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8581438 No.8581438 [Reply] [Original]


California Schools Cut Meat, Cheese From Lunches To Fight Global Warming

Oakland schools partnered with the environmental group Friends of the Earth (FOE) to fight global warming by making student lunches climate-friendly.

FOE gave kids a lunch menudesigned to eliminate foods it says are “unsustainable for our planet.” The new menu features far less meat and more plant-based food. Any meat or cheese the school did use came from “pastured, organic dairy cows.” The student’s lunch menu went from beef hot dogs and pepperoni pizza tovegan stir fry tofu and vegan tostadas. The new FOE-approved menu served meat and cheese-less frequently and reduced the portion sizes.

“This is a landmark moment for school food,” Jennifer LeBarre, head of nutrition services for Oakland Unified School District, said in a FOE press statement. “We were so excited to see how the data showed that we could reduce our carbon and water footprint by serving healthy, delicious food –– like the vegetarian tostadas with fresh made in-house salsa, that kids absolutely love –– all while saving money.”


>> No.8581443


The district and FOE claimed the lunch program was healthier than before, but only on the basis that food from plants is typically healthier than meat. The study justifies its health claims by stating average poultry consumption fell. FOE did not undertake an actual study into whether or not the lunches improved student health.

FOE says total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the school lunch program declined by 14 percent. The total change is equivalent to taking roughly 127 cars off the road for a year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) official calculator. The activists also claim lunch program costs fell 1 percent.

FOE says it partnered with the school to provide a “roadmap for change” to encourage other schools to fight global warming via student lunches. The green group hopes Oakland’s example will encourage numerous other school districts to switch to a similar menu.

If every school district in the U.S. followed Oakland, the reduced CO2 emissions would be equal to removing 150,000 cars from the roads, according to FOE.


>> No.8581446


“While our study focused on school food, it’s clear that meat and cheese reduction is a powerful climate mitigation strategy for all restaurants and institutions that want to reduce their environmental impact,” Kari Hamerschlag, FOE’s deputy director of food and technology, said in a press statement. “We hope this report inspires more public institutions to serve less and better meat and more plant-based foods as a cost effective way to achieve both environmental and public health goals.”

Both the school district and the green group claim the meals are healthier as well, but research into similar programs has a poor track record of making such determinations.

Virginia Tech researchers tracked financially vulnerable kids who got free school meals from kindergarten to eighth grade and found those feasting on government meals were more likely to become overweight. Children with the highest chance of beingoverweight or obese consumed one-third to one-half of their daily meals at school, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculturestudy.


>> No.8581451

poor kids

>> No.8581454

whenever i hear things like this i picture a gathering of masively overweight women in their late 30s and early 40s talking about how important for the planet it is that their little demian doesnt eat any artificially flavored food and how the school should teach the kids about social awearness or some shit

>> No.8581455

The meat and cheese products in US schools are horrifying enough, I dont even want to think about what their tofu stir fry is like

>cheap, mostly sawdust tofu and canned mixed veggies and hopefully a little rice

>> No.8581460

>cutting meat and cheese to fight global warming
Even if everyone in America stopped using their cars for a year, it wouldn't make a dent in the world pollution problem. The main issue is India and China pouring shit into the air and rivers. Anything America does to try and fight climate change is like pissing in the ocean to try and turn it yellow. We're too far gone.

>> No.8581463

> by serving healthy, delicious food –– like the vegetarian tostadas with fresh made in-house salsa, that kids absolutely love

lol, bullshit.

>> No.8581464

And very doubtfully fried, prolly just mixed together in one of those heating trays

>> No.8581467

>Virginia Tech researchers tracked financially vulnerable kids who got free school meals from kindergarten to eighth grade and found those feasting on government meals were more likely to become overweight. Children with the highest chance of beingoverweight or obese consumed one-third to one-half of their daily meals at school

I dunno that you can blame this on school food, most of those kids who get free school lunches are Blacks and Mexicans, who have a genetic propensity to be fat anyways.

>> No.8581475

I never really bought any meat dishes from the cafeteria when I was in high school unless is was hamburger day.

>> No.8581483

why don't the parents make lunches like normal people?

>> No.8581486

All the blacks I have personally been friends with or known, (I'm 37) are some how lean and muscular and don't do anything different than average joe. They said the slave trade made them this way by breeding the healthy, good workers and yes, some inbreeding which didn't turn out as well. They barely even have to work out to just be above average. It's just these new age ones who smoke weed and eat taco bell nonstop and chimping out that seem to have issues. I dunno.

>> No.8581496

Most parents don't care that much about their kids to make lunch every day for them anymore. They're too busy posting on Facebook or drinking or some shit after they come home from work. Most of them don't even parent their kids anymore, they just sit them in front of the TV or a tablet for hours on end. It sucks to be a kid born after 2005.

>> No.8581503

Jesus Christ

>> No.8581515

This. Although cannot confirm the year it started around.

>> No.8581532

Moronic. The meat will be produced one way or another, this will make literally 0 difference.

>> No.8581539

you dumb

>> No.8581544

Any culture centered on food is bound to be fat as hell, it just depends how family centric and poor they get

>> No.8581546

I think the link is more likely to be strong correlations between being poor, being from families with little education, being fat, and being African- or Mexican American. That's not to say causality flows both ways, or even one way, between the characteristics, nor to say that there aren't millions of exceptions, but the reality is that the four characteristics are undeniably strongly correlated.

It's easy as laypeople to suggest causality between the characteristics to support a policy or position, but they're all complex issues. Blaming their obesity on the school lunches, to the exclusion of poverty, education, genetic and cultural influences is ignorant. The same way blaming it on race to the exclusion of other characteristics is ignorant.

I'm guessing you're middle class, and your black friends are middle class, which would skew your perceptions of black Americans as a whole.

>> No.8581571

Standard economic theory would predict that if consumer demand decreases, supply decreases. It's possible that this single purchaser's decision is too small to affect production, but as part of a broader global campaign, where multiple buyers follow the same approach, it could have some impact.

>> No.8581572


>> No.8581579
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Who cut the cheese?? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

>> No.8581581

Cows ain't the problem, people are. They need to include some condoms with school lunches. And mount some loaded AR-15s in hallways for student use.

>> No.8581592

Fucking fried corn is healthy?

>> No.8581594

School lunches are garbage anyway 80% of that cheese was just tossed in the trash. It was always wasted energy. bring back homeschooling pls

>> No.8581607

It is always legal for home schooling as far as I know. I live in South Carolina and I know several people who do it and their kids are well ahead of their peers. 15 years old taking college classes and making A's while still doing their normal school work along with it by not wasting tons of time on public school systems. The problem comes in with uneducated parents unwilling to teach their children or thinking they are smart and they end up actually being half mentally disabled and dumb and don't follow the curriculum for teaching their children from home and make things up to give lessons instead of having them read and providing the resources from which to learn from properly and the outside help needed at times for different things.

>> No.8581610

Now the lunches feature more of the wetback migrant picked vegetables that California is famous for! Thousands of illegal foreigners doing that work that the welfare recipients would do, if only the going rate for labor wasn't $2/hr!

I hope they pipe in more water and spray more pesticides as well.


>> No.8581649

Is it legal to have a kind of homeschooling business in which if some parent wants, they can let another parent homeschool their kid along with the homeschooler's kid? It would be like having a personal tutor for 18 years. Most schooling is self study anyway so the kids can basically teach themselves out of the textbooks. You can also have fun electives like music where you let your kid explore their music tastes, or a film class where you just watch classic films with your kids. Or a home economy class where your kids just cook their lunch. Shit would be more useful than anything I did in public schools.

>> No.8581655
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>loading little boys up with soy

Can't wait for even more California trannies

>> No.8581665

I do believe so. There are tutors here who get paid to teach other parents kids at their home every day which like you said, 90% is from (reading the books) and advancing through the curriculum at an advanced rate based off how quickly they learn and do the work. When it's 1 or 2 kids instead of 25-30 and having to slow down for the ones who need extra help, you can get through a full school year in a lot less time and colleges do let them start taking classes sooner if their exam scores are "up to par" but it's up to parents and the kid if they decide to go to full time University or whatever.

>> No.8581695

Also poor people tend to eat more junk food and fast food like McDonald's and Romen noodles it's not the school it's the cheap junk they buy out of school

>> No.8581724

This is cost cutting, just call it what it is you self-righteous fucks.

How low on protein do you think those school lunches are now?

>> No.8581744

This is why women don't belong in the workplace

>> No.8581759

Good on them.
The world carrying capacity cannot go on if we keep eating in the way in which we do. Also ,the plethora of what is essentially all fast food (pizza, hot dogs, fried junk, etc) served at the typical school cafeteria normalizes and trains kids from a young age to think eating garbage everyday is okay. It removes their sense of culinary curiosity and desensitizes their palates.

Not to mention their arteries will thank them decades later (Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are cardiovascular plaques).

>Virginia Tech researchers tracked financially vulnerable kids who got free school meals from kindergarten to eighth grade and found those feasting on government meals were more likely to become overweight. Children with the highest chance of beingoverweight or obese consumed one-third to one-half of their daily meals at school, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture study.
1. Cafeterias can't compensate for the processed trash poor parents feed their kids outside of school. So there is only so much dietary impact they can impart.
2. As mentioned above, many school systems don't want to spend the money/resources to purchase actual equipment and hire a staff to COOK meals from scratch/raw so they end buying the equivalent of Thaw-&-Reheat SysCo/US Foods menu items in the same way fast food chains operate. Nutrition and taste become secondary concerns and poor kids wanting the most calorie/$ will gravitate to such fat/salt/sugar-loaded items first because that's the EZ MODO method of making items palatable rather than say prepping a fresh proper salad.

Maybe the study was able to compensate for confounding factors like those but I can't say.

>> No.8581760

>Friends of the Earth

what am I? a fucking friend of the moon?

>> No.8581780


Not surprising in the slightest.

>> No.8581785
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> It is always legal for home schooling as far as I know.

Sure, it’s legal but the vast majority of parent’s aren’t qualified to act as a school teacher and more importantly, they STILL have to pay public school tax.

The answer isn’t more home schooling, it’s school vouchers, which allow parents to send THEIR kids to the school of THEIR choice using THEIR own tax dollars.

>> No.8581796

I went through a relatively well funded public school system and, not bragging, but it really did move too slow. We'd have these thickass textbooks and only get 1/3 of the way through by the end of the year. I was in all the advanced classes too, like calculus senior year of high school.

But one of the problems with homeschooling is you have these nutbag evangelicals teaching their kids homo sapiens roamed the earth with dinosaurs and the scientific method is just Satan's way of infiltrating the mind of man. That just produces another crop of mouthbreathers.

>> No.8581806

okay wow so some religious people take advantage of homeschooling to fuck their child's brain up it has nothing to do with homeschooling as an institution.

>> No.8581811

>that kids absolutely love
I guarantee no child wants that vegan bullshit over even the worst slice of pizza

>> No.8581827


You do understand the the whole " world carrying capacity cannot go on " arguement has been ongoing for almost 200 years...yet we seem to be doing just fine.

Your probably one of those "peak oil" types...ranting on about how we have to eliminate carbon, develop new sources of energy types...

I absolutely despise people like you...

>> No.8581833

>the problems with homeschooling is you have these nutbag evangelicals teaching their kids

Yeah, but they're a tiny fraction of the population.

The majority of American kids go to public schools that are some level of average to shitty, as education has become an industry.

>> No.8581841
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>The world carrying capacity cannot go on if we keep eating in the way in which we do.

And the answer isn't eating vegan garbage, it's decreasing the population.

The fewer people there are, the better life will be for everybody.

>> No.8581974

This is a bigger BS then when restaurants cut portion size citing consumer health (without cutting the meal prices).

Tofu is not a health food, it is highly processed, also, soy burgers taste awful. I say this as someone who love Inari sushi. and tofu in sweet and sour vinegar.

>> No.8581987


The answer is eating people.

>> No.8581990

because of course the HFCS in your faygo is not vegan garbage. 90% of the crap in your domino's pizza is not vegan garbage. nope. it's only "vegan garbage" if it appears healthy and sustainable,

also, increasing HDI is pretty reliably correlated with decreased birth rates. you know what is correlated with decreased HDI? showing your monoculture garbage down everyone's throats.

you seem so confused, I believe the term for this is "not even wrong"

>> No.8581993

Hear hear. America need to remove the incentive for people on welfare to have kid after kid after kid. ...and North America need to stop importing people from overpopulated hellholes who come and have 4 to 10 kids (Syrians).

What I remember from HS Biology is that every ecosystem have a load capacity. When overcrowding occurs nature culls us with plagues, we cull each other with increased aggression. The first world countries largely mange to keep our population in check by family planning, third worlds descend into hellholes and we decide to save them by giving them more food to have more kids or to import them, it's ridiculous.

I used to donate to 'feed the children' causes, but nope, nothing for childbirth either Donating only to causes that encourage family planning or educate young women and provide economic opportunity - cause as David Attenborough noted, that lowers the birth rate.

>> No.8582008

Cali is like a petri dish for all of our most idiotic policies.

>> No.8582012

>I used to donate to 'feed the children' causes, but nope

Early childhood malnutrition is associated with future violent crime, out of wedlock children, low education, and low achievement. All of which are associated with out of control birth rates.

If you really want to do something, go murder some children who were already born, before they reach reproductive age. If you're too much of a pussy for that, look at the actual issues instead of spouting poorly informed opinions.

>> No.8582029

I'm in Canada, and still I feel the pressure. I can't imagine what it's like for Britain, they are importing so many useless people, and they are accomodating them by building on the green belt!

In Toronto, there is a condo boom fueled by foreign speculators AND overcrowding via imports Canadians polled have said they don't want (not this much, there is no room). It would be alright if most of Canada live in houses - if there aren't a lot of people in Canada. I miss Markham in the 90s, houses surrounding farmlands we can buy directly from.

>> No.8582050
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>Is it legal to have a kind of homeschooling business
There are literally figuratively pseudo-schools for homeschooled kids who are interested in semi-conventional classroom environments and social interaction with other like-minded kids.

I would know; I went to one.
And pretty much all the examples of electives you named were actual classes there.

>> No.8582053

There is a tribe in New Guinea that does that, they get a disease from eating the brain.

During my radical environmental stage, I thought about willing my body to be eaten, by people or animals, I think it's fair because I eat meat. Now, I'm donating it for medical research, and I want the ashes scattered afterwards.

One of the traditions we will have to change is burial. Where I was born, in Hong Kong, we have 'apartments for the dead', people are buried for 7 years - the Chinese believe "going into the ground is peace" for the dead, but due to a lack of land in HK, that is creatively interrupted as 'they don't have to stay in the ground', so they are dig up after seven years in the ground, bones clean, and they go into urns in a multi-level building.

In Tibet, they cut the dead up for vultures in a sky burial.

There are green burials where bodies are returned back to the earth - but that is still on a graveyard. Eventually, I don't see why we can't compost/cremate people and use the nutrients leftover from their bodies for agriculture.

>> No.8582072

> Eventually, I don't see why we can't compost/cremate people and use the nutrients leftover from their bodies for agriculture.

You can’t “compost” people, at least not in the numbers we have today, as various disease, bacteria and such can get into the ground and water from the decaying human bodies, which is (part of) the reason most burials nowadays are done in underground concrete vaults.

Clearly, the most ecologically sound method is cremation.

>> No.8582078

I believe we should try anyways, I remember reading Horton Hears a Who! by Dr.Seuss as a child, every little bit counts, it's hard to see at first..

Plus, if we lead by example, the rest of the world have less of an excuse not to follow. China might be a dictatorship right now, but environmentalism is a rising concern among the people, there have been protests by locals against coal plants. The government usually counters it with hard arrests and beatings, and soft propaganda of "America does it too".

>> No.8582091


I honestly want them to secede at this point. They can take their shitty gangs and homo capital with them

fuck california, we can keep keanu though

>> No.8582108

>most of those kids who get free school lunches are Blacks and Mexicans, who have a genetic propensity to be fat anyways.

I know in Canada, our aboriginals have a genetic propensity for diabetes no matter what they do, but I think for blacks, it's a cultural thing.

Google, 'soda advertising towards african-americans'. Or look up soul food, especially Boondocks episode on it. Blacks eat soul food because of 'tradition', they started eating it because it was leftover bits, and they eat those foods because they used to work in the fields where high calorie intake can be burned off. Now they live sedentary lives (except for basketball stars) and still do high sugar high fat, so now they are fat.

People say Asians don't get fat, but there is a rising obesity problem in parts of China, where people who traditionally eat a mostly vegetarian diet started eating meat and dairy and get fat. There is ethnic difference in nutrition tied to the land: Scotland have areas that are iron-poor - so Scots who have lived there for generation adapted to retain iron - this is problematic when they move or have a more iron rich diet courtesty of imported food, and they actually have to go to the hospital to have their blood filtered.

Regarding the school lunch, students who qualify are also poorer, with bad habits, they are probably snacking on top of the lunches.

>> No.8582111

Cool, let's start with you

>> No.8582117
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>I believe we should try anyways, I remember reading Horton Hears a Who! by Dr.Seuss as a child, every little bit counts, it's hard to see at first..

Sure, but environmentalism can’t be a suicide pact, which is what militant Greenies are demanding.

The West invented conservation and environmentalism and are the cleanest countries on the planet, it’s the overpopulated 2nd and 3rd world that are becoming the problem, as they consume more and more (while producing little) and don’t give a single fuck about protecting the environment.

>> No.8582127


I've already started, I don't have any kids (though not by my choice) and am now too old to have them.

>> No.8582129

In parts of Europe, I THINK Germany, they are burning garbage, and using the heat generated as energy.

So the thing can be done with people too, but burning stuff release more carbon into the ozone, and burning does require fuel. The fuel cost might be cut down if we bury them first like HK, there is less to burn by the time they are dug up again.

The topic of composting people came up during HS Science, my teacher's view is that it is problematic because of all the drugs and chemicals we took into our bodies - this discussion took place in the 90s. Shortly after that, Toronto began a green bin program where the compost can be kept in plastic bags, and eventually they accept diapers.

Landfills right now have linings underneath to keep garbage from leaching into the water, so we could do the same for graveyards.

There is also the option of using beetles? I know taxidermist use beetles to clean bones.

>> No.8582133

you're an idiot.

The meat that isn't purchased by the school district will be shipped to China

>> No.8582220

haemochromatosis - Celtic Blood Disease (Iron Overload)

other interesting facts about culture rand diet:
- Chinese traditionally cook much of their dishes in an iron wok, especially their vegetable greens - this imbibe food with iron during the cooking process. It has to be non-coated however (not non-stick), and different woks or not using iron to cook traditional food at all might be responsible for a rise in anemia
- Russians traditionally get their iron from beets

- Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency disease most frequently caused by a chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP, from pellagra-preventing factor) in the diet - this happens when European copied the corn diet of the North Americans without treating the grain with lime.
-- note, canned corn actually have higher level of lutein a beneficial antioxidant that may reduce the risks of cataracts and targets “free radicals” that can lead to cancer and heart disease, so fresh and raw isn't always the best:

>> No.8582225
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>“This is a landmark moment for school food,” Jennifer LeBarre, head of nutrition services for Oakland Unified School District, said in a FOE press statement. “We were so excited to see how the data showed that we could reduce our carbon and water footprint by serving healthy, delicious food –– like the vegetarian tostadas with fresh made in-house salsa, that kids absolutely love –– all while saving money.”
>all while saving money

literally all that needs to be said.

>> No.8582246
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>There is also the option of using beetles? I know taxidermist use beetles to clean bones.

Sure, and you can launch bodies into space but the most efficient and ecologically conscious method is cremation.

Not that's I've taken a survey, but I don't know of any of my friends who have pre-purchased grave plots (we're all pushing 50) like all our parents did.

I've told my buddies to cremate me (no expensive funeral) and dump my ashes into a stream up north where we've been camping for 30 years now.

>> No.8582271

It's the cows that cause most of the global warming (methane farts), not our cars

But fuck this. As a commiefornian ofc this pops up from the shit hole that is Oakland

>> No.8582297

My late grandmother was cremated a few years ago, she was tiny when she passed, but it still took an entire day.

Usually there are bone fragments leftover too (part of why 'ashes' aren't supposed be scattered outside of designated sites), but in her case, there weren't any, so I guess that's the length of cremation.

Cremation consumes fuel, natural gas or fuel oil, so, according to this article, an eco coffin might still be more ecoological, compared to cremation

My problem with human burial rites though, is how the dead takes away space from the living, the way it's practiced now. I like the idea of having my remains composed with liquid nutrition. Then they cause use what's left to fertlize flowers, if using it in agriculture meant for food raises health and safety reasons. Or I'll like to fertlize Christmas trees, or trees planted to lock in carbon.

>> No.8582329

In 2004, 25% of the population of America identified themselves as evangelical.

>> No.8582357

It depends on the parent.

I feel bad for the kids poor enough to qualify for school lunches, their parents might be too busy working two jobs to parent them, but more likely, it's a single mother who keeps having kids to get welfare
and she spends what money she has on weave and tattoos and her time on facebook...
- there is a kid in the background!

But there are still parents around who are actually devoted to their kids. Both my uncle and aunt-in-law work so they they are busy, but they are luckily well off enough to buy healthy prepared meals for their kids, organic stuff. My cousin makes enough that his wife stays home, and she cooks and the kids, like my uncle's kids, aren't allowed to drink sodas.

I'm generation Z, I think my generation actually drinks LESS and have sex less, compared to the boomers, but lots of time is eater up on social media, which is addictive.

>> No.8582374

this is a step in the right direction. but fuck tofu, fucking soy garbage

>> No.8582379
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>world doing just fine

Every single problem in the world today has at it's root overpopulation. Granted, redistribution of capital might stave off disaster for a short period of time, but ultimately people have to stop reproducing at unsustainable rates. Exponential population growth in any species is not a trivial issue.

>> No.8582381


The sad thing is people don't comprehend that the money is going in Jennifer LeBarre's pockets.

Its not about the environment, not about the kids, and not about the animals.... its fucktards lining their pockets.

>> No.8582383


and not all of them are nutjobs. a good person will be a good person whether evangelical, satanist, or muslim.

>> No.8582409

You seem thoughtful and clearheaded. It's appreciated.

>> No.8582473
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>“This is a landmark moment for school food,” Jennifer LeBarre, head of nutrition services for Oakland Unified School District, said in a FOE press statement.


>> No.8582477
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>> No.8582489
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>> No.8582490
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>> No.8582498
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>Oakland California

I'm surprised that minority hellhole doesn't just serve flaming hot Cheetos and quarter water for lunch already.

>> No.8582520

why do I still live here

>> No.8582540

this is part of why I started learning to cook. my mum was usually too busy to make me lunch as a kid, and the options at school were truly dreadful. even with plentiful meat and cheese CA school lunches were inedible, I don't even want to think about what they'll be like when it's just bland frozen vegetables mixed with the cheapest textured soy protein

>> No.8582546



the British can't cook you silly willy

>> No.8582666

As long as people associate fighting climate change with self-absorbed hippie lifestyle shit and not getting to eat cheese anymore you can be sure that absolutely nothing that could actually slow climate change will be done.

>> No.8582709

lost m8

>> No.8583219

I pay $1400 out of my own money to send my daughter to a school 10 minutes from where we live because other wise she would have to go to a crappy rated one 35 minutes away. The reason is, here you have to go to the school in your own county. The one for our county is 35 minutes away and she's not allowed to go to the one right down the road unless I pay their $1400 per year fee. No where near private school fees or anything, but the school is far better than the one she is supposed to be going to.

>> No.8583602

So they are depriving their children of protein.

The next generation of Californians are going to be even more frail and effeminate.

>> No.8583633

6 months later, things will go back to the way they were when all of the kids stop buying lunches.
The Feds reimburse schools for lunch programs, but only if they SELL the lunches. They don't pay you back for shitty food that you just end up throwing out.
Shit like this was why my high school didn't have a lunch program.

>> No.8583635

>Friends of the Earth (FOE)

Really makes you think.

>> No.8583636

Where the fuck do you live that they don't have zoning variances?

>> No.8583640

US is still #1 per capita so if anybody can afford to reduce emissions it should be us.
God forbid if China or India had similar per capita rates.

>> No.8583648

>Sure, and you can launch bodies into space but the most efficient and ecologically conscious method is cremation.
Wouldn't dumping them in middle of ocean be better?

>> No.8583671

School lunches are so grim to begin with that anything would be an improvement. It's not like they were serving the kids quality meat and cheese in the first place. They're probably better off with tofu.

>> No.8584134

>Where the fuck do you live that they don't have zoning variances?

(different anon here and) My understanding is that your kids must go to the school district they live in and can’t attend other districts at all, or only if their parents directly pay for it (in addition to still paying for the school district they reside in).

Friends of mine just bought a nice house that the current owners are selling because one of their kids is autistic or something and the school district they reside in doesn’t offer the same level of special education, so they had to move literally a couple of miles over into the neighboring school district.

This is another reason why the U.S. needs to mandate school vouchers.

>> No.8584149

> US is still #1 per capita so if anybody can afford to reduce emissions it should be us.

That’s because of the large size of our nation forces us to be an auto-based society but the West is by far the cleanest nations on the planet, it’s places like China and India and S.America who pollute the fuck out of the environment, as they have little of any environmental protection regulations.

For example, U.S. and European coal-fire electric plants have all kinda filters and scrubbers to clean the exhaust as much as possible, while China simply mainlines the smoke straight into the air without giving a single fuck.

>> No.8584162

Don't confuse districts with zoning for individual schools. He said the other school was right down the street. VERY unlikely that it's in a completely different district. A school district usually covers an entire county/municipality/borough.

I moved a few miles away 2/3rds of the way through middle school, just enough to be in the zoning for a different school.
We asked for a variance just so I could finish middle school with my friends, they accepted it.
If it had cost a ton of money like that, my mother would have said no for sure, we wouldn't have been able to afford it.

>> No.8584187
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>excessive, mass quantities of land that are government controlled
>a gross majority of it is just vacant

There is a designated place in Hell for such individuals as this.

>> No.8584237

> Wouldn't dumping them in middle of ocean be better?

Environmentally cleaner then burning the bodies, but then you’re looking at the environmental and economic costs of shipping all those dead bodies (2.6+ million per year) out to the coasts and loading them on ships, etc.

>> No.8584266

> Don't confuse districts with zoning for individual schools. He said the other school was right down the street. VERY unlikely that it's in a completely different district.

It depends on the size of the community. The physical location of a school can vary widely in relation to the school district’s borders.

There’s an elementary school 1/4 mile away from my house but just 8-10 houses up my street, is the border of the school district and while there’s a jr.high school less than a mile away from me, it’s across the line in the other school district while the jr.high for my school district, is several miles from my home in the opposite direction.

>> No.8584276
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> hurr durr, lets breed like rats and fill up every available space on the planet!

>> No.8584288

Why not just kill the kids? If theyre eating this shit; death seems like the better option + no more emmisions from them :^)

>> No.8584401

Personally I dig the idea of promession and hope it catches on

>> No.8584422

It would make a huge difference. The USA produces like 15% of the world's CO2 emissions while having 4% of population.

>> No.8584477

I agree. We should have a rescue mission to get back Keanu.

>> No.8584578
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It should be vegan school food, and we're going to make the meat industry pay for it.

Stay mad trumpkukks

>> No.8586005

I oppose school vouchers.

With residential schools by default, responsible people can hold off having children till they are in a good neighbourhood - what makes a school good is the kids, and ghetto kids would ruin even the best equipped schools.

With school vouchers, ghetto kids can be in any good school they will choose when they need new targets to rob and rape - oh, ghetto kids tends to be bigger and hit puberty sooner. At which point, only private school that can kick out badly behaving students would be viable.

>> No.8586148

>With school vouchers, ghetto kids can be in any good school they will choose when they need new targets to rob and rape - oh, ghetto kids tends to be bigger and hit puberty sooner. At which point, only private school that can kick out badly behaving students would be viable.

Wtf? I realize you're drunk as fuck, but jesus.

>> No.8586157
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>> No.8586178

the (((FDA))) already mandates that an adult male needs only 40 grams of protein a day and a diet low in saturated fats


>> No.8586293

>I oppose school vouchers.

Vouchers would result in most schools being private and students who are residents of the area would get preference over students from outside the district.

>> No.8586315

If everyone ate according to FDA recommendations, nobody would be fat in the US.

So fuck off, they have basically zero influence here.
Kids will continue to eat shit regardless of whether the school serves it to them or not.

>> No.8586324

I think its great, but the whole " organic milk" thing is lame. Milk is milk and its not healthy either way. They could just put out fruits and veg for the students which are tasty enough. Making them eat nasty vegan food makes veganism look worse than it really is. And as a student id love to have all vegan lunch at school,im already vegan as is so itd be a plus anyways. Idk just my opinion.

>> No.8586523

Glad i used to bring packed lunch when i was a kid

>> No.8586536

Good the kids need vegetables not fuckin tendies and yellow dairy product

>> No.8586544

This is the only posts I need to read in this thread. See you guys

>> No.8586556

but you will never see these people do the math on how much reduction not having a single child would be worth.

>> No.8586560

>The world carrying capacity cannot go on if we keep eating
fixed that for you, you mouth breathing shit head. cutting animal products buys the earth 20 years at best. the only cure is less people

>> No.8586576

shut up you catbirb jew. oakland has fucking based dim sum.

>> No.8586587

>durrr what are material goods, where do they come from? obviously god just gives it to us, fucking fedora tipping gubmint.

>> No.8586588

> responsible people
conservicucks lobby and fund programs to make sure this never happens.

>> No.8586596
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Californians are fucking retarded.

>> No.8586598



holy fuck, California can't burn, dry-out or earthshake off the face of the earth soon enough

>> No.8586853

dont go to skool tomorow guys ill cheese em all yeah!!!!!