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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8596202 No.8596202 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8596208
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you will never know...

>> No.8596214

they have their own memes

>> No.8596232

The only times I hear about Waffle Houses is when there's a crime committed at one

>> No.8596244

Everyday is a crime then according to the type of food they sell.

>> No.8596275


>> No.8596283

wow anon u dont like thing top kekkers

>> No.8596290

Do they have Waffle House in Canada or is it just the southern US?

>> No.8596301

in a nice area, drunk college kids who can't afford to go to ihop

in a bad area, dindus

>> No.8596316

Reminder Waffle house has at least 500 more locations than IHOP and while IHOPs can be found in countries across the world, Waffle House is almost entirely just in the American South. I live in Atlanta, and the the amount of Waffle houses is simply ludicrous. People use them as means of legitimate directions saying, "After the first two waffle houses, take a right on the street after the next waffle house."

>> No.8596320

waffle house is the worst fucking restur

>> No.8596323

did you died?

>> No.8596370


Pretty much just the southern US. Though they do have a few far west as Arizona.

>> No.8596377

I live in New York and have literally no fucking clue what a waffle house is except for memes and I can only assume they sell waffles

>> No.8596385

waffle houses and dollar generals
I live bout an hour south of atl in a town with a population of 15000, yet we have 6 dollar generals and are opening our 4th waffle house

>> No.8596414

Being a filthy Yankee I've never been to one but I assume this is what they are all like. It's always 3am and theres someone rapping,

>> No.8596416
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Hashbrowns and gravy, boi

>> No.8596419
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Only been once and I liked it. Should go more but they're usually in shady parts of town.

They are comfy little places for some nice fried up breakfast foods.

Just be careful what hours you go because fat female niggers show up late at night to fight.

>> No.8596421

I go with the cool cast members of a show after a performance.

We did a shitty 50's style zombie musical and came in sometime after 10:00pm covered in fake blood, makeup, and tattered clothes.

The servers treated it as if it wasn't the weirdest thing they had seen that week, so overall really chill.

>> No.8596427

>What goes on here?


>> No.8596462

Once walked into the bathroom of the Niles Ohio one and saw two older men savagely fucking.

>> No.8596483



>> No.8596484

don't know.

gonna find out on tuesday.

>> No.8596485

They expect you to be drunk if you come after 12 and theyre real nice about it and give you coffee with infinite refills.

>> No.8596491

From the related videos: https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=07a_1347557871
>A Luverne woman was arrested after attacking employees at a Waffle House late Saturday night.
>“It was crazy,” Sharp recounted. “This girl got mad about her cheese omelet not being served in a timely fashion.”
>“She first came in there and she had a bag of Krystal’s with her, which I thought was rude to begin with,” Wilkes said.
>She first came in there and she had a bag of Krystal’s with her
What the fuck are you guys doing down there?

>> No.8596494

Ok snob

>> No.8596495
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what did you do?

>> No.8596498

Honestly no one cares what fuckin new yorkers think. You come off as pretentious losers.

>> No.8596500


>> No.8596506

shut up nerd

>> No.8596507

Got my food to go.

>> No.8596508

Drunk people eating cheap diner food.

>> No.8596511
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I hear someone talking shit about Waffle House

>> No.8596516

FEMA has something called the Waffle House Index to judge how bad a disaster area is based on the status of local waffle houses


>> No.8596521

Attracts old farts just there for the coffee, white trash families, and drunk 20-somethings

I like it, they know what they are doing

>> No.8596558

Waffle House is the best part of the yearly road trip from New York to Florida to visit grandma

>> No.8596561

Sometimes the food is really good and sometimes its bad. It's just like any restaurant really. There is only one thing you should never do at a waffle house and that is you never use their bathrooms.

>> No.8596570

Honestly the best pick when nothing is open. ihop is a step better i guess. Dennys just sucks everytime i go.

>> No.8596571

Sorta near macon and can confirm these two things are everywhere.

>> No.8596585

that's no fun

>> No.8596588

Last time I rolled into a Waffle House, it was in a group containing myself with a red mohawk and a kilt, a girl dressed head to toe in flowers, and an alt-country group wearing suits and Kiss face paint. Folks working there did not give a single fuck. WH workers are like Vietnam vets; they've seen too much shit to ever care anymore.

>> No.8596610

I fucking love waffle house. Its the perfect bad food ever.

I like getting their chili. I usually get cheese with it, and unlike most places that sprinkle cheese on top, they put a slice of American cheese on top of the chili. Like thats it, they don't mix it up or anything. You just get chili with a single slice of cheese on top of it. It's fucking hilarious for some reason.

>> No.8596621
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same thing with their cheese grits, it's not grits mixed with cheese, it's just here's some grits and here is some cheese on that fuck you

>> No.8596634

The other thing I love is how they bring everyones food out when its ready instead of all together.

One persons waffle gets done first and the rest of you get to watch them eat for a few minutes. You can't get much more low class than waffle house and I can't help but love being there.

On a side note, I went with my nephew once and he had a mini van. The door of his van literally fell off as he shut it. Nothing is life feels more appropriate than your car door falling off outside of waffle house. And best yet, it was BEFORE we went in to eat, so everyone inside watched us reattach a car door before sitting down inside to eat. It's just such a happy place to be.

>> No.8596714
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Sorry so many people had a bad Waffle House experience.

All I can tell you is...the one in Joplin, MO is good.

>> No.8596724

It's pretty great when you've been bartending, it's 4am, you're borderline drunk, and nothing else is open.

Plus if you go at 330 or 4 all the normal aggro drunks are usually gone.

>> No.8596740

I love Waffle House for the big waffles, but every single time I have ever been there they mess up.

>> No.8596766

I'm a Britbong who used to live in Savannah, GA. Waffle House is literally the only redeeming quality about that place. Waffle houses everywhere. One suburb town just south of Savannah has 2 waffle houses directly across the street from each other and they're both always packed despite there being only 10,000 people in town.

>tfw years since having:
>all star special with
>scrambled eggs with pepper and ketchup
>sausage patty
>hash browns scattered covered capped and smothered
>chocolate chip waffle
>biscuit with sausage gravy
>and a classic double burger with cheese off the value menu

All for like 8 dollars on the menu. Fuck I missed getting hammered and hitting up Waffle House. Is Waffle House a legitimate reason to tell customs as to why you're coming back to the country?

>> No.8596794

So in general. It sucks so bad but it might be the most comfy diner ever.

>> No.8596811

Waffle House is goddamn amazing. I love the coffee. One time I asked them if I could buy the coffee bulk and the crazy nigger actually said yes and brought out a 20 lb sack of coffee for me. I bought that shit too

>> No.8597074

>Is Waffle House a legitimate reason to tell customs as to why you're coming back to the country?

If you're coming in through ATL, yes. They'll understand.

>> No.8597116

PAfag here. Never heard of waffle stomp until I went to Atlanta for the first time a couple years ago.

It's literally IHOP with yellow and black on the outside instead of white and blue.

>> No.8597171

never been

t. leaf

>> No.8597185

I haven't been in years, but Waffle house is fuckin awesome. The whole place looks like the interior of a bathroom, though and sometimes kinda puts me off.

Still, if I had to take a foreigner to the most American restaurant, this would be it.

I want a pecan waffle now.

>> No.8597405

>its literally IHOP
Except ihops are on average at least twice the size and have twice the food variety. Fucking dumbfuck

>> No.8597439

>Tfw also PAfag
>Tfw there is a waffle house 5 minutes from my apartment
>fellow PAfag can't appreciate the culture of waffle house and shitposts in sadness
Get rekt pleb

>> No.8597464


It's a weird thing, really. Even though it's your typical mega-huge American chain restaurant, it still manages to have that old-school greasy diner feel. I remember when I was in school in Cincy we'd go over the river into to Party Source, get a shit ton of cheap liquor and moonshine, then go to a Waffle House that stank like cigarettes and sadness. Even funnier is that my mother is from Tennessee and she remembers going to the waffle house after college football games in the late 70s.

Now that I'm in Manhattan, even though I've found an equivalent to the Waffle House vibe in bodegas and small 'diners', I still miss those cheap waffles.

>> No.8597470

*into Kentucky

>> No.8597688

Depending on where it's located, niggers or decent breakfast food.

>> No.8597695

fights and robberies mostly

>> No.8597707

You gotta get them smothered covered and peppered hashbrowns

It's all you'll need ever again

>> No.8597745


General diner comfiness without it being forced like at Denny's. I've only known the ones in Central Florida but the wait staff was always so nice while being casual and the food's so good that you ignore how much it's killing your arteries.

>> No.8598015

Awesome pecan waffles.

>> No.8598038

Comfy food, but in a chain. If you know how to order, it can be very affordable, or you can spend 20 bucks if person if you order like a maniac. Food is freshly cooked in front of you, or at least in plain view. Hygiene probably isn't the absolute best around, but so long as you aren't old/dying you will be fine. Overall its a fun guilty pleasure every few months.

>> No.8598040


>> No.8598064

>PAfag here
Who /Perkins/ here?

>> No.8598072
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None in Michigan so my first experience was about 3 years ago in Ohio after visiting the Neil Armstrong museum in Wapakoneta (it's just across the parking lot).

Had a so-so patty melt, but the hash browns can be ordered all manner of ways. Love to have one near me so I could jinky with them hash browns after drinking too much.

>> No.8598119

Waffle House reminds me of those fast food places kids work at in high school movies and shows.

>> No.8598217

All star special, eggs over easy, hashbrowns large, scattered smothered covered chunked capped and country, bacon, side order grits, bring a bowl.

Dump everything but the toast adn waffle into the bowl, mix it up good


>> No.8598223

Honestly never went to Perkins, even though there is one nearby. Is it any good?

>> No.8598241

I like waffle House because I like the food, it's the only restaurant around here I can smoke inside, and they are very tolerant of my drunken ness.

>> No.8598257

waffle house extends all the way up through the north east I dont know what you're talking about buddy

>> No.8598274

It has a lot to do with the menu. The menu at Waffle House is unrepentantly that of a short order diner breakfast and lunch.There's nothing on it that your grandmother wouldn't recognize. Probably your great grandmother as well. They're not really trading on having good food. They're offering a taste of the past. In a world where independent short order places have gone out of business Waffle House has grown to fill their place.Anyone nostalgic for those diners of days gone by can walk into a Waffle House and see that familiar menu.

>> No.8598291

Hot spot for teenagers until 3 where it's the hot spot for suicidal truckers.

>> No.8598297

Wafflehouse is alot smaller though. Thats a good thing of course but its still a huge difference

>> No.8598315


>> No.8599777

smothered, covered, diced, and peppered aka southwest style

>> No.8599779

Black people fighting

>> No.8599846
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Usually shit talking about the people that complain every chance they get. Had one guy who would start screaming at you if you dared put the tab on the table/put his drink anywhere on his left side/got his food right or wrong/etc. Made a couple of our servers cry on their first day.

>> No.8599854

for the money you would have a hard time finding a better deal at a sit down restaurant.

My only gripe is that I don't like the fake butter oil they use in the hashbrowns & to cook the eggs. It is kind of an industry standard to save money.

Maybe I should try bringing my own stick of butter.

>> No.8600126

>for the money you would have a hard time finding a better deal at a sit down restaurant.
Steak & Shake is comparable.

>> No.8600697

I kind of miss Perkins. Moved to FL seven years ago, so I at least have Waffle House... but I haven't been there in forever.
Perkins isn't amazing, but it's good.

cracks me up every time

>> No.8600988

The South is a magical place that the rest of the US will never understand.

>> No.8601049

It's where cryptids go to dine.

>> No.8601202
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Sometimes there are fights, but its mostly just a chill diner sort of place as long as there are no drunk hoodrats or rednecks. The Waffles are the GOAT, and the chicken is pretty good as well. I wish that the prices were maybe a dollar or two cheaper across the board, though.

>> No.8601204

Yeah its the same for me, eastern VA here. There's one within like 30 seconds of driving with another one down near the airport.
Which is pretty good since you could always skedaddle on down to the other one if one is overcrowded.

>> No.8601230

there is nothing like an all star breakfast when your drunk as fuck at 4:00 am in the morning

>> No.8601492

Richmond here we've got two exactly like that.

>> No.8601521

Thank you. This makes their hashbrowns awful to me. Not too awful to eat but awful compared to other hashbrowns.

>> No.8601531

Steak 'n' Shake uses a repulsive "mayo" . I have smuggled in my own before and it made all the difference.

>> No.8602440

Literally the opposite of IHOP
Pancakes and waffles are mortal enemies

>> No.8602746

Can confirm

t. cryptid

>> No.8602829

Used to live right up the street from one when I lived in Knoxville. Being a night owl, it was pretty much the only place open that I could go to if I wanted to get out of the house. It wasn't like the shitty ones where there's always a fight going on. Usually just families stopping off on their road trip or old white guys getting a cup of coffee.
Btw, ham and cheese omelet covered in country gravy is the tits!

>> No.8602862
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lel I was about to link this.
Generally if Bourdain raves about something it's gonna be pretty damn good.

>> No.8603211
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>waffle house
>police car with lights blazing in the background

>> No.8603708

Dubs of truth &c&c

>> No.8603712

A message from the National Pancake Council:


>> No.8603733
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my sides

>> No.8603747
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>Be around 9 in Ohio
>Eating at Waffle House with dad
>Waffles are a little undercooked
>See a roach scuttle across the floor

>> No.8603820

criminally low prices, I agree.

>> No.8603861
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>pass by waffle houses all the time when traveling
>assume its some sort of mcdonalds type restaurant with a ton of different waffle flavors
>finally go to one
>its a shitty fucking diner with like two types of waffles

waffles weren't even good, i'd unironically prefer an eggo

>> No.8604028

pretty much this. even a lot of small towns have at least 2 that are split between these categories

>> No.8604181

A couple of months ago the 2nd waffle House my city of 5000 closed and now driving up and down I85 feels like a shell of itself. Man I hate Atlanta traffic

>> No.8604208

Living in MI is pain

>> No.8604532
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>> No.8604698

Tell the truth, you like taking nigger cock up the ass, don't you.

>> No.8604704

Denny's can be hit or miss. I'd say 95% of them are complete shit. There was one in Tuscola, Illinois that was absolutely awesome, though -- best fluffiest omelets I've ever had. The chef working the night shift was a genuine artist who actually gave a shit about quality.

No idea if he or she is still around. This was back in 2010-2011.

>> No.8605965


Will agree.

>> No.8605977

You guys should go to Waffle House late at night

>> No.8605992

I went to one once.
Is was at the edge of the ghetto so I was reluctant to go.
I originally wanted to go to IHOP but they were closed for some reason.
I was greeted by an armed guard standing just outside the door
The food was terrible and there was some sticky shit on the cup for water
While I was eating a couple of hood rats came in to use the bathroom and their pimp was standing just outside the door to make sure they weren't up to no good
Overall it was a 2/10
Got the point cuz the girl who served me was nice and polite.

>> No.8606006
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Who here remembers the Kettle?
It was our equivalent of Waffle House.
THE place in college for after-bar coffee and breakfast. They had an all night breakfast buffet that was the greasy fucking best after a night of bar crawling.
That said, I wouldn't eat there for any amount of money nowadays.

>> No.8606019


Southern US starter pack


- Dollar General
- Waffle house


-Sprint Mart
-Circle k


-Dollar Tree

>Ultra Rare

-Malls with 2 floors

>> No.8606023


>> No.8606031
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>Waffle House late at night


>pick up friend from his apartment
>seizure disorder gives him insomnia
>I'm up anyway for whatever reason
>head to Waffle House
>the place is packed with ex-cons and migrant laborers
>mfw we're the only two of a respectable social class and economic status
>mfw I discover what it's like be landed gentry

>> No.8606056


>> No.8606617

Forgot about that. There was one somewhere in my area years ago but I can't for the life of me remember where it was.

>> No.8606621

thank you for your service

t. new englander

>> No.8606634

nothing important enough to care

>> No.8606646

what do you mean with malls with 2 floors? are they really uncommon? do they have more or less floors? the only time I've been to a mall in the south was the cumberland mall near atlanta, and that one had 2 floors

>> No.8606713
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they invented a imaginary line dividing Virginia while back so there's a south and north Virginia.
They removed all the Waffle House and moved them south
>tfw Northern Virginian

>> No.8606921
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wow, that place looks depressing but comfy at the same time.
I'm not even from the states but many restaurants here in my country have the same vibe

is there a word in any language known by mankin that describes what Im feeling?

>> No.8606961
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>umami means in japanese: I will literally suck your dick for a bite of that burger

>> No.8606975

did u get robbed?

>> No.8607047

ive never been treated bad by the staff at one. even the scary lookin folks. also an all star with black coffee, country hashbrown and peanut butter waffle will cure a hangover in twenty minutes.

>> No.8607057

blame the transplants

>> No.8607080
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i can't tell if the "cheap 1960s american roadside diner" vibe is on purpose or if it's because they're just cheap

still love it either way
>10 degrees F outside, snowing
>8AM scrambled eggs & coffee before class
>do math homework next to a window
>news on the TV
>a few other gruff-looking average joes around

i think all of my algebraic topology revelations happened in waffle house

>> No.8607135

Where does it snow at wafflehourse?

>> No.8607149


Negative! We didn't even warrant a glimpse from other patrons. It was just odd being out and about at that time and seeing who comes around Waffle House at 2 AM

>> No.8607478

the lords work

>> No.8607488
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>> No.8607491

this is a man who understands

>> No.8607492
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>> No.8607498

thinking about going to toledo to try this place...is it worth it?

>> No.8607521

Anyone ever play Dennys Roulette? It's where you go into a dennys as late as possible, hopefully hammered, and order something for the person to your left.
Before you move on, consider the kind of chef at a dennys at midnight in the middle of nowhere and what kind of effect they might have on the already low bar of a dennys dinner option.

>> No.8607538
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pic related: how to wash the flavor of dennys out of your mouth

>> No.8607543


In Mississippi, there's 1 mall in Ridgeland that's acceptable in size. I don't even know if there are bigger malls in the state.

>> No.8607588

Fights, nigga


>> No.8607615

I don't go to Denny's late at night. Too many fights and dangerous situations.
Frankly, I don't go to Denny's at all anymore. Haven't in years.

>> No.8607622

>Denny's late at night
>fights and dangerous situations

It's a bunch of white kids who don't want to go home yet.

>> No.8607665

Depends on where you are, guy.
You think only white people go to Denny's?
Or you think only young white people go to Denny's?
Do you live in a flyover state?
Besides that, IDGAF who it is, when I'm eating a meal, I don't want to have to worry about getting caught in the middle of white trash fights, black trash fights, filipino trash fights, native american trash fights, or ANY other trash people fights. Period.

>> No.8607754

Fuck yeah, I live in Ohio where we have both Perkins *and* Waffle House, it's like a cornucopia of delicious and terrible for you foods.

>> No.8607763

I think I would pay more in a restaurant if I knew a fight was periodically going to break out.

>> No.8607949
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>at waffle house
>reading a book
>waitress says, "what' cha' readin for?"
>not, "what are you reading"
>"what are you reading for"
>i say, "probably so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress"

>> No.8607957

*tips fedora*

>> No.8607958

That is entirely pulled from your ass.

I grew up in Alabama and saw way more Circle K than when I moved out here to Colorado for my work.

Kroger is everywhere. There was a Kroger in Opelika, AL and King Soopers out here near Denver is owned by Kroger, their store brand is Kroger.

Same with Dollar Trees and Applebee's. My grandmother lives in a small town called Vinegar Bend, AL and they have a Dollar Tree near the Rouse's. There's no way you're telling me a subpar "2 for $20" illusionary fine dining restaurant like Applebee's doesn't thrive in Alabama or Mississippi. Because they do.

And Bel Air Mall in Mobile was two story. Open malls were a much more favored concept. There are more shops at the Foley Tanger Outlet Center (near Gulf Shores) than in many two story malls I visited.

Before the flood, the Oprey Mall near the Grand Ole Oprey Hotel in Nashville Tennessee was three stories.

>> No.8607989

She's probably less stressed out than you.

>> No.8608000

yeah because no one goes to fucking waffle house

>> No.8608059

Greasy spoon diners

>> No.8608121
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Tennessee has Oak Court and Wolfchase in the Memphis area plus at least one in Nashville.

But to answer the first post's question, the south tends to have open malls more like Saddle Creek, which is a glorified plaza.

Pic related: A chill place I went to when visiting MS.

>> No.8608542

Dinner and a show? This place is fancy
Holy kek

>> No.8609137

>nobody goes to wafflehouse

>> No.8609287

There are two of these in my town. Never see anyone in them. I always assumed it was a front for prostitution or drugs. How do they stay in business?

>> No.8609304

They've been around for years. I live in Georgia and here they're always packed to the point you sometimes gotta wait to be seated

>> No.8609910


Only time I ever have to wait to get seated is on Christmas eve.

>> No.8610009

They are in PA too.

>> No.8610400 [DELETED] 


>> No.8612263


No what?

>> No.8612307
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literally a lower quality denny's

>> No.8613227

But those are in Indiana too. Is Indiana considered southern?

>> No.8613541


They have good pies though.

>> No.8613561

Shari's is always comfy as fuck and their pie shakes rule.

>> No.8613605
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I will fucking fight you irl.
I've been out of Oregon for nearly 3 years and every night I lay in bed longing for a pie shake.

>> No.8613622
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>> No.8613628

fight me then faggot all the Shari's here in washington suck ass

>> No.8613938

Yes, because Washington and your lower standards for food safety.

>> No.8614069
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*tips waitress*

>> No.8614396

they're liminal zones
If you go into the bathroom after 2 am and draw proper sigil on the mirror with syrup, you can go into another dimension

>> No.8614450

No, just inbred and corn-fed.

>> No.8614467


Mississippi anon, there was Metrocenter, but that place has gone to absolute shit, makes me kind of sad too, I went to the metro all the fucking time as a kid back when it was popular and not a piece of shit. I haven't been to North Park in years, I hear it's following the same path as Metro.

>> No.8615196

I live in memphis and have lived in washington, our health standards are way less than washington and wafflehouse is supposedly king? go be retarded elsewhere.

>> No.8615303

>live in the South
>almost all of those just in my town
The thing you were wrong about is the mall.
Also, the nearby town was and still is indispensable to the American government.

>> No.8615351

Idk, senpai. Until quite recently the 35 story Gold Strike Casino was the tallest building in Mississippi. I think I'd hold off bragging too much about the south on an international Mongolian milk fermenting board.

>> No.8615373

I've been to waffle house on acid more than any other restaurant, I mostly go there drunk or stoned tho, it's pretty good. Also the restaurant I've ben to in the most states. I have a friend who claims it's his favorite restaurant.

>> No.8615382
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Applebees are rare?

>> No.8615385
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Toledo is a good place, I live there and yes it is worth it, get smothered covered and chunked hash browns

>> No.8615431

I don't want to get stabbed or offered oral for 3 dollars from a questionable gender creature. I prefer my waffle house visits to be midday.

>> No.8615470

Between 2 and 5 in the AM is the only time to go

>> No.8615746

but dem pies thou

>> No.8615749


Nigga, Shoney's is literally old folks if you can find one that is open.

>> No.8615753
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It's the depressing version of Waffle House

>> No.8615765

Who orders grits at a restaurant? You could microwave that for 20 cents

>> No.8616222


>> No.8616237

>I'm a Britbong who used to live in Savannah, GA. Waffle House is literally the only redeeming quality about that place.
That's kind of sad. There are (and were always) some truly terrific restaurants all over Savannah and around it. Though I don't find much fault with consistent Waffle House (owner went to school with my grandma in TN), what is the world that it was the best thing in town?? Seems silly. You can make all those things at home so easily, though you might need to make your own american sausage (hint, lots of sage, pepper and chili flakes).

>> No.8616274

>You could ______ that for 20 cents
waffle house

>> No.8616282

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bct8stbZafI

I legitimately enjoy waffle house, its 5 AM I want something sweet and salty, it's hard to beat.

Don't go to waffle houses in the ghetto though you will be shot

>> No.8616400

>Not going to both

>> No.8616418

I do with the All-Star Special and then mix them in my cheese eggs; every time I go

>> No.8616422

>Walmart is uncommon in the South.
You dumb.

>> No.8616498

Do not even compare the south to the northwest, it's like comparing a second world country to a first.

>> No.8616536
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>be me
>visit relatives in American south
>go to Waffle House for lunch
>give waitress my order
>something to drink?
>a coke
>what kind?
>Hires root beer
>brings me an Orange Crush
>life is good

>> No.8616741

>offered oral for 3 dollars from a questionable gender creature.
Help a fellow co/ck/ out, where do I go for this?

(I've been to many Waffle Houses, none have had this feature.)

>> No.8616875

>>a coke
>>what kind?
I've never had this happen anywhere in GA, is it some super rural thing?

>> No.8616885
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>live in the South
>go to Bojangles
>order UNSWEET tea
>sweeten it myself
I've lived here for fucking 17 years (wasn't born here) and the sweet fucking tea from almost anywhere is still too sweet.

>> No.8617758

It's just regional for the south in general. Coke is the Band-aid of soda.

>> No.8618594

Idiot, just ask for half sweet and half unsweetened.

>> No.8618623

Wrestlers happen

>> No.8618674

Sounds like Massachusetts and Dunkin Donuts.

I've eaten at a few Waffle Houses and I cant complain, its pretty good comfort food, the ones I've been in the past couple of years have been pretty clean too. The lines are right out in front of you so you can see whats going on with your food.

>> No.8619259


More variety, but not as friendly service.

>> No.8619625
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>opry mills mall

good god, i'm getting nostalgia. hold me and tell me i'm not really on the west coast, that it's all a perverted fever dream.

>> No.8619852
