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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8580082 No.8580082 [Reply] [Original]

How would one make classic American BBQ sauce at home? From what I understand the base ingredients are ketchup, mollasses and liquid smoke. Is there anything I'm missing? Can I substitute mollasses for something else, since I live in northern Europe mollasses isn't sold in stores and I would have to go out of my way and probably overpay to find it.

>> No.8580109

There are many regional styles of BBQ sauce in the US.

The most generic one would be made from ketchup (or tomato paste), molasses, vinegar, and some seasonings (I'll list a recipe below). No self-respecting person ever uses liquid smoke. You really ought to see if you can find molasses since it just won't taste right without it. Closest substitute I can think of would be dark brown sugar.

1 cup ketchup
1 cup apple juice or pureed Granny Smith apples
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1 tb onion powder
2 tb tomato paste
1/4 cup molasses
2 tsp pepper
chili powder or cayenne pepper to taste (if you want it spicy)

Just combine everything in a saucepan and simmer it a bit until it thickens to your liking.

>> No.8580121

Disregard this faggot, if it isn't smokey it's just ketchup with spices.

>> No.8580126


Thanks. I just really love the taste of those basic BBQ sauces and want to experiment and see what can I do with it.

>No self-respecting person ever uses liquid smoke.

How am I supposed to get that smokey flavor? It's really one of the things that I like in the sauce.

>> No.8580131


The smoke flavor is supposed to come from the fucking grill or smoker that you're using to cook your BBQ. You certainly don't need to add more to the sauce because you get actual smoke during the cooking process.

If you're not using an actual grill or smoker then you could add some liquid smoke.

>> No.8580143

what is liquid smoke? Some kind of nog hot sauce thing?

>> No.8580190

yeah don't listen to this asshole. Hatred for liquid smoke is meme-level faggotry. Liquid smoke when used right is a good ingredient and great for homemade bbq sauces.

>> No.8580221

It's just a distillate of smoke. It's very strong, though, so be sure to use only a very small amount. Too much and the sauce will be acrid and inedible.

>> No.8580594

>yeah don't listen to this asshole

Shut the fuck up.

You'll wish you had the .45 when the time comes. 9mm just won't cut it.

>> No.8580609
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>trying to rationalize not using liquid smoke

>> No.8580621

liquid smoke is literal cancer

>> No.8580632

How can a person have such strong feelings about an ingredient? Just like, don't use it dude.

>> No.8580643

Probably tried using it once, ignored the instructions to only use literal drops at a time, ruined a moderately expensive rack of ribs, and made himself look like a fool in front of people he desperately wanted to impress.

>> No.8580649

it tastes like cancer and it ruins everything it touches

>> No.8580657

I hereby move that /ck/ be re-named /ls/- Liquid Smoke

>> No.8580686

do you also get mad that cinnamon powder doesn't taste like cinnamon toast crunch?

>> No.8580703

no, i don't eat processed garbage like sugar cereal and shit made with liquid smoke

>> No.8580712


Nah, I just don't see the point. Why add liquid smoke when you already get smoke flavor from the grill or smoker?

Or do you chucklefucks just dip tendies in it and have no idea how to actually use a real grill?

>> No.8580719

Because it needs to be smokey to be barbecue sauce. Otherwise it's just flavored ketchup, which we know you hate so much because ketchup is for the little children and not your refined, mature "pallet".

>> No.8580730

Liquid smoke is good for tendie dip bbq sauce, but if you need it to give real bbq smoke flavor it's time to stop cooking.

>> No.8580734
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mines pretty basic

jar of tomatoes

fuck liquid smoke that's what the grill is for

>> No.8580736
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>Because it needs to be smokey to be barbecue sauce.

The smoke flavor comes from the fucking fire bro, not the sauce.

What does that have to do with food? Pic very related.

>> No.8580750

Real bbq doesn't have any sauce on it whatsoever you mongoloid, but that's beside the point because this was supposed to be about the condiment called barbecue sauce.

>> No.8580759

>trying to correct someone's grammar
Is there anything more reddit-tier?

>> No.8580761


The purpose of this style of BBQ sauce is to brush or "mop" it onto the meat during the final stages of cooking. The sugars in the sauce caramelize and turn it into a sort of glaze.

>> No.8580789


Good barbecue soesn't have ANY sauce on it, faggot. That sauced up shit is usually just slow cooker meat with sauce, but it sure as HELL ain't barbecue.

>> No.8580791
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>spelling = grammar

>> No.8580796
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>muh real bbq

>> No.8580800

>Is there anything more reddit-tier?

You must be new to 4chan.

Also, that was a spelling error, not a grammatical one.

>> No.8580805

Maybe in whatever hellhole you call home, but not on Earth.

>> No.8581065


Don't listen to anti liquid smoke autism

>> No.8581088


you're still allowed to dip your tendies in it timmy.