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8579539 No.8579539 [Reply] [Original]

>pretty much the healthiest food there is
>very manly to eat in its raw form with nothing else to dilute the burn
>boosts testosterone
>proven to make your body odor more attractive to women for some reason
>protects from disease
>wards off vampires


>> No.8579542


makes yo breaf stank

>> No.8579544
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I like garlic butter fries but with more garlic.

>> No.8579567





>> No.8579625

If you cook them dinner with garlic in it they will neither notice nor care about your breath.

>> No.8579708


I read that without "dinner" several times. Somehow. It even started making sense.

>> No.8579724

you can also have them eat garlic more often so that they will eventually stop noticing/caring even when they didn't have it recently.

>> No.8580122

Is it true that crushing and eating a clove of garlic will cure minor sickness' like colds, sore throats, etc?

>> No.8580147

sort of

it won't cure the cold but it'll make the symptoms less annoying

>> No.8580224

What does raw garlic taste like?

>> No.8580227

Its toxic. The Buddha said so

>> No.8580229
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>What does raw garlic taste like?
like garlic

>> No.8580231

inquiring minds want to know:

if you put a clove up your snatch you can taste it

>> No.8580232

>proven to make your body odor more attractive to women for some reason
>everyone always says how indians smell weird
>they eat alot of garlic
Its the other way around, eating alot of garlic causes awful BO

>> No.8580278


I was asked at a construction job once to eat less garlic.

I dunno, the masculine emanations caused by eating copious amounts of garlic may be too much for even that testosterone filled environment.

I love smelling it in my fingers after cooking too.

>> No.8580281

what kind of pussy ass construction work do you do?

>> No.8580392

>garlic causes BO

False. I eat garlic all the time and don't even use deodorant.

>> No.8580397

>that post when no gf

>> No.8580409

Lel, no. But my choices are limited to female garlic eater. Although I'm happy about that because they're usually a lot hotter than the pale white, coldfish northern types.

>> No.8580416

I love garlic. I don't quite put it in every meal but I come pretty close.

>> No.8580419

Garlic doesn't cause typical BO

But if you eat enough of it, And I'm saying cloves on cloves, it will come out of your pores.
Buddy worked with some Eastern Europeans that would use garlic as chase for pure vodka said they just reeked.

>> No.8580437



Carpentry. It was a government job I guess .

>> No.8580661


>> No.8580667

fuck off normalfag
garlic > 3dpd

>> No.8582573

Is a bulb of garlic per day enough to benefit from its allial magic? It's 50-60 cents normally for one, so I guess $4 weekly wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.8582582
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Spicy garlic shrimp makes me wanna bust a nut on your dads face, it's that good.

>> No.8582602

not garlic but closely related: I used to work with an older guy who would eat raw onions like they were apples. we worked in a shop that was too big to air condition efficiently, so we all sweated like a mofo in the summer. godDAMN he stank like onions. dude smelled like fifty microwaves that had all just had bad french onion soup reheated in them.

>> No.8582613

I eat two cloves per day, that's enough. To lessen bad breath, drink either water or milk right after crunching the garlic in your mouth.

You'd need to be a special kind of retard to eat a bulb of garlic per day.

>> No.8582652

Why do you do it and when did you start?

>> No.8583151

At work we make this garlic sauce. I drop the redpill to normies to dip their fries in garlic sauce instead of ketchup.

>> No.8583161

Had a cold/virus a week ago.. felt like total shit the first day, pressure extreme in my head and each day I ate 2-4 cloves and each morning I woke up I felt better than the last. 2 days later I was 100% at full power. Only one time of being sick but I'd say it's a safe bet, has to be raw though

>> No.8583163

Only cooked/heated garlic.. raw doesn't even make your breath smell for more than an hour or two

>> No.8583285

Fresh garlic smells great. Digest it for a couple hours and your breath REEKS.

It's a guilty pleasure with its consequences.

I like to indulge when I'm sick. Tasty, very good for health, cleans your sinuses, provides great vitamins, generally a wonder at the time you eat it. It's just that you'd better stay home over the next day.

>> No.8584006

Do I just swallow the coves whole like I'm taking a pill, or do I chew them?

>> No.8584305

Warning: don't eat an entire bulb per day for several days. When it comes out it will burn the lining of your exit hole. Very painful and bloody, took a couple of months to recover.

I was trying to kill candida off or whatever pathogens I thought were in my guts. I tend to go overboard with these kinds of remedies. Maybe it's okay with 1/4 bulb per day.

>> No.8584316
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Wario go back to /v/

>> No.8584426

So what's the best tip to peel it? Main reason I only use it for cooking and not snack is because it's very annoying to peel.

>> No.8584537

crush and the skin comes off, m8

>> No.8584541

butter knife to crush

>> No.8584545


This. Just smack it with the heel of your hand, the flat side of a knife, the bottom of a pot, etc. The skin literally falls off. And if you smack it hard then it crushes the garlic for you.

>> No.8584573

>You can never have too much garlic xDDDDDD

>> No.8584574


Basically crush it.

Then peel.

Smack it inside a mortar, flatten it under your knife.

I seriously just start squeezing and twisting the clove to undress it.

A whole bud, just smack it against the table.

>> No.8584625
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You can if you have an allium allergy

>> No.8584662

stick the cloves in a medium-sized tupperware

shake it really hard for a couple seconds

it just works

>> No.8584688

garlic + olive oil is god tier for anything desu I would top my icecream with that shit if I could.

>> No.8584777

Had some terrible dental pain a few months back, couldn't afford emergency work and waiting period was 2 months. When ibuprofen stopped helping I switched to using a mixture of crushed garlic and salt. Pain was gone in a week of twice daily use.

Decided to start growing garlic after that.

>> No.8584920

An old Serbian trick is to finely chop up a few cloves and swallow it with a spoonful of honey. That way you're not chewing any garlic, plus you get that little bit of honey which is also good for you.

>> No.8584941

>candida in your gi tract
Unless you were on some serious immunosuppressants or are a faggot, I can guarantee it wasn't that

>> No.8585084

Squeeze the thin sides of the clove, your thumb on one and your forefinger on the other. The skin should split around either edge.
>I would top my icecream with that shit if I could.
Can you not?

>> No.8585136

Gross, what's that shit on the bottom? Is it rotten?

>> No.8585171

That's the anus

>> No.8585172

Yeah, but that could also just be the typical trajectory for a minor illness--feel bad one day, and get gradually better over the next 2 days. Garlic might've had nothing to do with it.

>> No.8585180


That's what's left of the roots. No, it's not rotten, that's normal. You don't eat that part.

>> No.8585456

I ended up chopping two cloves in half and swallowing them like pills with my morning coffee.
I wish I knew this beforehand. I was wondering why my asshole felt "spicy"

>> No.8586852

I chewem.. imagining it's easier to digest

>> No.8587643

stop buying cheap garlic from china

>> No.8588529

When I'm sick (especially sinus issues), my "just unfuck my shit up" cocktail goes as follows:

>1 clove of garlic finely chopped
>About 1 tsp finely chopped ginger
>Half teaspoon of cloves
>2 tsp of honey
>Green tea

Some of the ingredients actually have health benefits, but in theory shouldn't reverse a cold. Either way it definitely makes me feel better.

>> No.8588533


>> No.8588535

Pungent, spicy hot