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File: 224 KB, 700x467, The Schnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8614860 No.8614860 [Reply] [Original]

Alright friends, I am making schnitzel for a small group of friends. Normally when I am making it for me I eat it by itself or with some from store side. I'd love to hear the ideas of yourselves for something I can make to go with it

>inb4 dicks, phallaces, or other genitalia

>> No.8614867

I'm a dumb Amerilard but I think it would be good with maybe a warm potato salad and a refreshing apple slaw or something like that.

>> No.8614872

Also I would love to hear what meats you like to use. Veal is hard to obtain where I am (also am poor) so I am using pork

>> No.8614877


>> No.8614880

Apple slaw, now that's an idea I hadn't considered. Any good recipes you personally use?

>> No.8614885

Good ol' german vinegar-based potato salad

>> No.8614893

Good sauerkraut takes too long. I only have until 2 days. I really need to impress

>> No.8614909
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I don't have any recipe I've written down but I usually do it with red cabbage, green apples, carrots, and cilantro. dressing made with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, peanut oil, a little soy sauce, a little honey, and s&p. top with chopped peanuts. I should probably get around to actually writing it down in my recipe book but I'm typically one of those "it's all in my head" fags

>> No.8614914

Red cabbage

>> No.8614916

That is also a good idea. And I've cooked that before

>> No.8614925

Not really a side but in keeping with foods try offering it with Lingonberry or Cranberry sauce.

Goes really well with savoury meat dishes

>> No.8614933

I envy your ability for memory. Every recipe I like is kept organized in a binder. Even tabs for which style and ingredients listed in order of importance.

>> No.8614975

lol I don't have that great of a memory, it's decent but like when I'm trying to make some dish I haven't in a long time, I often forget how long I leave it in the oven or exactly what I put in the sauce or small details. it's just cause I'm a dumb lazy fuck that I don't write it down, but I really want to start cataloging more of my recipes going forward.

>> No.8615168

Crinkle cut oven chips, baked beans and a pickled onion or two to contrast the sweet tomato sauce in the beans.

>> No.8615181

try some spicy kimchi

>> No.8615208

Is schnitzel just a fried chicken cutlet?

>> No.8615225


Potatoes, if you're going the German route. Schnitzel is not a fancy dish there, never was and never has pretended to be. It is basically just an upscale version of a country fried steak (including smothering it sauce). Mash, roast, boil, etc. For something lighter, go classic Austrian with a vinaigrette salad and just lemon on the schnitzel (though I like capers too).

>> No.8615229

Yeah, fried anything cutlet.
Katsu, Vienna Schnizel, Nigger Dick, Saltimbocca, Escalope... Erry country has a version of it.

>> No.8616045
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>> No.8616107

Mashed potatoes or fries

>> No.8616119

Spaetzel my friend, delicious. Also are you gonna serve it with a sweet berry sauce or a mushroom sauce?

>> No.8616130
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>> No.8616267

potato salad and don't put any fucking sauce on it.

>> No.8616323

German potato salad

>> No.8616334

Are your group of friends going to enjoy their traditional meal with traditional sides? If so, you serve it with sprinkles of parsley, fresh lemon wedges and a side of german style potato salad or red cabbage casserole (which you can make ahead, and don't forget to use beef stock on your hot potatoes). If they are not going to notice it's not traditional, just make some yummy mashed potatoes, steamed seasonal vegetable, or roast up a tray of baby reds, green beans, and some pearl onions.

>> No.8616343

Fries is objectively the right answer.
Or this >>8614877
Both and you go directly to Übermensch level

>> No.8616362

boiled potato cubes with roast onions and optionally bacon bits

>> No.8616365

wut, i've literally never had wienerschnitzel come with potato salad in vienna wtf

>> No.8616368

where did you eat? It should always come with potato salad

>> No.8616372

austria and germany are indeed very different

>> No.8616374

Blaukraut. Simply a must! Oh and Spaetzle. Don't forget the sparkle.

>>Ingredients for blaukraut ...
2 pounds red cabbage
1 1/2 tablespoons salt
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1 onion, medium dice
1 tablespoon butter
1 medium apple, peeled and diced
3/4-ounce sugar
3/4 cup red wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 1/2-ounces lingonberry jam or cranberry sauce
1/2 cinnamon stick
1 to 2 cloves
1 bay leaf
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Remove the 2 outer leaves of the cabbage. Cut the cabbage in half. Core it and cut into thin julienne. Put cabbage in bowl. Sprinkle with salt and red wine vinegar. Toss and let stand for 2 hours. Saute diced onions in butter. Add the apple and sugar. Saute lightly. Add strained cabbage to saute mix. Reserve the liquid. Stir for several minutes. Then add strained liquid, red wine, chicken stock, jam, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf and cook for approximately 40 minutes in a covered heavy bottomed pan Remove cinnamon stick, cloves and bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper.

>> No.8616376

Our ol' buddy Chef John's got your back.
That said, I like the idea of a potato salad. Maybe braised red cabbage, or a vinegary cucumber salad too.

>> No.8616378

>> spaetzle

Save to favorites

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 pinch freshly ground white pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 gallon hot water
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Mix together flour, salt, white pepper, and nutmeg. Beat eggs well, and add alternately with the milk to the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Press dough through spaetzle maker, or a large holed sieve or metal grater.
Drop a few at a time into simmering liquid. Cook 5 to 8 minutes. Drain well.
Saute cooked spaetzle in butter or margarine. Sprinkle chopped fresh parsley on top, and serve.

>> No.8616380

They are, but Schnitzel is definitely served with potato salad in vienna

>> No.8616387

>don't put any fucking sauce on it.

This! We Danauschwaben only put a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

>> No.8616411

Because most people nowadays have the palate of filthy Americans.
True Austrians eat Schnitzel with potato salad.

>> No.8616413

Angle hair pasta in a garlic butter sauce.
Angel hair pasta in a light marinara sauce.
Sauteed mushrooms in a red wine glaze.
Garlic mashed potatoes with thyme.

Just think of something to compliment the citrus with the schnitzel.

>> No.8616420

My friends are american. They had original thought wienerschnitzel was a type of hotdog

Spaetzle is also good although I worry about it being too heavy

Yes, I went to Vienna last summer which is where idea had come from

I know but lingonberry sauce is so good

>> No.8616424

>I know but lingonberry sauce is so good

that's perfect, just put it on the side and don't drench the whole thing with it

>> No.8616429

Also I should say I have no problem with Americans, the American food I have eaten since I've been in America has very good been.

But I do agree foods in America tends to be changed

>> No.8616434

Obviously. I will offer it as an option. When I cook for others unless the sauce is an integral part I don't put it on myself

>> No.8616445

I probably will make the mushroom gravy for true Jaegerscnhitzel, although it is not a personal favorite of mine

>> No.8616697

Personally, I love schnitzel (veal, of course), with just anchovy butter and lemon. Served with hot potato salad and blaukraut. Oh, and cucumber salad.

>> No.8616721

This looks delicious

>> No.8616930
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In the Germanosphere, it has to be Veal by law, unless you state it in the name like Pork or Chicken Schnitzel.

>> No.8616940

If it's essentially chicken fried steak, why not serve it with what you would a CFS? It might mix things up a little?

>> No.8616957

What do you serve with chicken fried steak?

>> No.8617166

Fries, potato salad (Austrian style) or parsley potatoes. Rice also works but it's inferior to the potato sides.
You should definitely serve lingonberry jam with it.

Pork is better than veal for schnitzel anyway.

>> No.8617229

It's NOT chicken fried steak.
First off, it's not steak, it's a veal cutlet.
Secondly, it's breaded, not battered like CFS.
CFS make be the German-Texan bastard child of Schnitzel, but they're not the same, and shouldn't be treated the same.

>> No.8617269

as a Czech:
boiled potatos,
mashed potates,
potato "olivier" salad,
friench fries,

you get the idea, anything potatoey....

>> No.8617295

I disagree, the natural texture of the veal lends itself to the crunch of the breading more than pork

Both are good if done well

>> No.8618781


Hot kartofflesalat and a good sauerkraut with julienned onions, bell pepper, and apples.

Those are my go-to Deutsche sides for schnitzel.

>> No.8618785


Pork tenderloin.

Cut them to desired thickness, thin them out to schnitzel size, coat and season, and you're good to go.

>> No.8618828


Here's a ratio I use for my slaw.

4 parts Shredded white cabbage.
1.5 parts sliced apple
1 part Shredded red cabbage for color.
1 part shredded carrot
1/2 part chopped green onion
3 tbs apple cider vinegar
2 tbs safflower oil (or oil of choice)
1.5 tbs sugar
1tsp salt
1tsp black pepper
1tsp dried mustard
1tsp celery seed
1/2tsp white pepper

Shred cabbage and carrots, chop, or slice, apples, chop green onion, and place in a bowl and mix.

Add wet ingredients and seasonings in a separate bowl and mix, and pour over cabbage. Mix thoroughly to coat everything and place in fridge for at least an hour prior to serving.

Chopped pecans go awesome with this as well as sliced grapes.