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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8601266 No.8601266 [Reply] [Original]

Dumping some food and meal things I've made for no particular reason

99% of these are shit tier quick snaps

>Meal Prep- Jasmine Rice and Lentils boiled together with Star Anese and Bay Leaves, Roast Chicken and lazy cut Mirepoix with garlic

>> No.8601269
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and I used the leftovers to make mushroom noodle broth and chicken bone broths

Total cost per meal was <£1 for 7x
>150g Chicken
>150g Veg
>100g Rice & Lentils

>> No.8601270
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>> No.8601272
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Bonus pizza because I was below TDEE

>> No.8601275
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1 Sweet Potato + 1 White Potato + Knob of butter mash
Caramelised Onion Gravy
Tender leaf Broccoli
Possibly sausages to make it into bangers and mash, I don't remember

>> No.8601280

Turkey breast fried in butter and lemon
Squash + kale mash
Leftover peas and broccoli
Squash slices with diced beetroot

Really boring taste IIRC

>> No.8601284
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>> No.8601287
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Paprika Leftovers
Pulled Turkey Drumstick
Collard Greens
Mushroom and Sweetcorn

>> No.8601289
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Leftover turkey and bell pepper with leeks, collard greens and julienne'd aubergine

>> No.8601294
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I don't know what this is, looks like another leftover mixup with juelienned aubergine and a dollop of Quark

>> No.8601301
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DIY Graze box with

Overnight Oats
Peanuts & Cherries
Cheese, Olives & Sauerkraut

>> No.8601304
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Just tea in the garden

>> No.8601309
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Pretencious looking faggotry of chia seeds in avocado shells with Riced Cauliflower, Cubed Tofu and Avocado slices

>> No.8601317
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First meal prep use, looks like turkey strips with spinach and lettuce

>> No.8601320
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Attempt at hummus

Blender wouldn't blend sesame seeds so the tahini didn't really work

>> No.8601328

Ladies and gentleman....you are witnessing autism in its purist form.

>> No.8601332
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Oh and a nutella pizza because Scotland ftw

>> No.8601354



>> No.8601368

I'm on /ck/
Isn't this the board for food autism?

>> No.8601510

This is the board for alcoholics and Filipinos that can't into hygiene.

>> No.8602858
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Psa: Lemonaise herb mayo does not go with eggs IMO

>> No.8602866 [DELETED] 

6.89/10 would friend zone op

>> No.8602942

Op, get a BF/GF to help you round out your cooking

>> No.8603039

Are those containers microwaveable or do you eat it cold? I'm interested in meal prep shit.

>> No.8603053

I wouldn't eat this shit, but you seem to enjoy what you're doing so... good on you I guess.

>> No.8603156

They're freezer and microwave friendly. I tend not to just do 7 at a time and not freeze them though

Chinese takeout containers are best for meal prep though cause they're free.

Tasted a lot better than it looks. Smelled fantastic too

>> No.8603181

I like this autism. Even if you think it is total shit, at least he is contributing OC.

Like you could offer a pic half as palatable with a timestamp.

>> No.8603187

looks good but unfuck your eggs bro


>> No.8603190

are those containers microwave safe?

>> No.8603213
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Meals look good though. I love cooking but fuck cooking every day.

Muesli recipe? Mine always ends up fucked.

I make 8 breakfast burritos a week and eat it before work. Prepping is great.

>> No.8603971

ah, i love it when /fit/ comes by to say hello. bulk cook on bro

>> No.8604020

Your autism is better than a lot of the other autism here.
This one >>8601309 and mirepoix as a side dish are triggering me, though. I'm guilty of chowing on mirepoix too, I just cringe at making it a side for a week's worth of lunches or dinners.

>> No.8604395

are these all for you? do you eat once per day after the gym?
And also how many times can you use those containers before they go bad, are they microwavable?

>> No.8605017

How to make steamed vegetables a little more tasty brehs? They always come out bland for me even with seasoning

>> No.8605024

thats cos ur steamin them silly cunt. fry em in dat sweet oil

>> No.8605029

b-but muh calories

>> No.8605040

one or the other fool

>> No.8605042

whatever then, I can deal with bland veg cause my proteins are always delicious. guess you cant have it all

>> No.8605063

Fuck off, faggot.

Nice meals OP

>> No.8605078

You're probably overcooking them. Take them out sooner next time.

>> No.8606053
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>> No.8606737

Alright then cunt piss off then

>> No.8607120

Try roasting instead of steaming. If you're OP, scrub the carrots better or just peel them. Add a little vinegar or citrus, honey, salt, pepper, and a little oil or butter for some pretty good roasted carrots. You should be able to work in a small amount of cooking fat and stay well within your allowance. If you really can't for some fucked up reason, omit it and stick to the acid and honey and seasoning. You can also add herbs and fruit or berries for flavor, but most people fuck up those flavors without specific recipes.
You can also roast the vegetables by making a bed of them to roast your chicken on top of. Stir the vegetables periodically to coat them in the juices and fat that render out of the chicken. You can also do this with steaming and other proteins, but it's not quite as good tasting.
Look up en papillote for one method that works well for that kind of thing.

>> No.8607744

go back to your fucking mcchicken fatass

>> No.8607790


If I were in a room and I had to choose between 2 buttons. 1, that if pressed, would kill you and the other that would prevent a major tragedy/war I would press the one that killed you

>> No.8607807

I'd like to get into mealprep because I don't mind eating the same thing every day for a month, but nobody ever posts what they bought and how they prepped it.
They just show a picture of LOOK AT ALL THE FOOD I MADE MEALPREP XDDD

>> No.8607854

>how to spot a fatty who doesn't control their portions or calories

>> No.8607866

My brother did meal prep but he doesn't do it as often anymore.

Basically you just cook a lot of shit of what you want. A balanced diet of something like meat, vegetables and carbs.

Put all your containers for the days onto your counter and ladle food them into the containers like in OP - those are good but my complain is that they aren't very easy to wash.

Nothing more to it

>> No.8608120

Very impressive

>> No.8608943

I think you should make 4 at a time, I wouldnt trust the 5th-7th by the time i get to them if you are eating them once a day

>> No.8608980

Nice shoos

>> No.8609709

>They're freezer and microwave friendly.

>> No.8609715

What do you do with the extra one? Why not just make 7 (or do it every 8 days)?

>> No.8609721


>> No.8611979


>> No.8612573
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I forgot I posted this thread but 3 days later and it's still here

>Muesli recipe? Mine always ends up fucked.
The key to good muesli is baking or toasting your nuts and seeds and oats. They bring out the taste and oils and nutty flavours. That and a touch of cocoa powder and/or vanilla. That said, I've been working on my muesli for decades and still haven't got it to my liking.

I get free foods from Amazon every so often so every now and then I cook something for the first time and just fuck around and see what happens, hence the avocado shells filled with chia seeds and topped with cheddar. It was 100% tumblr faggotry though

>are these all for you? do you eat once per day after the gym?
All for me. This is usually one of two meals I have after gym, and I'll have eggs and cottage cheese on toast or scrambled eggs or porridge before.

>And also how many times can you use those containers before they go bad, are they microwavable?
More than half a year so far and they're still good, though the lid corners snapped off early on. They're freezer and microwave friendly. Again, takeout containers are best because they're free, these just look better.

Coat em in sesame seeds or melt a little butter or cheese over em

They're fairly autistic to be fair. Cheers.

Pic related. Was a 5 minute image job after my first time trying meal prep and it's still my best go-to. The thing I like best about meal prep is that you can fuck around and be lazy about it and still get good results so long as you're not an idiot. A good golden rule is 1 meat, 1 carb/grain and 2 veg.

I was worried about it too but rice seems to keep everything fresh.

Redwoods ftw

>> No.8612593

Do you freeze/refrigerate these and then reheat or what do you do?
Are these workout meals?

>> No.8612602

I tend to make a week or less worth and keep them in the fridge. When I freeze them I tend to leave out the veg as they turn shitty texture when you reheat so I'll just steam some fresh veg every time I take one out of the freezer while it defrosts.

They're whatever you want them to be, first pics were post-gym meals for me, that last image was just regular dinners.

>> No.8612632

This seems like a boring way to live, but good on you OP for being consistent

>> No.8612642

Does it not get boring to eat the same meal every day for a week

>> No.8612661

Yes, hence why I typically do 3 variations when meal prepping or change the veg daily.

>> No.8612666

Are there no health issues associated with eating the same thing every day?

>> No.8612690

You mean eating the same foods multiple times? Of course not, don't be mental

>> No.8612712

>These comments
Some how I'm surprised there's not more crossover between /fit/ and /ck/

>> No.8612920

There used to be, several months ago. Some of us /fit/ folks stayed but most left after picking up the information they needed.

>> No.8612965

co/ck/s tend to get autistic when /fit/ Chads invade and start talking about healthy eating

>> No.8613839

thos timbs are fake bro

>> No.8613944

> Timbs

>> No.8614369

This post reeks of Instagram bullshit. More and more men have been doing shit like this lately.