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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8585347 No.8585347 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone give me a simple, but good Italian recipe to make for my boyfriend's birthday tomorrow?

>> No.8585363

blow him and take him to a nice restaurant

>> No.8585365

I want to make dinner myself though

>> No.8585374

blow him +

>> No.8585377

fresh olives
red wine
loaf of french bread


and don't forget the butter for the bread

>> No.8585379
File: 152 KB, 640x480, Puttanesca pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up pasta puttanesca

Very hard to mess up so just pick one of the first few that come up on Google.

Fun fact: The name comes from "puttana" which means prostitute. This dish was made by prostitutes because it was quick to make before the next client came.

>> No.8585405

What does he like to eat? You could go big and heavy pasta, or you could walk on the lighter side with a nice bruschetta. If you wanted to do an Italian appetizer too I'd highly recommend doing a little skewers with a kalmata olive, cherry tomato, bocchini wrapped in a basil leaf with a balsamic vinegar drizzle on top.

>> No.8585408

lol XD what a fun fact i've never heard that before

>> No.8585409

This sounds good. These skewers aren't cooked right?

>> No.8585412
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How about a baseball bat to the back of the head, godfather style?

>> No.8585418

i think I'm going to make this except with meat. Thank you anon :)

>> No.8585440

Italian reporting in, decent at cooking. You could do a fancy risotto, or pasta with garlic oil parsley and spicy pepper, easy fast and good for turning each other on. Reply if interested will explain you

>> No.8585468

Make a nice pan roasted loin of veal in a brandy and mushroom sauce with a nice salad to start and served with penne topped with pine nuts.

then blow him.

>> No.8585507

>Wanna do italian recipe
>Lel i will put whatever i want tho
Why did you ask useless cunt, bf is already taking a better present from that blondie he said was "just a neighbour" and will dump your useless ass tomorrow

>> No.8585508

fuck off faggot, go be queer on your containment board

>> No.8585512

>pioneer bitch
Bleach, it's what's for dinner.

>> No.8585653

no they're usually raw, here's an example: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/104806/tomato-and-mozzarella-bites/

You can fiddle with it like adding an olive but it's up to you. It's super easy and small scale so if you try something and it doesn't work then just don't make the rest of the skewers like that.

Other things you can try if you want:
>add prosciutto or other cured meat
>add pickled vegetables like peppers
>add an onion
>add sundries tomato
>sprinkle some fresh parm on
>roast the tomato
>try different balsamic reductions

Of course you don't want to do all those things or it'll be an over-complex mess but you can tailor it to your/your bf's tastes.

>> No.8585684

Yes, that sounds yummy! I also love Italian men (don't tell my boyfriend) :) Do you have snapchat?

>> No.8585703

Christ, there's no way you're truthfully that slutty. Just out of curiosity, are you millenial?

>> No.8585780

If you aren't a millennial, you're too old or too young to be using 4chan. The oldest millennials are in their 30s.

>> No.8585787

make a ragu/lazy bolognese. Ground beef on medium heat in a pan until brown then simmer on low in white wine, herbs, garlic, onion, and celery. Stew a carrot in your red sauce for 30 minutes to an hour on low to medium heat. Pour over pasta that can hold ground beef (corkscrew or ribbon shape).

>> No.8585815

>most of the board are millennials

No wonder 80% of the threads are fast food and /b/ tier garbage. Fucking millennials, christ.

>> No.8585832

GenX here, 4chan and reddit have taught me a lot about millennials and knowing what I know, I have zero sympathy for their bitching and moaning about muh jerrrbs. Completely useless, entitled, and lacking any capacity for self-improvement

Last week someone came here asking for cooking advice and railed at me for mentioning a website/book that has recipes including such unreasonable techniques as braising, or such exotic ingredients as cornish game hen

I wish God would invent a new plague like AIDS but for the youth of today

Get rid of them, and start over

>> No.8585837

Christ, how depressing is it to still be using 4chan into your late 40s?

>> No.8585842

With people like you around? Very. But I'm not quite 40, will be soon though.

>> No.8585846

So you're barely Gen X, since the oldest millennials are 36.

>> No.8585859

What's your point? I should be an whiny NEET like you? Whining about foods my parents failed to expose me to growing up, and how "hipsters" ruined something you just learned about yourself even though it's been around for centuries?

>> No.8585863

Please show me where in this thread I did any of that. All I said is that it's kind of sad to be a middle aged man on 4chan.

>> No.8585867

Nothing could be sadder than being a millennial

>> No.8585876

You seem bitter. Is everything going okay in your life?

>> No.8585882

So far, as long as the moron you elected doesn't crash the economy bringing me down to your level. You just had to go fuck everything up for all of us, didn't you. Like a devil child who sets fire to his parents' house.

>> No.8585896

I didn't vote for Trump. I think you're confusing me for someone else, friend.

>> No.8585963

Truth right here. I didn't realize how fucking goofball the millenials were until I started doing 4chin and reddit boards. These guys are seriously fucked up.

I guess we have to blame ourselves. We produced zombie mosters from our loins. What a world of disaster.

>> No.8585978

How fucking new are you that millennial was a term in common usage when you started coming here? I may be a millennial, but at least I'm not a newfag.

>> No.8585989
File: 264 KB, 700x525, bacon-cream-cheese-alfredo-sauce-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should make this:

Easy Fettuccine Pasta with Bacon, Peas and Cream Cheese Alfredo Sauce


It's 100% the best 'sta

>> No.8586714

Actually, younger voters almost always vote or democrats. If anything, the older generations are to blame for Trump being elected.

>> No.8587890

Fucking cuck

>> No.8588416

Get dried porcini, prosciutto, heavy cream, gorgonzola cheese, and gnocchi.

Rehydrate porcini. Heat a cup of cream until just bubbling. Add 4 oz of gorgonzola. Melt in. Add porcini (and a splash of the leftover juice) and prosciutto. Boil gnocchi. Drain and toss in sauce. Serve with crusty bread.

>> No.8588505

You should be able to find something here that will suit you: http://www.academiabarilla.com

>> No.8588514
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>> No.8588558

Any type of shitty sammich and suck his dick. Seriously suck a dick bitch. Make sure to swallow or take a facial whatever he enjoys the most.

>> No.8588563

Want to know how I know you're a cunt? Becaue it's his birthday and rather than thinking about what is better for him, you insist on making it about yourself. It's not your birthday you insufferable cunt, blow him and take him to a place were people know what they're doing. The fact that you don't even know what to make shows that you lack intelligence, imagination and cooking skills.
Blow him and take him to a nice/favourite restaurant you selfish whore.

>> No.8588844

So much hate ITT. The little twink wants to please his man, what's the problem gents?

>> No.8588861

You should keep it simple and use authentic italian ingredients. Cost a bit but it will lift the dish way up.

Try to make spaghetti carbonara and a side salade with good italian olive oil and balsemic vinegar. And a good ripasso wine

Go to a italian grocery shop to get the ingredients.

>> No.8588888

I think its pretty fun to hang out with you millennials. Here's why:
You're stupid and naive, that amuses me.
I can easily dominate you with intellect and wisdom.
The weak arguments you make are laughable because you actually believe it, and you are oh-so-easy to troll.
And your girls are still young and hot.
As a generation, you're awful and pathetic, and I hate your guts. But for my amusement, this is a gold mine. Its like being in high school again, which after a long time is actually fun.

>> No.8588912
File: 146 KB, 1024x678, fedoras galore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow gotta check those quints, but pic related at your post

>> No.8588919

>meat on puttanesca

What the fuck, you whore. Puttanesca is supposed to be a light dish, and meat would ruin that. Go make Bolognese if you want meat, you idiot born of idiots.

>> No.8588937

>I have zero sympathy for their bitching and moaning about muh jerrrbs. Completely useless, entitled, and lacking any capacity for self-improvement

Well enjoy paying for my neetbux, I aint paying your pension

>> No.8588948

>Christ, how depressing is it to still be using 4chan into your late 40s?
Bully yourself kid. There are plenty of Gen X'ers on 4chan, IRC and any other dawn of the modern internet platforms in existence, especially on /trv and /ck, which is very much unlike the rest of this website (which I guess is your home).
moot is a Gen X's, arguably, and by most definitions, are you going to mock him too? Just how young and insecure, and lacking self-esteem, are you that you pick on randoms in a cooking forum?

OP, for a date or dinner party, or really any entertaining, the last minute quick fix pasta idea is less than ideal. It is better to prep something more complicated ahead of time, get it going, and be rested, fresh and energetic for the romance. For something special, I'd go with an old fashioned baked lasagna, stuffed shells,canneloni, homemade ravioli, kind of idea. A long simmered (ie made the night before) sauce like an old fashioned ragu. A nice tossed salad or assembled antipasti from a deli. Braising is easy. I like to get two veal or pork shank knuckles, or short ribs, and make the delicious Osso Bucco citrus gremolata topping for it, which is unusual enough to make each bite sing for most people who don't have it often.
You could also get some dough made and make homemade garlic knots dripping in garlic and oil, and let it be the highlight, or simply highlight your dessert. Lots of fun italian desserts to play with!

>> No.8588958
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1440, 20170118_135917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fucking millenials. The only reason I might support Trump is, if he brings back the draft so these millennial fuckwads can be forced to grow the fuck up. Spoiled fucking brats without an ounce of sense about the world.

>> No.8588959

I like to make a pasta bake with rigatoni, Italian sausage, Alfredo sauce and sliced mozerella to melt on top of it after mixing everything else.

>> No.8588960


*bows deeply*

Teach me your ways, master

>> No.8588971

Not because it was quick, it's because the ingredients don't spoil, so they can make it late at night when their shift is done.

>> No.8588975


i wonder which generation raised them like that
spare the rod and you'll spoil the child

>> No.8589015
File: 18 KB, 243x250, IMG_4761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you get the fuck off my board? there are plenty of women friendly cooking forums, please don't fucking come to /ck/ which is gentleman only. why the fuck do women think they have to have everything? can't you just leave us alone?

>> No.8589030
File: 43 KB, 391x265, Sperm-egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who spawned millennials?

I agree. I regret the day my seed ever swam that far.

>> No.8589033

misogynist here
I agree. /ck/ might be the only pure masculine culinary place in the universe. they even employ women in restaurants nowadays.
ever pick up a magazine, finger through it, and stop on a recipe you might want to try, but then find out it was written by rachel ray? fucking a

>> No.8589136
File: 113 KB, 1000x667, image20151026123748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ossobuco with polenta

>> No.8589137

risotto with mushrooms

>> No.8589140
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>> No.8589149
File: 438 KB, 1594x2057, Christopher_Poole_at_XOXO_Festival_September_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot is a gen x

How. I'm older than moot and always thought I was a millennial

>> No.8589153
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, AqCFLDiqHLa3Cu1E6UE6gyGs2FAPQObQiMcd7wZGDfJL-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnocchi with rocket salad's pesto, speck and wots

>> No.8589157

Sorry, osso bucco sauce is not supposed to be orange. Did you make a hipster version using orange zest?

>> No.8589165

Because i searched a random pic on google. However it incredibly can be orange, depending on the recipe

>> No.8589172



there you go, just do this

>> No.8589365

Brings back memories of days long gone in travels long unattainable for this sad soul.
