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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 850x850, yorkshire-gold-tea-2000851_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8586991 No.8586991 [Reply] [Original]

I'll wait

>> No.8587003

>bagged tea
>superior to anything

I find it funny that Britbongs are supposed to be the world experts on tea and yet all of the many britfags I know have absolutely shit tier taste when it comes to tea. And no, I don't care if you're not a Britbong, OP

>> No.8587008

there's literally nothing wrong with bagged tea, same with ground coffee

>> No.8587024

>they don't harvest their own tea
bunch of plebs

>> No.8587050


Do try it

>> No.8587086


It's kind of like how the English have an organic knowledge of English but have less technical knowledge than some continental Europeans that were taught English as a school subject. Europeans know English better than the English sometimes.

In the same way tea is so ubiquitous in Britain our standards are actually pretty modest, we add milk and sugar etc. When you go to continental Europe, they mostly drink coffee so when they offer tea its more of a specialist or luxury item. At least that is my impression, drinking delicious loose leaf tea in Holland.

>> No.8587087

>Live in a green, beautiful land that's only suitable for growing bland food
>Milk/beer/porridge diet since antiquity
>Create a global empire just to get some tea from across the world
>Convince yourself black tea is the best because that's all you can get
>Can't resist the urge to put cream in it

>> No.8587922

Yorkshire lass here, can confirm, Yorkshire tea is best tea.

Now for the explanation. In the UK a cup of tea (cuppa, brew, whatever) is a thing in of itself- black teabag, hot water, milk and sugar. Having a brew isn't much about the brew itself, its about sitting with a warm drink on your break at work, when you've gotten home after an exhausting day, to sit together and chat over it or sit alone and pull your head together over it. We know bagged tea isn't the best. Yorkshire tea is the best tea of a bad situation though. I've had some awful brews in my time, but the best ones are always Yorkshire tea. I love all kinds of tea, I'm more into green teas myself, but Il have the occasional black with milk and sugar. The whole milk and sugar thing shouldn't work, but when done well, it does work; because when you're gagging for a drink and a break, something warm and comforting and caffeinated and a lil bit of sugar to get you through the next 8 hours of your shitty factory job before home, a well made brew sorts you out.

>> No.8587941

I like making my own blends from loose leaf. Sainsburys has the best range, but the nicest was some my dad brought back from Sri Lanka from tea plantations.

>> No.8587974


Coffee is better than tea.

There I said it.

>> No.8587979
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>> No.8587992
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some favorite milk teas of mine

>> No.8588009

British tea is mostly all pretty lousy
if you care about good tea buy asian leaves and use an infuser or just throw them in the mug grandpa style

>> No.8588016

There's nothing wrong with either from an availability and convenience standpoint, but it's not high quality or the best tea/coffee out there.

>> No.8588210
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>> No.8588228
File: 194 KB, 850x850, yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posh twat

>> No.8589559

true who the fuck drinks gold?

>> No.8589709

Haven't tried Yorkshire. So far nothing has beat Barry's gold blend for me.

>> No.8589723
