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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8615206 No.8615206 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question: does the food you feed an animal actually affect how it will taste later? I'm in a position to receive a few young chickens and hogs, and I want to know if there's stuff I can do to make them tastier.

Also looking for tasty chicken and pork recipes.

>> No.8615290

I can't imagine for a second that anyone will reply to this thread having actually read your post content.

>> No.8615429

Is this considered a shitpost on this board? This is honestly my first time on /ck/.

>> No.8615461
File: 45 KB, 260x260, goVegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8615469

No, it's a perfectly acceptable post that we could honestly do with more of.

You just broke the cardinal rule of never starting a thread with a more interesting image than your post content.

In answer to your question, yes, it absolutely makes a difference. I knew a guy who kept chickens and fed them a diet of corn and mealworms, and those were some delicious chickens. Can't speak for pigs though.

>> No.8615484


It's the same with pigs. If you go to a farmer's market and buy pastured pork, it will taste completely superior to supermarket pork. This also applies to the flesh of other animals, and the flavor of animal products like milk and eggs. The more natural the animal's diet and living conditions, the tastier everything it produces will be.

>> No.8615506

Oh, I'm aware. I meant I can't speak for which foods might improve the taste of pork.

>> No.8615546


Whatever they find in the wild usually does the trick, but chestnuts are particularly good for tasty pork.

>> No.8615873

>Also looking for tasty chicken and pork recipes

Just roast the meat with some salt, pepper and vegetable oil and eat with some baked potatoes. Why would you go to great lengths to get tasty meat when all you can taste are the various spices? In the olden times spices were used to mask the taste of poor quality, or meat that had gone off.

>> No.8616211

Grass fed cows have a really light tasting milk compared to grain fed ones. I prefer grain fed.

>> No.8616228

>I don't like healthier milk
durrrr muh conjugated linoleic acid