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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8600793 No.8600793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What'd I eat

>> No.8600795

a tapeworm

>> No.8600798


A very thin and long sausage

>> No.8600849

you have might have a tumor causing a 78% blockage, causing the poop to extrude by, you need to see the ass doc and get checked out. Hopefully its benign.

>> No.8600851

Slim Jims

>> No.8600855

that's not how the body works, it takes the slim jims and processes them into a soup then reconstitutes the soup into particle feces which forms into the diameter of the colon, so this isn't normal at all to have poop that thin.

>> No.8600858

sometimes i have thin poops sometimes i have thick poops, if i was OP i wouldn't be worried unless they all look like that

>> No.8600860

He never said he Slim Jim'ed orally.

>> No.8600881

assuming no abnormalities, this happens when you force a type 3.5-4 stool through a partially clenched sphincter. let your shit come out on its own next time if it bothers you.

>> No.8600888

damn nothing gets past you

>> No.8600893
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Did you not play with a play dough extruder when you were a child?

>> No.8600915



>> No.8600924

4chan should have dedicated board "Pictures of your shit" /sht/

>> No.8600928

That's actually not the worst idea.

>> No.8600937

I'm sure there is enough weirdo freaks who would fap to them

>> No.8600946

Ironically, the only board that actually allows you to post images of shit is the porn boards

>> No.8600950

You didn't eat, you took a shit, idiot.

>> No.8600955

fuck you have to be really mentally ill to get off by looking at others people shit

>> No.8600963

I used to work with this girl I thought was really hot, she had an amazing ass, this one time I noticed she was in the bathroom for a long time so I figured she was taking a shit...and since I had just cleaned the bathroom before, I knew the toilet was clean at the time, and so the wheels in my head began to turn....I waited for her to get out of the bathroom and a couple minutes after she did I went in there and locked the door and inspected the toilet, to my delight she WAS shitting and there was indeed, a bit of shit stuck to the bottom of the bowl still, and so I scooped it up on my finger and jerked off while I sniffed it and eventually put on my tongue and savored in my mouth

Shit gets some people horny

>> No.8600968

gnooryblows detected

>> No.8600975


>> No.8600981
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yes it is

>> No.8600983

they should shoot fucks like you

>> No.8601005
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>> No.8601013

useless mental sicko shoot or feed alive to pigs or dogs

>> No.8601016
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Why am I useless because I get off to female's shit? Also why do you assume that makes me a mental sicko?

>> No.8601020

you are subhuman garbage
go and kill yourself now nobody likes you nobody needs you

>> No.8601023
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Lots of people like me, I host my own chatroom and have friends IRL as well

>> No.8601026

yes there is lot's of useless shiteaters like you you human garbage, fuck off I hate you and your useless friends
I'm not answering any more your posts
you are ugly disgusting to me, you should be locked up in mental institution or bullet

>> No.8601027

Seek therapy

>> No.8601029 [DELETED] 

you seek therapy you sick pervert or better yet go and hang your disgusting body.

>> No.8601033
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you said you put it in your mouth and SAVORED it.

>> No.8601034

you seek therapy you sick pervert or better yet go and hang your disgusting body, like do it now.

>> No.8601035


Drunk yet moralistic idiot can't even reply to posts correctly but needs to tell other people how to live their lives

Let the guy sniff poop who cares

>> No.8601038
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not sniff. eat.


>> No.8601039

you both mental sickos, you should go and eat each other's shit you fucking human filth

>> No.8601040
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>> No.8601042
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I did, I savored it in my mouth and then I swallowed it when I came

Just a side note, after that day that girl began to act more warmly to me....I feel like there is some magical element to eating another's shit

>> No.8601043


I only eat women's shit. Don't be gross.

>> No.8601045

gnooryblows detected

>> No.8601047


When I was a kid I took an IQ test and basically it scored off the charts. Walking through this world alone as an intellectual outlier has been lonely for me. It's isolating. Nobody around me is mentally capable of understanding my worldview or the complex political and scatological issues that I choose to discuss.

>> No.8601051

only way to fix it for you is to kill yourself today nobody needs you

>> No.8601056
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Sorry buddy I'd rather watch the world burn

Gonna stick around until the well has run dry