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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8579662 No.8579662 [Reply] [Original]

How do you dress yours up?

>> No.8579672

Break up noodles, add onions and shaved beef. Garlic aioli on top. No packet used of course.

>> No.8579674


>> No.8579680
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>> No.8579743

Stir fry veggies, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper and hot sauce.

Comes out amazing

>> No.8579767

ramen + packets from ramen + spring onion + chilli in pot

break two eggs into it around 15 seconds before taking it off heat

the best egg drop ramen

>> No.8579772
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this slop is made with bacon, onion, green onion, egg and a teriyaki made from beef broth, soy sauce, maple syrup, and black garlic. https://youtu.be/sTGq937_g98

>> No.8579827

I just dump out almost all water, use half a packet. Dry noodles are best ramen

>> No.8579925

I use them in chicken noodle soup with egg, potato, and seaweed

>> No.8580002

Crack an egg in the pot after I turn off the heat, and add 1 tbsp Sriracha

>> No.8580053

Milk stead of water. American cheese and half the packet.

>> No.8580067


>> No.8580167

I wonder if chili ramen would be good

>> No.8580181

i usually stir fry some veggies, onions, beans, and meat together, scramble in an egg, chuck in the ramen brick and boil it all in water

you all have convinced me to put the egg in last. hope this is good

>> No.8580187

drain the stock. add butter, black pepper, garlic powder, 1/8 of the chicken packet. Mix it up and "voila"

>> No.8580537

You wont regret it

>> No.8580559

Cook noodles first then drain and cool
For broth I use the packet, a dab of butter, some soy sauce, sriracha, tiny bit of sesame oil, spring onions, then poach an egg (or make an edd drop soup broth). Usually I have cooked veggies and meat on the side, sometimes I add peanut butter if I'm feeling adventurous.

>> No.8580568

home made stock, miso, rice vinegar, toasted sesame oil, frozen peas and corn, lamb chops seasoned with garam masala and pan fried med-rare

culturally all over the place but god tier

>> No.8580604

>put noodles in smallest pot with enough water to nearly cover them
>add spice pack, red pepper flakes, ground ginger, some garlic
>chop green onions, separate the white from green and add to pot
>turn heat on
>crack egg and separate white from yolk
>when water starts boiling turn down heat and add egg white while stirring, flip noodles
>add lime juice
>when noodles are done, take off heat
>pour into bowl(or leave in pot)
>quickly add egg yolk and cover with hot steamy noodles, being careful not to break yolk
>add rest of green onions
>add parsley
>add a few drops of sesame oil
>stir up and eat when yolk has had enough time to turn creamy

Fucking delicious as fuck.

>> No.8580954

Alfredo ramen ftw

>> No.8580961

I dont get people who make up extravagant and time consuming recipes for these. The whole point is they're cheap and convenient

>> No.8580984

Have you never thrown together some genuinely good combination? Once you do it obce just the noodles plus the nsg filled pacjet isn't that palatable or exciting.

>> No.8580991

If you're going to go through the trouble of making some extravagant additions to a ramen packet, you should just buy fresh/higher quality ramen while you're at it. You defeat the purpose of 25 cent food when you start adding 3-4 dollars of other shit to it.

>> No.8581049

>Have you never thrown together some genuinely good combination
Can't say that I have. Whenever I eat this ramen it's because I'm low on money or I feel like putting in as little effort as possible. Though I guess I could see people wanting to get creative with it

>> No.8581072

bout the only way I get creative with it is add some red pepper flakes and ginger, garlic and onion powder to the broth, or I'll cook the noodles, drain, add packed and mix in a soft fried egg

>> No.8581084

>The whole point is they're cheap and convenient

Agreed. But there's plenty of things you can add to them that make them a lot more satisfying (and nutritious) that take very little effort.

I grab whatever leftover veggies and meat I might have in the fridge. Chop it up and toss it in the bowl. I can do that in less time than it takes to boil the water so it doesn't add any extra time. And using up leftovers is very cheap.

I do buy higher quality ramen than the 25 cent stuff.

>> No.8581097

can I use pho noodles like ramen? bought some a while ago and have no idea what to do with it

>> No.8581100

The purpose of food is to eat it and receive nutruition. Adding several cents of condiments and vegetables hardly amounts to 4 dollars.

>> No.8582440
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Obligatory post

>> No.8582479

>throw out seasoning packet
>break lengthwise so noodles are as long as possible
>drain off water
>add salt, pepper, a bit of butter, maybe a little garlic powder

>> No.8582491
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boil water and add ramen without breaking
wait 5 minutes and then only take ramen out and put in bowl
put in powder, some water and mix
flavored ramen with no shit water diluting the flavor

>> No.8582507

My method exactly.

>> No.8582550

marry me

>> No.8582864

Drain water, then add the flavor packet and a tblspoon of butter.

>> No.8582875

>put some of every vegetable in the fridge in a frying skillet (tofu as well if I have it)
>add leftover rice to skillet
>boil ramen
>poach some eggs with the ramen as it's about done
>combine everything

>> No.8583451
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>> No.8584783

No matter how extravagantly you dress up instant ramen it will still only at best probably take about 10 minutes to make as opposed to the entire day to make ramen broth from scratch. So it's still a time savings.