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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8610454 No.8610454 [Reply] [Original]

>cuts the fat off the steak and doesn't eat it

>> No.8610459

i chew on it and spit it back out. only way to do it really

>> No.8610466
File: 236 KB, 454x630, 1485410399462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rallies people to his political art project
>doesn't give them anything constructive to do

>> No.8610533
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaves /pol/
>makes a political post on a food and cooking board

>> No.8610542


>> No.8610550
File: 144 KB, 500x750, 28-laugh-OF009519-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses celebrity photo to push your lame thread about eating fat like a dog
>mad when people comment in it

>> No.8610551


Hmm, I wonder what could explain this.

>> No.8610573 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 351x274, what-is-it-wrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is a numale orbiting beta faggot who loves niggers and makes a post somehow more annoying than the people who come from a board that shares common view points with the rest of the site only to bitch, whine, moan, and generally be triggered to use your stupid infantile terminology from a series of generally truthful words

You clearly don't belong here, dick.

>> No.8610581

Haha is that Shepard from the Mass Effect series? I really like Garrus.

>> No.8610600


I wonder if garrus lays eggs, haha

>> No.8610622

I used to be that guy
Then I grew up

>> No.8610638

it has a disgusting texture though

>> No.8610650

I find that a steak has to be really well done for me to actually eat the fat cap in anything. If it's flobby, doesn't have a crust and is not at least slightly melting when I cut it, that shit goes straight to the bin.

>> No.8610676

>make fun of Shia LaBeouf being an ass
>Shia Internet Defence Force attacks

Top kek

>> No.8610683
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1432259490310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-he will not d-divide us!

>> No.8610684

>Not eating the crust of the pizza

>> No.8610692

Depends how much connective tissue is attached to it desu. Fat is nice but fat + elastin is not.

>> No.8610698

It infuriates me because it's such a simple fucking fix of turning the steak on its side for a couple seconds.

>> No.8610714

Exactly. when I'm the one doing the cooking, I always do that.

>> No.8610727
File: 92 KB, 1024x683, Momofuku-Ribeye-031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cut the steak in a way that gives you a little bit of fat on each peice

>> No.8610792

Oh my god this

It's part of the fucking meat and has a huge amount of flavor, at the very least eat it on some bread

>> No.8610799

The little "haha" at the end adds a level of creepiness that I didn't think possible through text

>> No.8610820
File: 3.18 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160709_154444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I give it to my dog cause he's a good pup who deserves the best treats.

> pic related, is pup

>> No.8610828


it changes it from a question made from curiosity to a it's my fetish but I am trying to pretend it isn't

>> No.8610829

nice doggy

>> No.8610912

Feeding chunks of pure beef fat to your dog is no way to say I love you. Sure he likes it, but its also promoting health problems. You shouldn't eat it, and he shouldn't either, for the same reasons, like excessive calories leading to obesity, excessive saturated fat, heart disease, etc.
That said, it can be tasty as fuck, but not by itself. A little nub of fat chewed in the same mouthful as your steak can make up somewhat for inadequate marbling. Or a little piece chewed with bread, potato, vegetable, or whatever else is on your plate. Provided its soft and rendered enough, translucent and not hard white and gristly. Every steak has a portion of tasty fat, and a portion of nasty fat, eating the tasty part is a judgement call, eating the nasty part is objectively wrong.

>> No.8610920

you're such a faggot, do you even think by yourself sometimes?

>> No.8610929

Giving your dog a smidgen of fat off a steak is not a "gonna kill your dog" thing, I fed my dogs little pieces of steak and fat here and there and they lived for 10+ years (they weren't small either).

It's fine in small quantities, yeah overall it's terrible but it ain't gonna kill the dog like chocolate will.

>> No.8610953



>> No.8610984

It's disgusting shit, why would I eat it?

>> No.8611057
File: 54 KB, 300x360, 1476124052440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding oil to the pasta water

>> No.8611070

A. I feed him one or two small chunks at a time.

B. Look at how lean and healthy looking my dog is, then reread the nonsense you just wrote and reevaluate your life.

>> No.8611108

If you love your dog, give him the steak. Not the garbage. You clearly stated you give garbage to you dog, "cause he's a good pup who deserves the best treats".
The best treat is the steak. Not the fat and gristle. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8611127

wew lad. look at all those neat buzzwords.

>> No.8611135


>> No.8611164
File: 112 KB, 294x256, 1476630690359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God. That was painful to watch.

>> No.8611179

>be italian
>bitch about everything that mommy didn't teach me to do
Are all italians autistic or just the ones on the internet?

>> No.8611280

It is a national past time for them.

>> No.8611305


what did i just watch? did gordan just teach me how to boil water?

why does this even need to exist?

>> No.8611311

There are a lot of shit parents in the modern age that don't teach their children how to do anything. I watched the video to see if there were any chef secrets to boiling water but I know he probably keeps the good stuff to himself.

>> No.8611364

how come my pasta takes 15 minutes to not be hard anymore?

>> No.8611383


Also, I fucking love a little chunk of gristle in a steak. I'll chew on that shit all night.

>> No.8612421

Cause your water isn't hot enough

>> No.8612636

Stop overcooking your steak.

>> No.8612729


>> No.8612731
File: 39 KB, 351x274, what-is-it-wrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mods deleting my post because I called an anti/pol/ poster a numale beta faggot


>> No.8612736

Fed my Rottweiler bacon and fatty shit for years and she lived to 13 years.

Average Rotty life expectancy is 8-10.

>> No.8612774

The fat is the meat and the meat is the fat...

>> No.8612782

hims a good pupper

>> No.8612787

what a sad and miserable life you must have

>> No.8612791

do you think wrex has stinky farts haha

>> No.8612794

That's because the average rottweiler is owned by a basketball american and fed a diet of grape drank and chicken bones.

>> No.8612802

They also own pitbull nigger dogs and they can reach up to 16 years, whats your point?

>> No.8612932


>> No.8613419

The outliers are owned by people that properly care for their dogs and, generally, feed them proper food. The majority that have much shorter lives are mostly not. I thought the concept was rather simple.

>> No.8614249

my dog eats a low saturated fat diet and her calories are on point.

an extra 80 calories from what im sure is in her eyes crack is totally worth

>> No.8614262

i think you are implying that only 2.5 percent of pitbull owners properly care for their dogs?

dont you think that is a little silly of you?

>> No.8614410

Not really.

Even if I am, don't you think it's a little silly of you to get touchy about a harmless hyperbolic statement instead of just ignoring it?

>> No.8614817

> post of eating fat like a dog
> with a photo of someone who eat dogs

>> No.8614848

>gets divided

>> No.8614889

i agree, people who think a dog living to 8-10 is g are retards. not a single animal ive owned has died within the average age thing, its all about caring for them. 18 yo cat and 14 yo collie going strong

>> No.8614915

>Cuisine stolen from Arabs and Chinese
>Claim as own
>Act superior about boiling noodles

They're just a meme, dude.

All you have to do to make an Italian like your dish is say you are Italian and keep repeating "Justa like-a mamma usta make!"

>> No.8614919

Same. Over 10+ animals and the only one to die within the average time was a basset hound runt that turned out to have a heart defect. Sad, too, adorably sweet and unusually clever for a basset hound, always had to keep an eye on her.

>> No.8614940

good on ylu man, sorry about your dog. ive never known the feeling of an animal having health issues like that.

what annoys me more that this though is people that try to give away old animals because they dont have time or money, especially horses. one day ill have a ranch for old horses, one day...

/an/ rant over

>> No.8614969

> implying he doesn't also get chunks of steak
You could try harder, famiglia

I know it; he's the best li'l fella

>> No.8615019

Needs to be profitable m8. Call me when you get that ranch so I can buy some tasty horse meat.

>> No.8615020

Agree, but it gets to be like careing for an elderly parent. This 18 year old dearheart eats and does her business outside, but she's blind, deaf and I suspect has alzheimers. But she still seems happy, so we can't do anything.

>> No.8615051

charitable ranch for old horses to live and die on.

its something we all have to do as pet owners, but as long as the animals are happy i think its important. good on you

>> No.8615066
File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1440, 20170107_105849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8615081

It REALLY doesnt have enough flavor to justify the health drawbacks. Fat on chicken and beef is extremely overrated

>> No.8615091

Would pet this doggo.

>> No.8615145

Kek commands dog receives pets

>> No.8615175

t. absolutely no common sense or veterinary knowledge

>> No.8615182

>act like a smug know it all assfaggot
>haha what u mad about bro

>> No.8615185

kill yourself nigger

>> No.8615388

Chicken fat I agree, but steak fat is partially my favorite part.

>> No.8615482

why not throw it in the pan to get that nice flavour

>> No.8615891

>get butthurt over nothing
>greentexts about it

You need a moment to cry into your kerchief over it, nancy boy?

>> No.8615920
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1487404041478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats their Phó without adding anything to it and refuses to ever try to

>> No.8615931
File: 41 KB, 454x600, 59489429482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the animal and the cut
pork fat on a steak is garbage, it's difficult enough to eat the fucking steak
fat on a beef steak is only good on the more expensive cuts but I eat the fat regardless because beef is too expensive to throw out the fat

>> No.8616989

>Le dietary cholesterol meme
Sedentary lifestyle is what leads to plaque build up. Enjoy being sad and low test while still keeling over at 60 because you bought a meme from over half a century ago.

>> No.8617119
File: 382 KB, 741x676, 1487218447165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to pol

>> No.8617161

My favorite Vietnamese place has AWESOME Pho with the most delicious broth. Literally one of the best things I've ever tasted in my life with so many perfect layers of subtle spices and shit. I want to fucking bathe in that shit.

I always put all the junk in it, but when I tried adding the sauces a few times, it always totally ruined it and overpowered everything else, even just a little bit to make it spicier ruins it.
I'll usually add a little bit when it's nearly gone and the broth flavor is getting weak.

I see all the asian customers adding tons of sauces in right at the beginning and I don't get it. To me it's like covering a deliciously prepared and seasoned steak with ketchup.

>> No.8617167

All the Michelin star places in Japan offer their steaks with a sauce

>> No.8617254

Disgusting rancid hot-dog street vendors offer their botulism causing hot-dogs with "a sauce" too.

So fucking what?

>> No.8618734

what was his goal? four straight years of people chanting? why would anyone watch that? plus the chant sucks, the president doesnt want to divide us, by declaring yourself in opposition to the president you are dividing yourself from the rest of us.

>> No.8618735

post-post modern art has no goal.