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File: 276 KB, 300x730, Coke_20oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8592725 No.8592725 [Reply] [Original]

>beverages engineered to be consumed with 10-15% additional water content from melted ice

drinking it straight up is abhorrent.

>> No.8592726

Drinking it at all is bad. Just stick with water.

>> No.8592751

Do Americans really drink 8 glasses of this stuff a day?

>> No.8592763

At least. It's an expression we all learn as children. Eight Cokes a day keeps the doctor away!

>> No.8592791

I bet you're fun to hang out with

>> No.8592798

is can coke the same? i swear they're different

>> No.8592799

I bet you have diabeetus

>> No.8592804

I went to a AYCE sushi place today and ordered a Diet Coke. I don't drink anything but water/beer/wine/carbonated water/coffee usually, but I grew up drinking Diet Coke and sometimes get the urge. Never drank regular coke at anytime in my life.

Anyway, the waitress gave me a coke and said they didn't have Diet Coke. I told her I'd have a water and I didn't want the coke, but she said it was free and take it anyway. I took a few sips and just didn't like the taste and especially the idea that I was drinking all this sugar for something so mediocre (at best).

It also made me think about how people actually drink coke and other sodas with their meal. It's such a terrible pairing and isn't refreshing or anything, I don't get it.

>> No.8592815

Yes. 12th fattest nation in the world. Look at who's ahead of us. Disgusting.

>> No.8592829

Coca-Cola and cheeseburgers pair perfectly, it's the only time I'll deviate away from plain carbonated water with lemon

>> No.8592837

How fat are you?

>> No.8592842

I think I weigh 160

>> No.8592852


>> No.8592855


>> No.8593148

>Coca-Cola and cheeseburgers

works with those too!

>> No.8593186

Why do yuros love Coca-Cola so much?

>> No.8593197


>> No.8593201

What? Only the fountain stuff is stronger.

>> No.8593221

the cucks

>> No.8593346

Same formula per country, but it does pick up some flavor from its container the longer it sits.

>> No.8593457


>> No.8593504

Sodas aren't engineered with humans in mind at all. A can of Coke is as bad for your liver as a can of beer and look how often chug that shit down as a child

>> No.8593507

Coke goes great with tendies

>> No.8593701
File: 58 KB, 1024x535, keurig kold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the Keurig Kold fail?


>> No.8593719

I think Mexicans drink more of it. Because they can't drink they're own water or don't even have plumbing

>> No.8593736

Because it's too expensive. It was like $250 at launch or some shit, and the little things that made a single glass were $2 or so.

It was just WAY too expensive.

If they wanted to cheap out, they could get a soda stream (or any sort of CO2 tank and a few valves, most people are just too lazy) and buy pepsi/coke/dr pepper syrup/concentrate. It's around $100 for 5 gallons of pepsi concentrate syrup. I bought a 5 gallon pack in 2015 and it's STILL around my garage. I think i've used about two gallons so far, including for when friends and family come over and shit.

>> No.8593747

>can of Coke is as bad for your liver as a can of beer
That's like saying a can of spray deodorant is as bad for ozone layer as a cow's anus.

>> No.8593791
File: 105 KB, 1500x1500, sodastream cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why don't Coca-Cola and Pepsi make their drinks available in syrup form to costumers (i don't want to buy 5 gallons) so they can add it to carbonated water from a Sodastream?
Seems like a lot of people would probably get it, i hate having to transport big bottles from the store to my house.

>> No.8593804

Beats me. Probably something to do with cost efficiency. I know back in the 80s they used to have a service you could subscribe to where they'd drop off a single gallon of syrup for coca cola in the US, for like $25/month, it was more meant for restaurants and shit like that but they made stops at residential areas all the time.

It hasn't been a thing for a while though, so you have to go through third party resellers.

Also the whole "making your own soda" thing is sorta niche, because soda is so dirt cheap in bottles. For a 1l bottle it's 99c most places. People don't have interest in making their own for so much more hassle, for marginally cheaper prices over an extended period.

>> No.8593807

Isn't murrican coke made with corn syrup instead of cane sugar or sugar beet sugar

>> No.8594297

Not a good analogy

>> No.8594321

Yes and it tastes worse for it

>> No.8594334

it's because they get the good shit with sugar instead of the corn flavored coke the US gets

>> No.8594342

>All your favorite, fresh-made
>It's literally a concentrated syrup that was made in a factory

What a dumb tag line. It'd only make sense to buy that if it cost less than canned/bottled Coke.