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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8603669 No.8603669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many beta liberal numales on /ck/? You can't even crack a good nigger joke without someone getting their panties in a bunch. I'm starting to lose interest in cooking because of this.

>> No.8603675


>> No.8603678

the internet is where fags hang out because irl they get bullied

>> No.8603681

stfu nigger

>> No.8603683


You to?

>> No.8603689
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Because our stores and restaurants have been flooded with multiculti white-guilt foods like bananas, limes, kale, arugula, and avocados. And then in school they are taught that a balanced healthy diet is good and not just liberal for "white genocide". Little do they know it is my constitutional right to eat nothing but microwave tendies and drink HFCS from a bucket. If the founding fathers knew an escaped slave grew vegetables in the white house they'd be spinning in they're grave's.

When Trump shuts down the borders the nu-males will not be able to shove their elitist memes down our throats and we can finally have normal food again without getting triggered. Grey canned food in a pyrex dish, topped with more canned food, and some shit from a bag.

>> No.8603709


>> No.8603715

because this place, like all places, is changing, and you are becoming the outdated racist grandpa of the internet.

>> No.8603721

>4chan is getting less racist


>> No.8603724
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>I miss my racist jokes!!
>You're the reason why I don't like cooking anymore!!!

>> No.8603739

the world is a jungle. women and underweight men don't survive in jungles.

>> No.8603768
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>I'm starting to lose my interest in cooking because I get called out for being a racist

>> No.8603795


It seemed that it was changing like 5 years ago when all the pussies started to deal with us like scientologists deal with their shit. It's quickly going back to the good times, when you could kick a filthy nigger in the gums for stealing your can of soup. Stupid fucking nigger, stealing my goddamn soup. Get ready to go back to the safari, living in mudhuts 50 miles from the nearest water source and then complaining about not having water. Fucking idiots, rather drink rat piss and suck on dry branches than move to a new place and build a new shithut, fuck they would make shit cookies and eat them faster than build a new shitteepee.

>> No.8603806

for the better. you lost, buddy. hillary will never be president

>> No.8603809

Go back to /co/mblr you raging faggot

>> No.8603810


Been here 10 years and there are relatively fewer racist threads/ comments than each previous year. It's like glacial movement, extremely slow and inevitable.

>> No.8603812


Listen man, I hate obsolete farm equipment as much as the next guy, but you're taking this a little too far.

>> No.8603813

boy am I glad our moderators keep threads like these alive in the cooking forum but delete my thread asking about advice for cleaning my oven

>> No.8603818

>Been here 10 years

hahahah what a loser

>> No.8603857

They only care if you need to clean you oven after having Jews over

>> No.8603864


glass houses, bud

>> No.8603905

It's a board not a forum.
Cleaning is not cooking.
Jokes are universal.

>> No.8604015

Im so tired of /pol/ I had fun with it for a few months but now I'm seeing pol tier shit pop up in my day to day life. I don't like seeing people talk about fucking Pepe memes and Trump and shit anymore. It's not funny anymore after the 1000th time it gets boring.
All your conspiracy theories are fake too so fuck you alt right neckbeards. You guys are worse than tumblrinas

>> No.8604048


>> No.8604051

People have been saying nigger on the internet so long that it's passe imho

>> No.8604061

you lost

>> No.8604074

>implying I ever wanted shillary to be president
Not all liberals liked that bitch.
She was just as bad as trump desu.

>> No.8604087

I don't know, why can't I make an incredibly mild joke about white people being overly sensitive to spice without retarded pricks like you acting like I'm calling for the genocide of the white race? Fuck off, you /pol/tards are even more annoying than SJWs.

>> No.8604105

I didn't see anyone bring up genocide, but I did see someone bring up school shootings.
Talk about triggered.