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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8607910 No.8607910 [Reply] [Original]

ok so its like 2am and i want a grilled cheese but i dont have bread or cheese so im using english muffins cheese dip and bacon instead

>> No.8607918
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wa la

>> No.8607924
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its trash

>> No.8607928

Nice thread, back to redit with you now

>> No.8607930

i really like the progression here
good thread op

>> No.8607932

nice sausage fingers

>> No.8607936


>> No.8607944

Jesus christ no wonder you`re fat and disgusting. Sort your diet out you pathetic whale. Bet you fucking stink.

Fatties are so fucking gross show us how fat you are OP, go on. Fat bitch. I`ve got a hangover so I`ll feel better after vomitting.

>> No.8607954

aww love you too

>> No.8607955

You seem like such a miserable person. Why is that necessary? She just posted some food.

>> No.8607961

go back to tumblr

>> No.8607964

honestly i dont think it would even pass for food in africa

>> No.8607982

>Those fingers
I'm guessing 250-280, around 5'4?

>> No.8607986

actually 180/5'6 so not as bad as you said but still pretty bad desu

>> No.8607994

If that were a cheese I liked, or perhaps any cheese that wasn't liquid at room temperature, and I were drunk or stoned, that looks like it would hit the spot.

>> No.8607998

You have very feminine fingers

>> No.8608001

150lb/6ft male and im fat as fuck :^ )

>> No.8608003


>> No.8608008

How do you live with yourself? Just end yourself now. Do it. Take a knife and stick it in your fat neck

>implying you have the strength to get through the wall of flab

Try it anyway cunt, you won't be missed. Live stream it, I could jack off over a pig getting stuck, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.8608013

thats my fetish

>> No.8608042

Is the fat bitch dead? Bet she does anal. All fat bitches do anal.

>> No.8608045

eww, fat people have incontinence issues

>> No.8608046

yes im dead now

>> No.8608113

Shame 4chan takes away xif data or we could all go gang rape the disgusting obese mess then feast on her fat for weeks.

>> No.8608161

4 a.m. here. I'm hungry as fuck. would eat because that's better than anything I could whip up.

>> No.8608162


I have to add. I can't fucking cook. I just come to /ck/ to admire and wish I could eat everything in the pictures I see.

>> No.8608174

Can we have a hawaiian bbq?

>> No.8608176

How are you not able to make that?

>> No.8608177


You seriously want to rape a fat chick and eat her fat?.

kys. Not even kidding.

>> No.8608178


Oh, look, it's another attention whore thread turning sideways and everyone calling you fat.

>> No.8608180


Because I can't. I suck at cooking. I'm that bad. My thing is computers. You ever see a person that doesn't know how to open a web page?. I'm like that when it comes to food. I can't even cook rice. It burns.

>> No.8608184

put cheese sauce on your fingers and post pics

>> No.8608191

Oh, well ill explain how you can easily eat like our fatty op.
>lay 5 strips of bacon on paper towel.
>place another paper towel on top
>microwave on high for 5 minutes
>toast muffin an top with cheese and bacon

>> No.8608196


I'm too impatient for all that. I'm sure I literally COULD do it if I had to but with all the options I have I'd rather not waste my life making shit. I'd rather pay. People could learn to fix their own pc's but they choose to pay me to do it.

>> No.8608223

Great, now I'm hungry for grilled cheese but I can't have any because my microwave is broken.

>> No.8608224


>I can do this one thing
>too stupid and lazy to try something else

Get your head out or your ass, just because you can fix a computer doesn't mean shit. I can fix a computer, shit a fucking 12 year old can fix a computer. Fact is that humans are supposed to be able to do any number of things instead of specialize in one shit thing that isn't even impressive.

>> No.8608231
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>he microwaves his grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.8608233


Are you fucking stupid. I didn't say fixing computers made me Albert Einstein or whoever it was that discovered electricity. I'm saying it is where I choose to devote my time and I sacrifice learning in other areas. Everyone does this.

I hope you grow a brain. If you're trolling 7/10. I was triggered.

>> No.8608243

>has time to shit post on 4chan
>doesn't have the time to learn how to make a fucking sandwich

>> No.8608245


I have the time.

I don't WANT to use it to cook or learn to cook.

Not sure how much more I can break it down. I just can't.

>> No.8608249


>has time to shitpost on 4chan
>doesn't have time to manufacture his own hardware

>> No.8608251
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Not the anon you replied to but...

>I don't WANT to use it to cook or learn to cook.
>on 4chan.org/ck/ - Food and Cooking

>> No.8608252


Then don't bitch about shit you don't intend to change. Go download some more RAM or something, Mr. Cumputerfixer

>> No.8608255
File: 7 KB, 191x264, images-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off of this board.

>> No.8608260


I'm the one who posted this >>8608162

I like to look at the pictures. Looks really good. Ever heard of porn? people go to websites to look at stuff they like. I like looking at food and here is a lot of good pictures.


When did I bitch? and was it to you?. Follow your own advice and get the fuck out of this thread if you don't like OP or me.


fight me

>> No.8608267

Oh sure like food porn.

I do that with liveleak snuff films so I get where you're coming from desu

>> No.8608270
File: 34 KB, 615x449, EastEnders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if you don't like OP or me

Either someone is defending his fat whale girlfriend or you're two fat friends shitting up this board looking for attention from betas. Tough to tell because both make sense judging by your defensiveness.

>> No.8608271


A lot of times when I'm hungry I just Google search foods and hit the high resolution ones. Mouth watering. I just stare and my stomach is hungry and I actually like remembering the taste. I think my stomach actually gets more satisfaction by being tempted than actually being fed and shut up.

>> No.8608279

Yeah, totally.

A lot of times when I'm horny I just livestream search cartel murders and hit the high resolution ones. Mouth watering. I just stare and my cock is leaking precum and I actually like remembering the feeling of taking a human life. I think my cock actually gets more satisfaction by being tempted than actually being fed and shut up.

>> No.8608284


Have you ever gone to Bestgore?. They got some pretty good stuff. Not really HD but pretty hardcore.

>> No.8608287

Seen it all

It's hard finding new stuff but thank KEK for the cartels. They pump out enough new and interesting stuff to keep demons at bay

>> No.8608288


Have you ever been to .onion sites?

>> No.8608308


I've heard of this, is this the mysterious mary anne's trench? Don't you need a quantum combobulator to access that? I heard only the CIA has access to something like that.

>> No.8608314


nope. regular pc is all you need. VPN is suggested but not needed. Look up "Tor" and install it.

>> No.8608324

Don't do it anon. Don't pierce the veil.

Once you go down the rabbit hole and see the world for what it REALLY is behind the scenes you can never turn back.

Just live your happy surface web life and be thankful to haven't seen what I have seen humans do to other humans.

Some people believe in demons, or in a supernatural force of evil. But I know that's just absurd escapism.

Mankind doesn't need the influence of a Devil to be truly evil.

>> No.8608331


>and be thankful to haven't seen what I have seen humans do to other humans

Uhmmm. Most people on the surfaceweb have seen that stuff.

>> No.8608332

>seen it
>paid for it
>ordered it off a menu like a fresh pizza

Very different things

>> No.8608341


>paid for it

I guess you're talking about seriously, no joking around, true underground "snuff" films.

I guess that shit is out there, but can't see it being that much more different than the shit available online except that it's longer and the fact that you KNOW it's an original experience and maybe the dude's are still out there might get your dick harder. I can see that. Plus you paying for it and being a part of the demand for that market may also add to the experience.

But if you're paying for it then that falls out of the realm of just visiting .onion sites and you really are maybe breaking some kind of law.

If you do that you're REALLY fucked up. In the realm of actual child molesters and people that have REAL cp. I've heard stories of shit like that but damn. I wouldn't want to be on a jury seeing that shit and being that close.

>> No.8608606
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>> No.8608635


top ZOZ

>> No.8608732


Me everytime I cook without a recipe.

>> No.8609003
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>> No.8609010


Are you a she(male)?

>> No.8609013
File: 1.74 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggs and shit

>> No.8609017
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mixture is too thicc

>> No.8609031
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still thicc af but hurts to keep stirring so fuck it

>> No.8609032

I'm glad you at least admit your failure, rather than stubbornly pretend it's good like many anons tend to do.

>> No.8609037

mmm this sandwich has such depth i can taste the despair and human tears and they complement each other so well

>> No.8609041

>there are seriously people on this board that gang up on people for their FINGERS of all things

>> No.8609065
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>> No.8609069
File: 2.23 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these arent cookies

>> No.8609076
File: 1.58 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im scared

>> No.8609131
File: 2.19 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf theres bubbles now

>> No.8609153

Show me those sausage fingers op

>> No.8609164
File: 2.12 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i accidentally made cake and wtf are the bubbles

>> No.8609172
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>> No.8609193

>of course a fat woman can't cook

you are embarassing us, op

>> No.8609203
File: 1.93 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck this cake cookie shit

>> No.8609209

im not using a recipe and im having to substitute so much shit its almost a different set of ingredients entirely try this shit and youll fail too

>> No.8609217

Why don't you make something you actually have the ingredients for

>> No.8609224

i dont have the ingredients for anything

>> No.8609232

go eat a stick of fried butter and die, ham

>> No.8609242

love you too

>> No.8609301

Show us your cleavage fatty boom batty

>> No.8609307

Pls respond

>> No.8609402

Can you be my fatty gf pls?

>> No.8609407

deep breaths, anon.

>> No.8609416


woah dude that sounds really fucked up and dark and cool

>> No.8609418

get the fuck OUT

>> No.8609425

no thanks senpai
no am female(female)
no sorry taken

>> No.8609434

Is he a fatty too? Do you ever feel scared that he'll leave you for a thin girl?

>> No.8609625

Is your boyfriend a feeder?

Like has he ever put a funnel in your mouth and poured melted ice cream into while rubbing your belly

>> No.8609651

that was a little too specific

>> No.8609694

I seen it on a british feeder documentary. Some American girl was been feed melted ice cream through a fucking garden hose by her boyfriend

>> No.8609695

amerisharts were a mistake

>> No.8609802

no thats fucking disgusting and im not spherical wtf

>> No.8609809

>Fatties are so fucking gross show us how fat you are

You have something you want to share with us anon?

>> No.8611018

He said he wanted to vomit. Are you retarded?

>> No.8611062

Holy fuck that looks absolutely Disgusting.
This is not cheese for christ sake.

>> No.8611372

yeah its pretty trash i thought it might be good but it just tasted like vomit