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File: 116 KB, 1200x800, Hash-browns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8579168 No.8579168 [Reply] [Original]

how do you make hash browns?
want to try them.

>> No.8579178

>acquire potato
>peel and rinse potato
>acquire grater
>heat pan and grease with butter or oil
>shred the shit out of that potato
>you can shred it directly into the pan
>cook until crispy and golden brown

i usually keep my pan at a medium heat

>> No.8579181
File: 147 KB, 1600x1200, HASH-BROWNS-BABY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how

>> No.8579183

git yer taters
wash/peel your taters
use a cheese grater on your taters
put yer taters in a salted cold water bath
let them sit for a while
come back and squeeze all the water out of yer taters
pat them dry with a paper towel too, the need to be bone mother fucking dry
season your taters, you can add an egg if you want to help bind them together but I find it unnecessary, I like to add onions and peppers
form your taters to your liking
if you're baking, put yer taters in the oven at 400 F for about 10 minutes each side
if frying use med-high heat and cook them for about 6-7 minutes each side
crack a little bit of fresh sea salt on them before serving
serve 'em warm

>> No.8579184

Grate potato

Press between paper towels or put in a sieve and press to squeeze out excess water, because potatoes are fucking full of water and watery hash browns are ass

Season grated potato with salt, pepper and a little garlic powder, onion powder and cayenne if you want I don't care

Press flat

Fry in pan on medium heat, use whatever oil you got

>> No.8579188

But what if anon doesn't have any left over french fry sweepings?

>> No.8579194

no seasoning?
and how much oil/butter
no thx!

>> No.8579211

thx will try it in like 10h.
maybe i post a pic of my potato massacre.

>> No.8579215

i don't season mine, no, but you can add salt or whatever spices you like. you can even add veggies. my dad used to make them with peppers, but the buttery flavor is enough for me. i usually have them with an egg and dip them in the yolk.

uh, and as for how much butter/oil, i don't really measure it out, but i tend to use about a pat of butter. too much butter makes it really greasy, the same goes for oil. you want enough to coat the bottom of the pan, but not so much that the potatoes are swimming in it, ya feel me?

>> No.8579220

Follow either of those instructions or a combination of and you'll be good, son

Post when you're done, sounds like you don't cook too often, I'm keen to see the results of someone trying something new

>> No.8579231

Thanks for this thread. My mom just gave me two sacks of potatoes, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with them. I can eat so many baked potatoes per day.

Now at least I can grate up the offshape ones.

>> No.8579232

One more thing, make sure your hashbrowns are relatively flat. This will ensure that they get crispy.

>> No.8579246

okay,not a potato pool party!
which oil would you recommend from wich i have:
olive,peanut,sesame,linseed or butter

>> No.8579270

i'd use the sesame oil or butter! peanut oil might be interesting, though. i've never tried it, but it would probably taste good!

>> No.8579279

Peanut or sesame, but then I'm a fag who would cook literally everything in sesame oil if I could. Or butter, butter is always good to fry with.

>> No.8579448

grate a floury potato
blend onion and some garlic cloves to mush
mix with paprika, freshly ground pepper, a bit of salt
shape into patties
dehydrate a bit in oven
heat pan, use butter and oil, good quality stuff
treat until golden

>> No.8580010

Grate potato
Squeeze juice out
Microwave 3 minutes
Fry in butter medium heat 5 minutes per side

>> No.8580050

This, the microwave is a very important step
And don't season until you're about to fry or there'll turn gluey.
This anon has a good recipe

>> No.8580423

well, op? How'd they turn out?

>> No.8580507

i just ate them and they got pretty crispy&yummy!
i have made a pic but my pc don´t find my sd card??

>> No.8580558

Good thread

>> No.8580602
File: 1.83 MB, 3072x2304, DSCF2436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it!
here is how i made it:
peel&shred the potato (i used one middle big)
wash the shreds with cold water
put them in a towel and squeeeze!(i squeezed so much the towel brakes!)
microwave the shreds 3 min
form 2 flat blobs(one got little bigger)
heat sesame oil and butter in pan
put seasalt on both
fry until slightly brown
put on kitchenpaper because of oil
definetly will do it again

>> No.8580624
File: 564 KB, 2626x1807, raggmunk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix shredded potato down into pancake batter.
Fry thick cuts of pork belly.
Fry in the hash browns in the fat.
Serve with pork belly and lingon jam.

>> No.8580645

Looks great OP, glad they came out good

>> No.8580647

Those motherfuckers look crispy as hell

Good job my man, proud of you

>> No.8580665

OP rocks

>> No.8580740

>not "'em"
Get the fuck out

>> No.8580751

shut up cunt

>> No.8580879

Don't wash them next time just squeeze. Use butter instead of oil.

Just do it as a test, you have your benchmark now, you can decide if they're better or worse

>> No.8582055

can i do hash browns with agata potatoes? these are the ones i find in the supermarket in my country

>> No.8582061

>one type of potato available

Where do you live

>> No.8582073

You can do hash browns with any potato

Except sweet potatoes because they're not starchy enough to stick together, and also not real potatoes

>> No.8582293

there are other types of course, but those are the most common and the cheapest

>> No.8583102

>Grate potato
Make again

>> No.8583108

here's a good recipe anon

>> No.8583117

Where do I find grate potatoes?

>> No.8583125

You grate them yourself noob

>> No.8583149

You can find potatoes pre-shredded in a bag at some grocery stores, but they're not worth it when you can just buy a whole bag of potatoes and a cheese grater

>> No.8583155

That's a Rosti.

>> No.8583158

ur mums a rosti

>> No.8583392


>not even mentioning a specific potato to get crispy no rubbery results.

Brown doesn't mean crispy in all potatoes.

Some you may have to wring of their excess water.