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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 284 KB, 1200x900, binge eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8592752 No.8592752 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of us on /ck/ lack self-control when eating or can not restrain themselves from eating massive quantities of food sometimes?

My goal is to get lean for the summer, and has been for maybe the past five years of my life. I can not overcome my love of eating, though. I was raised in a "foodie" (hate that word but fits well here) household, where eating and enjoying food was always put on a high pedestal. I have a lot of emotional connections, related to eating. Also, right now food is the only thing I can truly enjoy and rely on. I'm a busy college student, studying a very time-consuming discipline, and I also work outside of school. I haven't had a girlfriend in a few years and don't remember the last time I had sex. Food is my replacement for those things, and I can not seem to get out of this cycle sometimes. I can control myself for maybe most of the week, but once or twice a week I will go on a crazy binge, where I will devour food till it hurts. Sometimes, the binges last 2-3 days. I really want to stop but food is the only thing that brings me comfort these days. Even though I am not fat right now (5'8 and 143 lbs), I really want to attain a more lean physique for myself. I go for runs 2-3 times a week, but any calorie loss that exercise brings is probably nullified by my food cravings. I try to stick to strict diets, but always end up falling off.

My beloved co/ck/s, how do you learn to control yourself better with food and eating? How many of you are too far gone? Do you ever feel like you can not control your relationship with food? Or have you developed a routine or a mindset that keeps you in check? Can we make it?


>> No.8592784

just don't eat so much brah go on a walkie instead

>> No.8592787

got any porn of this cow bitch getting railed?

>> No.8592811

just b urself

>> No.8592817
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Start off slow.
I got over binge eating by doing intermittent fasting, doing a 6/18 hour schedule a day. Seems harsh at first, but it got a lot easier over time.
Believe in yourself anon, and don't forget that people slip, but don't give up.

>> No.8592821

That's not the only sausage she gobbles.

>> No.8592824

I think your attempt at strict diets is what's causing the binges.
Could you explain what exactly you do during your dieting phase?

>> No.8592825

My solution to this was to know which foods were my kryptonite and not keep those foods around. Instead they're things I go out for once in a while. And I make it a point to eat non-kryptonite foods I prepare myself on a day to day basis. My kryptonite foods are:
smoked fish
any cured meat
potato chips
As long as none of that is in the house I have no problem eating reasonably.

>> No.8592838

I'm gonna start by telling you not to do this, and that it's not healthy, but sometimes the nuclear option is your only choice.

I'm like you; my dad instilled a lot of bad eating habits in me to the point where I was downing way more food than I needed to be full multiple times a day. I got to the point where I never felt full and never felt hungry; eating was purely psychological. I ate when I was bored, I ate when I was lonely, I ate as an excuse to leave the house, all really calorie heavy, full meals.

I lost a lot of weight over the last summer just by not eating, on a restricted calorie diet of maybe 600 calories a day and swearing to myself that I would only eat if I'd been hungry for at least half an hour straight. For me it was between that and killing myself, so given that alternative I didn't have a huge choice in my mind.

The hardest part is the first two to three weeks, but if you don't break down, your stomach shrinks, as well as your appetite. You don't need as much to feel full, and you stop wanting food period after a while, at least until you start having the real physical hunger that you didn't know you could actually feel. It's literally all down to those first 2-3 weeks. If you make it through that, it gets easier.

The way I did it is by not keeping any food around the house. Not junk, not veg, not ingredients; literally nothing. If I got hungry, I went to the store and bought enough to make exactly one or two servings of whatever I was making, or I went out and ordered exactly one item under my calorie limit.

Again, I'm going to tell you not to do this unless you absolutely feel like you don't have another choice. It was stupid and could've caused legitimate health issues, but I can't deny that I'm down like 100 lbs in the last year, though I've shifted to a healthier 1800 calorie diet with exercise after those first few months. Only do it as long as you need to to break yourself psychologically out of this food habit.

>> No.8592844

I can't stop eating the food that's already in the house.

So, I buy only stuff that I need to eat within the next day and ingredients that must be cooked before eating.

>> No.8592862

I totally get how you feel, OP.

Short answer: throw up a lot.

Long answer if you don't want to have shit health problems for the next 10 years: Schedule your eating and get dense caloric shit like pasta, rice, bread, etc. out of your life. You don't have to get rid of it completely, but you REALLY don't need to be eating more than a small serving of any of it per day. Try switching to high protein pasta and eating just one serving of it got a meal with some pesto and cheese.
Again, schedule your eating. Think about what you want to make in advance and decide when you're gonna eat it. Keep some good snacks around that have a decent serving size.

Recently I've curbed my sweet tooth by switching to darker chocolate and getting those individually wrapped squares. Makes me feel satisfied after eating just one.

>> No.8592865

>how do you learn to control yourself better with food and eating?
eat only twice a day
no snacking at all
make your own food
eat as little fat and sugar as possible

get a pressure cooker. get used to eating lots of veggie bean chili and bread. I also eat lean poultry occasionally and non fat yogurt with aspartame.

>> No.8592869

I didn't read what you wrote because it was way too fucking long but I think I get the idea.

I just try not to buy unhealthy foods. When I do. They don't last long.

>> No.8592880

>non fat yogurt with aspartame
I don't trust those artificial sweeteners and non fat products. Too many weird chemicals and shit. I'd rather eat fat and work out a little more.

>> No.8592904

1. aspartame is harmless.
2. it will make non fat yogurt edible. It is the perfect desert for someone trying to lose weight. you can also add vanilla extract and/or cocoa powder
3. exercise does nothing. it will make you hungrier so you'll eat more, and lazier so you will move less, negating any weight loss benefit.

>> No.8592906

>get a pressure cooker
Not a bad suggestion. Being able to make split pea soup in 20 min is good. One bowl of that and a small hunk of whole wheat bread is a reasonable meal.

>> No.8592976


I'll eat only vegetables, fruit and a bit of protein throughout the day + drink only water or black coffee/tea

>> No.8592985


I mean that's pretty much what I try to do (I also eat light breakfast though) but sometimes I just break down and buy snacks/ice cream or order a lot of food.

>> No.8592996

I was raised poor so no

Fucking privileged fat lards

>> No.8593024

I dunno man. I guess you better keep doing the same thing you were doing and hope that for some reason you'll get different results!

>> No.8593066

Observing your triggers/cravings is where I would start. Like trying to quit smaking or fapping, being mindful of how you feel and think when these feelings arise will allow you to better understand your behavior towards these binges. Next would be to change your response to these triggers/cravings. What you do from there is something you'll have to experiment with.

>> No.8593106

This entire thread is bait right?

>> No.8593144

>actually reading the thread

>> No.8593160

Bully ;_;

>> No.8593184

>don't remember the last time I had sex
Whoa normalfag blogging on MY /ck/. Watch some anime and realize that you are an ugly sack of 3dpd shit with a mental illness. That's right, being a tub of lard is a mental illness. Stop eating, being a fat sack of shit is going to kill you after you've worked so hard to get an education.

>> No.8593196

I'm definitely a yo-yo dieter.
This week I ate a 24' extra cheese deluxe pizza, chicken wings, a family sized bag of potato chips, and a same sized bag of cheese puffs in a span of 24 hours.

But then again, I don't have any problems eating the bare minimum for the next month or so.

>> No.8593245
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1487223024482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never stuff her fat face with your girthy hot dog

>> No.8593394

Avoiding fat is dumb, and you wouldn't even have to work out more if you kept track of your calories. Fat is very satisfying, and actually a necessity as opposed to carbs. When people try to reduce their calories by having their fats low, they may lose weight but they'll also have shitty hair and nails. Besides, if someone absolutely has to have their diet products, sugar free beats fat free everytime.

Not even a ketofag, but low fat is such a bad maymay.

>> No.8593452

>143 lbs
>nearly my height
You're getting food cravings because you're fucking starving yourself and you're already rake-thin you retard. Do some weights and build some muscle because your problem isn't that you're too hefty.

>> No.8593475

I started eating when I'm hungry. No joke. If I want food I just ask myself if I'm hungry. If I'm not I usually don't move. Sometimes I just get some water. Turns out I like eating a bunch of food so now I usually just eat one meal a day with all my calories in it. If I eat too many calories one day it's usually fine because I don't eat until I'm hungry. This usually means that I push back my meal till later the next day and then just eat a little less. I'm working on balancing my nutrition better though. Eating everything all at once really helps m understand how much I'm eating. I also started spending more cash on food that I like to eat. Recently I've been buying more mushrooms and bananas. I'll get some carrots and potatoes when I run out of the ones I have. Beans and rice is goat food. Fiber is magic.


>> No.8594533
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>> No.8594554

I get such a sick pleasure from reading about fatties who can't control themselves. Like you are so desperate and yet you can't even bring yourself to stop stuffing your face? It's so alien and backwards to me. I wouldn't even remember to eat if I didn't get hungry.

Anyway, try drinking a cup of hot tea (zero Calories) instead of cold water or whatever if you want to fill up your stomach without eating food.

>> No.8594558

>So how many of us on /ck/ lack self-control when eating or can not restrain themselves from eating massive quantities of food sometimes?

Just get the percentage of U.S. users on /ck/ and multiply it by the number of unique visitors and you will have your answer

>> No.8594563

Just wait for what the ketoists refer to as real hunger, i.e. the second hunger after you've been hungry, not eaten and lost the sense of hunger and becomes hungry again. Also avoid pizza. Eat burgers instead. Avoid binging on beer, binge on white wine or strong spirits instead.
Bingo. You'll lose weight without having to suffer too much at all.

>> No.8594990

It really has to click for you, the motivation has to come from somewhere.
I bought my infant girls little bikinis so that motivated me to lose some weight so I can wear a (one-piece) swimsuit with them this summer, otherwise I bought them swimsuits for no reason.
Keep telling yourself that you have to start on this and keep going or nothing will change, no starting over, you're the only one that make yourself lose weight.
For this week I did NO exercise, just focusing on controlling my night eating so I haven't been eating after 6 pm, and I'm not being too crazy strict about my calorie intake. I started off at 1500-1600 a day, but 2 days out of the week I lost a little control and went up to 2k. I'm not beating myself up over it because it's just week one and my hunger has been very controlled today that my intake won't exceed 1k and hopefully next week will be better and my routine will keep improving. I'm 27 and time is passing so fast as I get older that I have the '1 year goal' in my mind. My birthday is at the end of the year, I think I can manage 50-60 lbs and look significantly better and enjoy the eve of my 20s. That long-term mentality may be harder for you, but do your best to make the right choices everyday, DON'T beat yourself up for small mistakes but at the same time, make sure that your choices actually lead to results. At some point you need to step up, take control and keep improving until you are in full diet and fitness routine mode. I promise you, the cravings and frequent hunger go away after just a few days (esp if you're drinking plenty of water). Keep that in mind even as the cravings nag you to death.

>> No.8595031 [DELETED] 
File: 566 KB, 1280x720, hulu_et_c4honeyboo_022515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought my infant girls little bikinis so that motivated me to lose some weight
this is the most american thing i have seen in my life

>> No.8595040


1. STOP BUYING PROCESSED FOODS. Instead, buy your own groceries. Learn how to make vegetables taste good or buy precooked ones, but vegetables should make up about 50% of your plate. Also stock up on beans for protein, rice, healthy grains like wholewheat bread, oats, etc. My point is that you can eat as much as you want of these healthy foods and it shouldn't be as bad for you, seeing as they do not contain obscene amounts of fat and sugar that encourage you to binge on them.

2. Take your time and eat on a schedule. Force yourself to take at least 10 minutes to finish a meal, and eat regularly so you don't over-eat because you're starving.

3. Drink lots of water with every meal. Try and go for 3-4 cups of water per meal, this should help you to feel full and not want to eat anymore.

4. Excercise more. I hate excersizing so I just try and walk 15-20 minutes a day listening to some music. Anything is better than sitting on your ass all day.

Good luck

Starvation is a bad idea tbofam

>> No.8595046 [DELETED] 

intermitting fasting isn't starvation broheim

if you think going 18 hours without food is "starvation" you've got serious problems

>> No.8595063

I can regulate my weight through liquid calories. I loose weight whenever I skip on juice, milk & booze. Just water/tea/black coffee.

>> No.8595093

All food is processed

>> No.8595116

I don't know about you but I gain weight just from eating normal amounts because I have low metabolism.

>> No.8595128

>I don't know about you but I gain weight just from eating normal amounts because I have low metabolism.

stop eating fat.

>> No.8595167

"low metabolism" is for the most part, a myth. You just sit around too much all day or you eat like a fatass now and then. I know, because I used to think the same thing.

>> No.8595203

>Starvation is a bad idea

It's not senpai. Monks and mystics have been starving themselves for millennia. It's the secret Holy Grail and the core principle of 5:2 and other God tier methods.

>> No.8595522

carbs and added sugar*

>> No.8596182

Wew glad I too fucking poor to waste money eating food for no fucking reason as a kid.

>> No.8596235

How do you binge on food and maintain 143lb?

Also why are you trying to lose weight you're already on the underweight side of normal for your height.

Is this a bait thread trying to trigger fatties? Because I'm officially jelly rn.

>> No.8597614

I've been on a water-fast for 29 days now. (And still browsing /ck/.)

Yeah, you may tell all you like how this is unhealthy and how "all of it will come back in a month", have heard plenty of that already.

My justifications for this:

1. Jump start the progress. Accounting for lost bodily fluids, the speed down has been about 1.5 kg a week. I hope some visible change will help to motivate me to continue following my weight.

2. Getting rid of old habits by going cold turkey. They lousy troll start of this thread (65 kg and 170 cm?! -sod off) had the point about the psychology of binge eating.

3. You literally do nothing.

>> No.8599067

I have a huge problem, and when I graduate from uni with no job I know my only source of enjoyment or 'productivity' will be seeing how much I can possibly eat at a single time.

Maybe it'll be cool and i'll be one of the fastest growing young men in the entire world. I will gain pounds like no one ever has before. This is something I can be the best at.. I can be the best at eating a lot of food really quick and adding numbers to my person.

>> No.8600816
File: 163 KB, 600x1200, spice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me advice on this diet? I'm trying to lose fat.

I'm 5'11 and 175lbs currently and probably 20-25% BF

I'm also going to try the 8:16 intermittent fasting schedule. I currently take fish oil, a men's multi vitamin and Vitamin D and have been drinking 1 gallon of water per day.

My breakfast shake consists of 2 cups soy milk, 2 scoops whey, 1tbsp powdered peanut butter, 1tbsp of chopped almonds, and 1/2 cups oats. As well as 1/2 tbsp cinnamon and 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract for taste.

For lunch I have 4 hard boiled eggs with some hot sauce and a tuna pouch.

For dinner I eat ~10oz chicken breast, 2 cups brown rice, and the rotate between green beans, broccoli and kale. Switch it up different days by using different spices and sauces as well.

All together this gives me ~1,800cal, 190protein, 144 carbs and 46 fats.

What do you guys think of this for a fat loss diet? I just got a pull-up bar and wanted to try https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine in addition to some cardio. Do I have too many carbs/too low fat? Should I stick avocados and fruit somewhere in there/substitute something for it?

Is there something I can use instead of rice that has a lot less carbs?

Thanks a lot guys.

>> No.8601107

From the thumbnail I thought there was a cat sitting between his legs.

>> No.8601133

>fat loss diet
>eating lots of fat

stop eating fat.

>> No.8601137

Try the losertown calculator

>Is there something I can use instead of rice that has a lot less carbs?
maybe cauliflower or konnyaku

>> No.8601160

just be busy

i graduated from school full time and got a full time job and started a half time master program

i am too busy to eat so despite eating as much o whatever i want i'm still steadily losing weight

i lost 50 pounds in 6 months by literally only working and that's still gorging myself on a regular basis

hell, today i ate a pound and a half of rice pasta and meat sauce, like 6 donuts, half a gallon of milk, three slices of pizza and im about to go polish off a pint of ice cream

>> No.8601163


kek, shut the fuck up dude

>> No.8601166

this is after years of taking nutrition advice from doctors and fad diets, intermittent fasting, etc.

you just gotta figure out what your body needs, and find what works for you and your unique situation

>> No.8602193

>So how many of us on /ck/ lack self-control when eating


Food is fuel, period. There is nothing wrong with being a little hungry, especially if you're a fat ass.

If you don't have the discipline to feed yourself properly and ignore hunger pains, then you'll always be a disgusting fat fuck.

>> No.8602228

honestly I would do this if I lived alone

>> No.8602320

Never help a fat person. It's a waste of breath. They only change by themselves.

>> No.8602329

This. Once you shrink your stomach rest is ezpz

>> No.8602549

>I've been on a water-fast for 29 days now.

How do you get over the cravings?
Boredom and stomach pain aren't an issue but after a couple days I really want some gooey cheese or pickles

>> No.8602590

kill yourself

>> No.8602852
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I'm afraid I don't have any solid advice on that.

I've just always been a kind of binary person, so either it's no food or binging. My problem has always been portion sizes and addiction to the feeling of complete fullness. I'm the kind of guy who can go once a day into a buffet and eat so much I gain weight and frequently I did. In fact, before that I more or less held an eating style of one huge meal per day and no snacks though I did drink alcohol, which also broke the one meal per day pattern somewhat. (Last year I tried a few smaller meals daily while also giving up almost all drink, but apparently those portions were still too large and my fattening sped up.)

One advice I can give. Weight yourself every day and monitor your progress down, that's a great motivator to continue.

The third day is the hardest, that's the first day you have to cope by without your body's glucose reserves. That's the day of most intense pangs and cravings, after that they get weakear every day, I hardly notice them anymore. They usually come in few waves per day.

The there's the fact that once you get past maybe 2 week mark, you just instinctively realize that were you eat anything solid, you would just throw it all up and feel shit. Once before I did end a 10 day fast with pic related and my digestion was Ok, but apparently refilling the gut uses a lot of bodily fluid and as I didn't drink any more than usual, the next time I went to take a piss was truly painful, it was like motor oil.

One becomes really easy to throw up, by the way. I don't even get any enjoyment from smoking anymore, makes me gag.

Back in the beginning of my fast I smoked pot almost daily (now I'm clean because drug screening anticipations) and I noticed a peculiar effect that indican strains had no stoning effect and no munchies at all. Apparently those are strongly tied to lowering blood sugar levels. I wish I could have pot :(

>> No.8602933

That was 2000 bytes but I want to ramble some more.

You are going to lapse, that is a fact and that is no reason to give up.

Instead, plan how to contain the magnitude of your lapse and specially avoid anything that will replenish you glucose reserves or your gut too much, because that also causes some fun, fun effects, see more below. For me, I allowed myself some sugar free "cough drom" hard candies that had about 200 kcal in a bag. Also I've had and occasional (three so far) cartons of buttermilk, because I'm kind of afraid of potassiom deficiency.

So what happens when you have fasted for some time and there's a major lapse? Why, the same thing as happens when you first start the fast - the lovely process when your gut runs out of stuff to process! That means, diarrhea, all day long. You may have the runs once or twice on the second and third, day, but that doesn't compare to the forceful explosion of shitwater that comes with no forewarning that will brighten your next few days of fasting. I shat my pants twise and my pants twice and my bed once. The diarrhea will be with you for the duarion of the fast, but less violent and only once every few days.

Understandably, if you are in the mindset that your fast will continue despite a small setback, you don't want to repeat this experience too many times.

Having too much glucose will bring back the third day hunger pangs in full force, but nothing worse.

Also, getting sleep is a pain at first but as fasting continues, it's suddenly easy and you'll have lovely 9 hour sleeps (with surprisingly little dreams about eating).

>> No.8604193

if i eat too much i just stick my fingers down my throat or i restrict heavily (sub 1000 cals) for a while

>> No.8604281

>itt no one actually reads the whole OP except one anon
This. OP, you have an eating disorder. Get some professional help asap.

>> No.8604365

Nice blog OP

>> No.8604385

Self-control is easier when you wish for death every day but it never comes.

Take a lesson, boys. Just give up. It's easier. Accept there is no salvation and watch the pounds shed off of your walrus-esque physique..

>> No.8604397

>tfw eating large quantities of unhealthy food is one of the very few joys in my life
>tfw stomach is stretched to hell and back so I can eat ridiculous quantities without getting full
>tfw have never once looked in the mirror and felt good about who I saw
>tfw not going to make it


>> No.8604398

That's a completely normal BMI though..

>> No.8604399


>> No.8604412

I take a more moderate approach: sedentary cut monday-friday, cheat/binge saturday, then maintenance on Sunday.

>> No.8604424


I dont know what it is but hopelessness is the best diet. Ive never broken 160lbs and i eat like shit

>> No.8604428

If you guys can't control how much you eat, why don't you cook everything from scratch at home and lift? Eat lots of healthy, tasty food to your liking which costs less than fast food and gain muscle.

Use your disadvantage to your advantage

>> No.8604685

Shitty bait. Go fuck your mother.

>> No.8604750

>just don't eat so much brah go on a walkie instead

Sounds like bullshit but going out for a walk when I felt cravings really did help me a lot. If you live in a city though, don't take your wallet or you'll just walk past a store and buy a bunch of shit food.

>> No.8604781

been skinny my whole life but I've always had the binge eating urges and I've never felt full. Content yes but it never feels like enough. The only way I was able to stop myself form blowing up to whale size like my mom the moment she turned 30 was to assert control over almost every aspect of my life. Because it's not just about food it about environment. If you're eating for comfort alter your environment so you feel comfortable or safe. The rest kind of fall into place as you deal with it.

>> No.8604809

Do you have BED? Or EDNOS??

>> No.8604984

I used to do this, then I got good at making my food taste good, and I ended up eating too much of it. Now when I cook for myself I don't try so hard to make it delicious.

So for example, I'll pan-fry chicken in a bit of oil, but I'll leave off the white wine and butter pan sauce. Not only do you save on calories from the sauce, you're not tempted to over eat the chicken either.

Or if you're making a side of greens, a lot of recipes will call for butter, but if you just leave it out it'll be fine.

Just got to get in the mindset that your everyday meals don't need to be special. Then when you do decide to make something special, you can go all out.

>> No.8605722

How do I stop eating processed food

>> No.8605729

But anon I can't afford to move out

>> No.8605819

stop buying processed food.

>> No.8606471

I've been dealing with bulimia/binge eating disorder since I was in middle school. This year I've been eating nothing but soups and I lost 15 lbs so far.

But over the weekend I went a bit crazy with my eating since it was my birthday. I feel like I'm going to gain at least 5lbs.

>> No.8607226

>walking away from a source of food to reduce your consumption

>sounds like bullshit

c'mon dude

>> No.8607242

>muh condishuns

>> No.8607244

eating that should make you sick, I personally only feel like eating twice a day.

>> No.8609038

I found you can shrink your stomach (mentally or physically) with just a couple days of willpower. Cravings and major hunger subsides after that.
U can do eet

>> No.8609171

Well fucking good for you. Now leave.