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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8606860 No.8606860 [Reply] [Original]

Cheap lunch ideas /ck/? I was gonna start eating tuna salad sandwiches but a friend said if you eat tuna more than 3 times a week you can start to develop mercury poisoning

>> No.8606868

Use sardines instead. I like Matiz Gallego brand. They're also good on top of some fresh greens, carrots, and red bell pepper with dijon, lemon juice, and their own oil.

>> No.8606872

Yeah, that is the FDA guideline for it, depending on what tuna you get.

They also recommend 50g protein/day, think salt is evil, hate saturated fat, and change their dumbass food pyramid every 10 years.

>> No.8606874

Your friend is retarded and so are you for believing him

>> No.8606928

Lets not forget Cesium 134 and Cesium 137. Mmm mmm.

>> No.8606962

Don't forget that tuna now comes with 10,000% of your RDA of plastic, too.

>> No.8607102

chunk light solves all your mercury problems

don't eat more than a can a day for like 3 years straight and you'll be fine

>> No.8607103

>if you eat tuna more than 3 times a week you can start to develop mercury poisoning

yea if you're in really poor health or 90 years old

>> No.8607115

no that would be anybody including you

muh im young and indestructible

>> No.8607171
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Give paypal info, I'll send you enough to stock your freezer with tendies until the end of the month. After that you're on your own.

>> No.8607181

Whoa, what the hell? Backpage got taken down? Fucking prudes I swear to god. Someone will just build another.

>> No.8607192
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>tfw no hooker to eat tendies with...

>> No.8607198

>TFW I know a guy who fucks Backpage hookers on the regular

Dude must be PISSED right now

>> No.8607218

Can't he just call them? I'd assume if you fuck hookers "on the regular" you'd know how to get in touch with them without a website. Or is it more complicated than I'm imagining?

>> No.8607252

You can eat up to 12 ounces a week and there's about 2.5 ounces in a single serving

>> No.8607264

That's just not true. You would have to be eating 3+ cans a week for that to even be a concern, I love tuna and have eaten 4 cans within a week before and I'm not dead/crazy yet.

You could eat tuna everyday, you just have to eat it in smaller portions, or when you make your tuna salad bulk it up with more ingredients so you need less tuna. I like mixing tuna into egg/pickle salad. If you're looking for cheap canned meats you can always go with canned chicken and not have to worry about being poisoned, that stuff is pretty good but I'd stick with name brand for quality and taste sake.

>> No.8607282

Egg salad is cool sometimes. Grill some chicken and add to salads. Depends if you want something hot or cold too. What are you looking to do?

>> No.8607857

Probably never goes to the same one twice

>> No.8607935

Well he murders them after, so no

>> No.8607981

>I love tuna and have eaten 4 cans within a week before and I'm not dead/crazy yet.

In case you're not trolling, mercury "poisoning" doesn't work that way - one extra can in a week isn't going to matter, and even heavier one-time doses aren't fatal. The mercury stays in your system for an extended period, and after a couple years you gradually experience more symptoms. Many are common problems you could have anyway, fatigue, depression, heart disease, etc. Some people don't figure it out until after their sense of balance starts giving out, a major organ starts failing, or some equally serious symptom that people don't just chalk up to "well, that happens to everyone".

>> No.8608054

Cook some chicken thighs, make a pot of rice, cut up some broccoli, portion into Tupperware and freeze.

>> No.8608074

Beans and rice..
Bean tacos, bean burritos, tostadas like Taco Bell, burrito bowls

>> No.8608087

the tastiest element and tastiest isotopes. patrician taste (hehe) anon

>> No.8608319

Potato salad - all you need are boiled potatoes, hardboiled eggs, cut up gherkin and some form of mayonnaise sauce. I usually just use thousand island and black pepper but you can sexy it up with some mustard or horseradish.

Egg burrito - just make scrambled eggs or an omelette and chuck it in a tortilla. Carbs, proteins and fats all in there.

Fish pasta - buy those canned sardines/mackerel/skippers in various sauces and add them to a portion of boiled pasta. Just boil the pasta as usual, drain it, then add the fish and heat it through.

Other shit - Toast, french toast, baked potatoes, rice and beans.

>> No.8608350


>if you eat tuna more than 3 times a week you can start to develop mercury poisoning

Is this fucking true? About 6 months ago I literally ate nothing but tuna and bread every day on its own cause I was poor and figured its good protein.

>> No.8608367

sry u gon die

>> No.8608435

for a 200 lb man you can eat a can a day without any adverse effects

>> No.8608441
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How do people bring salad sandwiches to work when the sliced tomatoes makes the sandwich soggy?

>> No.8608466

Put them on the side. Assemble before eating.

>> No.8608467

Last week, Save-a-Lot had a sale on chicken leg quarters at 29¢/lb. In many American discount grocery chains, they're usually around 69¢/lb, which is still a good deal.
Buy some and separate the drums from the thighs then removed the skins.
Pressure cook all the skinless thighs in just enough water to cover. This does two things:
1) makes a decent plain chicken stock
2) yields a lot of cooked, easily cleaned, cheap chicken meat

Remove the thighs from the liquid and strain the stock.
Pull the meat from the thigh bone and remove the cartilage.
Freeze the meat in portion sizes.
You now have lots of chicken meat for chicken salad sandwiches and chicken soup and lots of stock for chicken soup as well as drums for barbecued (or fried) chicken. AND! If you pressure cook the skins in the stock, you'll not only make the stock tastier, but also render the skins for cooking grease, as well. Also, the spent skins can then be dried out and fried for chicken cracklings (like pork rinds, only chicken skin instead pig). All for only 69¢/lb instead of tuna for tuna salad sandwiches at $1.59/lb.

If you live outside of the US, YMMV, but look into chicken leg quarter prices just in case.

>> No.8608472

lightly mayo the bread or chop them up and mix them in with the salad

>> No.8608477

A 200lb man will have other health problems to worry about.
>but muscle!!!111!!!11
People over 200lbs, even seemingly fit and muscular people, seldom live into old age in good health.

>> No.8609740

wrap the bread separately, you fucking mong

>> No.8609780


Nigga if you said offal sandwiches we'd be talking cheap.

Offal and mashed potato sandwiches. The shit.

>> No.8609857

Tongue is really cheap and incredibly flavorful. It makes great sandwiches. But don't tell anyone or the hipsters will get a hold of it and it will quadruple in price in a year.

>> No.8609902

>mashed potato sandwiches

sounds kinda weird

>> No.8610070
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Sardines are great and way cheaper than tuna. I like to make spaghetti with sardines. Also recently bought a ton of sardines that were on sale and didn't know what to do with them so I found this:
Tried a couple of the recipes and they were pretty good.

If we're talking cheap I could post some potato based recipes here from eastern europe if anyone wants. We were a poor country for all our history so our national specialities are mostly potato based, cheap, peasant food.

>> No.8610092

Please do. I love potatoes.

>> No.8610173
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Ok let's go. I have an hour to waste. Most of these are really simple.

Potato tortillas? I guess? Not sure what to call this in english.

Basically cook a bunch of potatoes, then peel them and grate them on a cheese grater. Add flour and make dough. Roll them out into nice circles (they should be thicker than tortillas, mby 2-3 mm thick). Cook on a really hot (prefferably iron) skillet without any oil, couple minutes from each side, it cooks quick so you have to keep an eye on them and just eyball the timing. Fry some butter on the side until it's clear and most of the foam goes away. Spread them with the fried butter, sprinkle with salt and eat them with hands like a proper peasant.

Another kinda crepeish potato food thing

Peel and grind your potatoes, add chopped onions (I like them finely chopped, but some people preffer bigger chunks), couple of eggs, chopped garlic(optional), salt and a good amount of black pepper. Mix in some flour until it turns into a thick batter. You should experiment with consistency, I just eyeball it. Then take a spoonful and spread it on a preheated pan with a good amount oil (I like to keep them thick and they end up nice and soft on the inside like thin pancakes, some people like to spread them thin and they become really crispy). Cook from both sides until golden. They are great as a side dish but also great on their own, we usually serve curdled or regular milk to drink when eating them. (pic related is the result)

>> No.8610184
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aaand pic related is the result of the first recipe, they look like thicker crepes

>> No.8610196

I get a big bag of baby spinach, pots of stuff like cottage cheese, waldorf salad, beetroot, peppers, falafel etc at the start of the week, then just put a mixed bowl together for lunches throughout the week.
Spend about 20% of what I used to spend going to the deli for a sandwich every day, and eat better.

>> No.8610204

Deseed the tomatoes first.

>> No.8610285

Ahoj anon.

I remember eating these when I would visit my now ex gf in Bratislava. I had them with roasted duck and livers.. Tasted so damn good with some duck fat melted on top of them.

Man I miss that cooking, also miss "Bryndzové halušky" so amazing. Wish I could find that cheese or whatever it is elsewhere :(

>> No.8610464
File: 35 KB, 600x450, Nu5WKwVbTDGDH3CWUZIsMA~Bryndzov-halu-ky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup m8. Ya bryndza is pretty hard to find in the outside world. You can make them with milk curd(the hard kind that just falls apart in your hands) and fried butter instead, it's pretty good.

All our stuff is really fucking easy to make, i live in dorms with communal kitchen so it's really annoying to cook anything complex so I make this shit all the time because it's tasty, fast, filling and cheap.

Halusky are just gnocchi, you grind some taters, mix with flour until it's a sticky and thick batter. Prepare some fried butter and put your curd into a bowl. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, then you spread some of the batter on a wooden cutting board, and with a spoon sort of quckly scratch off and fling little pieces into the water in one motion. Once they rise, keep them boiling for 1-2 more minutes then strain. While hot, throw them into the bowl on top of the curd and pour the hot butter over them (if you're using bryndza then you don't add the butter nor the salt, instead you can add a bit of sour cream to tone down the flavor of bryndza. I never do this tho, i love bryndza.), mix, salt to taste. Lastly throw some pan fried pieces of bacon (not the shitty watery english bacon kind, real fucking bacon) on top.