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File: 92 KB, 780x438, 170221095659-president-of-iceland-wants-to-ban-pineapple-pizza-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8602943 No.8602943 [Reply] [Original]

>Iceland's President would ban pineapple pizza

Now this is a president I can get into.


>> No.8602949
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x1536, Pineapple Anchovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck?

I used to think you were cool, Iceland.

>> No.8602976

talk about "democracy".

>> No.8602977

They're just too bored out there on that island

>> No.8602985
File: 248 KB, 579x631, Screenshot 2017-02-21 at 3.43.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only about 40% of the world population doesn't have shit taste

Seems like asking if you like pineapple on your pizza is a good way to tell who is and isn't retarded.

>> No.8603006

Okay guys, hear me out...

Pineapple pizza.....with green chile on it.

>> No.8603012


I like pineapple, bacon and jalapeno

good balance of sweet, sour, salty, spicy and savoury

>> No.8603013

> le ebin pineapple pizza is ebul meme
Only thing I wonder is, why was pineapple the topping memers picked? Corn is worse.

>> No.8603022

might as well use shit as an example, pineapple is the most popular "gross" topping. corn is a rarity.

>> No.8603031

As a stupid kid I loved corn on pizza. Makes me gag nowadays

>> No.8603033
File: 141 KB, 293x339, Dions_Pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related makes something along that line: a Hawaiian pizza with New Mexico peppers.

>> No.8603041

Mmmm I hasn't had Dion's in like 11 years.

>> No.8603042


Problem with hawaiian pizzas is that it's always ham, when bacon is the superior pork product in this instance

>> No.8603044

Who the fuck puts whole pineapple slices on pizza? It would be ridiculously inconvenient to eat

>> No.8603054


Forget to put your dentures in again, grandma?

>> No.8603065

it's so much better if you grill the pineapple first

>> No.8603069

Yes because pineapple is so tough to chew on right? Fucking idiot. It's about the size and weight. Too damn inconvenient.

>> No.8603103

in Australia if you think the most basic pizza you can think of it's always "ham & pineapple" as we call it.

I've only ever seen seppo yank cunts actually ordering pepperoni or better yet, cheese pizzas.

>> No.8603108

Don't call me seppo

>> No.8603115


>in australia

Literally nobody cares.

>> No.8603162

>It's about the size and weight. Too damn inconvenient.
I have no idea what you're talking about. do you also find a margharita "inconvenient?"

>> No.8603184


>> No.8603188

>convicts using cockney rhyming slang out of sheer jealousy
Checks out.

>> No.8603212

>living in 3rd world countries

shiggy icecream

>> No.8603218

>yank cunt shit cunt fuck yank
Who the fuck is responsible for your country's educational system

>> No.8603248

Margherita pizza doesn't have humongous chunks of anything on top. A pineapple slice probably weighs as much as the slice it's resting on top of. The pizza slice would bend under it's weight making it hard to consume.
Plus you'd get a huge piece of pineapple on one bite and nothing on another.
Just dice the fucking thing.

>> No.8603263



>> No.8603268

depends on the thickness

>> No.8603287


so are you, what are you getting at?

>> No.8603300

>Margherita pizza doesn't have humongous chunks of anything on top.
>Plus you'd get a huge piece on one bite and nothing on another.
like a margherita

>> No.8603524

Hating pineapple on pizza is a meme. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8603541

I've never had a margherita pizza with whole tomato slices. Always diced.
I assume most people use canned pineapple slices, like the one in OP's picture, which are pretty damn thick

>> No.8603841

>current year
>still trusting obvious fake news sites
Nice try Hilary

>> No.8604540

isnt it crazy that political officials run on memes now

>> No.8604545

I was going to post that pizza combo. So motherfucking good. Pepperoni onion pineapple is also great

>> No.8604552

Why do people get so autistic about this? I can't think of any other food people like to pretend they get angry about.

>> No.8604572


>> No.8604634

Go bow to your emu overlords. You'll eat what they allow you to, and like it, or else.

>> No.8604636

No, most people use wedges. Cut the ring into 8-12 pieces, typically.

Sort of like how they usually use chopped tomatoes, not slices, ya know. . . .

>> No.8604643

Pineapple on pizza is the best

>> No.8604648

Chili has beans in it.

>> No.8605319
File: 329 KB, 600x450, batista ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind pineapple on pizza. But lets kick the ballistics. It's not even a top ten topping. Solo, it has no fucking shot. Paired with something like ham, jalapeno, etc. is still not in the top 10. When are pineapple fags just gonna admit there is alot of better options? Don't make me start naming everything that's better. I'm not sure if I've the time.

>> No.8605396

In terms of weird shit on pizza, I prefer bacon and banana. Sounds weird, but banana goes oddly well with the cheesy, garlicky taste of pizza.

>> No.8605409

That's exactly what I'm saying and what irks me about OP's picture. Thank you.

>> No.8605631


It's probably just a ruse to make it difficult to search for pizzagate related stuff on news websites.

>> No.8606051

>has never been to Dions

>> No.8607190

You shut your whore mouth, dang ol sumbitch

>> No.8607409

I don't mind pineapple pizza. It's just that 99% of all other options are better. Making pineapple pizza one of the worst in existance

>> No.8608073

What does Iceland know about good foods? They eat sour ram's testicles

>> No.8608125

To be fair that's mostly because pepperoni doesn't work with the style of pizza normally served here and cheese pizza is made obsolete by the non-autistic form of margarita we serve here, m8.

>> No.8608159


If I had been then I'd have been in New Mexico, so honestly, I'm fine with the trade off.

>> No.8608206

Becon doesn't go well on 'za, the crunchiness ruins the gooey hot cheese texture.

>> No.8608208

it compliments it u fucking maroon

>> No.8609660

>he cooks bacon to the point of crunchiness

disgusting m8

>> No.8609712

This. It should be little wedges.
I like ham, pineapple and mushrooms on pizza. One of the best topping combinations.

>> No.8609738

>"ham & pineapple" as we call it.
What else would you call it?
Jalapenos have a nice combination of heat and flavor. Too bad they are very expensive in central europe.
It's Iceland. They have about 330 000 people. Their president is roughly equivalent with the mayor of an average US city.
What is a sour ram

>> No.8609757

40% of the worlds population seems to have babby taste and can't handle a combination of sweet and savory.

Neck yourself faggot.

I have not met anyone more adamantly opposed to a food than people who don't like pineapple on pizza, I really don't understand the joke going on here.

>> No.8609790

>I have not met anyone more adamantly opposed to a food than people who don't like pineapple on pizza, I really don't understand the joke going on here.
Try cilantro haters

>> No.8609796


I unironically love Hawaiian pizza because of this balance. People who dislike pineapple on pizza as a rule are fucking idiots with no taste.

>> No.8609879

What do you expect from a country that actually believes in elves?

Also, how much does it cost to airfreight pineapples to an ice volcano island in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.8609880
File: 97 KB, 625x416, 1483865041630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: triggering americucks

>> No.8609918



Implying you come from anywhere that affords you a valid opinion on food and/or cooking.

>> No.8610030
File: 296 KB, 1000x1000, DADB9A62-BB15-4058-B281-66EDE1F19BAF-839-000000D5FEF64583_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple on pizza is kino

>> No.8610245 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 234x250, 1482124080598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans railing on pineapple pizza because it doesn't suit their "pallette"

Why do we let Americans post here again?

>> No.8610405

I hated Cilantro when I first tried it because the first few pieces I ate tasted like dishsoap.

Don't know what happened inbetween then and now, considering it was only a few months inbetween my first try and the second or third where I actually liked it.

>> No.8610428

In Italy pineapple pizza is a blasphemy

>> No.8610457

>What do you expect from a country that actually believes in elves?
Friendly reminder that 60% of Americans take the story about Noah's ark as a literal fact.

>> No.8610465

god forbid we insult the inventors of the
dough-sauce-cheese recipe, true trailblazers

>> No.8610471


>> No.8610478

And the inventors of the pizza

>> No.8610484

Is there anything that -isn't- blasphemy in Italy?
Those assholes will start a multi-generation knife fight if you so much as buy pork from the wrong farm.

>> No.8610491

Italy created also blasphemy, so all is a blasphemy

>> No.8610513

>pineapple pizza is the most american thing i can think of, and its disgusting (alone)

>> No.8610514

i just cut mine into 6 slices cuz I dont eat that much

>> No.8610518
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ey!! shaddappa the shaddappa!!

>> No.8612153

the dish is sour you asshole

>> No.8613101
File: 69 KB, 1010x503, ckucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I only come here when I'm hungry, this board is beyond shit

>> No.8613568

Wow the dish is sour and you are salty

>> No.8613645

It's not bad. Pineapple is a fruit, tomato is a fruit, the tomato sauce is made of red fruit. I think the issue is people having the wrong size chunks on their pineapple pizza, so it's offensive
also, regular crust, barbecue sauce, pineapple and ham is pretty dang good.

>> No.8613646
File: 15 KB, 635x414, Alg-crying-baby-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple pizza haters are literal children, "WAAAAHHHHHH WAAAAHHHHHHHHH THE PEAS TOUCHED THE MASHED POTATOES WAAAAHHHHHHH" That is what every single person who doesn't like pineapple on pizza sounds like

>> No.8613656

>pineapple on pizza
this is a whole new level of degeneracy

>> No.8613775
File: 285 KB, 1175x1536, sketti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having pineapple when you could have good toppings like basil, onions, sausage or pepperoni

>> No.8613806

nice try, PIDF

>> No.8613817

I fucking love pineapple and I fucking love pizza.

But I don't like both together...