizza-slice-570x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that's a real pizza

>> No.8619407

It's really not worth it if you can't afford it, not to sound like a dick. I'm not sure it could last you a week calorie wise, to be honest.

>> No.8619409

is that a Chicago style pizza? Are you from the midwest?

>> No.8619416

This is the kind of thing I was wanting to hear. I appreciate the input dude. I really want to try it but I am not prepared to spend that much money if I can't extend it to allow me to eat as much as I can on $20 a week. Maybe $25, but at the moment that's a stretch

>> No.8619417

I tried this one time (not in Chicago, to be fair) and it was good, but it's not what I think of when I think of pizza. There is no similarity.

>> No.8619432

What are the redeeming qualities of Italian New York vs. Chicago vs Detroit style pizza?

>> No.8619438

no, that's probably barely a day's worth of calories, not a weeks

>> No.8619439

ur u work

>> No.8619445
File: 64 KB, 640x593, 1488068096633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that pizza is Italian

>> No.8619449

that slop looks fucking revolting

>> No.8619457

True NY pizza doesn't have any toppings. Just plain cheese.

>> No.8619462

>New York pie
thin buttery dough with a teaspoon of sauce and a shit ton of cheese
It's not all that, more of a snack than a piece of pizza

>Detroit pie
Literally shit, nothing is good and it's like a slob mess of shit cheese and deluded sauce

>Chicago pie
Top tier pie that is flakey butter dough, thick or pan
True sauce made from tomato's
100% real cheese
You'll never eat a better pie in your life

What a jamoke, kill yourself pussy

>> No.8619472


How to spot a mouth breathing autist. Hang yourself from the nearest tree you fucking degenerate.

>> No.8619482

>Mouth breathing autist
Wrong kike, I use my nose
Jeez, glitterdick try getting out of your basement once in a while

Get red pilled, Kike

>> No.8619507

The amount of secondhand embarrassment I felt from reading your retarded reply is insurmountable. Did you actually think you sounded cool or intelligent or something?

Christ, killing yourself would doing us all a favor.

>> No.8619513

>arguing with a namefag

Just stop, leave the autist alone and he'll go away on his own.

>> No.8619520

Kek this guy
You must be the edgy popular guy on this board

I love the fact you're this rustled by a pizza post and the word usage of jamoke, top triggered fag

Guess I'm autist, probably got it from you samefagging

>> No.8619522

Just don't be poor

>> No.8619565

Never have I seen so much retardation on one thread

Truly, you idiots are the pride and joy of 4chan.

>> No.8619570

you.....you cant afford a pizza? are you like 19?

>> No.8619574
File: 81 KB, 596x350, MargheritaPizza21-thumb-596x350-247022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pizza coming through

>> No.8619596

I'm 21 and poor as fuck in grad school

>> No.8619602


>> No.8619630

The photo is just plain cheese.....?

>> No.8619765

>visit the restaurant of the guy who was the reigning world champ of Italian style pizza for about 5 years in the late 2000s
>Easily the best Italian pizza I'd ever eaten
>Still not as good as NY style or Deep dish from an even semi competent place

>> No.8619767

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8619776
