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File: 101 KB, 625x469, 20110211fortiesprimaryfinal-thumb-625xauto-139652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8603691 No.8603691 [Reply] [Original]

which one /ck/?

>> No.8603703
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Steel reserve

>> No.8603705
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Colt tastes the least bad
black steel reserve has the most alcohol, which is kinda the point
cobra is normally the cheapest

>> No.8603711
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Olde FUCKING English

>> No.8603713

Colt, Cobra or Mickeys

Steel Reserve and OE are in plastic bottles now fuck that

>> No.8603716
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>> No.8603717 [DELETED] 

who is this semen demon?

>> No.8603722
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For me it is Steel Reserve, the hard working White man's malt liquor.

>The rest are all for welfare jigaboos and the homeless

I fucking hate niggers and bums

>> No.8603740

Mickeys for taste

Cobra for rage

>> No.8603745
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>> No.8603749

I dont live in a trailer park so ive never tried malt liquor, what am I missing out on?

Should i go to the gas station right now and get some?

>> No.8603756

Yes. Its getting nice and drunk in a single bottle.

>> No.8603764

Start living and drinking bro

>> No.8603911


>> No.8603944


>> No.8603947

Doesn't matter, I'm just going to turn it into a brass monkey anyways

>> No.8603949

Well for some of us it is two bottles.

Who dis?

>> No.8603954

>No Hurricane High Grav

Total shit list. Nearly as alcoholic as Steel Reserve but doesn't taste like total ass

>> No.8603957

See >>8603944

>> No.8603960

>Steel Reserve where I live
>only 6% abv
How am I supposed to get even tipsy off of that?

>> No.8603966

Mickey's tastes the best imo, but there's some comedy in getting fucked up off OE.

>> No.8604369

Mickey's and Colt 45 are good. I'm not a big fan of OE and I hate Steel Reserve.

>> No.8604373

Only good because its cheap.

The taste is probably the closest you could get to a piss flavor. I would know I tend to end up drinking some of my own piss when I drink.

>> No.8604384

Olde English 'cause that's my brand

>> No.8604387

Mickeys is the supreme choice.

>> No.8604388


>> No.8604401


let's roll

>> No.8604404


Welp, I have nothing better to do since chinam00t done fucked up everything.

>> No.8604413

Colt 45 doesn't taste any worse than Budweiser/Coors

>> No.8604462

true, its the easiest to drink of them all.

>> No.8604482

None of the above, Hurricane is the best.

>> No.8604520

Soju > All

>> No.8605449
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>> No.8605483

Old e

>> No.8605502

bit harsh but I agree with this fine fellow

>> No.8605558

I'm an Old english fan. It's not as tasty as Mickey's, but it has a high alcohol content and doesn't taste as shit as steel reserve.

>> No.8605566
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Fuckin amateurs

>> No.8605587


>> No.8605614

Does anyone still have 40s being sold in glass bottles?

All the ones in OPs pictures are not all sold in plastic bottles. Fucking nig nogs breaking shit. Cant have nice things.

I think I saw a Mickeys still in glass once in the boonies.

Man, I want a 40 right now, but not in that plastic bottle shit.

btw, bud lite in glass bottles dont count, fucking either 32oz or low alcohol content.

>> No.8605642

So your telling me you get drunk off. 3 and 1/2 beers? Thats the equivalent of a 40 at 6% ABV. Unless your drinking Steel or High Gravity which is 8% ABV you shouldn't be feeling anything after one 40 unless your a fucken lightweight pussy.

>> No.8605649

about to go to the liquor store anyway

>> No.8605660

I honestly meant to type "nice and toasty"

There are times when I can drink a 6 pack of beer, and not feel drunk at all, go out with my friend to a bar, have 2 more drinks and pass the fuck out.
Then like on Monday I drank 10 beers in a 3 hour period, came back to the hotel room, and immediately passed out. Woke up 2 hours later, felt sober, and drove home.

Another time I'll drink 1 beer, and get all sleepy, and tired.

There are a lot of factors involved in how much alcohol will get you feeling buzzed, or drunk.

I did the Edward 40 hand challenge a few times, and each one has been rather similar. I chug the first bottle, free that hand, go take a piss, and then finish the second bottle in an hour or so.
I only threw up once after finishing the second bottle, all other times I got decently drunk, and didnt need to drink for the rest of the night. Or maybe I took shots, I dont remember.

Last summer I was rebuilding an engine in my garage with a friend, he would come to help me out, and we would both consume 2x 40s throughout the 3-4 hour period or so. Stayed buzz, but not drunk.

There are a lot of variations.

>> No.8605685

Malt liquor is for niggers

>> No.8605717
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They do in Southern Ontario.

I'd say Colt 45 is easier to drink cause it's a little sweeter than the rest but I'm an OE man myself, might just have to go out and grab one.

>> No.8605824

Steel Reserve or bust

>> No.8605829

What's the difference between malt liquor and beer?
Malt liquor isn't a thing over here in England.
Not that I'm aware of at least.

>> No.8605835


>> No.8605837

MillerCoors, which I believe owns Mickey's and OE, uses plastic. Colt 45 still comes in glass.

Btw, black people don't even seem to be the ones that drink 40s anymore (unless they're older), it's mostly edgy white kids.

>> No.8605840



It is simply just cheap beer that tends to be a little stronger.

>> No.8605842


Olde English 800 and Colt 45 for Brass Monkeys, everything is for chumps

>> No.8605852


>brass monkey


I'm so glad other people actually know what this is. People think I'm ghetto garbage for drinking it but it's really no different from their fruity, overpriced mixed drinks

>> No.8605856


Rollan. I could use a buzz tonight

>> No.8605858

Its marketed to poor people, usually nigs who break bottles left and right.

There some some section 8 housing 2 blocks from me, their allies are littered with broken glass bottles.

>> No.8605868


>their allies are littered with broken glass bottles

Slamming the bottle down after finishing it is part of the fun... cleaning it up should be part of it too

>> No.8605873

I'm just saying, from what I notice I don't see many black people drinking that stuff. Malt liquor's main market now is probably young white people trying to be edgy/hipsters.

>> No.8605876

hence why everyone is switching to plastic.

>> No.8605884

Only MillerCoors is doing that.

>> No.8605885



>> No.8605892
File: 179 KB, 1814x652, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been to the black side of the city before? They have like 2 refrigerator doors full of 40s.

The hipster side of town has half a refrigerator shelf devoted to 40s

>> No.8605938

Mickey's counts?

Then definitely Mickey's. Colt 45 for the shit category.

>> No.8605943

the only one I've seen is an OE with the plastic bottle

>> No.8605946

Ay lmao

>> No.8605952

no, it's both demographics now.

as a millennial, many people drink it ironically. I drink it because it's 2.99$ to get buzzed with a low tolerance like I've got.

>> No.8605958


>> No.8606005
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I drink Steel

>> No.8606048


>the contents of that fridge


>> No.8606060

why do you put your fags in the fridge man

>> No.8606063


>a different kind of trips


>> No.8606068


Keeps em fresh, one time I smoked a stale one and it was so gross never again

>> No.8606071

This makes me want to cry

>> No.8606072

okay next question: why do you keep your rarity in the fridge man?

>> No.8606100

>colt 45 for dinkability
>cobra for least expensive
>OE for aesthetic
>Mickeys for taste
>Steel Reserve for alcohol content

>> No.8606114

10.6 masterrace

>> No.8606121

Marshmallows have to be kept fresh, haha all joshing aside I don't keep her there but I'm trying an experiment to see if the cold effects her hair

>> No.8606122
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anyone try this?

>> No.8606136

Had it once

>> No.8606140

its not bad at all, its has a really nice hoppy taste, like a real strong ipa.

Sidepocket is by far the worst malt liquor out there

>> No.8606164
File: 2.06 MB, 3286x2432, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my hipster store 40 selection

>> No.8606172

who the fuck thought it was better to put this shit in plastic? At least glass biodegrades back into the cycle of things after a while? NIggers are litterally still going to throw the bottles on the ground, except this time they aren't going to break and they are going to cause a lot more problems.

>> No.8606178
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here is the only glass bottle Ive seen left

>> No.8606302


>> No.8606524

Malt liquor doesn't exist where i live. Would someone care to explain why people drink this? Do they actually enjoy the taste or is it just a cheap way to get drunk?

>> No.8606530

colt 45

>> No.8606550


It's cheap. I don't think they taste terrible either.

>> No.8606611
File: 318 KB, 1200x1600, 003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This putrid shit (Camo Black Extra 12.2%) seems to the cheapest malt liquor per shot of alcohol in my area, but it's so goddamned awful that the savings aren't worth it. This is worse than Night Train. Colt and OE are luxury labels compared to this stuff.

Are there any actual Camo drinkers here, or is it strictly confined to the homeless?

>> No.8606753

OE > Mickeys > Cobra > Colt > Steel


>> No.8606767

it's just strong pisswater beer in a big boy bottle.

>> No.8606804


>> No.8606887

>ultra premium
Seems fine to me, not every drink has such prestigious labelings.

>> No.8606938

damn 12.2% is that accurate? the beer itself looks pretty light and kinda carbonated

>> No.8607219
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I need a Mickeys, god damn it.

>> No.8607228
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>> No.8607235
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These are $3 each

>> No.8607359

Steel > Colt > English for me.

Haven't tried the other two.

>> No.8607382

drunk is a spectrum

>> No.8607416

I've always been partial to colt 45.

And while it may be difficult to believe, I am in fact not a nigger.

>> No.8607420
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>> No.8607430

I feel ya, grew up on hurricane myself. Still grab a 40 every now and then for the hell of it

>> No.8607567

Olde English for me. Get whatever the fuck you want. Maly liquor is for getting drunk while hot chicks get fucking wasted.

>> No.8607592

Apparently that's all you eat as well. Good on you man's man

>> No.8607630

literally just because it was cheaper. No other reason.

>> No.8607637


>> No.8607644

How is your son Millhouse and your car bed?

>> No.8607668

Whichever one you can afford after you get your welfare check and pay your child support for little Daquan, Orangjello, and Sharkeesha.

>> No.8607811

Rolling for hopefully some delicious 45

>> No.8607894

is that hipster beer TEN DOLLARS A BOTTLE??? $13 even!

>> No.8607895


>> No.8607901


Well they are very large bottles. And Dragon's Milk is really fucking good and at 11.0% ABV is a pretty solid drink.

>> No.8607915

Molson Dry.

>> No.8607919

I'ma Rollin.

>> No.8608033

>For me it is Steel Reserve, the hard working White man's malt liquor.
>>The rest are all for welfare jigaboos and the homeless
>I fucking hate niggers and bums

Dunno dude lots of bags and bummerboys are also but by the Cobra on the reg

>> No.8608101
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it's black bull now

>> No.8608437
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>not drinking fortified wine

You lame-o's, you can get a seventy five millilitre bottle of 20% alcohol for nine bucks, the same cost as one of those beers, but twice the alcohol.

>> No.8608490

>nine bucks
>1 40

You do realize most places have them for 2.50 right?

>> No.8608506

I've never had Malt Liquor but a friend told me I had to drink a Four Loco because "it'll get you fucked up bro!"

I never got more sick in my life, but anyway nothing can be worse than that right?

>> No.8608525
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I guess our European equivalent would be this.

>> No.8608527

I think four loko is worse than malt liquor. None of them really "taste good" but ill take a 40 over a loko any day. If you like the taste of your regular lager beer you should be able to handle malt liquor.

>> No.8608528


Haha why are the dutch such pussies?

>> No.8608554


>> No.8608626

Oh for sure I know there's definitely no grand culinary experience to be had with Malt Liquor. I just want to know if I'm destined to have a horrible time vomiting the stuff.

>> No.8608634

mickeys, but id do the budweiser 40.

>> No.8608741


> the same cost as one of those beers

Malt liquor is like 3 dollars for a 40, so no it's more like three times the cost.

>> No.8608807

They'll just throw them in the actual garbage because they don't shatter anymore

>> No.8609339


zoom in on

>> No.8609344

probably not unless you're lightweight. If you can handle multiple strong beers you'll be fine.

>> No.8609346


>> No.8609364


Colt 45

Works every time

>> No.8609512


>> No.8609513

Is it illegal to drink in my car?
Not driving it, of course. I mean I'll go buy some booze, park somwhere and then get wasted in my car and sleep there until I'm sober enough to drive.

Is that legal?

>> No.8609520

Open container law.

>> No.8609521

I don't even know what Mickey's is so please, anything but Mickey's

>> No.8609523

Right, but I mean I can sit in my car and drink from an opaque reusable water bottle all day long without anyone looking funny at me. So why couldn't I just put some booze into that bottle and do it that way?

I live in my car, btw, and I haven't had a drink in a few months because I'm afraid I'll get picked up for public drunkenness or something. But they would have no reason to even check on me or see what I'm up to, as long as I'm not making it obvious, right?

>> No.8609531

In most states you cant have open alcohol in a car, or within easy reach of the driver.

>> No.8609534

You could at least keep some cucumber sandwiches in there for her

>> No.8609664


My brothers. I haven't drank that shit since college. Drank 2 of them in one hour and then threw up everywhere and then passed out.

>> No.8609755


Purely taste wise,
OE in a glass bottle > Mickey's > Colt > Cobra > Steel > OE in plastic

Of those, cobra is usually cheapest while not being the grossest, and reserve is the strongest, with Mickey's being the best ratio of taste to cost.

Honorable mention to St Ides for strong as fuck, and Magnum for somehow managing to taste the worst of them all despite a feeble ABV

>> No.8609926


>> No.8609936

Its pretty trashy. Stop lying to yourself. Chug away.

>> No.8609952

I get 2 for 5. Stfu faggot

>> No.8609984

Check em

>> No.8610008


>> No.8610013

Colt 45. It works everytime

>> No.8610564

Where df do you live

>> No.8610569


>> No.8610575

rollin rollin rollin~

>> No.8610585

i just take the first one i can see in the aisle. your drinking malt liquor not appreciating fine art. ive never sat down and had "real talk" over which brand of sadness is preferable

>> No.8610602
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>> No.8610621

Yes, but I think it's mostly older people who buy it. I don't even think beer in general is popular among young black people. They seem to mostly drink liquor.

>> No.8610669

It is probably not legal in most if not all of USA, for one or various defined anti-drinking & driving laws, but if you do it like you're proposing, don't give anybody any reason to question you, and are parked in a place where nobody cares (i.e. nobody will call tow truck, cops won't come around wondering why car is in empty parking lot...) I can't see it as very likely that you'd be caught.

I used to do this when I was on break from school and wanted to have a few drinks but not with my parents around and didn't feel like going over to some friends house (I was underage, mind you)
>tell folks I'm goin to see people
>head to grocery store
>use fake to buy some beer & wine
>park car in dark apt. parking lot an actual stones throw from my parents place
>put on an album and sip some drinks in the dark, watching traffic pass by on the freeway down the hill
>get a bit tipsy but not wasted

Very comfy times...

>> No.8610704

No, there are states where the passengers can drink in the car. I believe Missouri and Louisiana allow it.

>> No.8610705

well shit

>> No.8610713

Colt or kys

>> No.8610720

Ah I remember sophomore year of college.

Went to class 35% of the time and every night the lads and I would crush a loco + a colt 45 + do waterfalls in the kitchen until blackout.

I wonder how much of my brain suffered

>> No.8610753

Cobra > Colt 45 > Olde English > Steel Reserve > Mickey's
Sad they didn't offer St. Ides