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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8609535 No.8609535 [Reply] [Original]

>just came back from a hike
>decided to be brave and cook a steak on open fire
>turned out fucking delicious
>went home
>mother laughs and says I should do the cooking in future
>father comes in
>"so that's where the pan went"
>"clean it up. I can smell the fire"
>Proceeds to make a joke about me killing myself

The steak turned out great anyway. Rubbed a bit of salt,pepper and olive oil on it and threw it into a cast iron pan with some butter melted in it. Flipped it regularly cause it was a bit chilly out so the top side would get cold if I didn't.

I used oak and ash wood on the fire. Ask me anything.

>> No.8609538

>olive oil


>> No.8609542

Your dad sounds like a manchild.
Do not repeat the same mistakes when you have kids.

>> No.8609564

You cook without oil?

Good steak. Get your own cast iron pan since your dad is obviously a beta who can't appreciate good cookwear. Cast iron is meant for that type of cooking and I'd love to have some of that smokiness in mine.

>> No.8609577

Why do you still live with your parents?

>> No.8609602

Olive oil is master race.
Do you even Mediterranean diet?

>> No.8609604

Not him, but he's laughing (as I am) that you used olive oil. Its taste will modify the taste of your food because its strong. Also, it has a lower burning point. Stick to at least vegetable oil.

Putting olive oil on steak may be as bad as people who bake cakes with olive oil

>> No.8609612

I meant smoking point

>> No.8609615

Is a cast iron skillet shitty to lug around going camping?

>proceeds to make a joke about me killing myself

Top tier father right there m8

>> No.8609620

It's shitty for backpacking. If you are just camping at one location then it's not bad.

>> No.8609628

I'm only 18

Nah. I pack light so it wasn't much of a problem.

I WANT it to modify my food. Olive oil gives the steak a rich flavour.

>> No.8609630

How to spot a dirty fucking pleb. Olive oil tastes good you fucking retard. If you cook with vegetable oil you may as well just piss on your steak while you're at it.

>> No.8609634

1) I'm not OP you complete dumb ass.
2) Olive Oil is a good oil for taste.
3) Olive oil has a higher smoking point than vegetable oil.
4) Vegetable oil will make your steak taste nasty.
5) Vegetable oil is complete shit oil.

You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and should stop posting for a bit.

>> No.8609728

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.8609734

what the fuck?

i don't understand either of your parents comments.

>> No.8609736

Your dad sounds like a retarded faggot. I bet he wanted you to use soap to clean the pan off.

>> No.8609744

It's sad really cause I use to idolise my dad when I was a kid but I've slowly been starting to realise how much of a bitter asshole he is.

>> No.8609748

We all go through that. How old are you?

>> No.8609772

Seriously, seriously enjoy your cancer.

>> No.8609787

Try fresh rosemary next time nothing really smells like camping like rosemary.

>> No.8609805


>> No.8609807

>Ask me anything.

why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.8609818

Why do you still live with your parents you fucking manchild?

>> No.8609848

>Stick to at least vegetable oil
HAHAHAHA Welcome to cooking in the 21st century, friend. First class: vegetable oil is shit. never use it.

>> No.8609851
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>>"so that's where the pan went"
>>"clean it up. I can smell the fire"
>>Proceeds to make a joke about me killing myself

Usually I would tease OP for no reason but that's fucked up. Food looks great man.

>> No.8609853

That steak looks fucking amazing!

>> No.8609868

Yeah, canola oil is the best oil

>> No.8609869

I use canola oil for my steaks, is that okay?

>> No.8609881

they didn't mind the burnt grass in the backyard?

>> No.8609975


>> No.8610020

>vegetable oil is shit. never use it.
It's okay for deep frying though.

>> No.8610043

in an absolutely ideal situation you'd use like 1/2tsp of clarified butter to start it. Past that if you buy steak with good marbling it should do the rest itself.

>> No.8610075

Olive oil deep frying is top
Also, im spanish, so good oil is not that expenaive

>> No.8610081

Well refined olive oil isn't as expensive but yeah vegetable oil is usually way cheaper that's why I use it for deep frying. But if you got the money definitely go for a good olive oil.

For budget cooking, personally I use Bertolli extra light OO. I get a big bottle from Sam's Club for about 15 bucks and it'll last a few months.

>> No.8610182

>does not even mention lard
what the fuck is wrong with you? We're not /poorcucks/ or /healthfood/

>> No.8610197

>lard is expensive

>> No.8610202

no beef tallow or lard for deep frying

>> No.8610210

Lard is okay for some things but it's not really versatile like olive oil.

And like this guy said, it's not expensive at all. I don't even buy it since even one slice of bacon produces a respectable amount.

As far as deep frying is concerned, lard is okay to use but it's not like it is so vastly superior that it warranted your autistic response. And some of us our health conscious as you should be.

>> No.8610212

Are you retarded? Olive oils smoking point is way too low to deep fry effectively without completely fucking your oil

>> No.8610214

would not call olive oil versatile just plebs without taste buds can't taste it after they put it on everything. Or have a broke dick stove that can't actually turn out enough BTU's to do anything fun with

>> No.8610216

Olive oil has a smoking temperate in the high 400s. You're thinking of extra virgin olive oil and you should double check your facts before you call other people retarded.


>> No.8610229

You'd be wrong. Olive oil used for high heat cooking has a neutral taste and thus not used for tasting. It is versatile because it can be used for high heat cooking thanks to a high smoke point, it has a neutral taste, and is better for you than something like vegetable oil. The only time I wouldn't use it for cooking is if I wanted a nice taste from a fatty source like bacon fat or as any sort of dressing or if I'm doing something like deep-frying because there's cheaper stuff to use.

>> No.8610235

it is kind of gay though, how people go out hiking and rub their dicks because they made a steak in a pan

>> No.8610241

You are retarded, you're using olive oil for deep frying, that is retarded full stop, even if regular olive oils smoke point is 400F it's going to fuck with the flavour of anything you deep fry with it, regular olive oil has a very distinct taste and unless you've completely fucked your tastebuds with years of drowning shit in olive oil you're going to notice that distinct olive oil taste.

You've definitely fucked your tastebuds, olive oil does not have a neutral taste at all

>> No.8610243

You're on /ck/.

>> No.8610247

it has a very strong taste even if it's not EVOO and a bitter one at that.

>> No.8610251

>You are retarded

>you're using olive oil for deep frying
Wrong. Also, not an argument.

>even if regular olive oils smoke point is 400F it's going to fuck with the flavour of anything you deep fry with it
462* according to the web site. Well within deep frying temperatures. Why would it fuck with the flavor? Can you explain why instead of being emotional? Have you even tasted cooking olive oil? It is neutral in taste. You don't know what you're talking about.


>> No.8610254

What did you do today,Anon? Play video games? Browse 4chan? Watch some anime?

>> No.8610255

Stop buying olive oil that's been cut with motor oil.

>> No.8610261

you keep saying neutral but that's not reality. It overpowers anything subtle. If you can't taste it you're worse probably some shovel feeding soccer mom who doesn't chew their food.

>> No.8610266

this isn't my AMA plebbit

>> No.8610275

Go chug a bottle of olive oil then you fuckin wog, olive oil has a distinct taste of fucking olives because it is made from fucking olives, the olives give the oil an olive-y taste, what aren't you getting mate. It does not have a neutral taste at all regardless of how hard you want it to be true.

>> No.8610284

I keep saying neutral because it's true and here's some sources to back it up. You should just admit you don't know what you're talking about, especially if you're the person that said olive oil has a low smoking point.

>Light olive oil is then treated with chemical solvents to neutralize the flavor. It's lighter in taste and color, not calories, than straight EVOO. It has a smoke point of 465-470˚ Fahrenheit, which makes it ideal for high-heat cooking

>For comparison, the smoke point of extra virgin olive oil is approximately 320°F (160°C), virgin at approximately 420°F (215°C), and light at approximately 465°F (240°C). As such, it’s typical to use light olive oil for things like baking, grilling, frying, and sautéing, essentially where high temperatures are required and particularly in cases where a strong olive taste is not desired.
Neither of you know the difference between EVOO and olive oil which is embarrassing. But please continue to say objectively wrong things because you're too proud to admit you're wrong.

>> No.8610286

>being this fucking mad about olive oil
I don't know what kind of fucked up olive oil you've tasted but it does not impart much, if any, flavor to the food you cook with it.

>> No.8610292

He doesn't understand that EVOO is not the same as light olive oil and doesn't know the difference between the two.

>> No.8610299

Does /ck/ not know that canola oil is vegetable oil and is one of the most neutral tasting oils?

>> No.8610300

what are you most afraid of?

>> No.8610301

I don't get why those other two idiots are argguing but you don't want a neutral oil for deep frying, you want something that imparts flavor like beef tallow or lard

>> No.8610303

>You should just admit you don't know what you're talking about, especially if you're the person that said olive oil has a low smoking point.
not that same person. And light olive oil still has a fucking intense flavor. Unless you're buying some $40/12oz shit you're not getting a product that's comparable to what they're using. At which point beef suet is less expensive.

>> No.8610304

Yeah the thing is, at least in America, there's "vegetable oil" then there's types of vegetable oil like canola oil.

The stuff labeled as vegetable oil is a mixture of various oils and you don't know what the fuck you're getting really.

It's the health aspect, even though deep-frying is unhealthy no matter what you do you can at least minimize it.

>> No.8610311

>labeled as vegetable oil is a mixture of various oils and you don't know what the fuck you're getting really.
You're getting a very refined oil made from vegetables. it's so refined it doesn't matter which vegetable since all the life of the original origin has been literally sucked out of it.

>> No.8610314

fuck healt, I could be the healthiest motherfucker on the planet and still die of a random heart attack for no good reason

>> No.8610317

>It's the health aspect, even though deep-frying is unhealthy no matter what you do you can at least minimize it.
that's a load of shit it's all about temp and technique no one's forcing you to cover it in thick breading and cook it until it's soggy with oil.

>> No.8610320


You must be over the age of 18 years old to post on this website.

>> No.8610323

>And light olive oil still has a fucking intense flavor.
I've provided two sources that tell you you're wrong and I'm not sure what else I can do. Your opinion obviously trumps fact at this point in your mind.

Also, all light olive oil is about 12$ for 40oz.

>> No.8610327

Nah mate, people hear lard or something like that they automatically think it's going to be super unhealthy while the same thing cooked in canola oil or some shit is just as unhealthy but they think it's healthier for some reason

>> No.8610333

yeah it's so childish and immature to not worry about health when there are at least a dozen different ways you can die every day. but if you insist on being healthy then still use an oil that imparts flavor, like peanut oil

>> No.8610341

Taste some refined olive oil and then taste some canola oil, the difference in taste is huge

>> No.8610343


Yeah that was my point. Vegetable oil is just the worst offender and canola oil isn't that bad for you (at least compared to other shit like corn oil which is terrrrible).

It's the saturated fat lard has. If you're not eating too much saturated fat in your other meals then it won't make a difference. But many people consume too much sat. fat in today's world.

>> No.8610346

I have both in my kitchen and I can tell you that the difference is not huge (I slightly prefer olive oil's taste). I suggest you do the same thing you're telling me to do. Please use light OO and not EVOO. I await your reply of:

>I did and olive oil just tastes fucking strong m8

>> No.8610347

>that bad for you
this isn't fit. All context on this board should only involve flavor. Take your /fit/ shit elsewhere.

>> No.8610351

Can you please point to me which board rule says health cannot be a point of discussion on this board?

>> No.8610357

it's a matter of etiquette, you're basically just barging into the conversation to say it's unhealthy and nothing else

>> No.8610366

No, unhealthy was only one of the reasons I listed. The primary reply this chain started from was mine here: (>>8610304)

And I explained to him why some people are talking about vegetable oil and canola oil as two different things. My opinion was inserted at the end of the post which is perfectly fine to do on any board. What you did was barge into the conversation and offer nothing else but making up /ck/ rules like some sort of wannabe mod.

>> No.8610370


>on a board where people have nothing better to do than shitpost and generally make other people upset

had me a little chuckle there

>> No.8610371

I've tasted all kinds of oils before, every oil has a distinct taste, if you haven't been using olive oil for so many things the olive oils taste will stand out more as with any oil.

The worst offender is coconut oil though, I'll only use it for dishes that involve coconut cream or things where the coconut-y taste won't matter

>> No.8610374

there's literally a board for fitness and health.

>> No.8610378

there's an /lgbt/ board too but here you are

>> No.8610383

Don't know what to tell you then. If you can taste the difference between cooking with light olive oil and cooking with canola oil I applaud your extreme palette.

And they all talk about lifting weights. If I want to talk about food I have to go to /ck/.

>> No.8610387

>fitness and health
They took out the "Health" part out of /fit/ awhile ago. We do need a /med/ board though.

>> No.8610391
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>> No.8610392

Not him but sometimes you want to use an oil that doesn't impart a flavor.

>> No.8610402

Looks like a great steak OP and I normally shit on everything ceekay posts. I would have taken some potatoes with me and get a nice baked potato on that fire.

absolutely destroyed that cunt

>> No.8610413

>all these olive oil pretentious douchebags ITT

I cook all my food in sesame seed oil, get fucked.

>> No.8610417

>I cook all my food in sesame seed oil
Why? Unless you love the taste? That's even more pretentious.

>> No.8610419
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>If I want to talk about food I have to go to /ck/.
and it the context of food the answer is always:
Don't overeat.

And i'm not the one that thinks shoving carrots up my ass constitutes "on topic" discussion since it's food.

pic related.

>> No.8610423

Eh, it's not that extreme but it's more better than most of the people I know, most of my friends and most of my family have really shit palettes and they're all pretty shitty at cooking because of it, fucking sucks man, for example my grandma when making spaghetti bolognese she'll use half a jar of sauce and then put in flour for some reason and doesn't season it at all, not even a little bit of salt, bland as fuck but everyone else at the table will say it tastes amazing and mean it when they say that.

>> No.8610425

You seem new. /fit/ use to be Fitness and Health. It's simple Fitness now. They don't talk about healthy all but once in a blue moon and certainty now about food choice. If you want to discuss the benefits between food in terms of health, this is the correct board to be post in. Cry about it in /qa/. You don't make the rules.

>> No.8610435

Nothing like opening jars and saying you're cooking. I can't stand store bought pasta sauce, it tastes bad. One of my favorite things to cook is a nice italian pasta sauce from scratch. Each time it will be a little bit different.

It sounds like she is using flour to thicken it up instead of letting it simmer for an hour or so. Lazy.

>> No.8610436


olive oil is about as pretentious as it gets. protip: oil loses its flavour when you cook with it at high heat.

>> No.8610442

No shit sherlock. Light olive oil is made for that reason and barely has any flavor at all. You're just another person that doesn't know the difference between your oils.

>> No.8610443

>/fit/ use to be Fitness and Health.
still is. Are you retarded; did you not see the screenshot?

>the benefits between food in terms of health,
there is no "healthy" food as all fucking foods provide fuel and nutrition for metabolic processes. Seems to me that you're wanting to discuss shitty fad diets.

>> No.8610445

>the board's meta description is the board's title
you're retarded.

>there is no "healthy" food as all fucking foods provide fuel and nutrition for metabolic processes.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.8610450

Yeah, I dunno whether it's lazyness though, I think it's one of those weird habits from the depression era, she tries to stretch out everything, she'll even keep a christmas ham till it smells sour and has gone slightly green and will keep veggies until they're wilted and brown, but yeah, nothing beats a nice homemade pasta sauce, it's so easy to make but most people are fucking clueless and go for a sauce in a jar.

>> No.8610452
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>I don't know what words mean
Nice try bumpkin. fitness implies health.

>I also don't know what health means.
You really need finish school.

>> No.8610461

No I was being literal. /fit/ used to be literally called Fitness and Health and reflected this. Now it's just fitness and pretty much only about weightlifting. Being autistic about definitions because your new got exposed won't change anything.

>> No.8610470

I think I'll try for a pasta sauce thread since this thread has been completely derailed by idiots.

>> No.8610480

Sorry champ. Been on /fit/ since before the days of zyzz. We discuss nutrition.

>> No.8610487


Show me one thread. The board is fucking terrible for serious discussion.

>> No.8610499

right now there is a soda thread and a superfood thread.

But that is besides the point.

>> No.8610511

No, it's not. That's completely the point. The soda thread are you serious? What superthread?

There's no serious discussions on /fit/ about food anymore. It's all aesthetics, shitposts and /r9k/ shit. The board is worse than /tv/ when it comes to off-topic shit. Kindly fuck off now. You've wasted enough of my time.

>> No.8610521

>asks to provide info
>provides info
>proceeds to scream and rant and hissy fit about wasting time

Who wasted who's time here? Why did you send me on a shitty red herring search if you didn't want the info? Fuck off. retard.

>> No.8610529

>just came back from a hike
>decided to be brave and cook a steak on open fire

>be brave and cook a steak on open fire

>cook a steak on open fire

>open fire

You fried a steak in a pan over a campfire
Same a frying a steak on a BBQ
Same as frying a steak on a gas cooktop

Fried a steak


Right a book, first time in history

>Hey everybody I fried a steak, fried it in a pan, look at me

Next time pierce the steak with a wet stick and hold in the flames to cook it

Then you will have cooked a steak over an open flame

>Fried a steak in a pan, wow

>> No.8610530

Not him but you're grasping. Just stop replying.

>> No.8610554

There is no grasping, retard. The threads he asked for are there.
there is even a new one about snapper.

>can't find the thread about superfoods
how do you not know how to search and he's calling me a newb?


>> No.8610558

>provides info
One thread about soda and some nonexistent superfood thread? wew

>> No.8610560

delete this


>> No.8610565

Everything I did to light the fire was natural. I used birch bark as tinder,Ash twigs as kindling then built up to oak wood. I used flint to start the fire as well. Took me the Guts of an hour to gather it all together. Little more work than a BBQ my dude.

>> No.8610584

>cooking on a real campfire is the same as cooking on stoves

>> No.8610654

>It overpowers anything subtle.
You're probably thinking of extra virgin olive oil, which still has a bunch of particulate olive in it (which is actually why it smokes so readily).
Refined olive oil actually is pretty mild and doesn't burn nearly as easy.

>> No.8610662

There're different kinds of Olive Oil--Virgin and Extra Virgin. Virgin is the one used for regular cooking, and it has a high as fuck smoking point. Extra virgin olive oil, particularly the meh kind, has a really low smoking point--lower than vegetable oil.

>> No.8610672

Yeah that was my point.

>> No.8610674
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>Refined olive oil actually is pretty mild and doesn't burn nearly as easy.
Also see pic

>> No.8610686

Not him but what exactly is the point of this post?

>> No.8610693

Because somefags were saying that refined olive oil has a strong flavour of olives and it overpowers other flavours; this post illustrates that that is not true.

>> No.8610695

ah ok

>> No.8610700

But refined olive oil has no benefits to it over canola or other vegetable oils. Why use it?

>> No.8610715


>> No.8610718

Oils that come from stuff I wouldn't really consider eating creep me out desu

>> No.8610724

it's on more or less healthy than canola.

>> No.8610730

yeah it's splitting hairs because, as far as oils go, they're both great choices. imo olive oil is slightly healthier and tastes slightly better. however, canola is cheaper.

>> No.8610739

>slightly healthier
how so?
>tastes slightly better
it's been established in the thread that refined olive has no to very neutral taste, just as canola has no to very neutral taste.

>> No.8610755

>Why use it?
Also, realistically I'd prefer to use something like avocado or peanut oil for everything :(

>> No.8610760

Eat shit nigger I usually just lurk but godamn fuck nugget, you come on out shitting on olive oil you cunt, I bet you fucking destroy your steak with the wrong seasonings like a fucking hood rat, I bet you think McDonald's is the perfect food you trash eating cock sucking weaboo, shit I bet your happy ass voted for Gary Johnson you peice of shit

Shitting on olive oil, get fucked you stupid cunt

>> No.8610770

less omega 6 fat (linoleic acid)

excess pufas can be negative to your health:

OO has less pufas than canola.
I also find that I like the taste of oo more than canola oil but that's subjective of course

>> No.8610771

Well mabey people like the taste of olive oil faggot

>> No.8610791

>links to a blog with a store and an article that says "big pharma"

Might as well linked me to alex jones' alpha male pills.

>> No.8610805

I get the feeling you're just looking for an argument at this point. Hope Harvard is good enough for you:


>> No.8610825

>Regular olive oil is processed like other RBD oils. To obtain the benefits of no residues of hexane and almost no trans-fat, virgin and extra virgin grades of olive oil must be used. Other cold-pressed oils, such as cold-pressed canola oil provide the same benefits (7).

So refined olive oil processed in the same was a canola is not more or less healthy than canola. Remember, we are comparing canola with refined olive oil, not EV or Olive oil, which has a low smoke point.

>> No.8610869


>> No.8610889

You have a difficulty understanding the nuances of why I said it is slightly healthier. We don't need anymore omega 6 in our diets. What we need are more fats from other other sources, such as monounsaturated.

Olive oil has more mono and less poly than Canola.

>> No.8610901

Also, virgin olive oil has a smoke point of 420 which is hardly low and I plan to use high quality VO when I make more money.

>> No.8610928

That is not stated in your harvard article, only the blog.

Seems you are wasting your money. Even the harvard editorial says:

In general, variety is a good strategy in nutrition, and thus consuming a variety of oils is desirable, for example using extra virgin oil when the special flavor is desired and canola oil or soybean oil for other uses. Both canola and soybean oils provide ω-3 fatty acids that are important to include in an overall diet. Of course, avoiding overheating and burning of oils is important to provide the best taste and to avoid damaging the healthy-promoting fatty acids that they contain.

cook in canola finish with good quality OO if you want the taste of OO.

>> No.8610955

>That is not stated in your harvard article, only the blog.
What wasn't? The article says we have plenty of omega 6 in our diets. Do you need a source that says we need other healthy fats like mono?

>cook in canola finish with good quality OO if you want the taste of OO.
And if I don't want the taste EVOO or OO?

I've proven that we don't need anymore omega 6 fats in our diet. Now I guess I have to prove that mono fats are healthy?

>the Institute of Medicine recommends using them as much as possible along with polyunsaturated fats to replace saturated and trans fats.

There. Anymore questions?

>> No.8610996

>We don't need anymore omega 6 in our diets
You have not proven this. The harvard article does not state this. In fact, the harvard article you stated was an argument against refined oils (including OO) more than any argument for or against any fatty acids.

>And if I don't want the taste EVOO or OO?
Use canola it's neutral tasting as you can get due to the refinement.

>> No.8611029

>The harvard article does not state this

Might have confused it with this one:
>Most Americans take in far more of another essential fat—omega-6 fats—than they do omega-3 fats.

>But a test done at America’s Test Kitchen found that extra virgin olive oil that had been heated at 350°F (177°C) for ten minutes was virtually indistinguishable from heated soybean oil. All the volatile grassy flavors of extra virgin olive oil had been driven off. So food can be sautéed with olive oil and not taste like olive oil.
I'll use virgin because it's cheaper and I don't like dealing with a lot of smoke.

Why do you want to argue so much? What has olive oil done to you?

>> No.8611074

>Why do you want to argue so much? What has olive oil done to you?
Nothing. I just asked for source for your omega-6 conjecture and after 2hrs of word salad you still haven't fucking provided anything useful.
even https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/omega-3-fats/ states.

Most Americans take in far more of another essential fat—omega-6 fats—than they do omega-3 fats. Some experts have raised the hypothesis that this higher intake of omega-6 fats could pose problems, cardiovascular and otherwise, but this has not been supported by evidence in humans.

fuck off. you're illiterate, I suggest then next time you see canola oil being used at a dinner party you just keep you dumb opinions to yourself otherwise you will look stupid.

>> No.8611087

>my argument has been destroyed so therefore I resort to insults
We get plenty of omega 6 in our diet so I choose to use an oil that gives me a different type of essential fat instead. I say that this choice is slightly healthier. I didn't say canola oil was bad. Only that my choice is slightly healthier. I have proven this. Why don't you be a good lad and bow down now?

>> No.8611162

my argument was destroyed how?

Canola oil contains more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are part of the polyunsaturated fat group. Olive oil does contain some omega-3.

so to recap:
>omega 3 is healthful and needed canola has more
>omega 6 is healthful and needed canola has more
>they both contain equivalent amounts of monounsaturated fats

just stop dude...just stop...for the love of god.

>> No.8611177

rofl. you're really grasping now

>> No.8611189

>they both contain equivalent amounts of monounsaturated fats
Now you're resorting to blatantly lying as well as using lame articles (same thing you accused me of doing)

>Canola oil is made up of 62 percent monounsaturated fat, 31 percent polyunsaturated fat and 7 percent saturated fat. Extra virgin olive oil contains 78 percent monounsaturated fat, 8 percent polyunsaturated fat and 14 percent saturated fat. The different types of olive are not the same. Extra virgin olive oil is from the first pressing of the olives and is the least processed, making it the healthiest kind. However, “light” or refined olive oil contains the same fat as extra virgin.
>78 percent vs 62 percent
> “light” or refined olive oil contains the same fat as extra virgin

>get btfo
>hope your lie isn't caught

>> No.8611211

>Canola oil contains more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids
Eh, alpha-linoleic acid a shit. EPA and DHA are GOAT

>> No.8611212
File: 36 KB, 639x254, composition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me where it's wrong, because it is correct.
>Look guys i'm pretending to be retarded.

Finish the article..

However, “light” or refined olive oil contains the same fat as extra virgin. Since canola oil contains less saturated fat than olive oil, it is considered healthier.

>> No.8611223

>plant-derived saturated fat is bad

>> No.8611231

So now you're introducing a brand new component, and a subjective one at that, to support your BTFO argument.

I don't care about 1 gram more of saturated fat (which is also essential btw) because I don't have a lot of saturated fat in my diet.

You were WRONG. Just move on already man. Stop grasping at straws and changing goal posts.

>> No.8611235
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>source usda

>> No.8611240

But this proves me right?

>> No.8611243

>rounding errors prove i'm right!

it's insignificant.

>> No.8611245

>rounding errors
Citation fucking needed top kek.

>get btfo
>r-rounding errors!

>> No.8611255

all labels are rounded.
You more healthful shit is just that, shit.

get btfo
>I won't realize the fact that all nutritional labels are rounded
Keep at it champ. I'll keep BTFO of your stupid conjectures right and left.

>> No.8611266

>muh rounding
Did you forget your own article?

>78 percent vs 62 percent

At this point it is clear you got btfo and you're resorting to childish tactics that borderline on blatantly lying. At the very least you're being completely deceitful. This is your last (You).

>> No.8611279

Keep drinking your placebo and less healthful oil and don't forget to order your ALpha MALE supplements while you're at it.

hope you live until your 90 with that extra <1g Monounsaturated fat you are getting. I'll continue to be comfortable with my extra omega 3 and 6.

>> No.8611291

Not him, but would you actually eat canola seeds?

>> No.8611299

>canola seed

Wow, the retards are coming out of the woodwork now.

>> No.8611301

Not him but I'll just leave this here:

>omega 6
>The typical American diet tends to contain 14 to 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids.
useless to get it from canola oil

>omega 3
ALA (the omega 3 canola oil has) is garbage

I wouldn't consider canola oil bad by any means for a refined oil, but light olive oil seems to be the winner here. And I agree with his notion that you just want to be right even when you're wrong.

>> No.8611303
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What is retarded about canola seed?

>> No.8611308
File: 30 KB, 480x523, 1487862028020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 year old OP decides to take hike during middle of a workday, suggesting he has no job, and decides to haul a raw steak out in the forest to cook
>OP's mom, who probably cooks all the meals, secretly disdains anon's selfishness that he can put in so much effort to cook for himself and nary cook for the rest of the family
>OP's dad is pissy that his son took his skillet, and made it smell burnt by using the wrong kind of oil, and demands OP clean the whole thing as OP should have done but didn't have the decency to do

Stop annoying your parents, kid.

>> No.8611312

fuck off, olive oil is great for seasoning cast iron

the real gem about OP's post is the dad's complete lack of knowledge about proper cast iron care. really grinds my gears. don't buy cast iron if you won't take care of it properly.

>> No.8611328

OP putting a cast iron directly on top of charcoals still leaves a residue and a smell. You probably let the olive oil smoke so no it probably didn't season well.
The fact is you borrowed something that wasn't yours and didn't return it as you found it. You're a little shit and have no place to throw a tantrum.

Man up and cook for your momma.

>> No.8611341


I will school you son.

>OP putting a cast iron directly on top of charcoals still leaves a residue and a smell.
Doesn't matter. Comes off with water.

> You probably let the olive oil smoke so no it probably didn't season well.
You WANT that to happen. I have no idea what olive oil he uses, but when you season a cast iron pan you want the oil to smoke so it breaks down. That's what gives you that protective coating. Always season your cast iron after use with a thin layer of oil, put the heat up high and turn off when it starts smoking.

When you first season your iron, you put that shit in the oven at high temperature for fuck's sake this should be common sense.

ALSO: I'm not OP dumb ass.

>> No.8611353
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>> No.8611359

kek so canola oil could be potential unhealthy? canola shill BTFO

where'd you find that?

>> No.8611366

>literacy BTFO

>> No.8611367

Just google pretty much any seemingly unique sentence and you should find it.

>> No.8611374

explain canola shill

what a dick move, that takes effort....

>> No.8611376

>could be potential unhealthy?
You explain your retarded statement.

>> No.8611378

>Comes off with water.
Which is called cleaning. Your dad wanted you to clean the outside and you're bitching about it like he punched you.
>"smoking olive oil is gud seasonin!"
No, no it's not.

>> No.8611404

Advice to substitute polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats is a key component of worldwide dietary guidelines for coronary heart disease risk reduction. However, clinical benefits of the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid, omega 6 linoleic acid, have not been established.

In this cohort, substituting dietary linoleic acid in place of saturated fats increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.

>substituting dietary linoleic acid in place of saturated fats increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.
>substituting dietary linoleic acid in place of saturated fats increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.

>> No.8611412

What does that have to do with canola oil? Other than canola having omega 6?

>> No.8611416

>your dad
Still not OP. Every time you cook you have to clean. Oh noooo...

>No, no it's not.
Yes it is. That's how you season cast iron.

>Even pre-seasoned cast iron can do with some extra protection. To season your pan, heat it up on the stovetop until its smoking hot, then rub a little oil into it and let it cool. Repeat this process a few times and you're good to go.
>Re-season it. Rinse out any excess soap with water, then place the skillet over a burner set to high heat. When most of the water inside the skillet has dried out, add a half teaspoon of a neutral oil like vegetable, canola, flaxseed, or shortening. Rub it around with a paper towel. Continue heating the pan until it just starts to smoke then give it one more good rub. Let it cool and you're done.

Please. If you have any cast iron in your kitchen, please learn how to properly care for it and please season it appropriately right now.

>> No.8611426

>linoleic acid in place of sat. fats can cause negative health affects
>canola oil has linoleic acid in it
Are you retarded canola shill? Do you lack critical thinking skills? Do you work for Crisco?

>> No.8611436

>study indicates that omega 6 may not benefit heart health
>anon forms the idea foods containing omega 6 are bad for you!

yeah, I lack the critical thinking skills to deduce where you form this cause and effect connection.

>> No.8611440

>may not benefit heart health
Substituting dietary linoleic acid in place of saturated fats increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.

>increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.
>increased the rates of death from all causes

Fuck off Crisco. Keep your death oil away from my steak.

>> No.8611442

>>study indicates that omega 6 may not benefit heart health
That's a rather generous way of saying "worse than saturated fat for heart disease"

>> No.8611446

Lineolic acid is just one source of omega 6. Obviously they are talking about that source in particular, not all of omega 6.

>> No.8611455
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>Lineolic acid is just one source of omega 6
Indeed. But it also makes up a very large fraction of canola oil.

>> No.8611458

Butter is good for you again?

>> No.8611463

Yeah I was correcting his erroneous use of omega 6 instead of lineolic acid.

In moderation, yes! What a surprise huh? In 10 years they'll revert it again, I'm sure.

>> No.8611473

>refining healthy fats turns them unhealthy
Wow what a shocker. Imagine how long we'd live if cooperation sold shit that was good for us instead.

>> No.8611492

>>refining healthy fats turns them unhealthy
That was not suggested anywhere at all

>> No.8611497

Canola oil is refined dumb ass.

>> No.8611507

I don't think it would be any less good than unrefined canola oil though, which I believe is the directly implied sentiment of:
>refining healthy fats turns them unhealthy
since it was directed at a picture of canola oil.

>> No.8611525

>I don't think it would be any less good than unrefined canola oil though,
The study also implicates grapeseed/safflower/soybean oils. Pretty much all are high in LA.

>> No.8611533


then what is a good oil to cook with?

>> No.8611534

>people who bake cakes with olive oil
Stop it. I refuse to believe those people exist.

>> No.8611536

Well yes but I don't think any of those would be any better if you just didn't refine them, or that the LA in EVOO is less bad than the LA in those, or that refining EVOO makes it have more LA

Avocado oil is pretty good if you're a fuckoff rich motherfucker

>> No.8611544

Not him but I think there's less LA in olive oils than canola oil and etc.

It's the same shit taste wise.

>> No.8611547

>oil to cook with?
If you believe the study then saturated fats obviously.
pig lard and kidney fat
goose/duck fat
beef suet.

>> No.8611551

>bacon fat is now healthy
best timeline.

>> No.8611574

Nobody is contesting you don't season a cast iron you dipshit, you just don't do it with olive oil. Your own fucking quote lists
No fucking olive oil. Stop being a pleb and realize there are better oils to season with, like those listed.

>> No.8611578

It says a neutral oil and light olive oil (what you use for frying) is a neutral oil. You got btfo and now you're making shit up. Peace.

>> No.8611589


at that point why even use olive oil? at that point you're only using olive oil to be a pretentious fuck.

>> No.8611591

forgot to mention

flaxseed is objectively the best oil to use but it's expensive. no reason why you can't use olive oil like op did

>> No.8611595


>> No.8611611
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>oil in cake

>> No.8611615


>> No.8611627


"healthy oil" is a meme, it's like saying "healthy sugar" or "healthy crack". besides, sesame oil and peanut oil are basically just as healthy, but nobody gives a shit because they aren't a fancy green oil from italy associated with sophistication. every idiot on minimum wage has a spoiled bottle of wax-flavoured olive oil on their counter.

>> No.8611636

>besides, sesame oil and peanut oil are basically just as healthy,

>> No.8611642

sesame oil has a strong taste and (same as
peanut oil) isn't as healthy for the same reason as canola and that's been discussed to death already in this thread.

there are healthy sugars, in the form of natural fruit sugars for example. what isn't healthy is added sugars. we need carbs or else we go into ketosis.

cooking olive oil isn't fancy, it's refined to fucking death and just happens to be less unhealthy because evoo is so fucking good for you in the first place.

>> No.8611650

>isn't as healthy for the same reason as canola

but canola is the healthiest oil

>> No.8611651


people are pretentious as fuck about olive oil and you know, jamie oliver puts it in literally everything. this shit is 3x as expensive as any other oil in the store.

>> No.8611655

that's already been proven false in this thread. please read:


>> No.8611656

>people are pretentious as fuck about olive oil
What's it like being in the 80s?

>> No.8611658

That study suggests saturated fats are the go to.

>> No.8611664

Which olive oil? Cooking olive oil is twice as expensive if you shop smart. EVOO and VO are pretty expensive but are tasty and great for you.

And? Do you believe "saturated fats are inherently bad" meme like a good goy?

>> No.8611669


you're being pretentious about it right now friend

>> No.8611670
File: 36 KB, 483x380, canola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll stick with the mayo clinic over some shitposting Australians.

>> No.8611672

>facts are pretentious
Wow ok.

>> No.8611680

>And? Do you believe "saturated fats are inherently bad" meme like a good goy?
Nope, I'd rather cook in butter than any shitty veg oil and I'm healthier for it too. win-win

>> No.8611681

Well shit, if the FDA says it's okay for you than by all means it must be. It's not like they've been provably wrong before (e.g trans fat). Good goy.

>> No.8611684

Good man.

>> No.8611686

This is the mayo clinic anon.
medical doctors. But it's ok, you obviously know more than doctors.

>> No.8611692

1) Your image doesn't talk about anything the study does.
2) You're countering a peer-reviewed study with an unsourced image and discrediting them based on nationality.

>> No.8611700

What study? This is common knowledge reported by the mayo clinic. A medical research group. It's as if you went to 4,500 doctors and asked them "Is canola bad for you" and the consensus would be "no."

>> No.8611704

>opinions of doctors trump specific studies

>> No.8611708

>doctors opinion don't matter

K, cool guy. keep self medicating.

>> No.8611726

doctors don't fucking know. they keep flip-flopping every few years so just use whatever oil you like best

>> No.8611735

>A specific study trumps consensus

>> No.8611747

kek but the mayo clinic says to use olive oil when sauteeing


what now faggot? canola shills BTFO again

>> No.8611751

>use canola when baking

At least they aren't putting fucking olive oil in cakes.

>> No.8611765

i don't bake

why would you use any oil for baking cakes? isn't that what butter is for? or is this like the diet soda meme - ruin the flavor for slightly less unhealthy shit

>> No.8611786

But anon I put olive oil in all my cakes. The extra saturated fat really helps. Also saturated fat is healthier than LA

>> No.8611800

>The extra saturated fat really helps.

Then use butter, sweetie.

>> No.8611860

>having slight health benefits in mind while baking cake
People don't actually do this, right?

>> No.8612452

You'd be appalled at what the "health conscious" middle class to anything they touch. I still have PTSD from the last time I was exposed to "low carb" pizza.

>> No.8612555

>middle class

>> No.8612652

>I used oak and ash wood on the fire. Ask me anything
obviously this isn't a pic of your steak.
the pan in the pic is sitting in charcoal briquets

>> No.8612671

t. Fatty Sharter


>> No.8612741
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Then again there are studies that show the opposite effects, see picture.

Also, the study you referenced allowed for use of margarine which might be produced through hydrogenation, which creates trans fats.

Also, sunflower seed oil is around 75% linoleic acid, compared to 21% of canola and 3-21% of olive. So even if linoleic acid was heart disease causing, that study is not very telling in comparing olive oil to canola. You also have to take into account all the other fatty acids such as other n-6 acids, as well as the monounsaturated, saturated and n-3 fatty acids in canola and olive to come to a conclusion.

>> No.8612751

we got a detective over here

>> No.8612796

Just don't, dude.
You'll upset the wop olive oil shills.

>> No.8612842
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>all these faggots itt not using unsalted butter when preparing their steaks

>> No.8612887


>> No.8612907

quality post

>> No.8612934

>Is a cast iron skillet shitty to lug around going camping?
If it's too heavy, cut other things until you can carry it.

>> No.8613028

All these cucks cooking with oil.

you use either lard or butter from grass fed cattle.

>> No.8613191


>> No.8613207
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>grass fed cattle.

>> No.8613258


there isa clear distinct difference in taste compared to your poisonous corn fed hormone riddled cows.

>> No.8613260
File: 202 KB, 778x1024, 1484460485780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isa clear distinct difference in taste compared to your poisonous corn fed hormone riddled cows.

>> No.8613262



>> No.8613274

I use only the finest coconut oil for my dishes

There is literally nothing better for cooking the sophisticated dishes from the Orient

You can keep cooking your pleb western dishes with your pleb oil

>> No.8613299
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>There is literally nothing better for cooking the sophisticated dishes from the Orient

>> No.8613311


t. assblasted cu/ck/

>> No.8613346

Why do people like you even bother posting? Seriously? Masochist? I mean you must just love it when people call you a fucktard. That's the only explanation I can come up with.